Schedule » List » October 2013

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« September 2013 :: October 2013 :: November 2013 »
et 16:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 17:15 replay legobro Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56
et 18:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
csgo 19:15 ENCE Finland  vs  Poland ESC
et 19:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  France phase
et 19:45 replay nF Poland  vs  Poland ht
csgo 20:30 VG France  vs  Poland ESC
et 20:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 20:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay sm Poland  vs  Poland eX
et 21:15 replay Ammo Poland  vs  Poland nF
et 22:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Poland echelon
et 22:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 23:15 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Finland ketut!
et 23:30 replay CF European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 01:15 replay phase France  vs  European Union mYm
et 19:00 replay nF Poland  vs  Poland ht
et 20:15 replay nF Poland  vs  Poland c[_]
et 21:00 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:00 replay +. Netherlands  vs  European Union eA
et 22:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union mYm
et 22:45 replay eA European Union  vs  Portugal rblood
et 23:00 replay Hi2u France  vs  Finland +mir
et 23:45 replay rblood Portugal  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 00:30 replay vig Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 15:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56
et 19:00 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  Poland @@
et 19:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Brazil paiN
et 19:30 replay fsm Poland  vs  Poland ht
et 19:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 21:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union eA
urt 21:30 Aera. France  vs  France FFF:/
et 22:00 replay haxan European Union  vs  France Hi2u
et 23:15 replay haxan European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 00:00 replay it-girls European Union  vs  Belgium vig
et 15:45 replay HTF European Union  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 17:00 replay BATA Latvia  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:15 replay BATA Latvia  vs  European Union .eXe
lol 05:00 T1 Korea, Republic of  vs  China RCHZ
et 15:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union it-girls
et 16:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union 30stm
et 16:45 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union RD
et 18:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Latvia BATA
et 18:45 replay haxan European Union  vs  European Union 30stm
et 20:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 21:00 replay <=TM=> European Union  vs  European Union EA
et 21:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union mYm
et 23:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union mYm
et 23:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland SUITS
urt 21:00 dyNasty Sweden  vs  France vA.
urt 21:00 puzz* European Union  vs  European Union [b00bs]
rtcw 21:30 oP European Union  vs  Sweden KiH
et 23:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 23:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Belgium vig
et 00:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 00:15 replay phase France  vs  Brazil paiN
et 01:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 17:00 replay eE` European Union  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 17:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Finland aika
et 19:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  European Union lows
et 19:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Latvia BATA
et 19:45 replay RD European Union  vs  European Union HTF
et 20:00 replay sm Poland  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 21:00 replay nTerror Finland  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:00 eA European Union  vs  Netherlands +.
et 21:30 mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union supski
urt 21:30 )O,O( European Union  vs  Italy zEK.
urt 22:30 Quad# Italy  vs  Poland aesir
et 22:45 eA European Union  vs  Portugal rblood
et 23:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 01:45 replay mYm European Union  vs  Finland +mir
et 16:15 replay eE` European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 17:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Estonia yolo
et 19:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland fsm
et 19:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 20:00 replay DC European Union  vs  European Union sKy-e.
et 20:30 replay sm Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay nTerror Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:15 replay mYm European Union  vs  France Hi2u
urt 22:00 SaFt. Sweden  vs  Portugal fZ
et 22:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 23:00 replay Hi2u France  vs  European Union Nbs
et 23:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 01:45 replay r@g Finland  vs  Finland +mir
et 14:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Finland ave
et 16:30 replay FBI European Union  vs  European Union IA#
et 16:45 replay ave Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 19:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 20:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Estonia yolo
et 21:00 replay nTerror Finland  vs  Netherlands +.
