Schedule » List » November 2011

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« October 2011 :: November 2011 :: December 2011 »
et 20:00 replay takeCTRL Poland  vs  Belgium <o/ wvl
et 20:00 replay KKpelit! Finland  vs  Belgium nov
et 20:45 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Poland tb
et 21:15 replay *** Turkey  vs  European Union inactive
et 21:15 replay krp Finland  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:15 replay BRUCE Germany  vs  Poland FpS
et 22:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland echelon
et 23:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 23:45 replay BRUCE Germany  vs  United States the best
et 23:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany
et 01:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany BRUCE
et 02:00 replay ingame Brazil  vs  United States the best
et 15:45 replay Bijemy Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 18:45 replay Z. Finland  vs  European Union [eXe]
et 21:00 replay angels Poland  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:30 replay c4 Poland  vs  India Desi
et 22:00 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Canada HI-FI
et 23:00 replay Desi India  vs  Brazil ingame
et 08:30 replay cmsfe Australia  vs  Australia xFx
et 15:15 replay monks European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 17:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland AFA
et 18:30 replay :h Poland  vs  Poland FpS
et 20:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  Poland idem
et 21:00 replay manga Japan  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 21:00 replay k1ck Estonia  vs  Germany oxid
et 21:15 replay zX.ET Germany  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:30 replay 1up European Union  vs  Finland CTN
et 21:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union deV
et 21:30 replay monks European Union  vs  European Union [eXe]
et 21:45 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Poland C^
et 22:15 replay g2p European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 23:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Germany oxid
et 01:30 replay Desi India  vs  United States the best
et 21:00 replay brw European Union  vs  Korea, Democratic People's Rep vwk
et 22:00 replay Desi India  vs  Poland FURIA
et 22:45 replay n0 Netherlands  vs  Finland Z.
et 14:45 replay lat Netherlands  vs  Poland :h
et 21:15 replay bijemy European Union  vs  Poland FpS
et 21:30 replay WCK Belgium  vs  European Union randomZ
et 22:30 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  European Union randomZ
et 12:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Australia fast5
et 14:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union is
et 16:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  Netherlands lat
et 17:30 replay Justice Finland  vs  Poland :h
et 19:00 replay <o/ wvl Belgium  vs  Estonia uD-
ql 19:30 dKsl Germany  vs  Germany reload
et 20:00 replay dT Poland  vs  Romania UF#
ql 20:00 k1llsen Germany  vs  Germany reload
et 20:15 replay dELUXE European Union  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 21:00 replay n811 Germany  vs  European Union OMG
et 21:00 replay dQ Germany  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:00 replay oxid Germany  vs  Estonia k1ck
et 21:00 replay wild Poland  vs  Czech Republic Amn
et 21:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union eA
ql 21:00 smoke Germany  vs  Germany jaysson
et 21:30 replay frog France  vs  European Union g2p
ql 21:30 R1EPA Germany  vs  Germany k1llsen
et 21:30 replay sLd Netherlands  vs  Sweden OsS
et 21:30 replay Desi India  vs  European Union dELUXE
et 22:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:00 replay HI-FI Canada  vs  European Union VorteX
et 22:30 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 23:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Netherlands n0
et 23:30 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 00:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany survive
et 12:15 replay #e` Australia  vs  Australia ~,=,^
et 17:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland FpS
et 19:30 replay Splendid European Union  vs  Germany dQ
et 20:30 replay <o/ wvl Belgium  vs  France Nyan>>
et 20:30 replay foad Poland  vs  Poland es
et 20:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Estonia PWNERS
et 20:30 prax Poland  vs  European Union Allies
et 21:00 replay evko. Poland  vs  European Union inactive
et 21:15 replay *** Turkey  vs  European Union PhReaKz
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 21:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland FpS
et 22:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  Spain bobOTs
et 22:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Germany JibJab
et 00:15 replay 3atw European Union  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 18:15 replay haxb Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 19:30 replay haxb Finland  vs  Poland :h
et 20:00 replay <o/ wvl Belgium  vs  Poland kk
et 21:00 replay Anexis Germany  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 22:30 replay dQ Germany  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 22:30 replay c4 Poland  vs  India Desi
et 23:00 replay :h Poland  vs  France hFE
et 09:00 replay fast5 Australia  vs  Australia cmsfe
et 16:15 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Finland 5/5
et 19:30 replay PB Germany  vs  Finland haxb
et 21:30 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Poland FpS
et 22:30 replay devicta European Union  vs  India Desi
et 23:00 replay PS Italy  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:00 replay ALLIANCE European Union  vs  European Union Splendid
et 14:30 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Germany JibJab
et 15:15 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Germany JibJab
et 16:30 replay Splendid European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 17:30 replay Splendid European Union  vs  European Union randomZ
