Schedule » List » December 2012

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« November 2012 :: December 2012 :: January 2013 »
lol 01:00 Crs EU European Union  vs  United States CLG
lol 01:00 TPA Taiwan, Province of China  vs  European Union FnaticRC
et 01:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Russian Federation mR
lol 04:00 M5 Russian Federation  vs  United States Meat
lol 04:00 TSM United States  vs  Korea, Republic of Azubu
et 16:15 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Germany HB
lol 19:00 Crs NA United States  vs  European Union Crs EU
lol 19:00 TPA Taiwan, Province of China  vs  Singapore SGS
sms 19:00 Epsilon United States  vs  United States SK
sc2 19:00 HerO Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Sniper
sc2 19:00 Sleep Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of BBoong
sc2 19:00 TheStC Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of DRG
sc2 19:00 Creator Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Bomber
et 19:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Estonia 1337
et 19:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland LS
et 20:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Poland w1lko
sms 20:00 Colwn France  vs  United States SpinMove
et 20:15 replay TECHNO Finland  vs  Estonia 1337
sms 21:00 SK United States  vs  United States SpinMove
et 21:00 replay party European Union  vs  Poland OfkoZz
et 21:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland eX
et 21:15 replay s6 Canada  vs  Estonia 1337
lol 22:00 Team WE China  vs  European Union CLG.EU
lol 22:00 CLG United States  vs  European Union FnaticRC
sms 22:00 Colwn France  vs  United States Epsilon
et 22:15 replay eX Poland  vs  Poland sm
et 22:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
sms 23:00 Epsilon United States  vs  United States SpinMove
sms 00:00 Colwn France  vs  United States SK
et 00:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland boozers
et 00:45 replay sh Poland  vs  Poland sm
sms 01:00 Fnatic Netherlands  vs  United States compLex
lol 01:00 M5 Russian Federation  vs  Korea, Republic of Azubu
lol 01:00 Crs NA United States  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
sms 02:00 TCM Sweden  vs  United States compLex
et 02:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland boozers
sms 03:00 TCM Sweden  vs  United States PlanetXp
sms 04:00 compLex United States  vs  United States PlanetXp
lol 04:00 CLG.EU European Union  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
sms 05:00 Fnatic Netherlands  vs  Sweden TCM
sms 06:00 Fnatic Netherlands  vs  United States PlanetXp
et 17:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 18:30 replay LS Poland  vs  European Union revealed
lol 19:00 M5 Russian Federation  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
lol 19:00 Team WE China  vs  European Union FnaticRC
et 19:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  United Kingdom STaZ
sc2 19:00 Polt Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Bomber
et 19:30 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Poland SWK
et 20:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Germany PMCG
et 20:00 replay #gTh Germany  vs  France FOREVER
et 20:00 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  European Union .eXe
sms 20:15 Colwn France  vs  United States PlanetXp
et 21:00 replay enhanced European Union  vs  Finland Z.
rtcw 21:00 one United Kingdom  vs  Germany Highbot
et 21:00 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  Poland boozers
sc2 21:00 viOLet Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Leenock
urt 21:00 )O,O( European Union  vs  Sweden dyNasty
et 21:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 21:15 replay loca France  vs  European Union bSTURZ
sms 21:15 FnaticRC Netherlands  vs  United States SK
et 21:15 replay SWK Poland  vs  Poland x7
urt 22:00 -21- Poland  vs  United States -nS|
lol 22:00 FnaticRC European Union  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
et 22:00 replay LS Poland  vs  Germany iNSTINCT
rtcw 22:15 cave Hungary  vs  Netherlands |K|
et 22:15 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Finland Pallot
rtcw 23:00 n0 Netherlands  vs  United States radd
et 23:00 replay 1337 Estonia  vs  Finland Pallot
sms 23:45 FnaticRC Netherlands  vs  France Colwn
lol 01:00 Team WE China  vs  European Union FnaticRC
et 18:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 20:00 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Poland dT
et 20:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland x7
et 20:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 21:15 replay rfx France  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
urt 21:30 <KoS> France  vs  Germany =SC=
et 21:30 replay dT Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 21:30 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 21:30 replay mR Russian Federation  vs  United Kingdom OoW
rtcw 22:15 mort6s European Union  vs  Hungary cave
et 22:15 replay rfx France  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 22:45 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Romania sample
et 23:00 replay bv Poland  vs  Poland dT
et 23:00 replay party European Union  vs  European Union SB
et 19:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 20:00 kAUBY Germany  vs  Poland toornax
et 20:00 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland sm
sms 22:30 TCM Sweden  vs  Portugal k1ck
et 22:30 replay it-girls European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
sms 23:15 OG LoL France  vs  France OG Dota2
et 00:15 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 17:00 replay revealed European Union  vs  Poland echoes
et 18:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland echoes
et 20:45 replay lat Netherlands  vs  Poland sm
tf2 21:15 cc// Finland  vs  European Union EES
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:30 replay party European Union  vs  European Union a2b
et 23:00 replay RD European Union  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 18:15 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland echoes
et 19:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Liechtenstein C!
