Schedule » List » January 2012

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« December 2011 :: January 2012 :: February 2012 »
et 12:45 replay inv European Union  vs  Poland 2b3
et 15:00 replay xpecial European Union  vs  European Union inv
et 17:00 replay PWN Egypt  vs  Poland fsm
et 17:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union xpecial
et 17:45 replay ASP Poland  vs  Poland jeze
et 19:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
et 20:15 replay CoS France  vs  Poland ASP
et 20:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:00 replay randomZ European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:00 replay bF Belgium  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Germany aD
et 21:15 replay NtF Netherlands  vs  Egypt PWN
et 21:45 replay Nbs European Union  vs  European Union randomZ
et 21:45 replay bF Belgium  vs  Poland tMoe
et 22:30 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Poland bacardi
et 22:30 replay randomZ European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 22:30 replay Nbs European Union  vs  Belgium bF
et 00:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland echelon
et 01:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  European Union deV
et 01:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union sBz
et 17:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany survive
et 19:00 replay eXp Finland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 19:15 replay MAX Czech Republic  vs  European Union 3atw
et 19:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland bv
et 19:30 replay sBz European Union  vs  Belgium dr
et 20:00 replay JustH Norway  vs  Poland ALCO
et 20:00 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 21:00 replay CoS France  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay wb France  vs  Netherlands stAt1c
et 21:00 replay 8D Japan  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 21:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland frag-p
et 21:15 replay Supra6 Canada  vs  United States instanc3
et 21:30 replay European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay sBz European Union  vs  Poland 2b3
et 22:15 replay cP European Union  vs  United Kingdom encrypt
et 22:15 replay CoS France  vs  Poland FFlow
et 22:45 replay CoS France  vs  Japan 8D
et 23:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Belgium dr
et 23:30 replay MAX Czech Republic  vs  Poland fundacja
et 23:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union deV
et 01:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 01:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 02:15 replay G+ United States  vs  United States des.
et 02:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 03:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union sBz
et 16:00 replay Elviss Poland  vs  Estonia aD
et 19:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  European Union inv
et 19:15 replay 8D Japan  vs  Germany
et 19:30 replay des. United States  vs  Afghanistan fNf
et 20:00 replay randomZ European Union  vs  European Union supski
et 20:00 replay party European Union  vs  Norway JustH
et 22:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  European Union eu
et 23:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Estonia JRV
et 23:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  European Union No1cares
et 23:00 replay oxid Germany  vs  Germany
et 00:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union sBz
et 01:15 replay Germany  vs  European Union inv
et 02:00 replay sBz European Union  vs  Belgium dev
et 02:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany
et 03:45 replay G+ United States  vs  United States des.
et 04:30 replay des. United States  vs  Poland echoes
et 12:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Germany aCid
et 13:30 replay yWe Belgium  vs  Estonia JRV
et 14:15 replay inv European Union  vs  Estonia JRV
et 14:45 replay xpecial European Union  vs  France pLow
et 15:15 replay aCid Germany  vs  Poland 2b3
et 15:15 replay fsm Poland  vs  Estonia JRV
et 15:45 replay ASP Poland  vs  Germany
et 16:30 replay inv European Union  vs  Estonia JRV
et 17:15 replay bF Belgium  vs  France pLow
et 17:45 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  Poland jeze
et 19:00 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  Germany hmm
et 19:30 replay S- France  vs  Poland Elviss
et 20:00 replay CoS France  vs  Ukraine sbu
et 20:00 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 20:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland fsm
et 21:00 replay UF Germany  vs  Poland drpi
et 21:00 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 21:45 replay CoS France  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 21:45 replay fsm Poland  vs  Poland jeze
et 21:45 replay G+ United States  vs  France euphon
et 23:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  European Union No1cares
et 00:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  European Union No1cares
et 00:30 replay sBz European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 01:00 replay fsm Poland  vs  Germany hmm
et 02:45 replay LNM Germany  vs  Germany
et 03:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union deV
et 14:30 replay xpecial European Union  vs  European Union sBz'
et 15:45 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  European Union sBz'
et 16:00 replay miGhty Netherlands  vs  Germany Aura
et 16:00 replay hEAVEnn Belgium  vs  Germany kaTze
et 18:00 replay Night! European Union  vs  European Union An7ho!
