Schedule » List » November 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« October 2008 :: November 2008 :: December 2008 »
et 17:30 wings Sweden  vs  Estonia frag1
et 18:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Poland Fallen
et 19:00 replay {xxL European Union  vs  Finland sieni
et 21:30 replay VIA France  vs  France rOx
et 00:30 MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Sweden wings
et 01:15 jihad European Union  vs  Estonia retardz
et 16:00 replay e0h Russian Federation  vs  Finland log_sA
et 16:30 Crow Estonia  vs  Estonia ph
et 17:00 replay bAnd Poland  vs  Germany [BwS]
et 17:45 #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Finland so
et 18:00 replay Absence- Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 18:00 [BwS] Germany  vs  Germany -=CCC=-
et 18:30 #sweets Poland  vs  Netherlands Force
et 19:00 replay st' Netherlands  vs  Belgium sEKTOR
et 19:00 realnick European Union  vs  Finland dfiance
et 19:30 ankh Poland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 20:00 replay rrN Finland  vs  Belgium rodcAd
et 20:00 replay >> United States  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
qw 20:15 oO Germany  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 20:30 TCC Croatia  vs  Belgium SaH
et 20:30 epic/ France  vs  Finland TTDet
et 20:30 replay e! Poland  vs  Poland HQ`
et 20:45 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 play2win European Union  vs  Hungary ovs
et 21:00 replay st' Netherlands  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:00 replay Battali United Kingdom  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:00 grave Poland  vs  European Union sona
et 21:00 myR|SFR Poland  vs  Germany noT
et 21:00 e$ Italy  vs  Greece team-gr8
et 21:00 q2nf Poland  vs  Czech Republic infrag
et 21:00 ftc European Union  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 21:00 wannaB Germany  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:15 eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Germany minus/
et 21:30 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union vae
et 21:30 4e. European Union  vs  Portugal xly-rDh
et 22:00 replay ESP France  vs  Belgium rodcAd
et 20:15 replay #sweets Poland  vs  European Union Sektor
et 20:30 replay HQ` Poland  vs  European Union Devo
et 20:45 mD Poland  vs  Poland SFR
qw 21:00 e` European Union  vs  Poland dsn
et 21:00 replay s1 Poland  vs  European Union NLX
qw 21:00 bailOut Germany  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 21:00 geCore Poland  vs  European Union (c)
et 21:15 replay ovs Hungary  vs  European Union sth
et 21:30 sMc France  vs  France trZ
et 21:30 epic/ France  vs  France M|
et 22:30 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 19:30 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Israel NWI
et 20:30 replay 141 European Union  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:00 replay pocisk Poland  vs  Poland mD
et 21:00 replay SNB European Union  vs  Croatia Cor
et 21:00 replay vae European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 21:00 epic/ France  vs  Finland dfiance
et 21:00 oxyGene France  vs  France eQy
et 21:00 replay NR Czech Republic  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:15 I am European Union  vs  Poland #sweets
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
qw 21:30 e` European Union  vs  Spain
et 22:45 E 80 France  vs  France |MwP
et 02:30 Enhanced United States  vs  United States 3xN
et 16:00 _uNder Germany  vs  European Union =KK=
et 18:00 replay Crow Estonia  vs  Estonia ph
et 20:00 replay sKy Poland  vs  Poland :h
et 21:00 replay dfiance Finland  vs  European Union 141
et 21:00 replay u35 Czech Republic  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  France @tbbe
et 21:00 replay q2nf Poland  vs  Poland ankh
et 21:30 #sweets Poland  vs  Japan Possessd
et 22:30 fallen Poland  vs  Estonia pigs
et 19:15 CoH Poland  vs  Poland dps
et 20:30 replay uSELESS European Union  vs  Poland dps
et 20:30 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  Poland ankh
et 20:30 HQ` Poland  vs  Poland HeartZ
et 21:00 replay SB Poland  vs  Poland myR|SFR
et 21:00 replay DJ Germany  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 21:00 h-face Spain  vs  European Union Sektor
et 21:15 sicced Germany  vs  Germany bd
et 21:30 replay $oD French Guiana  vs  International sTrz
et 21:30 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Estonia frag1
et 22:00 POBOR Poland  vs  Poland [<=]
et 19:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Netherlands IM ZEH
et 20:00 replay CoH Poland  vs  Poland MTL
et 21:30 donKey Netherlands  vs  Poland darts
et 01:00 Poker France  vs  Denmark nSens
et 15:00 E 80 France  vs  France Fear#
et 19:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Poland ankh
et 21:30 Russia2 Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation Russia3
et 21:30 darts Poland  vs  European Union effect
et 15:00 replay ankh Poland  vs  Estonia pigs
et 15:30 SON1C` Poland  vs  United Kingdom kipper
et 19:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Poland easyfrag
et 19:00 replay HQ` Poland  vs  Poland wHINE
et 19:00 rTg Germany  vs  European Union eX|
et 19:15 TLL Poland  vs  European Union Debazen
et 19:30 33cl Spain  vs  European Union TAG
et 20:00 replay volume/ Estonia  vs  European Union u|k
et 20:00 replay Fallen Poland  vs  Poland e!