urt 21:30 glory. European Union  vs  Germany =SC=
et 21:45 replay sm Poland  vs  United Kingdom OoW
rtcw 22:00 raw European Union  vs  Netherlands .@:
et 22:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Finland exist*
et 18:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  France rfx
et 19:15 replay Ly.M Andorra  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 20:30 replay OfkoZz Poland  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 20:30 replay revealed European Union  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 20:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Andorra Ly.M
et 22:00 replay Doc!? Germany  vs  France FOREVER
et 22:00 replay party European Union  vs  Poland takeCTRL
et 23:15 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union revealed
et 23:30 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  European Union .eXe
et 15:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 19:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  United Kingdom STaZ
et 21:00 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Romania prologic
et 21:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland jeppis
et 22:30 replay ketut! Finland  vs  European Union it-girls
et 22:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Germany pD|
et 23:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 00:30 replay supski European Union  vs  France rfx
et 02:15 replay supski European Union  vs  France rfx
et 03:45 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  Germany pD|
et 13:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union deV
et 15:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 16:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 18:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:30 replay echoes Poland  vs  International optiC
et 19:00 replay Diamond European Union  vs  Poland h00l
et 19:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Germany pD|
et 20:00 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Romania prologic
rtcw 21:00 |K| Netherlands  vs  Germany PMCG
urt 21:00 <KoS> France  vs  Poland GT|
et 21:00 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland OfkoZz
et 21:15 replay party European Union  vs  European Union mAlibu
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Poland :h
rtcw 21:30 oP European Union  vs  Netherlands |K|
rtcw 22:00 n0 Netherlands  vs  United States tehbirdz
et 22:15 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Poland bacardi
et 22:15 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 22:30 replay party European Union  vs  Czech Republic fps
rtcw 23:00 mort6s European Union  vs  Germany PMCG
et 23:45 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  European Union TAG
et 00:30 replay ink Finland  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 19:15 replay x7 Poland  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 19:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland wiSe
et 20:00 replay kurwittu Finland  vs  United Kingdom r'
et 20:45 replay revealed European Union  vs  Poland sh
et 21:00 replay e: Netherlands  vs  Finland krp
et 21:00 replay OfkoZz Poland  vs  European Union pressP_
rtcw 21:00 raw European Union  vs  Sweden KiH
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  European Union mAlibu
et 22:30 replay IYA European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 22:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 14:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  France euphon
et 19:00 replay TECHNO Finland  vs  European Union unk
et 19:45 replay LS Poland  vs  Poland SWK
et 20:30 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:00 replay devilry Poland  vs  European Union kingz
et 22:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 00:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland bv
et 17:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 19:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  United States the best
et 20:45 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland sm
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 23:45 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Finland r@g
urt 21:00 Red*Army Russian Federation  vs  Germany =vSC=
et 21:45 replay rfx France  vs  European Union unk
et 23:00 replay FaMaS France  vs  Poland devilry
et 23:15 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 03:15 replay @@ Poland  vs  Estonia 1337
et 20:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 20:30 replay ib Finland  vs  Finland >mehu<
et 22:30 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  European Union .eXe
et 23:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 00:15 replay rfx France  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 01:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
et 17:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Germany kAUBY
et 20:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland com
et 21:30 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:30 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  France rfx
et 22:15 replay optiC International  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 23:00 replay optiC International  vs  Poland bacardi
et 23:45 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Brazil fruits
et 00:30 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Poland bacardi
et 02:15 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 03:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 06:30 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Brazil ingame
ql 12:00 Cypher Belarus  vs  China Jibo
ql 12:30 vo0 Netherlands  vs  Sweden tox
ql 13:15 Cypher Belarus  vs  Netherlands vo0
ql 14:00 tox Sweden  vs  China Jibo
ql 14:45 vo0 Netherlands  vs  China Jibo
ql 15:15 Cypher Belarus  vs  Sweden tox
ql 15:45 av3k Poland  vs  Austria noctis
ql 16:15 coolleR Russian Federation  vs  Italy stermy
ql 17:00 stermy Italy  vs  Poland av3k
ql 17:45 noctis Austria  vs  Russian Federation coolleR
ql 18:15 noctis Austria  vs  Italy stermy
ql 18:30 av3k Poland  vs  Russian Federation coolleR
ql 19:15 Cypher Belarus  vs  Poland av3k
ql 20:00 tox Sweden  vs  Austria noctis
et 20:15 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  European Union .eXe
et 20:30 replay dNAW Hungary  vs  Hungary woRship
rtcw 21:00 radd United States  vs  United States St
ql 21:00 tox Sweden  vs  Poland av3k
et 21:00 replay guffy Poland  vs  Poland ridji
et 21:15 replay krp Finland  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  European Union PP
urt 21:30 fk. France  vs  United States wip.