et 18:00 replay Jere! European Union  vs  European Union Kevin!
et 18:00 replay FLoPJEHZ European Union  vs  European Union miNd!
et 18:15 replay stRay! European Union  vs  Latvia Clown!
et 19:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland Contra
et 19:15 replay Night! European Union  vs  European Union Kevin!
et 19:15 replay Jere! European Union  vs  European Union An7ho!
et 19:45 replay FLoPJEHZ European Union  vs  Latvia Clown!
et 19:45 replay stRay! European Union  vs  European Union miNd!
et 20:15 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Romania ^uF
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Germany nP!
et 21:00 replay Moci Czech Republic  vs  Chile miners
et 21:00 ctrlld Finland  vs  Poland etweb
et 21:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 replay Kevin! European Union  vs  European Union FLoPJEHZ
et 21:00 replay Clown! Latvia  vs  European Union Night!
et 22:00 replay takeCTRL Poland  vs  European Union chillR
et 00:00 replay RE Poland  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 00:45 replay Olimp European Union  vs  Egypt PWN
et 01:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union sBz
et 01:45 replay rpr European Union  vs  Germany
et 02:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland echelon
et 04:45 replay des. United States  vs  Poland cHILL
et 12:15 replay ALCO Poland  vs  Estonia JRV
et 13:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  European Union eNVY
et 13:00 replay xpecial European Union  vs  Germany
et 13:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Egypt PWN
et 14:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Germany
et 15:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Egypt PWN
et 15:45 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 16:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 18:30 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 19:45 replay G+ United States  vs  United Kingdom agb
et 20:00 replay pleiades Finland  vs  European Union exile
et 20:45 replay FLoPJEHZ Germany  vs  Germany kaTze
et 21:00 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Germany UF
et 21:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union deV
et 21:45 replay Supra6 Canada  vs  Poland kk
et 21:45 replay des. United States  vs  European Union iNs
et 22:00 replay supski European Union  vs  United Kingdom agb
et 23:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Germany UF
et 00:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  European Union bijemy
et 00:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union deV
et 01:00 replay sBz' European Union  vs  European Union deV
et 01:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 03:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:00 replay ASP Poland  vs  Poland jeze
et 15:00 replay bF Belgium  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:45 replay xpecial European Union  vs  Netherlands heroes
et 16:45 replay JustH Norway  vs  European Union azurea
et 16:45 replay NtF Netherlands  vs  France euphon
et 20:00 replay f1s# Poland  vs  Poland snickers
et 20:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland wiSe
et 20:30 replay JibJab Germany  vs  Netherlands bv3
et 21:00 replay UF Germany  vs  Belgium [+]
et 21:15 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  Norway JustH
et 22:00 replay f1s# Poland  vs  Poland emma
et 22:00 replay CoS France  vs  Poland ryj
et 22:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands ae
et 00:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:15 replay PWN Egypt  vs  France euphon
et 01:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 01:45 replay supski European Union  vs  United States G+
et 02:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Netherlands gG|
et 03:15 replay UGB Germany  vs  United States G+
et 13:45 replay low+ Estonia  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:45 replay party European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 16:00 replay Swani Finland  vs  Poland mACEK
et 17:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  European Union rLby
et 17:00 replay snickers Poland  vs  Poland emma
et 17:45 replay PB Germany  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 18:00 replay Nyan>> France  vs  Germany Sk
et 18:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany KitroPi
et 18:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  Italy PS
et 18:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Bahrain [||<<||]
et 18:00 replay sex France  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 19:00 replay PB Germany  vs  Estonia k1ck
et 19:00 replay ^Lp Germany  vs  Romania ^uF
et 19:00 replay wnk Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 19:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  United States UFO
et 19:00 replay rr Romania  vs  Germany asusual
et 19:15 replay f1s# Poland  vs  Poland FURIA
et 19:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Egypt PWN
et 20:00 replay >>-> Netherlands  vs  France CoS
et 20:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Finland KolmeR
et 20:00 replay aToOn European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
et 20:00 replay Team-ND Germany  vs  European Union Nbs
et 21:00 replay (ej) European Union  vs  Germany pFk*
et 21:00 replay Winter4 France  vs  European Union Flying
et 21:00 replay #Death European Union  vs  European Union follow -
et 21:00 replay imposito Netherlands  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 21:00 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay MADNESS Estonia  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 21:00 replay zX.ET Germany  vs  Finland jari&
et 21:00 replay stAt1c Puerto Rico  vs  Finland Z.