et 21:00 replay g4! Seychelles  vs  Finland FM#
et 21:00 eA European Union  vs  Belgium v56
urt 21:00 puzz* European Union  vs  France =xng=
et 23:00 wiSe Poland  vs  Poland Ss
et 23:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:45 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 01:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 14:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 15:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland fsm
et 16:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland echelon
et 17:30 replay outwit Finland  vs  Poland boozers
et 18:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland outwit
et 19:15 replay fsm Poland  vs  Finland SiMB
et 20:45 replay RD European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 21:00 replay eA European Union  vs  Finland nTerror
et 21:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland GAW
et 23:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:15 replay vip European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 14:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 15:00 replay haxan European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 16:15 replay haxan European Union  vs  European Union RD
et 17:15 replay RD European Union  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 18:00 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:45 replay eE` European Union  vs  European Union HTF
et 19:15 replay haxan European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:45 replay HTF European Union  vs  Finland SiMB
et 20:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Estonia yolo
et 21:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 23:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union haxan
et 23:30 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Estonia #yolo
et 00:30 replay haxan European Union  vs  European Union mYm
et 02:00 replay haxan European Union  vs  Estonia 1337
et 15:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union haxan
et 15:45 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 16:30 replay outwit Finland  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 16:45 replay haxan European Union  vs  European Union ==<3
et 17:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland outwit
et 20:45 replay mYm European Union  vs  Finland nTerror
et 20:45 replay [F] Israel  vs  France PHA
et 21:00 replay SiMB Finland  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 22:45 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Estonia yolo
et 23:00 replay nTerror Finland  vs  France PHA
et 01:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 12:30 replay RD European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
et 14:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland outwit
et 14:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union ext3
et 14:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland outwit
csgo 15:00 VG France  vs  Ukraine AD
et 15:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union tgm
et 16:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Latvia BATA
et 16:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland GAW
et 16:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland Echarge
et 16:45 replay BATA Latvia  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 17:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 18:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland ech
dota2 18:00 Alliance Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 19:00 replay favela Brazil  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 19:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland ech
et 19:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 21:00 replay x7 Poland  vs  European Union Bizon
et 21:00 replay freeL France  vs  United States hazard
et 21:00 replay mYm European Union  vs  Albania TWC
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 21:30 replay trg European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Norway #Vj
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  Finland nTerror
et 21:30 replay zs Poland  vs  European Union TAG
et 22:00 replay [O7] Poland  vs  Canada pornstar
et 22:15 replay European Union  vs  Norway #Vj
et 22:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  Germany mMONKEYS
et 23:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  United States hazard
et 23:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland outwit
et 23:45 replay #Vj Norway  vs  Germany mMONKEYS
et 15:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland wiSe
et 16:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union dev
et 18:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Latvia BATA
et 19:00 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  Finland h&co
et 19:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Seychelles g4!
et 19:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland @@
et 20:00 replay nF Poland  vs  United States (o)
et 21:00 replay nTerror Finland  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union supski
et 23:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 00:45 replay ketut! Finland  vs  France deses
et 11:30 replay (.)(.) Australia  vs  Australia TEAMMATE
et 15:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 16:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland wiSe
et 19:00 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Finland +mir
et 19:15 replay ==<3 European Union  vs  European Union lows
et 19:30 replay @@ Poland  vs  Poland fROGS
et 20:15 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay r@g Finland  vs  Germany mMONKEYS
et 21:45 replay eA European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 22:15 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 23:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 00:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 01:15 replay rblood Portugal  vs  Finland r@g
et 14:00 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 15:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 17:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland ketut!
