Grand final ECC IV - 3on3 (20550 Views)
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on 11.06.10 23:16

This grand final will be a tight one. Two favorites facing each other on the quarter final for the ECCIV 5v5 win by delinquentes.
Indeed there might be an advantage for delinquentes written on the paper, but having one win more on this 5v5, cannot really be judge as an advantage for this ECC IV 3v3 grand final.
oxyde should not be underestimated at all, they are angry for revenge
So lets tune in this fabulous match, and Of course there is an ETTV coverage on where you can choose your favorite TV-Server!
I would like to remind to all then for this ECC IV 3v3 edition the prize will be :

Each of those price will be set for 3 month and can be extend for attractive price.
Statistics for Delinquentes:
Playoffs stage:


Statistics for oxyde:
Playoffs stage:

1/4 finals barage:


Interview of Magico and isu both leader of delinquentes and oxyde.
[flag=fr] Evisu from oxyde
- Easy Company Cup: First of all, thanks for this interview and i would like to congrats you and your team on reaching the final.
+ isu: No thx plz, we just thanks you to make us play on this cup
- Easy Company Cup: It was hard for your team to reach this final or you owned them all :p
+ isu: Its sad then so much team drop out during the group stage ( epica, Bros, dream, etc... ) i think its the major reason why we're now on final :p ( irony inside )
- Easy Company Cup: Give us your opinion about delinquentes ?
+ isu: They are pretty good, and this final will be hard i think, they have good players it will be hard espacialy if magico and gengis play this final ^^ But i think we have all our chance, nothing to lose
- Easy Company Cup: Do you feel confident about the victory, or after your match lost vs same oponent on 5v5 you're more stressed ?
+ isu: Yes totaly, on a good day we can do some nice result on 3v3, so no stress atm.
- Easy Company Cup: So we could except a revenge ?
+ isu: Even if delinquentes owned us on 5v5...yes it will be a revenge for us
- Easy Company Cup: Do you have an idea about the map ( dont give it now ) you will choose for this final, and do u prepare for it ?
+ isu: We got some preference for some maps where we can do some nice results, no need to prepare them so much
- Easy Company Cup: Wich is your most harder match during this edition, and why ?
+ isu: hmm...the most harder matchs was vs the giteam - suffering and intensity :) they have all some nice and good players specialy forzz and igloow
- Easy Company Cup: what's your most funny or stupid action during this edition ?
+ isu: All our matchs was fun to play, always good feeling and fair play vs each team and .... im not reminding doing some noobs action :p
- Easy Company Cup: About the cup, What do you think about his organisation, admining etc etc. ?
+ isu: It was really nice to participate on this cup, the organisation was really nice and the admin was really available for each players or teams.
For the negative point, maybe not enough time to roganise our next match and maybe more challenge vs more stronger team.
- Easy Company Cup: Any shout out or no thx to share ^^
+ isu: Shoutout to Famas - cbz - [exe] - bunny Alliance - =F|A= clan and all oxyde's friends
- Easy Company Cup: Well, thanks for your time and gool luck for this final, hope to see you for the next ECC V defending or not your Gold Trophy ^^
+ isu: Yep thanks for this, i wish us also good luck and yes for sure we'll be back for the ECC 5 defending our Gold Trophy ^^
[flag=es] Magico from " spanish fly " delinquentes
- Easy Company Cup: First of all, thanks for this interview, and i would like to congrats you and your team on reaching the final.
+ Magico: No problem,thanks :)
- Easy Company Cup: It was hard for your team to reach this final or you owned them all :p
+ Magico: Well,after lost first groupstage match against Improber Bastards,it has been quite easy to be honest
- Easy Company Cup: Give us your opinion about oxyde ?
+ Magico: They have been playing together for a long time,and they are skilled enough to beat us,also they are laggy frenchies,so we have to be careful :p
- Easy Company Cup: Did you play them before this ECC ? and did you see a difference ?
+ Magico: Yes,we played against them on last OC 6on6 Fall League (quarter final if im not wrong),and eventhough we won them,was a hard match for us,i would say as hard as our last victory on ECC 5on5
- Easy Company Cup: Do you feel confident about the victory, after your match win vs same oponent on 5v5 quarter final or more stressed ?
+ Magico: We feel confident,but we know then they are good and we wish not to feel pressure playing the final like happened on the OC 3on3 final vs charism.
- Easy Company Cup: This match, a revenge for oxyde or confirmation for delinquentes ?
+ Magico: Hopefully,confirmation for delinquentes :p
- Easy Company Cup: Do you have an idea about the map ( dont give it now ) you will choose for this final, and do u prepare for it ?
+ Magico: of course we already know what map are we going to pick,since its our "homemap"
- Easy Company Cup: Wich is your most harder match during this edition, and why ?
+ Magico: Will be this one because of the pressure of playing a final
- Easy Company Cup: what's your most funny or stupid action during this edition ?
+ Magico: I remember an action against Intensity gaming on goldrush,where our engi got insta killed + gibbed at the same time due to their crossfire,was really funny and we started to laugh on ventrilo about it
- Easy Company Cup: About the cup, What do you think about his organisation, admining etc etc. ?
+ Magico: Organisation is quite good,admins take care about everything,great job on that side
- Easy Company Cup: Which are for you the positive and negative points ? (price, ruls, others stuff ) ? And how to solve it for the next ECC V
+ Magico: Postive points the fun we got along the turney and the posibility of improve a lot playing against lots of teams with very different skills.Negative points the amount of dropouts during the groupstage
- Easy Company Cup: Any shout out or no thx to share ^^
+ Magico: Shoutotu to,Rayvie,Polass,Markus and all delinQ members except milu ":D"
- Easy Company Cup: Well, thanks for your time and gool luck for this final, hope to see you for the next ECC V defending or not your Gold Trophy ^^
+ Magico: Thx for interview,i wish it will be defendind gold :p
Mappool: braundorf_b4 - delivery - frostbite - supply - tc_base - et_ice - et_beach - adlernest - sw_goldrush_te
Each teams have to choose his own map on the ECC IV
Mappool, for the decider map have to be chosen from mappool by cointoss + map elimination - winner of cointoss eliminate the first map.
Matchlink ecc:
Matchlink gtv:
Date: 13 June 2010
Lineup Delinquentes: [flag=es] Magico - [flag=es] Zwei - [flag=es] Gengis
Lineup oxyde: [flag=fr] Kallenge - [flag=fr] isu - [flag=fr] talg
Maps: Goldrush (delinquentes) and Supply (oxyde)
Referee: [flag=be] Masterseries and [flag=be] Gold0raK
Special thanks to our sponsors ==> #games-master & #r@g

Gl Delinquentes