Schedule » List » December 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« November 2008 :: December 2008 :: January 2009 »
et 02:00 |O/==:== Canada  vs  United States ///
et 19:00 RazZaH Turkey  vs  Estonia Camparii
tmf 20:00 NorD Germany  vs  France w1
et 20:00 replay sMc France  vs  Poland fsm
et 21:00 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 21:00 aToOn Germany  vs  Poland f2k
et 21:00 141 European Union  vs  European Union TAG
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Poland dsn
et 21:00 eF European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
qw 21:00 e` European Union  vs  Germany oO
et 21:30 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 21:30 aego Poland  vs  Poland fullhold
et 21:30 Zero European Union  vs  European Union 0E
et 22:00 replay #care Germany  vs  Germany Big P
et 18:00 RAAB Finland  vs  Finland TTDet
et 18:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Finland nbh
et 20:30 izi European Union  vs  Poland mD
et 20:30 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Finland Defix
et 21:00 Slovakia  vs  Czech Republic Rc
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union Kruger
et 21:00 e2 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic AHK
et 21:30 savak Poland  vs  Poland rL
et 21:30 infrag Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 22:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union re-play
tmf 17:00 sonicr Portugal  vs  Portugal hugo
et 19:00 emo European Union  vs  Finland sieni
et 20:00 wannaB Germany  vs  Poland SLU
et 20:00 ALMIGHTY International  vs  Netherlands uQuk
et 20:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  Czech Republic nashers
et 21:00 9th Austria  vs  European Union eXcl
et 21:00 epica { Estonia  vs  Germany noT
et 21:00 sKy Poland  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:00 141 European Union  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:00 #nG.Tech France  vs  France lat/
et 21:15 liquid Germany  vs  European Union eX|
qw 21:30 dsn Poland  vs  Spain tFc
et 21:30 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  Netherlands 0E
et 21:30 replay Momentum Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:00 geCore Poland  vs  Portugal #mind
et 22:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Poland f2k
et 03:00 NEB! United States  vs  United States Enhanced
et 16:00 #kertsu Finland  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 19:00 Momentum Netherlands  vs  Netherlands charism
et 20:00 frag1 Estonia  vs  Estonia Crow
et 20:00 Ev!l Netherlands  vs  Finland hoitsut
et 20:00 replay rtd' Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic AHK
et 20:30 LP5 Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 20:30 DT European Union  vs  Italy e$
et 20:45 mD Poland  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:00 geCore Poland  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic RTD
qw 21:00 1stcav Poland  vs  Germany eXtOO-
et 21:00 POBOR Poland  vs  Poland frozen
et 21:00 invitium Poland  vs  Netherlands ilsn
tmf 17:00 iGnes Belgium  vs  Hungary S.Loeb
et 18:00 cortex Switzerland  vs  Czech Republic cry
et 21:00 8B|FiFy Belgium  vs  France epic/
tmf 21:00 Mattheus Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic ToMaso
et 15:00 Momentum Netherlands  vs  European Union I am
et 17:30 o4h Germany  vs  European Union insecure
et 18:00 replay cry Czech Republic  vs  Poland C-
tmf 19:00 Krato Netherlands  vs  Croatia drv4c
et 20:00 sarCasm European Union  vs  Spain dff
et 20:15 8b1ts|WK Germany  vs  Poland rL
tmf 21:00 Arocksum Belgium  vs  Belgium Flash
et 22:45 nSens Denmark  vs  Poland Fallen
sc 10:00 SoO Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of sKyHigh
sc 10:30 BeSt Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of EffOrt
et 16:15 cry Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 18:00 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union TAG
et 18:00 replay 0E European Union  vs  European Union db
et 18:00 replay OVERLOAd Germany  vs  Germany aToOn
et 18:00 replay re-play European Union  vs  European Union Zero
tmf 18:00 L3genD Italy  vs  France Ned
et 18:00 dESIRE France  vs  Poland f2k
tmf 18:00 Frost Sweden  vs  France Carl
et 19:00 sicced Germany  vs  Estonia GBU
et 19:15 vae European Union  vs  Germany OVERLOAd
et 19:15 re-play European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 19:15 0E European Union  vs  European Union Epsilon
et 19:15 Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union (c)
et 19:15 aToOn Germany  vs  European Union TR`
tmf 19:30 Kluhtu Russian Federation  vs  France rapt
et 19:45 dreaM Germany  vs  Estonia pigs
et 20:00 masculin Finland  vs  European Union cre8ive
et 20:00 ankh Poland  vs  Finland [log]
et 20:00 lost^ Germany  vs  European Union eXcl
tmf 20:00 NorD Germany  vs  France kG
tmf 20:00 Begrip European Union  vs  Italy Inferno
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  France w1
tmf 20:00 !eS Italy  vs  Portugal ReV
tmf 20:00 ubi France  vs  Czech Republic eSuba
et 20:00 rxf European Union  vs  Netherlands uNw
et 20:00 myt Germany  vs  European Union #Death
et 20:00 a to b Estonia  vs  European Union mx.
