Schedule » List » March 2011

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« February 2011 :: March 2011 :: April 2011 »
et 16:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland POBOR
et 20:30 replay #UF Romania  vs  France ET4
et 21:00 replay fellow3z European Union  vs  Germany 9th
et 22:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  Denmark VIP
et 22:30 replay POL Poland  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 19:30 replay LCP Poland  vs  Poland ns#
et 20:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 20:15 replay oxid Germany  vs  European Union ext3
et 21:00 replay Pistols Russian Federation  vs  France trZ
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union eA
et 21:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Germany SL
et 21:30 replay 1.DE Germany  vs  Estonia 1.EE
et 22:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Germany lost^
et 18:45 replay waffles European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 20:00 replay jg Finland  vs  Italy e$
et 20:00 replay fA.ET Poland  vs  European Union yG'
et 20:00 replay oxid Germany  vs  Estonia aToOn
et 20:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:00 replay iNtakE. European Union  vs  European Union LLC
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay Vip Italy  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay Pistols Russian Federation  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 21:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union PP *
et 21:15 replay PANDAS European Union  vs  Czech Republic doG]
et 21:30 replay TRSKa Finland  vs  Italy e$
et 22:15 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 22:30 replay sona European Union  vs  France sticked
et 19:15 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic #gs
et 19:30 replay #UF Romania  vs  Romania DMG
et 21:00 replay ink Finland  vs  European Union Queens
et 17:30 replay K3 Netherlands  vs  Iceland ICE
et 18:00 replay o`eSport Poland  vs  United States EXP
et 21:00 replay l4z Poland  vs  Poland Kamyk xD
et 21:00 replay base Netherlands  vs  Finland random
et 22:15 replay dNb * European Union  vs  South Africa Racist
et 23:15 replay bBOTz Poland  vs  Poland bv
et 14:00 replay bBOTz Poland  vs  Netherlands K3
et 15:00 replay 8===D Germany  vs  Poland bv
et 15:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 16:15 replay 8===D Germany  vs  Netherlands K3
et 17:00 replay #sfe-et European Union  vs  European Union aes
et 17:30 replay K3 Netherlands  vs  Finland Team-Ps
et 18:00 replay wb France  vs  Romania #UF
et 19:15 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Finland 2.FI
et 19:30 replay 1.NL Netherlands  vs  Finland 1.FI
et 20:00 replay #gs Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom just!
et 20:00 replay POR Portugal  vs  France FRA
ql 20:00 Karizma Germany  vs  Germany Nukm
et 20:45 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland darts
et 21:00 replay Pistols Russian Federation  vs  Finland iFlash
et 21:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Netherlands WhS
et 21:00 replay f1x Netherlands  vs  European Union frozen
et 21:15 replay #gs Czech Republic  vs  United States mt
et 21:15 replay 4matins France  vs  France ET4
et 21:30 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Spain ESP
et 22:00 replay EST Estonia  vs  Croatia CRO
et 22:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Germany lost^
et 23:00 replay 2.PL Poland  vs  France 1.FR
et 23:00 replay [Candik] Canada  vs  Germany kG
et 20:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  Finland r@g
et 20:00 replay o`eSport Poland  vs  Poland epi#
et 21:00 replay yG' European Union  vs  European Union
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Finland HK
et 21:30 replay FIN Finland  vs  Poland POL
et 21:45 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Estonia glitz
et 22:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Belgium BEL
et 01:00 replay (s) United States  vs  Czech Republic T-D-T
et 21:15 replay :h Poland  vs  Germany 9th
et 21:15 replay bBOTz Poland  vs  Poland GL
et 21:30 replay delin Spain  vs  Germany survive
et 20:45 replay cre. Germany  vs  Poland bv
et 21:00 replay r@g Finland  vs  Russian Federation Pistols
et 21:00 replay nB|C Germany  vs  Germany xls
et 22:15 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Poland bv
et 23:00 replay darts Poland  vs  Belgium bF
et 20:15 replay K3 Netherlands  vs  European Union a2b
et 20:30 replay #gs Czech Republic  vs  Sweden a2id
et 20:30 replay iFlash Finland  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay Pistols Russian Federation  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:15 replay hTf European Union  vs  Poland Contra
et 21:30 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom verS/.