et 22:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 22:15 replay 3atw European Union  vs  European Union dualii
rtcw 22:30 KiH Sweden  vs  Netherlands .@:
et 22:30 replay rfx France  vs  Brazil ingame
et 23:15 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 23:15 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 00:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 01:30 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 02:00 replay [ILLMT] Chile  vs  Chile [MSNS]
et 14:30 replay quaco European Union  vs  France euphon
et 15:15 replay boozers Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 17:15 replay ketut! Finland  vs  France rfx
urt 21:00 =SC= Germany  vs  Italy .aCe.
rtcw 21:00 cave Hungary  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  Poland prove!t
et 22:00 replay IYA European Union  vs  Poland devilry
et 22:45 replay h00l Poland  vs  Poland .com
et 22:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union #no1-JKR
et 23:15 replay ketut! Finland  vs  European Union dualii
et 00:00 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:00 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union dualii
et 01:00 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  Netherlands inS
et 01:45 replay dualii European Union  vs  Poland dT
et 12:45 replay ib Finland  vs  Finland +mir
et 14:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  Finland ib
et 15:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland +mir
et 16:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland +mir
et 16:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Brazil ingame
et 19:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 20:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland dT
et 21:45 replay dT Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 22:00 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 19:15 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Poland dT
et 20:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland .com
urt 21:30 glory. European Union  vs  Poland GT|
et 21:45 replay supski European Union  vs  France rfx
et 21:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Croatia RiM
et 22:00 replay sm Poland  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 23:00 replay CT Poland  vs  Slovenia *[eXe]
et 23:45 replay |/] European Union  vs  Poland dT
et 00:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Gabon 21
et 00:30 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Poland com
et 00:45 replay |/] European Union  vs  United States the best
et 13:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland CT
et 14:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:30 replay bbb Finland  vs  France euphon
et 16:30 replay dnw Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 17:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 18:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 18:15 replay unk European Union  vs  Germany BRUCE
et 19:00 replay Bizon European Union  vs  Poland h00l
et 19:15 replay ingame Brazil  vs  European Union zeh
et 20:00 allicze Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic allired
rtcw 21:00 xei European Union  vs  Sweden KiH
et 21:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Italy ?
et 21:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:45 replay prove!t Poland  vs  Poland CT
et 22:00 replay ae Netherlands  vs  European Union dualii
et 22:15 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  Italy ?
et 23:15 replay dualii European Union  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 23:30 replay unk European Union  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 00:00 replay HQ` Poland  vs  European Union dualii
et 00:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Netherlands cabt
et 01:45 replay CT Poland  vs  Brazil ingame
et 03:15 replay @@ Poland  vs  Brazil ingame
et 14:30 replay euphon France  vs  Poland dT
et 15:45 replay ae Netherlands  vs  Finland ketut!
et 17:30 replay dT Poland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 18:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  Germany BRUCE
et 19:30 replay mR Russian Federation  vs  Poland HQ
et 19:45 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union dualii
et 20:15 replay HQ Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Belgium qE
et 21:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union dualii
et 22:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 22:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  France CbZ
et 23:00 replay tB Finland  vs  Poland CT
et 23:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland PS
et 23:45 replay darts Poland  vs  Gabon 21
et 00:00 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Belgium qE
et 01:15 replay cu European Union  vs  Poland CT
et 02:00 replay OoW United Kingdom  vs  Belgium qE
et 15:30 replay dT Poland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 16:00 replay revealed European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 17:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 20:00 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 21:00 replay deli Belgium  vs  Brazil [mX]
et 21:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union pressP_
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 22:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 23:00 replay revealed European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 23:30 replay PP European Union  vs  Belgium qE
et 00:15 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:15 replay fps Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 01:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 16:30 replay dT Poland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 17:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 18:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 19:30 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 19:45 replay jg Poland  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 21:00 replay kingz European Union  vs  Poland devilry
et 21:00 replay RVIDXR Netherlands  vs  European Union pressP_
et 21:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 22:00 replay :h Poland  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:00 replay Ash El Salvador  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 22:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland CT
et 22:45 replay mR Russian Federation  vs  Poland bacardi
rtcw 22:45 fu European Union  vs  Sweden KiH
et 23:15 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Poland CT
et 23:15 replay rfx France  vs  European Union party
rtcw 23:45 KiH Sweden  vs  European Union raw
et 00:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:15 replay jg Poland  vs  Poland PS
et 01:15 replay optiC International  vs  Poland bacardi
et 02:45 replay com Poland  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 20:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:30 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Poland PS
et 15:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union dualii
et 16:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland ketut!
