angels & Gods (3419 Views)

written by gb angrykid on 27.06.06 12:53


Hrhrhhrhrhrhr angelDust I bet cash on ya, dun lose or I will have 9 euro :|.
from now on our full name is "Polish uber clan Warriors of Wolfenstein"
sounds like some random noobclan

isnt it? :P
is calling an ET clan WoW any better?
clan exists for like 3-4 years, World Of Warcraft exists for about 1 year
nice try.
add word "lag" in that name :p
imho the word polish say enough about lag :>
North finnish lags > polish lags. Israeli's got nice lags too 8D.
idd finnish guys and israelis lags to but imho we have more polish lagger than finnish + israelis
PucWoW! btw nice pic
Nice Post !
do polish players really have such lags?? dont think so :o
Polish uber clan >> all xD

Ye, they have. I'm polish and my ping never drops lower than 60 :|.

WoW ftw.
is 60 to 100 lag?
Of course.
damn it means that there are only laggers in the world, maybe except LAN parties play0rz :'<
Not really. Most guys I see are <60.
imo lag starts with >150 but thats only mine opinion. and yes many players have 48, with is an ultimate ping x)
Lag starts when nonpolish start whining about it :p. Our crappy situation with inet heheh :D.
AK, are welsh women good in bed? Need some country for my holiday with friends :)
wo ?!
wp angeldust :)

gl @ koth xD
ad you made me happy