Schedule » List » October 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« September 2008 :: October 2008 :: November 2008 »
et 19:00 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  Estonia high5/
qw 19:00 Snakepit Finland  vs  United States hai
et 19:45 pwn Estonia  vs  Sweden wings
et 20:30 replay Inc Finland  vs  Germany HB
tmf 21:00 Satoshi France  vs  France Graecos
et 21:15 K-libr European Union  vs  Poland ankh
tf2 21:30 ^wotr2^ United Kingdom  vs  France FK
qw 22:00 tFc Spain  vs  Italy VgS.
et 17:00 RAAB Finland  vs  European Union nkNn
et 19:45 crush3r Germany  vs  Germany soLo
et 20:30 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  European Union iNm
qw 20:30 LOL'd Russian Federation  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 20:45 h-face Spain  vs  Germany chronix
et 21:00 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:00 epica { Estonia  vs  European Union NLX
et 21:00 Echo Estonia  vs  Czech Republic bb
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  France xPeu
et 21:00 replay WNC European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:45 accurate Netherlands  vs  International Kruger
et 22:00 ALMIGHTY International  vs  Poland q2nf
qw 22:00 bailOut Germany  vs  Spain OxO
et 22:30 I am European Union  vs  Austria 9th
et 18:00 bacardi Poland  vs  Germany DeV
et 21:00 replay zeroE Finland  vs  Poland FINLEET
et 21:00 replay Inetw European Union  vs  Denmark nSens
et 21:45 EDRAMA Japan  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 23:15 replay bimbos Germany  vs  Germany aToOn
ws 16:00 reload Germany  vs  Switzerland oGgle
et 18:00 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  United States .def
et 19:00 Russia1 Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation Russia2
et 19:15 [R] Finland  vs  European Union DIPO
et 19:15 re-play European Union  vs  Finland dfiance
qw 20:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  Spain
et 20:00 Russia3 Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation Russia2
et 20:00 replay Du? European Union  vs  Czech Republic 68
et 20:00 replay NEB! United States  vs  United Kingdom TLR
et 20:00 replay [R] Finland  vs  Netherlands F/
et 21:00 Russia2 Russian Federation  vs  Ukraine UA
et 21:30 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  Finland dfiance
et 17:00 replay 666 Germany  vs  European Union DIPO
et 18:00 replay KKK Finland  vs  European Union alvi
et 19:00 I am European Union  vs  Poland vodka
et 19:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Germany DJ
et 19:00 jESUS Netherlands  vs  Denmark nSens
et 20:00 Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union eX|
et 20:00 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union sona
et 20:00 D. United Kingdom  vs  Poland :h
et 20:00 smd France  vs  European Union Titanz
et 20:00 Crow Estonia  vs  France CbZ
et 20:00 alvi European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:00 aerials Poland  vs  France Airborn
et 20:00 Du? European Union  vs  Poland oY
et 20:30 replay Devo European Union  vs  Finland CTN
et 20:30 sKy Poland  vs  Germany iostr
et 20:30 liquid Germany  vs  European Union mx.
et 20:45 mD Poland  vs  Czech Republic rtd'
et 20:45 sMc France  vs  France BSC
et 21:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  European Union vital J
et 21:00 sicced Germany  vs  Poland *WG*
et 21:00 invitium Poland  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:00 gug Italy  vs  Czech Republic avonet.e
et 21:00 uI Germany  vs  Spain oLe!
et 21:00 zeroE Finland  vs  Finland ink
et 21:00 Titanz European Union  vs  France CbZ
et 21:00 ISR Poland  vs  Germany noT
et 21:00 u|k European Union  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
et 21:00 re-play European Union  vs  Poland grave
qw 21:00 #e. European Union  vs  Germany oO
tf2 21:00 FK France  vs  Germany RATS
et 21:00 LP5. Poland  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz
et 21:15 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:30 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:30 Immortl| Poland  vs  Spain r33f!