et 20:00 re-play European Union  vs  France dESIRE
et 20:00 vae European Union  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 20:15 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union bb
et 20:15 aToOn Germany  vs  France muse
et 20:30 rL Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 20:30 0E European Union  vs  European Union (c)
et 20:45 izi European Union  vs  Germany shenming
et 20:45 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union Epsilon
et 21:00 SaH Belgium  vs  Croatia guru
et 21:00 #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Slovakia
et 21:00 IdF France  vs  France MP
et 21:00 zen Germany  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 kakka Finland  vs  Germany 3G///
et 21:00 sicced Germany  vs  Germany|
et 21:00 LP5 Poland  vs  European Union FiFr
et 21:00 sW Netherlands  vs  Canada 3LS
et 21:00 ZOO Sweden  vs  European Union mx.
et 21:00 TAG European Union  vs  European Union db
et 21:30 GBU Estonia  vs  Portugal #mind
et 21:30 r33f! Spain  vs  France smarties
et 22:00 HB Germany  vs  Finland RAAB
et 22:00 lost^ Germany  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 22:00 izi European Union  vs  Poland Kolorowe
et 03:00 |O/==:== Canada  vs  United States NEB!
et 18:00 cry Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 20:00 turbot Finland  vs  Poland LP5
et 20:30 bd Germany  vs  Germany liquid
et 21:00 frag1 Estonia  vs  Poland aego
et 21:00 SFR Poland  vs  Slovenia sWat
et 21:00 charism Netherlands  vs  European Union db
et 21:00 replay f2k Poland  vs  Netherlands 0E
et 21:00 Follow European Union  vs  Belgium Naked
qw 21:00 eXtOO- Germany  vs  Italy [Oz3]
sc 21:00 Dreiven Poland  vs  Ukraine White-Ra
tmf 22:00 maz Germany  vs  Portugal sonicr
qw 22:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Spain
ws 22:30 swine Germany  vs  Portugal cotto
et 03:00 :+: United States  vs  United States *Evil*
et 19:15 nSens Denmark  vs  Sweden dispo
et 20:00 eXcl European Union  vs  Germany 3G///
et 20:00 replay 141 European Union  vs  Finland vital
et 20:00 glitz Estonia  vs  European Union exo
et 20:00 Titanz European Union  vs  Finland hunting4
et 20:30 @eVo European Union  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 20:30 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic avonet.e
et 20:30 Slovakia  vs  Czech Republic bb
qw 21:00 e` European Union  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 21:15 vital Finland  vs  Croatia guru
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:30 replay one4one European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
et 21:30 mD Poland  vs  Germany zen
et 22:30 masculin Finland  vs  Poland darts
et 03:30 NET United States  vs  United States Enhanced
et 20:00 sTrz International  vs  France sMc
qw 20:30 xPeu France  vs  European Union pHx
et 21:00 replay SFR Poland  vs  Netherlands PUR3
et 21:00 LP5 Poland  vs  European Union o6
et 21:00 $oD French Guiana  vs  Germany minus/
et 21:00 8B|FiFr European Union  vs  European Union TEAMRV
et 22:00 #kertsu Finland  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 03:30 xf United States  vs  Canada poutine
qw 03:30 h' United States  vs  United States JerK|
et 17:00 Without Poland  vs  Canada 3LS
et 20:30 [*EU*] European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:45 izi European Union  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:00 rL Poland  vs  Germany 3G///
et 21:00 h-face Spain  vs  France six
et 21:00 uI Germany  vs  Germany liquid
et 21:00 cry Czech Republic  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 22:30 Hoi! Belgium  vs  Slovenia sWat
et 23:45 replay cc5`a American Samoa  vs  Antigua and Barbuda cc5`A
qw 04:00 *F8* United States  vs  United States xR|
et 09:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  France muse
et 10:45 replay vae European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 11:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union TR`
