ECC 4TH SEASON (not EC boys) (9888 Views)
written by
on 29.03.10 17:34

After the 3rd season, we are ready to lead a 4th season (5vs5 and 3vs3 with some prizes). If you want to play , it's easy. Register and create your team on the easy company cup website.
Don't forget to add your pbguids ( the last 8 characters only ) and your ETpro guids on your profile.
General rules:
- Clans can use a mercenary if both teams agree
- Clans can play with or without PB but both teams must agree
- GV streaming is not required.
- We don't want any "2 weeks teams"
To register as a player : Click here
Create a new team : Click here
Signup 5vs5: Click here
Rules 5vs5: Click here
Mappool 5vs5:
- adlernest
- braundorf_b4
- coast_b1
- missile_b3
- frostbite
- reactor_final
- radar
- supply
- sw_goldrush_te
- tc_base
- et_ice
- sp_delivery_te
- bremen_b2
To register as a player: Click here
Create a new team : Click here
Signup 3vs3: Click here
Rules 3vs3: Click here
Mappool 3vs3:
- braundorf_b4
- sp_delivery
- frostbite
- supply
- tc_base
- et_ice
- et_beach
- dubrovnik_final
- adlernest
- sw_goldrush_te
@: If your team has already played the previous seasons you do not have to register once more.
@: We're also looking for sponsors( any kind )
Maps will not be forced, cointoss procedure will decide about decider map if needed. Clans will decide about maps on their own only in the Great Final of each league.
Sponsoring and price:[/B][/U]

"The r@g represents every single ET player at Enemy Territory -scene. We want to give a possibility to all gamers to
play in a team, that would have a ready baseline and only this ways to speed up the process of progression.
Ofcourse, we are open for a new ideas and what better, than advance the activity of ET -scene and to make it bigger in word,
sort of said. We are doing same work in coaction with Easy Company Cup, so without a doubt, we took apart in this.
r@g is already sponsoring several teams, which together work as a community and also support our common interest, so we could
play actively and without any time taking problems. This is how the slogan, "project; wake up" was created. #r@g -ET-gaming sponsor.
If you believe your team can step on the barrier, you can always ask for a deal from us. The requirements are nearly nonexistent, and will
vanish under gaming fever.
- Radioshag,

Thanks to



Thanks to[/URL] - #Games-Master
#easy.cup thanks for idling!


- We don't want any "2 weeks teams"
comment tu peux savoir ?
car il quitte le tournois alors qu'il est déjà commencé
comment tu peux savoir ?
car il quitte le tournois alors qu'il est déjà commencé
Ba déjà je le vois un peut a l'allure de la team^^
C'est un peut une question d'expérience à force d'avoir des drops et autres tu sais qui va drop ou pas.
C'est un peut une question d'expérience à force d'avoir des drops et autres tu sais qui va drop ou pas.
ah ok ! merci
gl pour la cup
gl pour la cup
il es trop fort homar il sait tout
t'es encore vivant toi !!
omg twikii omg
Ouais ouais man !
J'suis dans la team ZeroE xD !
J'suis dans la team ZeroE xD !
nice mec q+
vien msn omg !
j'ai plus msn !
Omg !!!