Schedule » List » January 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« December 2007 :: January 2008 :: February 2008 »
et 20:00 8Bits International  vs  Poland scArifie
et 21:00 Nyja Poland  vs  Poland frozen
et 21:30 savak Poland  vs  Poland sFk
et 20:00 SFR Poland  vs  Poland scArif
et 20:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Hungary und
et 20:30 replay GAMEd European Union  vs  European Union krts
et 21:00 8Bits International  vs  Poland eXert
et 21:30 replay Inc Finland  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 22:00 replay EDiT Belgium  vs  European Union random
et 20:30 Auth European Union  vs  Poland savak
et 21:00 9th Austria  vs  Slovenia Skylla
et 21:45 Auth European Union  vs  Finland Inc
et 20:30 replay cof European Union  vs  Czech Republic balloons
et 21:00 replay Nyja Poland  vs  Poland savak
et 21:00 replay GAMEd European Union  vs  Germany dQ
et 21:30 replay exe Poland  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 21:30 replay fayntic Netherlands  vs  European Union unq
et 21:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Netherlands HP/
et 21:30 replay muse France  vs  European Union unq
et 22:00 replay Mazz Netherlands  vs  Poland sT
et 20:00 knightje Germany  vs  Austria xXx
et 21:00 replay EDiT Belgium  vs  Poland diversus
et 21:00 replay #a.ToOn Germany  vs  United Kingdom unKind
et 21:00 replay GAMEd European Union  vs  Netherlands ephix
et 21:00 replay d&b European Union  vs  Netherlands FiF
et 21:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 21:00 replay FwC Poland  vs  Poland exe
et 21:00 replay k*jak Germany  vs  Czech Republic balloons
qw 21:00 d. European Union  vs  Sweden k.
et 21:30 replay TAG European Union  vs  Belgium viZ
q4 22:00 k1llsen Germany  vs  Netherlands geo
et 19:00 infi Hungary  vs  Estonia punk'd
et 17:00 infi Hungary  vs  Hungary hun
et 19:00 Finland  vs  Germany fASTEN
et 19:45 re-play European Union  vs  Germany mG.plasa
q3 20:00 light Denmark  vs  Poland fpt
et 21:00 replay USA United States  vs  Romania ROM
q3 21:00 Terifire Netherlands  vs  Finland Varma
et 21:00 replay savak Poland  vs  Belgium EDiT
et 21:00 diversus Poland  vs  Poland Sadness
et 21:30 9th Austria  vs  Germany rTg
et 21:30 skillZ Poland  vs  Poland tytro
et 22:00 T Poland  vs  United States Rated
et 20:30 s1 Poland  vs  Poland SFR
et 20:30 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Hungary und
sc 21:00 White-Ra Ukraine  vs  Russian Federation Notforu
et 22:15 replay Mazz Netherlands  vs  France muse
et 21:00 replay Auth Poland  vs  Poland nVm
et 22:00 replay IE Ireland  vs  Bulgaria BG
q3 23:00 pod1 Poland  vs  Denmark light
et 19:00 Basterds Lithuania  vs  Sweden JL
q3 19:00 kreed Russian Federation  vs  Bulgaria HAL_9000
et 20:00 replay UA Ukraine  vs  Slovenia SLO
et 20:30 San08 France  vs  European Union floratio
et 21:00 replay onemove European Union  vs  European Union Auth
qw 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  Finland Pelit
q3 22:00 Terifire Netherlands  vs  Poland dziku
q3 22:00 nzro Bulgaria  vs  Poland buxter
q3 23:15 Vo0 Netherlands  vs  Germany toxter
et 19:00 glitz Estonia  vs  European Union one4one
et 19:15 replay DDR Germany  vs  European Union St0ners
et 20:00 FiFg Belgium  vs  Germany lost^
et 20:30 HQ` Poland  vs  Poland 5ciaGram
et 20:30 re-play European Union  vs  Germany mG.plasa
et 21:00 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Croatia Cor
et 21:00 8Bits International  vs  Belgium FiFy
qw 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  European Union d.
et 21:30 eP Portugal  vs  Denmark zZz
q3 22:00 ddk United Kingdom  vs  Poland guhard
q3 19:00 gellehsa Canada  vs  Finland Taran
q3 00:00 Spetz United Kingdom  vs  Poland dzuki
et 17:00 hell. Morocco  vs  Sweden carpea
et 20:30 s1 Poland  vs  Poland eXert
sc 16:00 MaNa Poland  vs  Poland Spawn
qw 16:00 d. European Union  vs  Finland retro4u
et 16:00 dCover European Union  vs  European Union care
et 18:00 replay North European Union  vs  European Union West
et 19:00 replay East European Union  vs  European Union South
et 19:00 nVm Poland  vs  Poland #onis
et 20:00 37th Germany  vs  Poland rL
et 20:00 replay West European Union  vs  European Union East
q3 20:30 FI Finland  vs  Spain ES
et 20:30 replay North European Union  vs  European Union South
et 21:00 eXert Poland  vs  Belgium FiFy
qw 21:00 k. Sweden  vs  United Kingdom 4K
et 21:00 PND Germany  vs  Germany tb*
et 21:00 replay nVm Poland  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:15 5ciaGram Poland  vs  Austria 9th
et 21:30 sfr Poland  vs  Portugal tR/
et 21:30 replay East European Union  vs  European Union North
et 22:00 replay West European Union  vs  European Union East
q3 23:00 vamp1re United States  vs  Poland dzuki
et 21:00 replay FIN Finland  vs  Czech Republic CZE
sc 21:00 Notforu Russian Federation  vs  Ukraine Strelok
ws 21:00 skooli Germany  vs  Germany ng
q3 21:00 nzro Bulgaria  vs  Germany toxter
ws 21:00 almost Netherlands  vs  Germany soh
et 21:00 Cor Croatia  vs  European Union Auth
q3 21:00 sivek Poland  vs  Denmark light
qw 21:00 GER Germany  vs  Austria AUT
qw 21:00 d. European Union  vs  Sweden k.