et 11:30 replay muse France  vs  European Union (c)
et 12:30 replay muse France  vs  European Union TR`
et 12:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union (c)
et 12:45 vae European Union  vs  France dESIRE
et 14:00 replay TR` European Union  vs  European Union (c)
et 14:30 replay charism Netherlands  vs  France dESIRE
et 14:45 replay PolagZ Poland  vs  Netherlands True
et 16:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  France dESIRE
et 16:45 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Germany aToOn
et 17:45 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Poland PolagZ
et 17:45 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Netherlands True
et 18:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 19:15 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Netherlands True
et 19:15 replay PolagZ Poland  vs  Germany aToOn
et 20:15 replay vae European Union  vs  European Union TAG
cs 21:00 AWARD Poland  vs  Sweden tcM
et 21:15 guru Croatia  vs  France BSC
et 21:15 dL Croatia  vs  European Union IG
et 21:15 replay OVERLOAd Germany  vs  European Union eF
et 21:30 replay re-play European Union  vs  European Union Zero
et 21:30 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 22:00 replay 0E European Union  vs  European Union db
et 22:45 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  Germany OVERLOAd
et 22:45 replay eF European Union  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 23:45 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union Zero
et 23:45 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union db
et 00:00 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  European Union eF
et 00:00 replay OVERLOAd Germany  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 01:15 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union re-play
et 01:15 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union 0E
cs 10:00 YDK Germany  vs  Germany myRuSh
cs 10:00 Tera Germany  vs  Germany a-L
cs 10:00 snook Germany  vs  Germany TNG
cs 10:00 ESC Germany  vs  Germany pod
et 10:00 replay muse France  vs  Poland PolagZ
et 10:15 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union TAG
et 10:15 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 12:00 replay PolagZ Poland  vs  European Union re-play
et 12:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union 0E
et 12:45 replay Zero European Union  vs  France dESIRE
et 13:45 replay 0E European Union  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 14:00 replay vae European Union  vs  European Union Epsilon
et 14:30 replay muse France  vs  European Union re-play
et 15:30 replay db European Union  vs  European Union TR`
et 16:00 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union 0E
et 17:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Poland PolagZ
et 18:00 rxf European Union  vs  Czech Republic cry
et 18:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union bb
tmf 19:00 TJ Netherlands  vs  Germany Dundeex
et 19:00 dL Croatia  vs  Poland ankh
et 19:45 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 20:15 replay (c) European Union  vs  Germany OVERLOAd
et 20:45 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union 0E
et 21:00 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Poland rL
tmf 21:15 iGne Belgium  vs  Belgium Flash
et 22:30 replay vae European Union  vs  Poland PolagZ
et 22:30 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 00:00 replay True Netherlands  vs  European Union db
et 00:30 replay charism Netherlands  vs  Germany aToOn
et 00:30 replay PolagZ Poland  vs  United Kingdom Impact
sc 10:00 Bisu Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of HoeJJa
et 10:15 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union Epsilon
sc 10:30 Nal_Rock Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Flash
et 10:30 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Netherlands True
et 11:45 replay dESIRE France  vs  Germany aToOn
