FlyingDJ moves over to GIGA2 (6839 Views)

written by nl stewie on 22.06.06 16:25


glhf with giga
very nice, looking forward to see much more ET on Giga !

U really deserve that job FDJ ! Keep up ur good work and GL !
gl fdj!!!

NIce DJ :)

i mean cya and have fun
die sau fickt sich hoch


nah just kidding gL und auf jeden fall hf mit giga

hopefully u wont leave the scene and just keep it goin on giga... because the et-scene need to get more published, i hope u do so!

gl & hf at giga

GL Brunftzeit :)
its Giga2 btw, you have to pay for it!

gl dj ;-)
2 weeks imo for GIGA2!!!1

nah okay, all the best for you FDJ! :-) you are doing a realy great job for the ET-Community!

miss your casts already! :<<

tbh - lol

gl dj
update imo...
#radioitg goes #giga
hf eh
gl @ GIGA
Good luck with all DJ. Youll be missed like a hole in the head.

German love @ u.
I am pleased to see him leave iTG, as I didn't care for his commenting, but I wish him good luck nonetheless.

FlyingDJ, i wish you the best for your future. Giga is a big step and i hope you will be successfull over there. From talks to you i know you are a real nice guy who did fantastic shoutcasts in the past...

Best wishes.

:( best clans are dying shoutcasters are leaving, does et has any future after this ec? :/
He's not leaving ET shoutcasting. Only next time he does it you have to pay for it:-)
Ahem, 1 shoutcaster is leaving no need for plural
it was a little prediction of future, but i hope i'm wrong :P
I garentuee you're wrong :D
ye! the other shoutcasters already HAVE left :p
gl FlyingDJ :)
(img link)

gl FlingDJ
I am sure this will be the right job for you, as you are one of the most likeable persons our scene has to offer. I am looking forward to see more of you on G2 :)
hf mach das beste draus!
et getting closer to be dead :x
cause 1 shoutcaster leaves iTG tocover more ET @ Giga2?
i should tell you that around 3000 people watched the last EPS Finals @ Giga2.
so it wont be bad for ET, believe me
gl, and don't forget to mention the l33t titan quest party @ "ur show" :P
I'm sure he'll do a great job there ;)

GL FlyingDJ!
gl & hf my mate :D

PS: Mercedes is nice too ;-)
ok, danke, 2, 3 kommentierte spiele von dir gesehn, und gehört, war gut, ich bin obernap bei et, aber ich denk, das spiel is soooo geil, du komms zurück, ...

aehm...., ja, was soll man da zu sagen....

FlyingDJ geht doch nicht, er wechselt nur seinen Posten.

Er ist nun Moderator bei Giga und wird dort auch ET Matches kommentieren.

gl fdj
ugly looking dude :/