q3 23:00 dzuki Poland  vs  Poland sivek
qw 20:00 BE Belgium  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:30 s1 Poland  vs  Belgium uGaming
qw 21:00 SL Germany  vs  Sweden k.
et 21:00 5ciaGram Poland  vs  International 8Bits
et 21:00 Nyja Poland  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:00 replay #a.ToOn Germany  vs  European Union gD
et 21:15 re-play European Union  vs  European Union Club-Vox
et 21:30 replay FRA France  vs  Slovenia SLO
q3 23:00 Vo0 Netherlands  vs  Poland Jon4thaN
et 20:30 37th Germany  vs  Russian Federation [6aHgA]
et 21:00 replay CRO Croatia  vs  Hungary HUN
et 21:00 replay FwC Poland  vs  Poland savak
qw 21:00 d. European Union  vs  United Kingdom 4K
et 21:00 nVm Poland  vs  Spain 33cl
qw 21:00 CZE Czech Republic  vs  Poland PL
q3 22:00 Vo0 Netherlands  vs  Denmark light
qw 22:00 SL Germany  vs  Germany sfto
q3 23:00 gelle Canada  vs  Poland pod1
ws 21:00 husqV European Union  vs  Germany gubelfax
ws 21:15 LIN-sick Germany  vs  Poland goochie
et 22:00 replay CL Chile  vs  Poland POL
ws 22:15 husqV European Union  vs  Germany LIN-sick
ws 23:45 BoBel Germany  vs  European Union husqV
ws 00:00 LIN-sick Germany  vs  Germany BoBel
cod4 19:30 CZE Czech Republic  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:30 s1 Poland  vs  Poland HQ`
ws 14:15 `36 United Kingdom  vs  Germany loxer
ws 14:15 meatball Germany  vs  Germany litee
ws 15:00 meatball Germany  vs  Germany loxer
ws 15:15 reload Germany  vs  Germany milhouse
ws 15:45 loxer Germany  vs  Germany reload
ws 16:00 `36 United Kingdom  vs  Germany meatball
ws 16:30 meatball Germany  vs  Germany reload
ws 17:30 loxer Germany  vs  Germany meatball
et 18:15 s1 Poland  vs  European Union GAMEd
et 20:00 replay RUS Russian Federation  vs  Israel ISR
et 20:00 37th Germany  vs  Poland 5ciaGram
et 20:00 replay nVm Poland  vs  Poland savak
et 21:00 replay USA United States  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 21:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Spain ESP
et 21:00 Nyja Poland  vs  Poland Auth
et 22:00 replay SUI Switzerland  vs  Sweden SWE
qw 22:00 DEN Denmark  vs  Switzerland SUI
et 22:30 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Italy ITA
et 20:00 re-play European Union  vs  Finland D'n'C
qw 20:30 #phonet United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom Samurai
et 21:00 PND Germany  vs  Germany B&S
sc 21:00 Notforu Russian Federation  vs  Poland Yayba
et 21:00 nVm Poland  vs  Poland s1
ws 20:30 soh Germany  vs  Germany soh
qw 20:30 ITA Italy  vs  Hungary HUN
et 21:00 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland FwC
ws 21:15 viso Italy  vs  Germany qah
et 19:00 EDiT Belgium  vs  Poland T
et 19:00 v3 Poland  vs  Poland smg
cod4 20:00 dignitas European Union  vs  Germany 6DEVILS
et 20:30 s1 Poland  vs  Poland sfr
et 21:00 replay NOR Norway  vs  Portugal POR
et 21:00 replay HUN Hungary  vs  Poland POL
et 21:00 replay ISR Israel  vs  United Kingdom UK
qw 21:30 KC Germany  vs  Germany dmw
q3 23:30 Jon4thaN Poland  vs  Bulgaria HAL_9000
et 18:00 v3 Poland  vs  European Union Auth
et 19:00 Auth European Union  vs  Poland smg
qw 20:00 #phonet United Kingdom  vs  Germany sfto
et 20:30 punk'd Estonia  vs  Belgium uGaming
et 21:00 replay EST Estonia  vs  Latvia LAT
qw 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom TCM
et 21:00 Auth European Union  vs  Poland s1
et 21:00 33cl Spain  vs  Poland sfr
et 21:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Norway NOR
ws 21:00 ksn Italy  vs  Italy Amaro
cod4 21:00 flick United Kingdom  vs  European Union Veritas
et 21:15 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland UCP
et 21:30 replay FIN Finland  vs  France FRA
cod4 22:00 one2 Sweden  vs  Denmark RR