et 18:45 replay haxb Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 19:00 replay phase France  vs  Finland +mir
et 19:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Finland haxb
et 20:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Poland @@
et 21:30 replay rawrr European Union  vs  Poland try
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  France phase
et 22:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Finland +mir
et 23:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union revealed
et 23:30 replay haxb Finland  vs  Finland +mir
et 23:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 00:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 01:15 replay @@ Poland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 16:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 16:30 replay haxb Finland  vs  European Union RD
et 18:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 19:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland aika
et 19:15 replay yolo Estonia  vs  Belgium v56
et 19:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Finland UseMF&
et 19:45 replay UnC Poland  vs  Poland @@
et 22:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:30 replay @@ Poland  vs  France deses
et 15:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 16:45 replay mYm European Union  vs  Finland ave
et 17:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 18:45 replay SiMB Finland  vs  Finland ave
et 20:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 23:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland outwit
et 15:45 replay it-girls European Union  vs  Finland +mir
et 15:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union gibon
et 17:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland outwit
et 17:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland outwit
et 19:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  United States digit
et 21:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 21:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Finland tt
et 21:00 replay *|* United States  vs  Norway #Vj
et 21:45 replay outwit Finland  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 22:30 replay #Vj Norway  vs  European Union Queens
et 23:00 replay outwit Finland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 23:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 23:30 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 00:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  European Union HTF
et 00:30 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 01:30 replay outwit Finland  vs  Poland @@
et 02:15 replay outwit Finland  vs  Poland @@
et 14:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union it-girls
et 15:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 15:45 replay BOEM Ecuador  vs  Poland echelon
et 16:15 replay yolo Estonia  vs  Finland +mir
et 16:45 replay gibon European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
et 16:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Ecuador BOEM
et 17:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  France Chti
et 17:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 19:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 19:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 19:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Czech Republic allicze
et 19:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland echelon
et 20:00 replay sm Poland  vs  United States hazard
et 20:00 replay lows European Union  vs  European Union trg
et 20:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union Queens
et 20:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 20:45 replay Justice Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay g4! Seychelles  vs  European Union Bizon
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen.JR
urt 21:00 )O,O( European Union  vs  Poland -rte-
et 21:00 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Canada hFE.
et 21:15 replay *|* United States  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:15 replay ingaM3 Norway  vs  European Union it-girls
et 21:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Latvia BATA
et 22:00 replay gMen.JR Netherlands  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 22:45 replay BATA Latvia  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 00:45 replay eE` European Union  vs  Portugal rblood
et 14:45 replay +mir Finland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 16:15 replay eE` European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 17:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56
et 19:00 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 19:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland UnC
et 19:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland outwit
et 20:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland fsm
et 20:45 replay nTerror Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:00 replay haxb Finland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  United Kingdom one
et 22:45 replay r@g Finland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 23:00 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 23:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 01:45 replay deses France  vs  Finland r@g
et 13:45 replay ketut! Finland  vs  European Union mYm
et 14:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland wiSe
et 15:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union HTF
et 16:45 replay eE` European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 17:00 replay UnC Poland  vs  European Union mYm
et 17:00 replay outwit Finland  vs  Finland ave
et 18:15 replay outwit Finland  vs  Finland ave
et 18:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Israel uNs
et 19:30 replay outwit Finland  vs  Netherlands SCS
csgo 21:15 SK Sweden  vs  Denmark n!
et 21:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union OR'
et 21:30 replay RD European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
urt 22:00 FFF:/ France  vs  European Union puzz*
csgo 22:30 AD Ukraine  vs  Sweden SK
et 23:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 01:00 replay +mir Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 14:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 16:00 replay outwit Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 17:00 replay outwit Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 18:15 replay mYm European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 19:30 replay ebola Poland  vs  Finland outwit
et 19:30 replay ChAos// European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
urt 20:00 vL* Portugal  vs  European Union |it|
et 20:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union eA
et 20:30 replay outwit Finland  vs  European Union mYm
urt 21:00 vA. France  vs  European Union )O,O(
urt 21:00 #rekt. European Union  vs  Italy .aCe.
et 21:45 replay outwit Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
et 23:00 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  European Union rcn
et 00:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Finland nTerror
et 14:15 replay outwit Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 14:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland outwit
et 15:45 replay outwit Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 17:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland ebola
et 18:45 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  Finland >LHS<
et 19:15 replay uNs Israel  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 19:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland outwit
et 19:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 20:45 replay outwit Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union mYm
et 22:30 replay haxan European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 22:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union a2b
et 23:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:00 replay haxan European Union  vs  Estonia a to b
et 00:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 16:45 replay eE` European Union  vs  Finland +mir
et 20:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland outwit
et 20:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland Nakurw
et 21:00 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 21:45 replay Nakurw Poland  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 21:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland outwit
et 21:45 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:45 replay outwit Finland  vs  European Union it-girls
csgo 12:00 VG France  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 13:15 replay outwit Finland  vs  Poland echelon
urt 13:30 Aera. France  vs  Australia strayA
et 13:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland echelon
csgo 14:00 Cph Denmark  vs  Denmark n!