et 17:30 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Poland PS
et 19:00 replay dOCTER Jamaica  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  International optiC
et 20:30 replay FOREVER France  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:00 replay mR Russian Federation  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 21:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 22:00 replay bbb Finland  vs  International optiC
et 22:15 replay FOREVER France  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 22:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Brazil ingame
et 23:00 replay mR Russian Federation  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 23:45 replay optiC International  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:30 replay PP European Union  vs  United Kingdom OoW
et 01:15 replay ae Netherlands  vs  European Union OR'
et 17:45 replay lh Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 18:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  International optiC
et 19:00 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 20:15 replay lh Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay rfx France  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:45 replay revealed European Union  vs  Poland lh
et 22:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  France hFE
et 22:15 replay b2k Poland  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 22:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Belgium qE
et 22:45 replay rfx France  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 23:30 replay lh Poland  vs  International optiC
et 00:15 replay qE Belgium  vs  United Kingdom NOISiA
et 02:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Finland bbb
et 02:15 replay qE Belgium  vs  United Kingdom NOISiA
et 03:00 replay cabt Netherlands  vs  United States TITS
et 14:45 replay ingame Brazil  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 15:30 replay ingame Brazil  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 16:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 16:30 replay is European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 17:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 18:45 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  Brazil ingame
et 19:00 replay fap Poland  vs  European Union pressP_
et 20:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Czech Republic allicze
et 20:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union NooBody
et 21:30 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  Poland v57
et 21:30 replay party European Union  vs  European Union PP
et 21:30 replay d.b European Union  vs  European Union NooBody
et 21:30 replay rfx France  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 22:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union d.b
et 22:45 replay hi2u France  vs  International optiC
et 22:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 23:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 23:30 replay ingame Brazil  vs  European Union .eXe
et 23:45 replay b2k Poland  vs  Russian Federation mR
et 00:30 replay hi2u France  vs  Finland bbb
et 01:00 replay TITS United States  vs  Brazil ingame
et 01:45 replay optiC International  vs  Finland bbb
et 17:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:00 replay hi2u France  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:00 replay dawgs European Union  vs  Brazil ingame
et 20:15 replay ingame Brazil  vs  European Union dawgs
et 21:00 replay fap Poland  vs  Belgium qE
et 21:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland b2k
et 23:15 replay is European Union  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 23:30 replay rfx France  vs  Brazil ingame
et 23:45 replay qE Belgium  vs  France FOREVER
et 00:15 replay lh Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:15 replay optiC International  vs  Poland b2k
et 17:00 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  European Union noname
et 17:45 replay gb. United States  vs  Brazil ingame
et 19:30 replay tog European Union  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 19:45 replay d.b European Union  vs  European Union is
et 20:00 replay Broot France  vs  Brazil ingame
et 21:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Belgium deli
et 21:00 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:00 replay d.b European Union  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 21:30 replay qE Belgium  vs  France FOREVER
et 22:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Gabon 21
et 23:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Poland dT
et 00:15 replay rfx France  vs  European Union .eXe
et 00:15 replay qE Belgium  vs  United States TITS
et 00:45 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Finland bbb
et 01:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union NooBody
et 17:15 replay d.b European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 19:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 20:00 replay #gTh Germany  vs  Poland h00l
et 21:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  Poland prove!t
et 21:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  France omoa
et 21:00 replay revealed European Union  vs  Poland UnC
rtcw 21:00 bully Netherlands  vs  Estonia Night
et 22:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic allicze
et 22:15 replay party European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
rtcw 22:15 cave Hungary  vs  European Union badazz
et 23:30 replay qE Belgium  vs  Czech Republic fps
et 00:00 replay r@g Finland  vs  Brazil ingame
et 02:45 replay qE Belgium  vs  Finland r@g
et 04:15 replay qE Belgium  vs  Brazil ingame