OpenCup/EuroCup Configs Released (2419 Views)

written by gb angrykid on 22.04.06 20:44


nothing in
edit now yes :s
I see only one change (maybe i'm blind):
- no mines and mortar @ battery
So no complete mortar removal after all? I'm a bit disappointed about this.
did u really expect this?
thats no change imo - nobody will play battery unless forced imo.
Yes actually, expected/was hoping for.
nice one :>
CB had the chanse to remove the biggest flaw in et so far - the mortar. Its sad that you made this mistake and I hope you'll see how much the mortar can ruin the game in some of the matches that will be played.
good decision that cb only removed mortar on battery .. other maps its usefull
Usefull yes. So would an instantly-kill-everyone-in-the-other-team-for-the-rest-of-the-game-weapon be but Id like to see that removed aswell.
servers updated
so these configs, are they also for the ladders or only the cups?
now the only acceptable config pack for use in ClanBase cups and ladders
configpack isnt certified...
they should be certified but something went wrong
true, no versioncheck..
Well versioncheck doesn't work anyway in etpro so it's not important right now.