et 21:00 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland ein
et 21:00 replay FAP European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay MyS Germany  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:00 RAM Kazakhstan  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay quint Poland  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 21:00 replay xls Germany  vs  International FES|
et 21:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Sweden a2id
et 21:00 replay Suomi-ET Finland  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 FURIA Poland  vs  Czech Republic Amnesty
et 21:00 replay pw5 European Union  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:00 replay nVm Poland  vs  Finland jg
et 21:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Finland codelust
et 21:15 replay mLG European Union  vs  France sticked
et 21:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Egypt PWN
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 22:00 replay kG Germany  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 22:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Germany bosses
et 22:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  United States G+
et 23:00 replay PWN Egypt  vs  Poland fsm
et 23:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Estonia aToOn
et 00:30 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 01:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland echelon
et 13:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  European Union alvi
et 14:00 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  United Kingdom IDM
et 14:45 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Ukraine sbu
et 19:15 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Poland wiSe
et 20:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Egypt PWN
et 20:45 replay deV European Union  vs  Netherlands DRAAKJES
et 20:45 replay snickers Poland  vs  Poland x7
et 20:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland fsm
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:00 replay exile Iceland  vs  Puerto Rico stAt1c
et 21:30 replay fNtx Poland  vs  Germany Sk
et 21:30 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 21:45 replay Flying European Union  vs  Ukraine sbu
et 22:30 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 22:45 replay emma Poland  vs  Poland ein
et 22:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Spain bobOTs
et 22:45 replay Germany  vs  European Union Flying
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland fsm
et 00:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 00:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 01:15 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 15:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 16:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands scooby
et 17:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:45 replay snickers Poland  vs  Poland dT
et 20:00 replay ^uF Romania  vs  European Union vin
et 20:15 replay Germany  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 20:30 replay snickers Poland  vs  Poland tequ
et 20:30 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union 3atw
et 20:30 replay takeCTRL Poland  vs  Poland ASP
et 20:45 replay <o/ wvl Belgium  vs  Romania UF#
et 21:00 replay freeL France  vs  Netherlands inS
et 21:00 replay exile European Union  vs  Poland kk
et 21:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 21:45 replay <o/ wvl Belgium  vs  European Union Vind
et 21:45 replay echoes Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 21:45 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  Poland fROGS
et 22:30 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland ein
et 22:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:00 replay kk Poland  vs  European Union
et 00:30 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 01:00 replay kk Poland  vs  France CoS
et 01:30 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:00 replay European Union  vs  Estonia glitz
et 16:00 replay inS Netherlands  vs  European Union
et 16:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union 3atw
et 17:15 re+play Finland  vs  European Union pw5
et 19:30 rr Romania  vs  Poland CT
et 19:30 snickers Poland  vs  Belgium [+]
et 21:00 replay FLYING European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 exile Iceland  vs  Romania UF#
et 21:30 replay a2id Sweden  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 22:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Belgium bF
et 22:15 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  United States G+
et 23:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 23:30 replay fsm Poland  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 00:15 replay kk Poland  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 01:00 replay PWN Egypt  vs  Netherlands PUR3
et 02:45 replay miners Chile  vs  Chile rG
et 16:00 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union is
et 16:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 16:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands ae
et 18:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 19:00 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 19:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 20:30 replay ein Poland  vs  Poland snickers
et 20:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 20:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland jari&
et 20:45 replay GER Germany  vs  Netherlands skippy
et 21:00 EST Estonia  vs  United States des.