et 20:00 replay SB Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 20:30 replay Sektor European Union  vs  Finland rrN
et 21:00 replay :+: United States  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union vae
et 21:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  Poland mD
et 21:00 Immortl| Poland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:30 replay eX| European Union  vs  Germany bd
et 21:30 replay invitium Poland  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:30 dEViATE Luxembourg  vs  Netherlands charism
tmf 22:00 [K] Portugal  vs  European Union INF-R
et 02:30 |O/==:== Canada  vs  United States mp*
et 17:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Finland so
et 19:15 2anus Belize  vs  European Union K-
et 19:30 replay Sektor European Union  vs  Finland vHr
et 20:00 replay CoH Poland  vs  Poland #sweets
et 20:00 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  Estonia volume/
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  Poland ankh
et 21:15 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 21:30 NWI Israel  vs  Germany cre.
et 22:00 E 80 France  vs  France YouPorn
et 04:00 replay (>) United States  vs  United States zeroE
et 19:00 replay eSF Poland  vs  Poland SB
et 20:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  Poland idem
et 21:00 replay idem Poland  vs  Denmark nSens
et 21:00 mix. Poland  vs  European Union IG
et 21:00 replay EDRAMA Japan  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:00 replay epica { Estonia  vs  Poland frozen
et 21:15 replay h-face Spain  vs  Japan Possessd
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  United Kingdom TG
qw 21:30 1stcav Poland  vs  Spain tFc
et 21:30 replay invitium Poland  vs  European Union play2win
et 21:30 replay 4e. European Union  vs  Finland das
et 19:00 replay Fallen Poland  vs  Poland MTL
et 19:00 replay Dean United Kingdom  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 20:00 replay DT European Union  vs  Poland Immortl|
et 20:30 replay mD Poland  vs  Poland ankh
et 20:30 liquid Germany  vs  Germany bd
et 21:00 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  Poland :h
qw 21:30 1stcav Poland  vs  Poland KMG
et 21:30 aToOn Germany  vs  Finland masculin
et 22:00 replay 8B|FiFy Belgium  vs  Poland :h
sc 17:30 GoOdy Germany  vs  Germany Sucki
et 19:45 replay Titanz European Union  vs  Belgium system6
et 20:00 replay e0h Russian Federation  vs  France E 80
et 21:00 replay frag1 Estonia  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:00 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  Estonia a to b
et 21:30 replay SNB European Union  vs  European Union vae
qw 21:30 mamut Slovenia  vs  Spain tFc
et 22:15 replay HB Germany  vs  Denmark nSens
et 22:30 replay u|k European Union  vs  Ireland VPL
et 19:00 E 80 France  vs  France - MFT
et 20:45 Team-AoW Germany  vs  Spain SPANIA
et 22:45 :] Zambia  vs  Sweden Mjau
sc 10:45 White-Ra Ukraine  vs  Ukraine Strelok
sc 14:00 White-Ra Ukraine  vs  Poland Gosia
et 16:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union escrot
sc 17:00 Mondrago Germany  vs  Ukraine Strelok
et 19:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Netherlands jESUS
et 20:30 E 80 France  vs  Finland sieni
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Poland feel
et 21:15 replay frozen Poland  vs  Poland [<=]
et 00:00 nkNn European Union  vs  Sweden grl
et 04:00 replay |O/==:== Canada  vs  United States TeD^
sc 11:30 Mondrago Germany  vs  Ukraine White-Ra
sc 14:45 Strelok Ukraine  vs  Germany Mondrago
et 17:00 replay sicced Germany  vs  Germany minus/
et 18:00 replay RATEd Germany  vs  Germany Smile
et 19:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Poland MTL
et 19:00 replay vHr Finland  vs  Germany 187
et 19:00 replay wannaB Germany  vs  Poland SFR
et 19:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  European Union IG
et 19:15 re-play European Union  vs  European Union care
et 19:30 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 20:00 replay six European Union  vs  France epic/
et 20:00 [log] Finland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 20:00 replay eL Germany  vs  European Union eX|
tmf 20:00 w1 France  vs  Italy Inferno
et 20:30 replay Devo European Union  vs  Netherlands PUR3
et 21:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 21:00 dfx Finland  vs  Estonia sayhi2
et 21:00 POBOR Poland  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 replay #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Germany DJ