et 21:30 replay rblood Portugal  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Germany survive
et 22:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Belgium WinFakt!
et 18:00 replay /< Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:00 replay #UF Romania  vs  Estonia FaTj#
et 21:30 replay euphon France  vs  Estonia JRV
et 23:00 replay bBOTz Poland  vs  Finland ink
et 15:15 replay ACiD Germany  vs  Germany lost^
et 19:30 replay dNb * European Union  vs  Austria Ra
et 20:15 bF Belgium  vs  European Union queens
et 23:00 replay Ash El Salvador  vs  United States Drk
et 16:00 replay lanina Germany  vs  United Kingdom IDM
et 16:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Germany lost^
et 18:00 replay TvL.ET Romania  vs  Germany c2c-nB
et 18:00 replay vaLy Germany  vs  Germany fullhold
et 19:00 replay cube United Kingdom  vs  Germany FG
et 20:00 replay #gs Czech Republic  vs  Poland bh
ql 20:00 jaysson Germany  vs  Germany chosen
et 20:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Russian Federation Pistols
et 20:00 replay nB#aBle Germany  vs  France 4matins
ql 20:30 calipt Germany  vs  Germany randall
et 21:00 replay CAN Canada  vs  Netherlands NED
ql 21:00 siLw Germany  vs  Germany randall
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  European Union iNm
et 21:00 replay nQw Romania  vs  Romania DMG
et 21:15 replay AHK Czech Republic  vs  Poland pjona
et 21:30 replay mbtp Poland  vs  Czech Republic doG]
et 21:30 replay trZ France  vs  Spain h-face
ql 21:30 siLw Germany  vs  Germany twister
et 21:30 replay krp Finland  vs  United Kingdom PG
et 21:30 replay ET4 France  vs  Poland
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union eA
ql 22:00 dKsl Germany  vs  Germany chosen
et 22:00 replay FRA France  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 22:15 replay 1.PL Poland  vs  Poland 2.PL
et 22:45 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Estonia EST
et 11:00 replay ubik Australia  vs  Australia ~,=,^
et 16:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Belgium WinFakt!
et 19:00 TvL.ET Netherlands  vs  Germany nB#aBle
ql 19:00 k1llsen Germany  vs  Germany jaysson
ql 19:30 calipt Germany  vs  Germany jaysson
et 19:30 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Netherlands K3
ql 20:00 calipt Germany  vs  Germany fogel
ql 20:30 reload Germany  vs  Germany fogel
et 20:30 replay r@g Finland  vs  European Union eA
et 20:45 replay bv Poland  vs  Poland Inde
et 21:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland krp
et 21:30 replay h-face Spain  vs  European Union eA
et 22:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  Germany lost^
et 19:00 replay otHerwis Poland  vs  Romania #UF
et 20:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  France epic
et 20:45 replay PLAYBOY Poland  vs  Poland of
et 21:15 #gs Czech Republic  vs  Chile TLC
et 21:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:30 replay mbtp Poland  vs  Finland iFlash
et 00:00 replay (s) United States  vs  Chile TLC
et 17:15 replay PLAYBOY Poland  vs  Finland anaheim
et 21:00 replay iNtakE. European Union  vs  Sweden a2id
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  United Kingdom PG
et 23:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  European Union waffles
et 18:15 replay K3 Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
et 20:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland bv
et 21:00 replay iMP! Italy  vs  Czech Republic AHK
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Russian Federation Pistols
et 21:15 replay not France  vs  Poland
et 21:30 replay PANDAS Poland  vs  Poland boozers
et 21:30 replay Ri Germany  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 22:00 replay euphon France  vs  European Union a2b
et 16:15 replay PLAYBOY Poland  vs  Australia xFx
et 16:30 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 00:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Germany FG
et 12:00 replay PLAYBOY Poland  vs  Estonia JRV
et 17:45 replay darts Poland  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 replay Ash El Salvador  vs  United States N4L
