6on6 MAP-RESEARCH-CUP | #hhlft.org (33702 Views)
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on 12.06.09 15:31

6on6 MAP-RESEARCH-CUP - Saturday, 13/06-09 20:00 CET
Season 1
Season 1
8 teams signed up
1st Round - base12_b6
2nd Round - falkenstein_sw
FINAL with ETTV (free mapchoice for both teams)
16 teams signed up
1st Round - base12_b6
2nd Round - falkenstein_sw
3rd Round - negoshk_b2
FINAL with ETTV (free mapchoice for both teams)
32 teams signed up
1st Round - base12_b6
2nd Round - falkenstein_sw
3rd Round - negoshk_b2
4th Round - barrocas_base_b8
FINAL with ETTV (free mapchoice for both teams)
- falkenstein_sw
- base12_b6
- wolken1_final
- negoshk_b2
- barrocas_base_b8
- 13. June 2009 20:00 CET
- 8/16/32 teams
- Global6 config
- Banned players (CB & ESL) are not allowed
- Players with a red yawn are not allowed
- All players must record demos
- Teams need to have checked in 10 minutes before the cup starts
- your team will may replaced if you not check in
- One mate from every team must idle in #hhlft.org for having contact with admins and opponents
- Send all of your scores as pm to a cup admin
- Cointoss winner choose side
- DECIDER-MAP for the elimination rounds is "wolken1_final"
If you can't follow the rules, don't sign in!
Play fair and have fun!
Play fair and have fun!
- Saeufer
- blAckmAmbA
What you have to do:
- You have to Sign Up ur team.
- You have to Check-In ur team 10 mins before cup starts.
- You have to be idle in #hhlft.org
- Sign Up Now!
Noshows can be reported 10 minutes after Cup start

nice and gl
good idea :)
so one day cup?
ok fail
ok fail
good idea imo too =)
very good idea. Im avi ;)
if u re avi go to #hhlftavi.org
9 teams signup yet, need 7 more xD
mission impossible :D
and what was the best map?
I like the idea of new maps !
gl hf
gl hf
falkenstein is actually good map
avi if needed