GamesTV at i42 (33572 Views)
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on 22.04.11 20:13

About the iSeries
As some of you may know, the iSeries is the largest series of LAN events in the United Kingdom, ran by Multiplay UK. This event has a little over 1,300 participants from a number of different countries.
There are several prize competitions over several games, the main focus being on Call of Duty 4, Counter Strike: Source, and Team Fortress 2.
First impressions
We arrived at Newburys famous racecourse this afternoon. Multiplay have been lucky with the timing of their event, as anyone in the United Kingdom will know! The weather has been perfect and is set to be during the event. Of course this is great for relaxing and such, but again as people who have attended past events will know - it gets rather hot, which is far from fun for gaming.
The first matches for the group stages should begin around 19:30 BST (CEST-1), we hope to provide as much coverage as possible, and we hope you enjoy it! If you have any requests, feel free to drop me a message. We intend to provide match coverage for the games you want to see - so let us know!


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