CG EU ET Season 1: Tournaments (71889 Views)
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on 25.04.14 00:14

The top four teams from each division have advanced to Stage 2 of the cup and will compete with each other in double-elimination tournaments which can be found here.
6on6 Tournaments
Division 1 (
Division 2 (
Division 3 (
Division 4 (
- vs Enhanced
- ChAos vs Alpha Males
Division 5 (
3on3 Tournaments
Division 1 (
- bacardi vs wiSe-guys
Division 2 (
- yolo vs promenade
- 30 Seconds to Mars vs KPKP
Division 3 (
Division 4 (
Division 5 (
Division 6 (
- vs StayTrue
- Doctor vs brudii
Division 7 (
Division 8 (
General Information
The process for scheduling matches will be the same as it was in the league stage. We will generate matchlinks during the next few days and make another announcement on Sunday with a reminder on how it all works.
All games must be scheduled in advance. On the Thursday of each matchweek, unscheduled matches will be forced to the end of the matchweek (Sunday or Monday).
In the tournament stage, maps are not forced - in each game, each team picks a map from the map list. A reminder of the maps in this season's map list can be found below.
No wildcards are allowed in the tournament stage, even if you never used yours. We will do our best to accommodate teams as necessary, but the goal is to finish this cup by the first week of June at the latest.
All Division 1 matches must be played on ETTV.
Week 1 (UB Semi Finals): Monday, 28th of April - Monday, 5th of May
Week 2 (LB Semi Final / UB Final): Monday, 5th of May - Monday, 12th of May
Week 3 (LB Final): Monday, 12th of May - Monday, 19th of May
Week 4 (Grand Final): Monday, 19th of May - Monday, 26th of May
3on3 Maplist
adlernest, erdenberg_t1, et_ice, et_ufo_final, frostbite, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te
6on6 Maplist
adlernest, bremen_b3, frostbite, karsiah_te2, missile_b3, radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te
As always, feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thanks and good luck!
CyberGamer EU ET Season 1 Tournaments
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