et 21:00 replay ryj Poland  vs  Egypt PWN
et 21:15 replay European Union  vs  Finland k6
et 21:15 replay GER Germany  vs  United Kingdom encrypt
et 21:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union deV
et 21:30 replay jari& Finland  vs  Estonia EST
et 21:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland fsm
et 22:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 22:15 replay GER Germany  vs  Finland jari&
et 22:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union ext3
et 23:15 replay kk Poland  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 23:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Netherlands ae
et 00:45 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 00:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Spain bobOTs
et 01:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 02:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland wiSe
et 15:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands ae
et 17:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands heroes
et 20:00 replay zkl Poland  vs  European Union .airplay
et 20:00 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  European Union booya!
et 21:00 replay Vind European Union  vs  Poland kk
et 21:30 replay supski European Union  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 21:45 replay x7 Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 23:00 replay emma Poland  vs  Germany w4life|
et 23:00 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union goodmood
et 23:30 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland tequ
et 00:45 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland kk
et 02:15 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  Poland echoes
et 02:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union SICK6
et 15:30 replay NtF Netherlands  vs  European Union eu
et 17:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 18:00 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  Poland echoes
et 18:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union ext3
et 18:45 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union is
et 20:15 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  United States G+
et 20:30 replay snickers Poland  vs  European Union stAt1c
et 22:30 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  Poland jeze
et 12:15 replay is European Union  vs  Estonia JRV
et 13:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 13:15 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands heroes
et 14:00 replay trzybit European Union  vs  Poland specnaz
et 14:00 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union No1cares
et 14:30 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 15:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 15:45 replay trzybit European Union  vs  European Union goodmood
et 16:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:00 replay Nyan>> France  vs  Finland 5/5
et 19:00 replay wnk Poland  vs  France FtF
et 19:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 19:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Finland turbot
et 20:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Germany Team-ND
et 20:00 replay follow European Union  vs  Netherlands >>->
et 20:15 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland tMoe
et 20:15 decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union supski
et 21:00 replay f1s# Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay European Union  vs  France D@dds
et 21:00 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  European Union Nbs
et 21:00 replay quint Poland  vs  Romania .rr2/
et 21:00 replay MADNESS Estonia  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay RAM Kazakhstan  vs  European Union tg
et 21:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Germany xls
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Germany Sk
et 21:00 replay MyS Germany  vs  Sweden a2id
et 21:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union inactive
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union nS
et 21:00 replay pw5 European Union  vs  Finland k6
et 21:00 replay n0 Netherlands  vs  International FES|
et 21:00 replay Winter4 France  vs  Germany W4Life|
et 21:00 replay PMCG Germany  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 replay Jazda Poland  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay aToOn European Union  vs  European Union cP
et 21:30 replay nVm Poland  vs  European Union dLicious
et 21:45 x7 Poland  vs  Poland s1
et 21:45 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Finland jari&
et 22:15 replay HB Germany  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 22:30 replay OsS Sweden  vs  United States msf+
et 22:30 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union No1cares
et 22:45 replay devicta European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 22:45 replay CoS France  vs  Poland zs
et 23:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 23:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:15 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland FURIA
et 01:15 replay supski European Union  vs  United States G+
et 01:15 replay CoS France  vs  Poland cHILL
et 01:15 replay kk Poland  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 02:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 04:30 replay USA United States  vs  Canada CAN
et 16:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union
et 17:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 17:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom manto
et 18:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Belgium bF
et 19:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Belgium bF
et 19:30 replay Aura Germany  vs  Finland haxb
et 19:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Bahrain [||<<||]
et 20:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union supski
