ETProLeague Teams Set (39241 Views)
written by blazer on 17.04.09 07:25
After some good qualifying matches ETProLeague is ready to start its second season. Congratulations to the qualifying teams, Accurate, Cortana, Frogz Squad, Especiales, UberMix, and Seishun-gakuen. Starting this Sunday, please schedule all your matches with your opponents and inform me or anim on #ETProLeague what time your match will be played so we can put it on ETTV. The brackets are all practically complete and can be found HERE. It appears as Clutch Impact taking the final spot, that match for that spot hasn't taken place yet, I just put them in to complete the bracket, Sadness can still take that spot. The seedings were chosen by the direct invite teams getting eight seedings and then 9-14 were chosen as good as possible judging from the play in the qualifiers and past matches. And the NA teams bringing it in the 15th and 16th seeds.
A full view of all the teams rosters can be found HERE.
A list of all the ETTV matches for the qualifiers can be found HERE.
Week One is from April 19th - April 26th. Schedule your matches accordingly to a time that you set up with your opponent. Good luck to all teams this season and have fun!
2) Disposable
3) Red as a Beetroot
4) We Pwn All
5) Defix.ET
6) Wings
7) Afterlife.ET
8) Highbot
9) Seishun-gakuen
10) UberMix
11) Accurate
12) Especiales
13) Frogz Squad
14) Cortana
15) [flag=us] Descent
16) [flag=ca] Clutch Impact / Sadness
Monday, 20th April 2009 23:40
No mayni, no uberMix win :(
Nice ;)