Freshcore Cup 6on6 #4 announced! (31921 Views)
written by
on 17.07.09 03:33

Sign up: Open from 17 of July to 26 of July
Teams: 16/32 (4 groups of 4 teams or 8 groups of 4 teams)
Cup channel: [irc]#freshcore.cup[/irc]
Cup site:

- Global 6on6 config
- No Draw, if double fullhold then cointoss and cointoss winner start to eliminate maps from maplist
- CB / ETX / ETbot list / Fusen & ESL banned players not allowed
- Sides allowed in all maps
- You must record demos during every match
- No To Be Announced (TBA) line-up
- Each team leader, who will play in the tournament must be in the channel [irc]#Freshcore.cup[/irc]
- Each team has one wild card that can be used to move the match to another date
- Each team can add during the tournament, only three new players
- Each team has 48 hours after the match to send the results to admin/referee
- Players without pb guids @ cup site cant play in the tournament.
- Other rules 6on6 ClanBase Open Cup
- Results and screenshots send to irc: [irc]#Freshcore.cup[/irc] /msg phase or my e-mail address
- sw goldrush te
- bremen b2
- sp. delivery
- sw oasis b3
- radar
- adlernest
- supply
- missile b2
If you want to submit your team, send me a private message @ Crossfire or at the email address with clan name, lineup and pb guids.
Also, I'm looking for 2-3 people to help as referee. Applications you can send me an e-mail ( or @ CF.
Best regards.

GL !
get the fuck out cheater
Stfu he's clear