et 18:00 replay pb Finland  vs  Germany Inst!nct
et 19:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany survive
tf2 20:00 Epsilon European Union  vs  Finland cc//
et 21:00 replay dQ Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Estonia k1ck
et 21:15 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland tequ
et 00:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 01:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 19:00 replay #UF Romania  vs  Poland emma
et 21:45 replay ABC European Union  vs  Korea, Democratic People's Rep vwk
et 00:00 replay ENL\F European Union  vs  Finland 5/5
et 20:00 replay wild Poland  vs  Poland tequ
et 22:00 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland 3mix
et 22:00 replay 5/5 Finland  vs  European Union monks
et 22:15 replay JibJab Germany  vs  Poland SS
et 23:30 replay 3er Poland  vs  Poland SS
et 00:00 replay 5/5 Finland  vs  Poland foad
et 15:15 replay :h Poland  vs  Germany oxid
et 15:30 replay foad Poland  vs  Finland AFA
et 16:30 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union randomZ
et 16:45 replay jR Israel  vs  Poland :h
et 17:00 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Finland 5/5
et 17:45 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Poland :h
et 18:00 replay pleiades Finland  vs  European Union a2o
et 18:00 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Germany survive
et 19:00 replay oxid Germany  vs  Croatia RiM
ql 19:00 T1E Austria  vs  Germany smoke
et 19:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Germany oxid
et 20:00 replay 1up European Union  vs  Costa Rica rffos
et 20:00 replay DRAAKJES Netherlands  vs  Poland hFE
et 20:00 replay specnaz Poland  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
ql 20:30 dKsl Germany  vs  Germany twister
et 21:00 replay g2p European Union  vs  Estonia k1ck
et 21:15 replay eNdp Poland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 21:30 replay c4 Poland  vs  Netherlands n0
et 21:30 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay sLd Netherlands  vs  Sweden a2id
ql 21:30 fogel Germany  vs  Germany R1EPA
et 21:45 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Germany dQ
et 22:00 replay frog France  vs  Germany oxid
et 22:00 replay CoS France  vs  Poland angels
et 22:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Estonia k1ck
et 22:00 replay kk Poland  vs  Czech Republic Rock4u
et 22:15 replay dELUXE European Union  vs  Poland c4
et 00:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 00:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 11:30 replay #e` Australia  vs  Australia fast5
et 14:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Finland hiT
et 16:45 replay monks European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 18:00 replay monks European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:15 replay eNdp Poland  vs  Finland 5/5
et 19:00 replay hiT Finland  vs  Poland oX`
et 19:30 replay 11VS12 European Union  vs  Spain sT
et 20:00 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  Spain delin
et 20:30 replay Anexis Germany  vs  European Union g2p
et 20:45 replay hiT Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 21:15 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  France pLow
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  European Union deV
et 22:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union g2p
et 22:15 replay hiT Finland  vs  Germany survive
et 23:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:15 replay sq Poland  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 00:30 replay Splendid European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 14:30 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Germany oxid
et 15:45 replay Splendid European Union  vs  France pLow
et 17:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France pLow
et 19:15 replay oX` Poland  vs  Poland fsm
et 19:30 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Finland 5/5
et 21:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  European Union a2o
et 22:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland quint
et 23:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  Spain sT
et 23:00 replay bv Poland  vs  Germany oxid
et 00:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany BRUCE
et 14:30 replay Sure Germany  vs  France pLow
et 19:30 replay pleiades Finland  vs  Poland oX`
et 20:00 replay CoS France  vs  European Union PhReaKz
et 21:30 replay 1up European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 22:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  European Union OMG
et 22:15 replay TALIBAN United Kingdom  vs  Germany Sure
et 23:15 replay Germany  vs  Germany SURE
et 00:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 01:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 11:30 replay xFx Australia  vs  Australia ~,=,^
et 13:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France pLow
et 18:45 replay oxid Germany  vs  United Kingdom encrypt
et 20:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany SURE
et 21:00 replay warpig Germany  vs  European Union pw5
et 21:00 replay takeCTRL Poland  vs  Poland foad
et 21:30 replay zs Poland  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 22:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 22:30 replay KKpelit! Finland  vs  Poland pocisk
et 23:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland fsm
et 00:00 replay ALLIANCE European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 00:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 02:00 replay SURE Germany  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 02:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 03:00 replay TALIBAN United Kingdom  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 04:15 replay testudo European Union  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 23:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 01:30 replay testudo European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 15:15 replay oxid Germany  vs  Finland ketut!