et 21:30 replay att Estonia  vs  France San08
et 21:30 replay dESIRE European Union  vs  European Union sth
et 21:30 aClmx Belgium  vs  Estonia glitz
et 21:30 eX| European Union  vs  France trZ
qw 21:45 [Oz3] Italy  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 22:00 nudE Poland  vs  Portugal S&P
qw 22:00 1stcav Poland  vs  Germany bailOut
et 22:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Estonia sayhi2
et 03:00 replay MK United States  vs  United States evil^
et 20:30 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:00 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  French Guiana $oD
qw 21:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  European Union #e.
et 21:00 SaH Belgium  vs  Finland kakka
et 21:15 zOMG European Union  vs  France San08
et 21:30 replay ORDER Sweden  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay dNan Netherlands  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:45 Addicts Portugal  vs  European Union NLX
et 22:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 03:00 replay NEB! United States  vs  United States NET
et 19:00 dBobry Poland  vs  Poland UCP
tf2 20:00 n2o Germany  vs  Russian Federation [LOL]
qw 21:00 dsn Poland  vs  Italy VgS.
tf2 21:00 FK France  vs  European Union Vale!
et 21:15 replay druidZ Sweden  vs  Poland aerials
et 21:30 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union FG
et 21:30 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  Netherlands accurate
qw 21:30 Snakepit Finland  vs  Spain
et 21:30 replay 0E European Union  vs  European Union vae
et 22:15 exe Poland  vs  Poland Fallen
et 22:45 jESUS Netherlands  vs  Poland darts
cod4 20:00 VAE Sweden  vs  European Union Infused
et 20:00 replay FINLEET Poland  vs  European Union gspot
et 20:00 RAAB Finland  vs  Hungary ovs
et 21:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Finland Inc
et 21:00 replay bd Germany  vs  European Union NLX
qw 21:00 KMG Poland  vs  Italy VgS.
et 21:00 replay oF Estonia  vs  France !FAMA$!
et 21:00 replay myR|SFR Poland  vs  Poland UCP
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  Germany DJ
et 21:30 zOMG European Union  vs  Germany wannaB
et 21:30 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  European Union WNC
et 22:00 replay #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:15 realnick European Union  vs  European Union nkNn
et 19:00 aToOn Germany  vs  Poland fra
et 19:00 sieni Finland  vs  Germany myt
ws 19:30 reload Germany  vs  Finland Hyrv
et 20:00 replay epica { Estonia  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
et 20:00 replay FINLEET Poland  vs  Finland ink
et 20:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  European Union FiFr
et 20:00 replay myR|SFR Poland  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 20:30 avonet.e Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 20:30 plixplax European Union  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:00 replay iNs' Hungary  vs  European Union rK
et 21:00 thallium European Union  vs  Spain oNe.cib
et 21:00 GeCore Poland  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 21:15 nudE Poland  vs  France six
et 21:30 replay re-play European Union  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 21:30 replay zeroE Finland  vs  European Union FiFr
et 21:30 replay Rc Czech Republic  vs  Poland pocisk
qw 21:30 mamut Slovenia  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 22:00 Minus Germany  vs  Poland SKM
et 23:00 replay POBOR Poland  vs  United States NET
cod4 23:00 dignitas European Union  vs  United Kingdom midr
et 20:00 replay mx. European Union  vs  European Union terro
et 21:30 replay flx>> Netherlands  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 19:00 dFZ European Union  vs  European Union kloning
et 20:00 replay aim| Poland  vs  France epic/
qw 20:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  Poland dsn
et 21:30 replay wNrz- France  vs  France modern|
et 22:00 Lame Poland  vs  Israel dream
et 23:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Finland krp
sc 23:00 sAviOr Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of NaDa
et 23:15 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Finland dfiance
et 00:45 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Finland dfiance
et 02:00 MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Poland Hard
et 02:15 dfiance Finland  vs  Germany WEL
et 03:15 dfiance Finland  vs  Germany WEL
et 11:00 ( o)< Australia  vs  Australia sublime
et 18:30 plixplax European Union  vs  European Union TAG
et 19:00 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  Finland D'n'C
et 19:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union alvi
et 19:00 frag1 Estonia  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 20:00 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union eX|
et 20:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  European Union gspot
et 20:00 replay gug Italy  vs  European Union [smexy]
et 20:00 S&P Portugal  vs  Czech Republic 68
et 20:30 replay SaH Belgium  vs  Poland mAg.
