Boozers 1DC S2 - WIN SERVERS!!! (69261 Views)

written by pl boozers on 18.06.10 13:33


nice prizees
4 teams accpeted, 28 free places left *_*
those rules look somewhat familiar...

cheaters allowed like in season 1?
if u cry about PB off>>> PB only helps against idiots playing on bots downloaded form net...for ""pro cheaters"" its useless
sugar played with banned player in 1st season :)
than u as an admin should kick Sugar out of B1DC
admin forbid me to kick teams since "it was 1st edition and we needed teams so it is a success"
lol can't u read

* CB and ESL banned players are NOT allowed to Play.
* If you are caught cheating all the team will be disqualified!!!
* If a Team plays with a banned Player, the team will be out of all Boozers cups!!!
so far only 7 teams signed-up :(