et 12:15 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 14:00 rxf European Union  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 14:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 15:00 replay Epsilon European Union  vs  European Union bb
et 18:00 cry Czech Republic  vs  Poland curseG
et 19:00 exe Poland  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 19:00 bmg Belgium  vs  Poland LP5
et 20:00 sarCasm European Union  vs  European Union rxf
et 20:00 mD Poland  vs  Poland invitium
tmf 20:00 Begrip European Union  vs  Germany SL
tmf 20:00 kG France  vs  France w1
tf2 20:00 nExis Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic cvlb
et 20:00 glitz Estonia  vs  Croatia guru
tmf 20:30 IUC Slovakia  vs  Germany kc
et 21:00 VPL Ireland  vs  European Union #Death
et 21:00 DoE United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom TG
et 21:00 wannaB Germany  vs  Poland exe
et 21:00 e2 Czech Republic  vs  Germany sicced
cs 21:00 SK Sweden  vs  Norway Excello
et 21:00 rtd' Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic uw
et 21:00 kakka Finland  vs  France NiTroZ |
et 21:15 sWat Slovenia  vs  European Union 0E
et 21:30 PdL France  vs  France Alsace
et 22:00 IdF France  vs  Canada QC
et 22:00 I am European Union  vs  European Union jrp
et 03:00 |O/==:== Canada  vs  Canada DANKE
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  Germany NorD
et 20:45 Astrum European Union  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:00 replay savak Poland  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:00 Arrows Poland  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 21:00 replay hd4 Italy  vs  France sMc
qw 21:15 bailOut Germany  vs  Germany eXtOO-
et 21:15 replay I am European Union  vs  European Union UNX|
et 21:30 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Germany 1TY
et 20:00 replay vital Finland  vs  Estonia glitz
et 20:00 mV European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 20:30 replay nAk Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic rtd'
et 20:30 replay u35 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic avonet.e
et 20:30 fsm Poland  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 21:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Poland eXert
et 21:15 replay sMc France  vs  Poland rL
et 21:15 replay eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Germany 3G///
et 21:15 [*EU*] European Union  vs  Ireland VPL
et 21:30 Alsace France  vs  France Lor
et 22:30 geCore Poland  vs  France FaMaS
cs 19:00 GamePlay Finland  vs  Norway Excello
cs 20:00 Excello Norway  vs  Spain wtm
et 20:30 u35 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic iR
tf2 20:30 cvlb Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic [PW]
ws 20:30 cb Sweden  vs  Germany cb
et 21:00 h-face Spain  vs  Poland SFR
cs 21:00 faculty Germany  vs  France aAa
et 21:00 cry Czech Republic  vs  Austria 9th
et 21:15 fullhold Poland  vs  Germany 3G///
et 21:15 trZ France  vs  France sMc
et 21:45 pinpals Spain  vs  European Union TAG
css 22:00 execute Spain  vs  Spain N2Ku |
et 03:00 replay xf United States  vs  United States Enhanced
qw 03:30 *F8* United States  vs  United States h'
et 20:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Germany cre.
et 20:00 replay vital Finland  vs  European Union exo
et 20:00 sMc France  vs  Estonia glitz
tf2 20:00 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic nExis
et 20:15 replay tears European Union  vs  European Union alvi
cs 21:00 Denmark  vs  Poland Senatus
cs 21:00 emuLate France  vs  Denmark dakarma
et 21:00 replay geCore Poland  vs  Poland SFR
qw 21:00 pHx European Union  vs  Germany eXtOO-
tf2 21:00 4K^ European Union  vs  United Kingdom TCM|
et 22:15 replay Hoi! Belgium  vs  Belgium bmg
qw 03:30 *F8* United States  vs  United States h'
et 20:00 replay mV European Union  vs  Poland Kolorowe
et 14:00 Without Poland  vs  European Union xD!