et 21:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany survive
et 21:15 replay tequ Poland  vs  Iceland exile
et 21:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union SICK6
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  Netherlands lat
et 21:45 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Japan 8D
et 22:30 replay DRAAKJES Netherlands  vs  Poland fsm
et 22:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union goodmood
et 23:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland wiSe
et 23:30 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 00:15 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:30 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union sBz
et 01:00 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union ext3
et 01:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 18:30 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  European Union eu
et 19:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 19:30 replay tequ Poland  vs  Poland gaw
et 20:00 replay KolmeR Finland  vs  Germany oxid
et 21:00 replay zX.ET Germany  vs  Chile Syn
et 21:00 FAP European Union  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay tequ Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay FRA France  vs  Netherlands NED
et 22:30 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 22:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union ext3
et 23:15 replay goodmood European Union  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 23:30 replay UA Ukraine  vs  Estonia glitz
et 00:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 01:45 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union ext3
et 20:00 replay snickers Poland  vs  Poland haZy
et 20:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland tMoe
et 21:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Netherlands inS
et 21:30 replay EST Estonia  vs  Slovenia SLO
et 21:30 replay emma Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 22:15 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  European Union goodmood
et 22:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 23:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  European Union bijemy
et 23:15 replay sBz' European Union  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 23:45 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  Canada Supra6
et 00:45 replay scooby Netherlands  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 01:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 19:00 replay Contra Poland  vs  Germany ctrl
et 20:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 21:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union aToOn
et 21:30 replay SIMON France  vs  Estonia snc
et 21:30 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union No1cares
et 22:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union party
et 22:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 22:30 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Belgium bF
et 23:00 replay dEST Poland  vs  Belgium dr
et 00:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 01:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland wiSe
et 17:00 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  Belgium dr
et 18:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  Netherlands sLd
et 19:00 replay sOne European Union  vs  Poland emma
et 19:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Germany aCid
et 20:30 replay sOne European Union  vs  Poland snickers
et 21:45 replay lat Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 22:00 replay mono European Union  vs  European Union uNk
et 22:00 replay sOne European Union  vs  Poland tequ
et 00:30 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  European Union uNk
et 01:15 replay mono European Union  vs  Poland dlvX
et 15:45 replay aCid Germany  vs  Ukraine sbu
et 16:00 replay GAW Poland  vs  Poland dT
et 17:00 replay manto United Kingdom  vs  European Union mono
et 19:30 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Finland Pallot
et 20:30 replay sOne European Union  vs  Poland haZy
et 20:30 replay snc Estonia  vs  France SIMON
et 21:30 replay dr Belgium  vs  Egypt PWN
et 21:30 replay Olimp European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 22:15 replay b,BROS Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 22:15 replay bellator Poland  vs  European Union goodmood
et 22:30 replay PWN Egypt  vs  European Union uNk
et 22:45 replay supski European Union  vs  United States G+
et 23:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 23:45 replay dr Belgium  vs  European Union goodmood
et 00:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:30 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 01:15 replay mono European Union  vs  United Kingdom blackB
et 01:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 12:00 replay bWAY Czech Republic  vs  European Union goodmood
et 14:30 replay Sooo Germany  vs  European Union goodmood
et 14:45 replay bWAY Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands heroes
et 15:45 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Czech Republic bWAY
et 16:30 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  Poland bacardi
et 18:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  Germany KitroPi
et 19:00 replay FtF France  vs  European Union vin
et 19:45 W4Life| Germany  vs  Belgium [+]
et 20:00 replay mono European Union  vs  Czech Republic iabg
et 20:00 haZy Poland  vs  Poland ein
et 20:15 replay survive Germany  vs  United States G+
et 20:30 replay nP! Germany  vs  Germany Sk
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  European Union Nbs
et 21:00 replay European Union  vs  European Union inactive
et 21:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  European Union FLYING
et 21:00 replay Contra Poland  vs  Poland quint
et 21:00 replay f1s# Poland  vs  Romania ^uF
et 21:00 replay Syn Chile  vs  Finland jari&