et 20:30 replay uI Germany  vs  Germany chronix
et 20:30 mD Poland  vs  Poland exe
et 20:30 K-libr European Union  vs  European Union Devo
css 20:45 ATX Germany  vs  Germany TKA SEK
tf2 21:00 tUK' United Kingdom  vs  Belgium tB'
tf2 21:00 tFIN' Finland  vs  Sweden tSW'
et 21:00 replay Immortl| Poland  vs  Belgium waLrus
et 21:00 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  Croatia Cor
et 21:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  France muse
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFy Belgium  vs  European Union Kruger
et 21:00 sicced Germany  vs  Poland POV
et 21:00 ISR Poland  vs  Poland myR|SFR
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Belgium sEKTOR
et 21:00 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands jESUS
et 21:00 some1s Poland  vs  European Union u|k
et 21:00 oLe! Spain  vs  Slovenia Skylla
et 21:00 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 21:00 aToOn Germany  vs  Germany smashed
et 21:00 iostr Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:15 aClmx Belgium  vs  European Union I am
et 21:30 replay vital J European Union  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 22:00 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Germany HB
et 23:15 Hard Poland  vs  Belgium system6
et 00:15 replay Hard Poland  vs  European Union e
et 19:00 replay uQuk Netherlands  vs  Poland q2nf
css 20:00 ATX Germany  vs  Germany GoSC
et 20:00 uG Poland  vs  Poland ankh
tf2 20:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation love
et 20:00 high5- Estonia  vs  Norway TR
et 20:15 mD Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 20:15 replay Titanz European Union  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 21:00 gug Italy  vs  United Kingdom TG
et 21:00 replay signum European Union  vs  Poland UCP
qw 21:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 21:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Poland [<=]
et 21:00 replay I am European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
qw 21:15 e` European Union  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:15 e$ Italy  vs  Germany wannaB
et 21:30 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union FG
et 22:00 replay versa* European Union  vs  Netherlands st'
et 18:00 replay idem Poland  vs  Poland FINLEET
et 20:00 epica { Estonia  vs  European Union rL|
et 20:00 replay rrN Finland  vs  France San08
et 20:00 Titanz European Union  vs  European Union six
et 21:00 replay dfiance Finland  vs  Poland invitium
qw 21:00 oO Germany  vs  United States hai
et 21:00 replay 0E European Union  vs  European Union SNB
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  Sweden ZOO
et 21:00 Rc Czech Republic  vs  Portugal tribal
tf2 21:00 FK France  vs  Finland Laukas
et 21:00 ovs Hungary  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:30 replay vae European Union  vs  European Union re-play
qw 21:30 dsn Poland  vs  Spain
et 21:30 iNs' Hungary  vs  Poland pocisk
et 18:00 replay mita aja Finland  vs  Poland vodka
et 19:00 replay uG Poland  vs  Croatia limited
qw 20:30 oO Germany  vs  Finland Snakepit
et 20:30 myt Germany  vs  Czech Republic bb
et 20:30 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Germany wannaB
et 21:00 replay epica { Estonia  vs  Germany bd
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  Finland jeppis
et 21:00 K-libr European Union  vs  Germany sicced
et 21:30 replay grave Poland  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 23:00 replay POBOR Poland  vs  Spain F1