tmf 18:00 Dundeex Germany  vs  Croatia drv4c
et 19:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland team32
et 19:00 Inside France  vs  France Manchots
tmf 19:45 TJ Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Krato
tmf 20:30 iGnes Belgium  vs  Belgium Flash
et 20:30 replay wkndmx European Union  vs  European Union iNC
et 21:45 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Denmark nSens
et 23:00 replay jrp European Union  vs  European Union BS
et 23:15 mix European Union  vs  European Union Useless
et 23:30 Manchots France  vs  France @Friends
et 00:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Germany .iNFi
et 00:15 replay jrp European Union  vs  European Union mV
et 00:45 replay True Netherlands  vs  Estonia punkd
et 02:00 replay .iNFi Germany  vs  Estonia punkd
et 02:30 replay HB Germany  vs  Germany .iNFi
et 17:30 re+play Finland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 18:00 replay Harju Estonia  vs  Estonia
et 18:30 rxf European Union  vs  United Kingdom DoE
et 19:00 replay mD Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 19:00 replay Tartu Estonia  vs  Estonia
et 19:00 (x) Germany  vs  Germany #care
qw 19:45 dsn Poland  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 19:45 sicced Germany  vs  European Union Useless
et 20:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  United States >>
et 20:00 replay Harju Estonia  vs  Estonia Tartu
et 20:00 mTech European Union  vs  United Kingdom DoE
et 20:00 replay cornu Netherlands  vs  Netherlands uNw
et 20:00 replay rxf European Union  vs  Poland zuo
et 20:00 RAAB Finland  vs  Poland Kolorowe
et 20:00 kakka Finland  vs  Czech Republic avonet.e
et 20:30 dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland aego
et 20:45 replay izi European Union  vs  Poland Arrows
et 21:00 replay eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic 68
et 21:00 exe Poland  vs  Czech Republic rtd'
et 21:00 asusual Germany  vs  France sMc
et 21:00 Kolorowe Poland  vs  Germany cre.
qw 21:00 eXtOO- Germany  vs  European Union pHx
et 21:30 replay LP5 Poland  vs  Poland eXert
qw 21:30 xPeu France  vs  Germany bailOut
et 22:00 replay izi European Union  vs  France BSC
cs 22:00 Virtus Russian Federation  vs  Spain x6tence
et 22:00 replay POBOR Poland  vs  Poland fullhold
qw 22:00 dsn Poland  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 22:00 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union vae
et 22:00 Hoi! Belgium  vs  Poland SLU
et 22:15 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  European Union I am
ws 23:00 cotto Portugal  vs  Switzerland shihan
et 23:15 Hoi! Belgium  vs  United Kingdom TG
et 16:15 darts Poland  vs  Estonia Att
tmf 17:00 iGne Belgium  vs  Hungary S.Loeb
et 19:45 iR Czech Republic  vs  Poland darts
tf2 20:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic [CZetaX]
ws 20:00 reload Germany  vs  Germany loxer
et 20:00 replay TH Hungary  vs  Hungary TH
et 20:00 replay 68 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic infrag
et 20:45 - MFT France  vs  France ET44
et 21:00 h-face Spain  vs  Poland aego
et 21:00 replay fNtx Poland  vs  Italy hd4
et 21:00 replay ancylop Israel  vs  Poland myR|SFR
et 21:00 replay wkndmx European Union  vs  Germany aToOn
qw 21:15 pHx European Union  vs  Russian Federation LOL'd
et 21:15 CbZ France  vs  Ireland VPL
et 22:00 replay wannaB Germany  vs  Germany 1TY
et 22:00 replay LP5 Poland  vs  European Union TEAMRV
et 22:45 e$ Italy  vs  European Union fuzion
et 01:15 --- Afghanistan  vs  European Union nkNn
sc 02:00 br/ Spain  vs  Argentina bj.