et 20:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 21:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union ext3
et 02:30 replay :x United States  vs  Poland FURIA
et 10:00 replay reZ/ Australia  vs  Australia ggz
et 11:00 replay FOAD Australia  vs  Australia TOG
et 11:30 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Australia #e`
et 13:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  European Union EP
et 13:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Australia xFx
et 18:15 replay th Germany  vs  Slovenia *[eXe]
et 19:00 replay |X| European Union  vs  International [!!!]
et 19:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 20:00 replay hFE France  vs  Finland thef
et 20:00 replay emma Poland  vs  Romania UF#
et 20:00 DC European Union  vs  European Union LorD
et 20:15 replay Germany  vs  Finland KolmeR
et 20:30 replay FAP European Union  vs  Poland specnaz
et 21:00 replay Desi India  vs  European Union 1up
et 21:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland evko.
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Germany oxid
et 21:00 replay Anexis Germany  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:15 replay nudE Poland  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:15 replay dQ Germany  vs  Estonia k1ck
et 21:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:30 replay krp Finland  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay epic France  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:15 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 22:15 replay Anexis Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 22:45 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Poland c4
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:00 replay Splendid European Union  vs  Belgium dr
et 00:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  United States :x
et 00:15 replay Just European Union  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 00:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  Netherlands spLd
urt 01:00 replay b'Bro. Brazil  vs  Brazil [ATDG]
et 01:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  United States :x
et 02:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 15:45 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Finland AFA
et 15:45 replay SURE Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:00 replay SURE Germany  vs  France pLow
et 18:45 replay oxid Germany  vs  Estonia Cgrs
et 20:00 replay DRAAKJES Netherlands  vs  European Union sth
et 20:30 replay evko. Poland  vs  European Union 11VS12
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  Spain delin
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 21:30 replay zs Poland  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:30 replay pLow France  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 21:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union OMG
et 23:15 replay hFE France  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 23:30 replay cre. Germany  vs  Poland RE
et 00:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Germany cre.
et 01:45 replay oxid Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 10:30 replay ~,=,^ Australia  vs  New Zealand ETBLACK
et 14:45 replay pLow France  vs  Germany SURE
et 16:30 replay pLow France  vs  Finland turbot
et 17:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Estonia (f)
et 18:30 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Finland 5/5
et 18:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union cts
et 19:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Estonia Cgrs
et 21:00 replay nudE Poland  vs  France PHA
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Poland MG
et 21:45 replay scooby Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 22:00 replay kk Poland  vs  Poland emma
et 23:00 replay RE Poland  vs  Belgium dr
et 00:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Netherlands spLd
et 00:15 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 01:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union amigos
et 14:15 replay :h Poland  vs  Estonia Cgrs
et 15:30 replay pLow France  vs  Germany bosses
et 16:30 replay :h Poland  vs  Estonia Cgrs
et 16:45 replay SURE Germany  vs  France pLow
et 18:00 replay 3soMe Poland  vs  Finland 5/5
et 18:00 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Germany UF
et 19:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  European Union randomZ
et 21:00 replay tequ Poland  vs  United States instanc3
et 21:30 replay sT Spain  vs  European Union Vind
et 21:30 replay devicta European Union  vs  Finland KKpelit
et 21:30 replay Enhanced United States  vs  European Union eA
et 22:00 replay stAt1c Puerto Rico  vs  Poland kk
et 00:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 00:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Belgium WCK
et 00:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany 010101
et 16:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  European Union eNIGMA
et 16:45 replay ext3 European Union  vs  France pLow
et 16:45 replay JibJab Germany  vs  Poland FpS
