ECC Zero.E vs Improper bastards (3116 Views)
written by
on 23.03.10 22:40

Last but not least, me and the entire staff are proud to present you the grand final for this 6v6 edition between Zero Empathy strengh and honor vs Improper bastards
And as so amzing it can be, this grand final will be shoutcasted by our friend frAncis ( usual shutcaster for[/URL] )
For this final we have 2 teams who play all their matches without any kind of problems or any drop. Just for that they deserve the way they reach the final.
Statistics for

Statistics for

Short Itw of DMZ and Pimpie:
On this edition, Zero lose only 1 match ( vs you ) do you think you can re-edit the same twice in a row ?
Yes i think we can beat them again. (if Juho plays)
What do you think about this ECC III, and for you whats is the positive and negative point ?
Well its been good, just bit weard final systems only :)
At you opinion, if for the next edition we could manage to have a cashprice, do you think it could motivate teams and players to invest themself more on this ? and do you think we can get more competitive teams ?
Ofc some extra money allways welcome.
For this 3rd edition, the staff decide to add as decider some old RTCW map, what do you think about it ?
Yes we liked the decidermaps too bad never played village.
Any shoutcast or special request ?
#improperbastards & #cornucopia and shouts for special ppl dokiiii, Superpallo, poksuu, Jacker, hoffae, Plaz, auron, ringa - Jeppe & Wlr for vent and server support.
As we have a look on your board, we see then you only lose match was vs the same oponent then today, what your feeling for this, revenge or same scenario ?
Revenge for sure! Our clan had a difficult time last months but now we have sort things out, and hopefully it will come out with results.
What do you think about this ECC III, and for you whats is the positive and negative point ?
Well its the first time we play in this cup, and yes it was a great first time. To bad many teams gave some forfaits or folded.
Same question then i asked to DmZ, what do you think about eh RTCW map as decider ?
Its awesome, my favourite map is beach invasion. And it always will be, cause i started playing at rtcw demo.On rtcw demo cups where played 6v6 on beach. And you did 4 SW ROUNDS!! It was a great time.
Any shoutcast or special request ?
#zeroE.S&H and #zero.e. A big thx to reshep of zeroE for supporting our clan. And to all people who supported/played for SaH.
A words on the admin and or on the main organisation ?
I would like to congratulate the admins for the effort they put into the cup.
Each teams have to choose his own map on the ECC III mappool, for the decider map chosen from mappool by cointoss + map elimination - winner of cointoss eliminate the first map.[/I][/B]
Mappool: Reactor_final - Braundorf_b4 - Supply - SW_Goldrush_TE - Sos Secret Weapon - Karsiah_TE2 - Radar - SP_Delivery_TE - SW_Battery_B3 - Bremen_B2
Decider: Et_Ice - Frostbite - Tc_Base by elimination "cointoss"

Matchlink ecc: Click here[/URL]
Matchlink gtv: [URL=""]Click here[/URL]

Lineup [FLAG="fi"] Improper bastards: [FLAG="fi"] DMZ - [FLAG="se"] Hoffae [FLAG="fi"] Poksuu - [FLAG="fi"] au69n - [FLAG="fi"] Jacker - [FLAG="fi"] Superpallo
Maps: /
Referee: [FLAG="be"] hoMaR - [FLAG="be"] GoldoraK