Grand final ECC IV - 5on5 (18526 Views)
written by
on 01.07.10 23:48

After 3 long month of war and decider to reach the final round. Same on 3v3, we deliquentes reach the top 2 in front of the unpatched's.
Both team got an amazing progression since their first match, all results can be found here under.

I would like to thanks all the sponsor who followed and trust us during all this edition : #games-master and #r@g
This grand final will be showed on[/URL] and shoutcasted by


Statistics for

Playoffs stage:[/B][/U]



Statistics for [FLAG=eu] Unpatched:[/B][/U]
Playoffs stage:[/B][/U]



[FLAG=es] Magico from [FLAG=es] Delinquentes -[/B]
[quote]- Easy Company Cup : Hi again magico, how is it since the last ITW and your victory on the 3v3 edition ?
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : A bit inactive because of exams,but i am fine thx :)
- Easy Company Cup : Is it for you a surprise to reach this final or it was excpected ? same then for the 3v3 or just surprised ?
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : Well, it's a bit a surprise for us viewing the good teams that there were on the playoffs.
- Easy Company Cup : Tell us more about the feeling to play this final and give us ur opinion on unpatched.
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : We are already happy for reaching the final and to be honest i think we have no chance to win it since they are an "EC" team eventhough they are a mix.
- Easy Company Cup : How did you find the group stage, about your group, match etc etc
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : We lost one match against Anticlimax and won the rest,but there were some good matches like for example against Jari (5-3 for us),so groupstage was kinda funny and good for us.
- Easy Company Cup : We are now at 1 week before this final, do you have an idea of your map or did you will try to counter the map of unpatched ?
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : Well i think we know what map are we going to pick,but its secret :P
- Easy Company Cup : We already know your opinion about the cup ( read 3v3 ITW *) do you have something more to add or something u forget to mention ?
* 3v3 ITW [URL]
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : Nothing new on that side, it's all ok :)
- Easy Company Cup : Some players told us then the ECC cup can be more recognize on the esport world if the ECC was organised via ESL, what your opinion about it, and do you think it can be a good things or not ?
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : Absolutely NOT, ESL sucks and especially Foamea.I would prefer you to stay like now since you are doing it really nice.
- Easy Company Cup : I dont have any more question, so use the solt for any shoutcast or personal comments if u got some ^^
+ [FLAG=es] Magico : Shoutout to all those who follow us on the ETTV and to all (ex)delinQ members![/quote]

[FLAG=nl] Enigma from [FLAG=eu] Unpatched -[/B]
[quote]- Easy Company Cup : Hello Enigma, the eternal admin spammer ^^ tell us who you are for the one who dont know already
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : Well I am broadcaster for GamesTV, and also I reffed some NationsCup matches (And will ref some Eurocup matches soon). I started playing ET about 4 years ago in 2.55 (, unpatched part says enough). Almost 2 years ago I came to 2.60b etpro
- Easy Company Cup : The final is coming, is it a surprise for you ? from the 4th league to the can you explain this ?
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : Well I quite expected it already, the match against pharaons was quite hard in the start but bremen and goldrush went more well than you could have hoped after being fullheld on supply at the flag. I think it is because of a few lineup changes for us to beat pharaons (who ended up first in first league), but we grew in teamwork in the games.
- Easy Company Cup : deliquentes seems to be confindent as they already win the 3v3 edition, give us your feelings about them
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : Well there is no need to overrate them, but really, no need to underrate them either. I didn't take a real look on how they play yet, but time will tell.
- Easy Company Cup : How did you find the group stage, about your group, match etc etc
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : Well the group stage went quite smooth, even though we were playing with a different lineup and a different name then.
- Easy Company Cup : We are now at 1 week before this final, do you have an idea of your map and how did you prepare it ?
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : I am not 100% sure about our map yet, it's a quite nice maplist and we got a few maps we could play in mind.
- Easy Company Cup : About the cup, What do you think about his organisation, admining etc etc. ?
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : Admins are doing fine, there are enough servers to play on, the admins do their jobs and I didn't came across any stupid decissions yet.
- Easy Company Cup : Same question then for magico, what do you think if the ECC was organised via the ESL esport league ?
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : I am pretty sure it would only mess up the cup, as I said the adminning and stuff is fine as it is, and ESL would only interfere in that.
- Easy Company Cup : I have no more question, this is your glory moment and let us know who and what is exactly your feeling about this final, honestly
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : We can win this final, but it of course always depends on our mood:)
- Easy Company Cup : Any shout out or no thx to share ^^
+ [FLAG=nl] Enigma : Shoutout to and #dnan , and of course the RTCW community![/quote]
This is the final words, lets have an exciting game, gl both for the final and hope to see you on the next edition, defending " or not " your gold trophy.

Mappool:[/B] adlernest - radar - supply - sw_goldrush_te - sp_delivery_te - bremen_b3
Each teams have to choose his own map on the ECC IV
Mappool, for the decider map chosen from mappool by cointoss + map elimination - winner of cointoss eliminate the first map.[/I]

Matchlink ecc:
Matchlink gtv:
Date: *
Lineup Delinquentes: [flag=es] Magico - [flag=es] ZwEi - [flag=es] Virtanen - [flag=fi] Karii - [flag=fi] Miluu
Lineup Unpatched: *
Maps: *
Referee: [flag=be] Masterseries and [flag=be] Gold0raK
Special thanks to our sponsors ==> #games-master & #r@g

nice done nigga!
pathetic rewards