sc 05:45 mu* United Kingdom  vs  Mexico amD
et 17:30 roze European Union  vs  Denmark nSens
sc 18:00 mu* United Kingdom  vs  Argentina bj.
et 18:45 replay HB Germany  vs  Finland RAAB
tf2 20:00 [CZetaX] Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic [CZetaX]
et 20:00 replay mV European Union  vs  Finland TTDet
et 20:30 xD! Poland  vs  Austria Roms.
et 21:30 replay sKy Poland  vs  Poland exe
et 22:00 ShiTd France  vs  France Mix >
et 22:00 Squad ee Estonia  vs  Finland Defix
et 22:15 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Finland Matias
et 22:30 epicm Azerbaijan  vs  European Union tBa
et 01:15 replay se Sweden  vs  European Union DOMI
et 22:15 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  Finland 69
et 01:00 replay Defix Finland  vs  China kucing
et 15:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  United Kingdom TG
et 19:45 dispo Sweden  vs  European Union tba
et 20:30 replay mV European Union  vs  European Union OGCJM
et 01:45 replay HB Germany  vs  Bolivia MOB
et 02:15 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Finland Defix
et 17:00 replay Defix Finland  vs  Germany FBA
et 18:15 Hl European Union  vs  France CbZ
et 20:30 replay !xD Poland  vs  Italy LEX.
et 21:30 talent European Union  vs  Poland :h
et 22:00 Pomorze Poland  vs  Poland Own3d
et 00:00 replay alvi European Union  vs  Poland exe
et 18:45 ShiTd France  vs  Japan Possessd
wc3 16:00 Myth Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of WhO
et 16:30 AoW Germany  vs  European Union needle
et 18:15 141 European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 18:30 rxf European Union  vs  United Kingdom DoE
et 19:45 replay fsm Poland  vs  European Union OGCJM
et 20:00 imp-> European Union  vs  European Union
et 20:00 cornu Netherlands  vs  Poland oY
et 20:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Germany maGic 6
et 20:00 cre. Germany  vs  European Union TTDET
et 20:30 replay mD Poland  vs  France San08
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
tf2 21:00 TCM| United Kingdom  vs  Sweden [FADER]
et 21:00 replay sicced Germany  vs  Spain oLe!
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Austria 9th
et 21:30 sOd. Poland  vs  Poland !xD
et 21:30 Jews Estonia  vs  Denmark nSens
et 00:45 AoW Germany  vs  Finland Somput
wc3 12:00 Check Korea, Republic of  vs  Spain LucifroN
et 18:45 bimbos Germany  vs  Finland re+play
et 19:30 mAg. Poland  vs  Poland 3er
et 20:30 mD Poland  vs  Estonia Squad ee
et 20:45 tMoe. Poland  vs  Poland Just
et 21:00 replay Arrows Poland  vs  Poland aego
et 21:00 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  France San08
et 21:30 replay limited Croatia  vs  European Union mek
et 22:00 replay LP5 Poland  vs  Poland exe
et 22:00 Pomorze Poland  vs  Poland hopla
et 23:00 replay rY Germany  vs  Germany Minus
et 02:30 bitnsens European Union  vs  Denmark nV
et 17:15 replay exe Poland  vs  Poland darts
et 17:45 replay pigs Estonia  vs  European Union min
et 19:30 replay pigs Estonia  vs  Estonia iNCOG
et 21:00 replay savak Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 21:00 aego Poland  vs  Poland POBOR
et 21:30 replay Pomorze Poland  vs  Poland Own3d
et 22:00 replay Jump Turkey  vs  Poland :h
et 22:30 replay WLT Finland  vs  European Union (c)
et 00:45 replay AoW Germany  vs  Estonia pigs
et 15:00 :h Poland  vs  Sweden dispo
et 18:00 replay Defix Finland  vs  United Kingdom TG