et 04:15 replay xf United States  vs  United States NAg
et 19:00 replay Echo Estonia  vs  Finland sieni
et 19:30 charism Netherlands  vs  Estonia frag1
qw 20:00 e` European Union  vs  Finland Snakepit
et 20:00 Team-AoW Germany  vs  Germany Team-AoW
ws 20:15 dend. Sweden  vs  Italy Yemmi
et 20:15 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  European Union Titanz
et 20:15 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  Germany 187
et 20:30 replay u35 Czech Republic  vs  Italy gug
et 21:00 replay exe Poland  vs  European Union zero.e
et 21:00 replay frag1 Estonia  vs  Poland Dziadki
et 21:00 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Finland ink
et 21:00 zeroE Finland  vs  European Union gspot
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Russian Federation LOL'd
et 21:15 replay ankh Poland  vs  Sweden ZOO
qw 21:15 e` European Union  vs  Poland 1stcav
qw 21:30 KMG Poland  vs  Spain tFc
et 21:45 replay TAG European Union  vs  Croatia Cor
et 22:00 replay versa* European Union  vs  France gi'
et 17:00 replay stk European Union  vs  Netherlands jESUS
et 18:30 replay high5/ Estonia  vs  Italy gug
et 19:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Czech Republic u35
tmf 19:00 x2Tz Belgium  vs  Portugal sonicr
et 21:00 replay limited Croatia  vs  European Union pist0ls
et 21:15 @tbbe France  vs  France modern|
et 21:15 Lame Poland  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:30 ccc Germany  vs  European Union eSpe
et 22:45 system6 Belgium  vs  Germany dQ
ws 18:30 reload Germany  vs  Norway rvg
et 19:00 GBU Estonia  vs  Croatia dL
et 19:30 FalleN 3 Poland  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 19:45 tears European Union  vs  Belgium bmg
qw 20:00 eXtOO- Germany  vs  Russian Federation CF
et 21:15 replay DJ Germany  vs  Estonia a to b
et 21:30 wNr<o/ France  vs  Poland sKy
et 22:45 jESUS Netherlands  vs  European Union tears
et 16:15 MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Netherlands pingwin
et 18:00 replay ankh Poland  vs  Croatia limited
et 18:00 eTw' Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 18:00 TAG European Union  vs  Finland dfiance
et 18:15 DIPO European Union  vs  European Union Wildcats
et 19:00 replay KKK Finland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 19:00 I am European Union  vs  Israel explan
et 19:30 Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union factory
et 20:00 replay s1 Poland  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
et 20:00 replay EasyBoy Poland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 20:00 replay rrN Finland  vs  Germany eLemenT
tf2 20:00 tB' Belgium  vs  Finland tFIN'
et 20:00 replay alvi European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
et 20:00 iostr Germany  vs  Finland kakka
et 20:15 sEKTOR Belgium  vs  Poland tb
et 20:30 TCC Croatia  vs  Poland mAg.
et 20:30 >> United States  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 21:00 Absence- Poland  vs  Poland *WG*
et 21:00 six France  vs  Czech Republic 68
et 21:00 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 replay vital J European Union  vs  France muse
et 21:00 sicced Germany  vs  France gi'
et 21:00 replay versa* European Union  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:00 replay SNB European Union  vs  European Union re-play
et 21:00 oLe! Spain  vs  Germany chronix
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  France !HctiB!