et 20:00 replay Cgrs Estonia  vs  Poland :h
et 21:00 replay OsS Sweden  vs  European Union Vind
et 21:30 replay 1up European Union  vs  European Union pw5
et 21:30 replay hAbility Israel  vs  Netherlands lat
et 22:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Germany dQ
et 22:00 replay #UF Romania  vs  Poland kk
et 23:30 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 23:45 replay RE Poland  vs  European Union Splendid
et 02:00 replay ALLIANCE European Union  vs  Germany SURE
et 15:15 replay SURE Germany  vs  France pLow
et 16:30 replay randomZ European Union  vs  France pLow
et 21:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Finland 5/5
et 21:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 22:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Poland oX`
et 23:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union 3atw
et 00:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union Splendid
et 01:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 14:45 replay blunt European Union  vs  Poland :h
et 16:15 replay eXp Finland  vs  Poland 3soMe
et 19:15 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  France hFE
et 22:45 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Belgium dr
et 23:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands lat
et 23:00 replay oxid Germany  vs  European Union ext3
et 00:00 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands lat
et 00:15 replay dr Belgium  vs  European Union Queens
et 01:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union Queens
et 11:00 replay #e` Australia  vs  Australia xFx
et 14:15 replay cts European Union  vs  Poland :h
et 15:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Finland 5/5
et 15:30 replay BAD European Union  vs  Poland 3soMe
et 16:45 replay foad Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 17:00 replay SURE Germany  vs  European Union jihad
et 17:45 replay SURE Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:00 replay hFE France  vs  Finland turbot
et 20:00 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 20:30 replay specnaz Poland  vs  Germany MyS
et 20:30 replay Amn Czech Republic  vs  Poland foad
et 20:45 replay c4 Poland  vs  Finland 5/5
et 21:00 replay g2p European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 21:00 replay 1up European Union  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 21:00 replay evko. Poland  vs  Germany bd
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  Poland FURIA
et 21:30 replay krp Finland  vs  Spain delin
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 myE United Kingdom  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:30 replay pLow France  vs  Estonia JRV
et 21:45 replay True Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:00 replay c4 Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 22:00 replay OsS Sweden  vs  European Union Vind
et 17:15 replay foad Poland  vs  Poland 3soMe
et 17:30 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 18:15 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union it-girls
et 19:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 19:30 replay foad Poland  vs  Finland 5/5
et 20:00 delin Spain  vs  Finland KolmeR
et 20:00 replay CoS France  vs  European Union 11VS12
et 20:30 replay gOG Germany  vs  Germany MyS
et 21:00 replay evko. Poland  vs  European Union PhReaKz
et 21:00 replay UF# Romania  vs  European Union Vind
et 21:00 replay epic France  vs  France PHA
et 21:30 replay krp Finland  vs  European Union eA
et 22:00 encrypt United Kingdom  vs  European Union iNm
et 22:00 replay DRAAKJES Netherlands  vs  Poland oX`
et 22:45 replay oxid Germany  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 00:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 01:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union ext3
et 16:45 replay SURE Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:15 replay r@g Finland  vs  Poland :h
et 21:00 replay iNSTINCT Germany  vs  European Union Vind
et 21:30 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Poland evko.
et 21:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany survive
et 22:00 replay g2p European Union  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 23:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Germany BRUCE
et 00:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Germany BRUCE
et 00:45 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  European Union testudo
et 01:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  United States G+
et 02:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  European Union testudo
et 15:15 replay BRUCE Germany  vs  Finland AFA
et 20:00 replay CoS France  vs  Poland foad
et 20:15 replay JRV Estonia  vs  United Kingdom Dean
et 21:15 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Poland oX`
et 21:30 replay eNIGMA European Union  vs  Poland FURIA
et 21:30 replay sT Spain  vs  European Union Vind
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 23:45 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  France hFE
et 23:45 replay wFon European Union  vs  Germany pwners!?