et 21:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Germany MyS
et 21:00 replay asusual Germany  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay imposito Netherlands  vs  Estonia ettan
et 21:00 replay n0 Netherlands  vs  Germany xls
et 21:00 replay pw5 European Union  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 replay PMCG Germany  vs  Finland k6
et 21:15 replay Owzo United Kingdom  vs  Canada Monkeyy
et 21:15 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  Poland jeze
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:30 replay ceWEge Norway  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 UGB Germany  vs  Netherlands >>->
et 21:30 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Germany Team-ND
et 21:30 replay kG Germany  vs  France D@dds
et 22:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 22:00 replay goodmood European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 22:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 22:15 replay -7co- France  vs  European Union vin
et 23:45 replay dr Belgium  vs  Poland bacardi
et 01:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:15 replay norrland Sweden  vs  United Kingdom rld+
et 19:00 replay Aura Germany  vs  Germany ks
et 19:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  United Kingdom encrypt
et 19:30 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 20:00 replay th Germany  vs  Romania UF#
et 21:00 replay deV European Union  vs  Finland codelust
et 21:00 replay Germany  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:00 replay FLYING European Union  vs  Germany W4Life|
et 21:30 replay GER Germany  vs  Hungary HUN
et 23:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union 21g
et 23:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 23:30 replay norrland Sweden  vs  France hFE
et 01:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  United States G+
et 02:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 02:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland wiSe
et 15:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Poland wiSe
et 15:45 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  Poland bellator
et 18:00 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Finland KolmeR
et 18:15 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  European Union 3atw
et 19:00 replay LiB European Union  vs  Estonia CP
et 20:00 replay rr Romania  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 20:00 replay follow - European Union  vs  France CoS
et 20:45 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  Germany aCid
et 21:00 replay POL Poland  vs  Austria AUT
et 21:00 replay Amn Czech Republic  vs  International FES|
et 21:15 replay devicta European Union  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:30 replay FURIA Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 21:30 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland haZy
et 22:00 replay cP European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 23:00 replay kk Poland  vs  European Union Olimp
et 23:30 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  United States G+
et 23:30 replay survive Germany  vs  France PHA
et 00:15 replay ae Netherlands  vs  Sweden norrland
et 01:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union ext3
et 02:15 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  Poland wiSe
et 02:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 16:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland tMoe
et 16:30 replay RAPLA Estonia  vs  Estonia NARVA
et 17:00 replay CoS France  vs  Finland AFA
et 17:45 replay CoS France  vs  Belgium RR
et 18:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Sweden norrland
et 18:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Sweden norrland
et 21:00 replay ITA Italy  vs  Ukraine UA
et 21:00 replay .airplay European Union  vs  European Union dLicious
et 21:45 replay oX` Poland  vs  European Union sBz
et 21:45 replay ave Finland  vs  European Union bijemy
et 23:00 replay sBz European Union  vs  Finland ave
et 20:00 replay .airplay European Union  vs  Finland jg
et 20:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Belgium RR
et 20:45 replay heroes Netherlands  vs  Finland ave
et 21:00 replay FIN Finland  vs  Czech Republic CZE
et 21:00 replay AX European Union  vs  Netherlands AL
et 21:30 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Sweden SWE
et 21:30 replay KNK France  vs  European Union FLYING
et 21:45 replay erotic Poland  vs  Poland haZy
et 22:15 AX European Union  vs  Netherlands AL
et 22:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 23:00 replay TR Turkey  vs  Chile CL
et 23:00 replay Germany  vs  Netherlands lat
et 23:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 14:15 replay krp Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 19:45 replay sOne European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 21:45 replay outlAw Netherlands  vs  Poland snny
et 22:00 replay sOne European Union  vs  Poland bT
et 22:15 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Belgium dr
et 22:45 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Poland hrk
et 23:30 replay ext3 European Union  vs  European Union trzybit
et 23:30 replay bT Poland  vs  Poland bellator
et 23:45 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Poland hrk
et 00:00 replay kk Poland  vs  Brazil ingame
et 14:30 replay trzybit European Union  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 15:30 replay takeCTRL Poland  vs  France CoS
et 16:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 17:15 replay bacardi Poland  vs  France CoS
et 19:00 replay BRA Brazil  vs  Israel ISR
et 20:00 replay DEFYE& Estonia  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 21:00 replay HIFI Denmark  vs  Poland bellator
et 21:30 replay msf+ United States  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 23:00 replay GPS Holy See (Vatican City State)  vs  United States des.