et 21:00 sicced Germany  vs  European Union scg
et 21:00 Echo Estonia  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 replay 2X European Union  vs  Poland grave
et 21:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Poland [<=]
et 21:00 replay dfiance Finland  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:00 rL| European Union  vs  Poland e!
et 21:00 [*EU*] European Union  vs  Belgium rodcAd
et 21:15 [6aHgA] Russian Federation  vs  European Union HESS
et 21:15 replay sth European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:30 replay bb European Union  vs  Poland k1ck
et 21:30 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 21:30 exe Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:30 $oD French Guiana  vs  France San08
et 22:00 seriouz Germany  vs  Germany asusual
et 22:15 replay ALMIGHTY International  vs  Poland vodka
et 03:00 mp* United States  vs  Canada =>ETK<=
et 19:30 replay e0h Russian Federation  vs  Finland sieni
tmf 19:45 IMoC Germany  vs  Germany Dundeex
tmf 20:30 n! Germany  vs  European Union Begrip
et 20:30 replay dQ Germany  vs  Germany bd
qw 20:45 Snakepit Finland  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 21:00 replay rodcAd Belgium  vs  Netherlands ilsn
et 21:00 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Finland dfiance
et 21:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  European Union 141
et 21:00 replay #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic bb
et 21:00 replay aego Poland  vs  Estonia frag1
et 03:00 replay NET United States  vs  United States NEB!
et 19:30 eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Finland vHr
et 20:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  Germany chronix
et 20:30 rL Poland  vs  France E 80
et 20:45 izi European Union  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:00 replay dfiance Finland  vs  European Union db
et 21:00 replay sTrz International  vs  Germany sicced
et 21:00 replay Fallen Poland  vs  Netherlands PUR3
et 21:30 replay epic/ France  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 22:00 replay vae European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 17:15 Squad ee Estonia  vs  European Union 141
et 20:00 replay KKK Finland  vs  Germany HB
et 20:15 replay DT European Union  vs  France Oz
tmf 20:30 ToMaso Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands Begrip
et 20:45 sMc France  vs  France CbZ
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Germany oO
et 21:00 replay .pFk France  vs  Belgium sG
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Poland 13th|
et 22:00 replay play2win European Union  vs  European Union ppl
tmf 23:00 [K] Portugal  vs  Portugal d
et 03:00 replay poutine Canada  vs  United States Enhanced
et 03:30 replay NET United States  vs  United States zeroE
et 19:00 replay sieni Finland  vs  France ECK
et 19:00 E 80 France  vs  France uTd
et 20:00 replay eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Germany 187
et 20:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Finland nbh
et 20:30 replay hoitaa Finland  vs  Belgium SaH
qw 20:30 pHx European Union  vs  Russian Federation CF
et 21:00 replay invitium Poland  vs  Poland geCore
et 21:00 replay u35 Czech Republic  vs  French Guiana $oD
qw 21:00 oO Germany  vs  Poland dsn
et 21:00 UNX| European Union  vs  France Fresh
et 21:15 replay re-play European Union  vs  European Union 141
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  France BSC
et 21:30 replay play2win European Union  vs  Belgium zeroE
et 21:30 replay 0E Netherlands  vs  European Union ppl
tmf 21:30 Lord Mzn Italy  vs  Portugal hugo
et 03:30 NET United States  vs  United States >>
et 19:30 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Belgium system6
et 20:30 replay E 80 France  vs  Italy e$
tmf 21:00 Moriddin Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Mattheus
et 21:00 smarties France  vs  France trZ
et 21:00 ettan Estonia  vs  Sweden dispo
tmf 22:00 Astroman Portugal  vs  Austria TIF
et 00:15 replay EDRAMA Japan  vs  Finland RAAB
et 16:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Estonia Crow
tmf 18:00 Geronimo Belgium  vs  Germany Dundeex
et 22:00 replay pWs Italy  vs  United Kingdom DoE
et 17:00 replay #kertsu Finland  vs  European Union rL|
et 17:30 replay Dean United Kingdom  vs  France E 80
et 18:00 replay dQ Germany  vs  Germany eL
tmf 19:00 eSuba Czech Republic  vs  Germany kc
et 19:15 re-play European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:30 replay tMoe. Poland  vs  Poland LP5.