et 21:00 #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Poland ISR
et 21:30 rK European Union  vs  United Kingdom Tyrant
et 21:30 Hard Poland  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 18:30 replay ayua Estonia  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 19:00 replay uQuk Netherlands  vs  Finland ap
et 20:00 replay [smexy] European Union  vs  Finland CELEBZZ
et 20:00 realnick European Union  vs  Estonia volume/
et 21:00 s5 Belgium  vs  European Union NLX
et 21:00 replay 0E European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 21:00 replay wannaB Germany  vs  France Fresh
qw 21:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  France xPeu
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  France 3F
et 21:00 sKy Poland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:45 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union effect
qw 22:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Germany bailOut
et 19:30 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Finland Inc
et 21:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Sweden ORDER
css 21:00 ATX Germany  vs  Germany TMC
qw 21:00 oO Germany  vs  Finland Snakepit
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  European Union eX|
et 21:15 replay eEriness Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom TG
et 21:15 iNs' Hungary  vs  Portugal tribal
tf2 21:15 Laukaus Finland  vs  European Union Druidz
et 21:30 replay Rc Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom Tyrant
et 22:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Poland UCP
et 19:00 @tbbe France  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 20:00 realnick European Union  vs  Poland fNtx
et 20:30 replay CbZ France  vs  Czech Republic iR
cod4 21:00 VAE Sweden  vs  Finland xtothed
et 21:00 replay frag1 Estonia  vs  Poland myR|SFR
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Poland KMG
et 21:00 eXert Poland  vs  Poland vision
et 21:00 replay aToOn Germany  vs  European Union Auth
tf2 21:00 4K^ European Union  vs  European Union ;)
et 21:00 feel Poland  vs  European Union ECK
et 21:00 Immortl| Poland  vs  Slovenia Skylla
qw 21:30 1stcav Poland  vs  Italy [Oz3]
et 21:45 Team-AoW Germany  vs  Afghanistan mazaki
et 22:00 replay rK European Union  vs  Poland pocisk
et 03:30 replay (PUBES) United States  vs  United States poet
et 03:30 replay NEB! United States  vs  Chile cR
et 03:30 replay :+: United States  vs  United States ==|:/
et 20:00 replay volume/ Estonia  vs  Poland s1
et 20:00 myR|SFR Poland  vs  European Union realnick
et 20:00 RAAB Finland  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 20:30 replay Sektor European Union  vs  French Guiana $oD
bf2 20:30 xGx Sweden  vs  Sweden bS
et 21:00 replay dfiance Finland  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:00 replay e2 Czech Republic  vs  Germany Minus
et 21:15 replay sth European Union  vs  Netherlands st'
et 21:15 h-face Spain  vs  Germany uI
et 21:30 replay VPL Ireland  vs  Spain oNe.cib
et 21:30 replay nudE Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 22:15 replay muse France  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 22:45 ccc Germany  vs  Poland 2b3
et 19:00 replay Force Netherlands  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 23:15 dfiance Finland  vs  Germany own3
et 16:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  Estonia oF
et 18:00 sure. Germany  vs  Germany DeV
et 18:00 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Belgium system6
et 20:00 replay nudE Poland  vs  Czech Republic 68
et 21:00 replay feel Poland  vs  Croatia limited
et 22:30 :]R Germany  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 23:45 dispo Sweden  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 02:00 D. United Kingdom  vs  Germany ccc
et 18:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  France sMc
et 18:00 replay aim| Poland  vs  Czech Republic bb
et 18:00 ALMIGHTY International  vs  European Union WNC
et 18:15 replay some1s Poland  vs  Estonia pimp
et 19:00 replay feel Poland  vs  Netherlands Force
et 19:00 replay Immortl| Poland  vs  Croatia TCC
et 19:15 replay realnick European Union  vs  European Union re-play
et 19:30 bAnd Poland  vs  Germany shenming
et 19:45 mD Poland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 19:45 bb Czech Republic  vs  Finland sieni
et 20:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  Belgium sEKTOR
et 20:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Finland ink
et 20:00 volume/ Estonia  vs  Italy gug
