TWL Re-Opens ET Ladder (28652 Views)
written by Brisk on 29.07.11 04:57
The News
Kn1ghT, over at TeamWarfare League, today announced that they will be re-opening their Enemy Territory Stopwatch ladder. The ladder will serve as, hopefully, a precursor in generating enough interested teams to once again run a full-on Enemy Territory league at TWL. The first day following the announcement has seen eleven teams sign up, and it is hoped this growth will sustain itself into enough teams for a standard league set up.
The ladder will go live when signups hit the twenty-team marker.
The Ruleset
Please note that this a league intended for North and South Americans. Europeans are more than welcome to play, either on their own teams or mixed in with North and South American players however, matches will be played at standard American times. If you can play the times (nolifer!) we would love to have you in the league.
An exact ruleset has not yet been nailed down, but expect something very similar to what ClanBase and ESL use, although little things like prone-delay may be tweaked.
I want in! Where to?
Where can you actually sign up to play in this amazing ladder and do your part to keep ET alive in the Americas? Right here.
Happy fragging!
Kn1ghT, over at TeamWarfare League, today announced that they will be re-opening their Enemy Territory Stopwatch ladder. The ladder will serve as, hopefully, a precursor in generating enough interested teams to once again run a full-on Enemy Territory league at TWL. The first day following the announcement has seen eleven teams sign up, and it is hoped this growth will sustain itself into enough teams for a standard league set up.
The ladder will go live when signups hit the twenty-team marker.
The Ruleset
Please note that this a league intended for North and South Americans. Europeans are more than welcome to play, either on their own teams or mixed in with North and South American players however, matches will be played at standard American times. If you can play the times (nolifer!) we would love to have you in the league.
An exact ruleset has not yet been nailed down, but expect something very similar to what ClanBase and ESL use, although little things like prone-delay may be tweaked.
I want in! Where to?
Where can you actually sign up to play in this amazing ladder and do your part to keep ET alive in the Americas? Right here.
Happy fragging!
Friday, 29th July 2011 05:05
u mad?
cool history bro
fucking chinese mofo spammers
crazy Chinese ppl
wth we already banned a guy and they keep coming
Happens a lot, in China ppl power is cheap!
it's been massive lately :/
Yep since I banned the 1st lot about 4-5 more have registered and spammed only to be banned. Hopefully when they see how useless it is they may stop or at least leave GTV alone for a while.
ban hammer over china imo! :P
yo dude, just paste the URL here, not the whole site..