et 19:45 replay sKy Poland  vs  Poland eXert
et 20:00 eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Austria 9th
et 20:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Finland dfx
et 20:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union FG
tmf 20:00 w1 France  vs  European Union Begrip
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  Italy Inferno
tmf 20:00 o-Q Russian Federation  vs  Germany FuKa
tmf 20:00 E5 Portugal  vs  Italy !eS
qw 20:30 Kapoks European Union  vs  Germany bailOut
et 20:30 Astrum European Union  vs  Poland ankh
et 20:30 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  European Union TR`
et 20:30 uI Germany  vs  European Union eft
et 20:30 CbZ France  vs  France FM
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:00 aego Poland  vs  European Union izi
et 21:00 replay $oD French Guiana  vs  France uNhit
et 21:00 ALMIGHTY International  vs  Sweden wings
et 21:00 iNm European Union  vs  Estonia frag1
et 21:00 replay SFR Poland  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 replay San08 France  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Netherlands True
qw 21:30 [Oz3] Italy  vs  Germany eXtOO-
tmf 21:30 Geronimo Belgium  vs  Germany maz
et 21:30 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Belgium rodcAd
et 21:45 replay sMc France  vs  Spain r33f!
et 22:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 22:00 replay u|k European Union  vs  Estonia GBU
et 22:00 replay #care Germany  vs  European Union eX|
et 22:00 PIMP European Union  vs  Sweden dispo
et 23:00 replay pWs Italy  vs  European Union #addicts
et 01:00 replay |O/==:== Canada  vs  United States evil^
et 18:45 wings Sweden  vs  Estonia (@)
tmf 19:00 iGnes Belgium  vs  Finland Myst
et 20:00 replay [log] Finland  vs  Poland LP5.
tmf 20:00 kG France  vs  Germany SL
et 20:30 replay :h Poland  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:00 replay P M P Sweden  vs  European Union db
et 21:00 aego Poland  vs  Netherlands trgt
qw 21:00 e` European Union  vs  Poland dsn
et 21:00 replay re-play European Union  vs  European Union eF
et 17:15 replay nbh Finland  vs  Finland sieni
et 19:00 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Finland sieni
et 19:30 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Israel NWI
et 20:00 replay TR` European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
et 20:00 #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic RC
et 20:15 replay x| European Union  vs  Finland re+play
et 20:30 replay f2k Poland  vs  Poland invitium
tmf 20:30 iGnes Belgium  vs  Hungary S.Loeb
et 21:00 replay charism Netherlands  vs  European Union TAG
tmf 21:00 goord Slovenia  vs  Czech Republic ToMaso
et 21:00 replay sicced Germany  vs  Germany noT
et 21:00 replay 141 European Union  vs  European Union eF
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  Slovenia Skylla
qw 21:30 LOL'd Russian Federation  vs  France lsx
et 19:15 frag Czech Republic  vs  Poland About
et 20:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Netherlands uQuk
et 21:00 replay Zero European Union  vs  Belgium rodcAd
et 21:15 YouPorn France  vs  France Smc
et 21:30 RazZaH Turkey  vs  Poland skrzat
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union Epsilon
et 17:30 replay Without Poland  vs  Netherlands sW
sc 18:15 GoOdy Germany  vs  Germany Naruto
tmf 19:00 Core Belgium  vs  Belgium iGnes
et 19:15 haste European Union  vs  Poland fsm
et 20:00 replay eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic m@ss
et 20:00 cre. Germany  vs  Sweden dispo
et 20:30 replay Ev!l Netherlands  vs  European Union DT