tmf 20:00 NOR Norway  vs  Germany GER
et 20:00 replay nudE Poland  vs  Czech Republic 68
et 20:00 HQ Poland  vs  Finland CTN
tf2 20:00 Troopers Finland  vs  Sweden SdX'98
et 20:00 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  France trZ
et 20:00 sicced Germany  vs  Germany dRAMA
et 20:15 Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union re-play
et 20:30 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  European Union Kruger
qw 20:30 e` European Union  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 20:45 replay D'n'C Finland  vs  Poland grave
et 21:00 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  European Union FG
et 21:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 21:00 replay TCC Croatia  vs  European Union HESS
et 21:00 e$ Italy  vs  France Fresh
et 21:00 replay sayhi2 Estonia  vs  Poland sKy
tf2 21:00 redLine France  vs  Germany [r@ts]
et 21:00 sth European Union  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:00 replay #a.ToOn Germany  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:30 replay sTrz International  vs  Germany wannaB
et 21:30 TG United Kingdom  vs  Norway TR
et 21:30 play2win European Union  vs  France epic/
et 22:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 00:00 E80 France  vs  France PK
et 19:00 replay uQuk Netherlands  vs  International ALMIGHTY
et 20:30 replay mD Poland  vs  Sweden ORDER
et 20:30 replay vae European Union  vs  United Kingdom TLR
et 21:00 replay sicced Germany  vs  Estonia GBU
et 21:00 replay 123 Poland  vs  Poland UCP
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 21:15 E 80 France  vs  France PLOp
qw 21:30 e` European Union  vs  Germany bailOut
et 21:30 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  Belgium ovr
et 22:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland sKy
ws 22:30 swine Germany  vs  Switzerland shihan
et 23:00 E80 France  vs  France modern|
et 16:15 play2win European Union  vs  Germany ccc
et 19:30 replay dfiance Finland  vs  Finland rrN
et 20:30 replay mAg. Poland  vs  Poland mD
et 21:00 replay [inner] Bulgaria  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:00 replay nudE Poland  vs  Poland SOaP
et 21:00 .pFk France  vs  France PK
tf2 21:00 redLine France  vs  France w1
tf2 21:30 [cQr] Portugal  vs  Germany [GC]
qw 21:30 mamut Slovenia  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 21:30 replay I am European Union  vs  European Union play2win
et 21:30 replay ankh Poland  vs  Poland fullhold
et 22:00 replay POBOR Poland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 22:45 bv Poland  vs  Germany ccc
et 23:00 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  Croatia Cor
et 19:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Finland jeppis
et 20:00 Sektor European Union  vs  Poland ankh
et 20:30 replay e$ Italy  vs  European Union DT
et 20:30 s1 Poland  vs  Poland mD
et 21:00 replay Absence- Poland  vs  Poland pocisk
tf2 21:00 TCM| United Kingdom  vs  Portugal k1ck
et 21:00 :h Poland  vs  Poland Immortl|
qw 21:00 lsx France  vs  Russian Federation CF
et 21:15 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 21:15 E 80 France  vs  France ECK
et 21:15 pwnzr European Union  vs  France CbZ
qw 21:30 oO Germany  vs  Poland dsn
et 22:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  United States NET
et 22:30 :]R Germany  vs  Poland [idem]
et 02:00 :+: United States  vs  United States proG'
et 02:30 (PUBES) United States  vs  United States Enhanced
et 16:15 rsozr Estonia  vs  Estonia ettan
et 17:30 replay KKK Finland  vs  Germany aToOn
et 20:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Netherlands charism
et 20:00 replay myt Germany  vs  Estonia Echo
cod4 20:00 VAE Sweden  vs  Poland PGS
et 21:00 replay invitium Poland  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:00 tb Poland  vs  Poland [<=]
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Italy VgS.
et 21:00 Fallen Poland  vs  Poland eXert
qw 21:00 dsn Poland  vs  Finland Snakepit
et 21:00 D| European Union  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:00 epic/ France  vs  France exult
et 21:30 replay oNe.cib Spain  vs  Germany xlibres
et 21:30 replay POBOR Poland  vs  European Union min
et 21:30 I am European Union  vs  France gi'
et 21:30 oxyGene France  vs  France @Friends
et 23:00 dave European Union  vs  European Union noname
et 19:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Poland myR|SFR
et 21:00 replay PLOp' France  vs  France ET4
et 23:15 pig European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 23:30 wings Sweden  vs  Netherlands charism