ET SummerCup '14: Announcement (16823 Views)
written by
on 21.06.14 14:21

ET SummerCup '14
The summer is starting tomorrow, so it's the perfect moment to announce the ET SummerCup '14 hosted by

General Information
The ET SummerCup '14 will have two different formats: 3on3 & 6on6, for the winner of each format will have a price. The end of the cup should be somewhere in the second half / end of August. (full schedule comes online when the Groups are published).
We bring a minimum number of teams that should sign up, before the cup continues (if 1 of the formats got enough sign ups we just continue with that one format, the number of the minimum sign ups can be changed especially for 6on6): 3on3: 20 teams // 6on6: 16 teams
This cup will have 2 different parts: a Group Stage and a Playoff stage.
1. Group stage
The first stage will be a Group Stage. Each team have to play vs every team in their group (round robin style). We're making a deadline which you can find under 'Schedule' (coming when the Groups are published, so you have to play 1 (max 2) each week.
This cup is made up of 2 formats, so for each format a league. We're making different Groups based on the teams level (working with seeds) . How many Teams / Group and how many Groups will depend on the amount of sign ups for each format.
When the group stage is finished, the first 2 of each group will go to the Playoff Stage. (So it's not like the CyberGamer system. After the Group stage you'll face new teams).
2. Playoffs
The second stage will be a Playoff stage. The top 2 teams from each Group will compete in the Playoffs.
The Playoffs in this cup excists of a Bracket: in this cup we're using DE (Double Elemination).
The winner of each format will receive a price.
How to sign up?
I created an extra journal for the explanation how to sign-up for the ET SummerCup '14. Sign Up: how?
Rules for the ET SummerCup '14:(= CG rules)
Rules - 3on3
Rules - 6on6
Minimum Number of Sign-ups needed - We bring a minimum number of teams that should sign up, before the cup continues (if 1 of the formats got enough sign ups we just continue with that one format, the number of the minimum sign ups can be changed, especially for 6on6):
3on3: 20 teams
6on6: 16 teams
Made possible by

- adlernest
- braundorf_b4
- erdenberg_t1
- et_beach
- et_ice
- et_ufo_final
- frostbite
- sp_delivery_te
- supply
- sw_goldrush_te
- adlernest
- bremen_b3
- frostbite
- karsiah_te2
- missile_b3
- radar
- supply
- sw_goldrush_te
- Sign-ups open: Friday, 20th of June.
- Sign-ups closed: Wednesday, 2nd of July.
- Groups online : Friday, 4th of July.
- Start of the Cup : Monday, 7th of July.
Prize pool
You can help donate for this ET SummerCup '14. The money donated will go 100% to the prizepool of the ET SummerCup '14.
If you wanna donate for a specific format, send me or 1 of the admins a PM on cf with your name and for which format you like to donate. If you donate and you didn't send a PM to one of the admins for this cup the donate will be split for both formats.
Prize pool:
Total donations - 60.0
3on3: [1st] - 0.0
6on6: [1st] - 0.0
(How much for each format will be announced at the end/near the end of the cup)
Special thanks to the people who donated!

Admins for the ET SummerCup '14:

If you have some feedback or you have some questions you can PM us on irc or CF. Thank you very much and good luck to all who participate and help us to make our first cup succesfull!