qw 20:45 pHx European Union  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 21:00 replay Arrows Poland  vs  Poland POBOR
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  French Guiana $oD
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  France .pFk
et 22:15 haste European Union  vs  Germany dQ
tmf 22:30 maz Germany  vs  Italy Angel
et 19:15 replay RAAB Finland  vs  European Union ftc
et 19:15 NEd Poland  vs  Estonia rsozr
tmf 21:00 FRA France  vs  Italy ITA
tmf 22:00 iGne Belgium  vs  Italy Vindav
tmf 22:30 Astroman Portugal  vs  Netherlands Mattheus
et 18:15 charism Netherlands  vs  Sweden dispo
tmf 19:00 danL Croatia  vs  Germany Dundeex
et 19:00 replay epica { Estonia  vs  Estonia GBU
et 19:30 replay sarCasm European Union  vs  Poland tMoe.
et 19:30 replay pig European Union  vs  Poland is yeti
et 23:30 @eVo European Union  vs  Germany BROT
et 01:15 poutine Canada  vs  United States ?*
sc 10:00 Much Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of HoeJJa
sc 11:00 ToSky Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Goojila
sc 11:30 Midas Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of BackHo
sc 13:00 JaeDonG Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Tempest
et 16:00 alko Poland  vs  Poland voiler
et 17:00 voiler Poland  vs  Poland ooT'
et 18:00 replay RATEd Germany  vs  France sMc
et 18:00 replay darts Poland  vs  Russian Federation SCROTUM
et 18:30 replay re+play Finland  vs  European Union Kruger
tmf 18:30 L3genD Italy  vs  France rapt
tmf 19:15 drv4c Croatia  vs  Germany Chrischi
ws 19:15 dend. Sweden  vs  Norway rvg
et 19:30 Deto Netherlands  vs  Estonia frag1
et 20:00 replay Follow European Union  vs  Czech Republic Avo
et 20:00 sarCasm European Union  vs  Poland zuo
et 20:00 sicced Germany  vs  Poland pwnd
et 20:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Czech Republic infrag
et 20:00 replay European Union  vs  Finland [log]
tmf 20:00 SL Germany  vs  Italy Inferno
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  France kG
tmf 20:00 kc Germany  vs  Germany FuKa
tmf 20:00 o-Q Russian Federation  vs  Czech Republic eSuba
et 20:00 .pFk France  vs  Croatia guru
et 20:00 replay Echo Estonia  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 20:00 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union 141
tmf 20:00 B&I European Union  vs  European Union nEph
et 20:00 geCore Poland  vs  Belgium zeroE
et 20:00 replay db European Union  vs  European Union TR`
et 20:00 #nG.Tech France  vs  France @tbbe
et 20:30 Astrum European Union  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
qw 20:30 Kapoks European Union  vs  Spain tFc
et 20:30 replay mD Poland  vs  Belgium system6
et 20:30 eLemenT Germany  vs  Germany wannaB
et 20:30 e2 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic rtd'
et 20:45 Team-AoW Germany  vs  Belgium rodcAd
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union bb
et 21:00 FiFr European Union  vs  Poland aego
et 21:00 minus/ Germany  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:00 replay SFR Poland  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 h-face Spain  vs  France San08
et 21:00 Order Sweden  vs  Poland LP5
et 21:00 [R] Germany  vs  European Union izi
qw 21:00 x3 Russian Federation  vs  Germany eXtOO-
et 21:15 replay k1ck Poland  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 21:30 #mind Portugal  vs  France smarties
et 21:30 uI Germany  vs  Germany bd
et 21:30 replay GBU Estonia  vs  Spain r33f!
et 21:30 ugr European Union  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:30 IdF France  vs  Belgium wa
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union Epsilon
et 22:00 replay HB Germany  vs  International ALMIGHTY