et 23:15 replay bWAY Czech Republic  vs  Finland Annon
et 00:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Holy See (Vatican City State) GPS
et 01:00 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 01:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Estonia JRV
et 02:00 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  European Union ext3
et 12:15 replay trzybit European Union  vs  Poland hrk
et 12:45 replay bellator Poland  vs  Finland Annon
et 13:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Sweden hS
et 14:30 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  Finland Annon
et 16:30 replay trzybit European Union  vs  Finland Annon
et 19:00 replay SUI Switzerland  vs  United States USA
et 19:00 replay sOne European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 19:30 replay 3frogs France  vs  Finland k6
et 20:00 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Russian Federation RUS
et 20:15 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:30 replay zs Poland  vs  Netherlands >>->
et 21:00 replay nVm Poland  vs  Poland zkl
et 21:00 replay FRA France  vs  Canada CAN
et 21:00 replay COL Colombia  vs  Hungary HUN
et 21:00 replay ICE Iceland  vs  Estonia EST
et 21:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  International FES|
et 21:00 NED Netherlands  vs  Norway NOR
et 21:00 replay ESP Spain  vs  Romania ROM
et 21:00 replay devicta European Union  vs  Finland 5/5
et 21:00 replay n0 Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic Amn
et 21:15 replay SG1 France  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay tg European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  France D@dds
et 22:00 replay zs Poland  vs  European Union sBz
et 22:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland bT
et 22:00 replay dr Belgium  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 22:00 replay Annon Finland  vs  European Union qatram
et 22:30 replay SLO Slovenia  vs  Colombia COL
et 22:45 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Poland bellator
et 22:45 replay RE Poland  vs  Poland fsm
et 23:00 replay GPS Holy See (Vatican City State)  vs  Netherlands rCr
et 23:15 replay EM! Germany  vs  Poland bT
et 23:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Finland 2b3
et 00:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Holy See (Vatican City State) GPS
et 00:30 replay EM! Germany  vs  Poland RE
et 00:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 01:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union deV
et 16:00 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  Poland kk
et 16:30 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  Netherlands lat
et 17:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 18:45 replay CoS France  vs  Belgium RR
et 19:00 replay tH Brazil  vs  Belgium hEAVEnn
et 19:15 replay oxid Germany  vs  Finland ave
et 19:30 replay aToOn European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Belgium bF
et 20:15 replay Nbs European Union  vs  Finland ave
et 21:00 replay sOne European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 21:15 replay oxid Germany  vs  Czech Republic iabg
et 21:15 replay nVm Poland  vs  Poland RE
et 21:15 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Finland >LHS<
et 21:15 replay ave Finland  vs  Poland tMoe
et 21:30 replay erotic Poland  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 21:30 replay IN India  vs  Portugal POR
et 21:30 replay foad Poland  vs  Poland bellator
et 21:45 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union aToOn
et 22:15 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland s1
et 22:45 replay Annon Finland  vs  Poland bT
et 22:45 replay GPS Holy See (Vatican City State)  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 23:00 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  Poland bellator
et 23:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union aToOn
et 23:30 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Poland dEST
et 23:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 23:45 replay bT Poland  vs  European Union Olimp
et 00:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Finland Annon
et 00:30 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Poland bellator
et 01:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Spain bobOTs
et 01:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Sweden norrland
et 01:30 replay Olimp European Union  vs  Finland Annon
et 14:30 replay booya! European Union  vs  Poland onua
et 14:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland nVm
et 15:15 replay Germany  vs  Poland kk
et 16:15 replay GPS Holy See (Vatican City State)  vs  Netherlands NtF
et 17:15 replay wh Poland  vs  Poland bellator
et 18:00 replay sbu Ukraine  vs  Egypt PWN
et 18:30 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Poland wh
et 20:30 replay haZy Poland  vs  France sticked
et 21:00 replay mLG European Union  vs  Germany rApeit
et 21:00 replay quint Poland  vs  Poland f1s#
et 21:00 replay foad Poland  vs  European Union OR'
et 21:30 replay FLYING European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 22:00 replay erotic Poland  vs  European Union stAt1c
et 22:15 replay G+ United States  vs  United Kingdom 2many
et 23:30 replay dEST Poland  vs  Poland onua