et 14:30 replay GAW Poland  vs  Poland Nakurw
csgo 15:15 VG France  vs  Denmark Cph
et 15:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union it-girls
csgo 16:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  Denmark n!
et 17:00 replay sBoyz Belgium  vs  Poland ech
csgo 17:30 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Poland US
et 17:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union it-girls
et 17:45 replay ChAos// European Union  vs  Poland ech
et 19:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
csgo 19:45 NiP Sweden  vs  European Union mouz
et 20:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union .eXe
et 20:45 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 21:00 replay Nakurw Poland  vs  Poland ht
csgo 21:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 22:00 replay Nakurw Poland  vs  Poland GAW
csgo 22:00 mouz European Union  vs  Poland US
et 22:15 replay UJO Montenegro  vs  Poland echelon
et 23:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 00:15 replay *|* United States  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 00:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland AKA
csgo 12:00 Cph Denmark  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 12:45 replay Echarge Poland  vs  Netherlands gMen
csgo 13:15 US Poland  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 13:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union it-girls
csgo 15:00 VG France  vs  Poland US
et 15:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  France Hi2u
et 15:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Finland +mir
et 15:45 replay BATA Latvia  vs  Belgium ampd
et 16:15 replay it-girls European Union  vs  Finland +mir
csgo 17:30 Cph Denmark  vs  Sweden NiP
et 17:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland +mir
et 18:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 18:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  United States *|*
et 19:30 replay Hi2u France  vs  Estonia yolo
et 20:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  France phase
et 20:00 replay dM European Union  vs  European Union enhanced
csgo 20:15 VG France  vs  Sweden NiP
et 20:30 replay +. Netherlands  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay sm Poland  vs  France freeL
urt 21:00 aesir Poland  vs  European Union #rekt.
et 21:00 replay outwit Finland  vs  Albania TWC
et 21:15 replay vig Belgium  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 21:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 21:30 replay rawrr European Union  vs  Poland nF
et 21:30 replay one United Kingdom  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay trg European Union  vs  European Union lows
et 21:45 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  Netherlands KW
et 22:15 replay vig Belgium  vs  United States hazard
et 22:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Poland sm
et 22:30 replay phase France  vs  Poland echelon
et 23:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 15:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Belgium ampd
et 16:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union Nbs
et 17:30 replay yolo Estonia  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 18:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland +mir
et 19:00 replay sm Poland  vs  Finland h&co
et 19:30 replay r@g Finland  vs  Netherlands +.
et 20:00 replay Bizon European Union  vs  Finland jeppis
et 20:00 replay yolo Estonia  vs  European Union RD
et 20:15 replay nF Poland  vs  Czech Republic FPS Drop
et 20:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 21:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 21:30 replay AD Russian Federation  vs  Poland nF
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union
et 22:00 replay KW Netherlands  vs  Germany mMONKEYS
et 22:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 23:00 replay phase France  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:15 replay BATA Latvia  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:45 replay mYm European Union  vs  France phase
et 13:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 14:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union Nbs
et 16:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Finland ketut!
et 16:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Belgium ampd
et 17:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union ==<3
et 20:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 21:30 replay AKA Finland  vs  France #C
et 21:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:00 replay mYm European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
et 23:15 replay rblood Portugal  vs  Finland r@g
et 00:15 replay phase France  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Portugal rblood
et 02:15 replay mUZE  vs  European Union mYm
et 13:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland wiSe
et 15:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 18:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Montenegro UJO
et 18:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 19:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 19:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:00 replay mYm European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Czech Republic alliW
et 21:45 replay rawrr European Union  vs  Russian Federation AD
et 22:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  France phase
et 23:00 replay mYm European Union  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 23:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland +mir
et 00:45 replay phase France  vs  Finland +mir
et 01:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  France phase
et 01:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  Latvia BATA
et 16:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 18:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Finland outwit
et 18:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Israel uNs
et 20:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 20:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland nTerror
et 21:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 21:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 22:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union haxan
et 23:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Latvia BATA
et 23:45 replay ==<3 European Union  vs  Netherlands asfuck