et 23:45 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Finland Pallot
et 18:00 replay wb France  vs  Germany KitroPi
et 18:00 replay magic Poland  vs  European Union miAmi
et 18:45 replay cube United Kingdom  vs  Germany 9th
et 19:00 replay miAmi European Union  vs  Poland Hunters
et 19:00 replay ACiD Germany  vs  Finland r@g
et 19:15 replay #gs Czech Republic  vs  Poland game-up
et 19:30 replay 1.FI Finland  vs  France 2.FR
et 20:00 envious European Union  vs  Finland r@g
ql 20:00 psyrex Germany  vs  Germany sprayer
et 20:00 replay EDRAMA Japan  vs  Germany 010101
et 20:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union amigos
ql 20:30 jaysson Germany  vs  Germany randall
et 21:00 replay nB#aBle Germany  vs  France ET4
et 21:00 replay POL Poland  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 21:00 replay EXP United States  vs  France wb
ql 21:00 reload Germany  vs  Germany chosen
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  United States Enhanced
et 21:00 replay kr Poland  vs  Poland Hunters
et 21:15 replay envious European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay h-face Spain  vs  Germany nB|
et 21:30 replay cube United Kingdom  vs  Poland hEyo!
et 21:30 replay iNm European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 trZ France  vs  Poland zs
et 21:30 replay vital Netherlands  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay doG] Czech Republic  vs  European Union CLPSD
et 22:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Netherlands NED
et 23:15 replay 1.DE Germany  vs  Poland 2.PL
et 19:00 replay epi# Poland  vs  Romania #UF
et 19:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland PUCA
ql 20:30 dKsl Germany  vs  Germany sprayer
et 20:45 replay boozers Poland  vs  Finland r@g
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Poland game-up
ql 21:00 siLw Germany  vs  Germany fogel
et 21:00 replay WinFakt! European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  France epic
et 21:30 replay Pistols Russian Federation  vs  Poland mbtp
ql 21:30 calipt Germany  vs  Germany twister
et 21:30 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:30 replay bBOTz Poland  vs  France euphon
et 22:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  Finland r@g
et 22:15 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Belgium WCK
et 21:30 replay boozers Poland  vs  European Union CLPSD
et 21:30 replay euphon France  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 21:45 replay h-face Spain  vs  Portugal rblood
et 21:45 replay envious European Union  vs  France sticked
et 01:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union amigos
et 21:00 replay xls Germany  vs  Germany nB|
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation Pistols
et 22:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 22:00 replay PG United Kingdom  vs  Poland sq
et 00:00 replay amigos European Union  vs  Poland kr
et 20:00 replay a2id Sweden  vs  European Union KiR
et 20:15 replay #gs Czech Republic  vs  France sex
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  United Kingdom cube
et 21:15 replay iMP! Italy  vs  European Union deV
et 21:30 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  Poland PUCA
et 21:30 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 22:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Portugal rblood
et 00:30 replay EXP United States  vs  European Union amigos
sc2 18:00 Mvp Korea, Republic of  vs  France Adelscot
sc2 18:30 qxc United States  vs  Korea, Republic of Genius
sc2 19:00 NesTea Korea, Republic of  vs  Germany GoOdy
sc2 19:30 NaNiwa Sweden  vs  Netherlands Ret
et 21:00 replay Desi India  vs  El Salvador Ash
et 14:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland darts
et 16:00 replay K3 Netherlands  vs  Netherlands lat
et 19:30 replay 1.NL Netherlands  vs  Estonia 1.EE
et 19:30 replay iNtakE. European Union  vs  United States dRk}
ql 20:00 jaysson Germany  vs  Germany sprayer
et 20:00 replay nB#aBle Germany  vs  Poland
sc2 20:00 IdrA United States  vs  United States CrunCher
et 20:15 replay PG United Kingdom  vs  Spain h-face
et 20:15 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands trgt
sc2 20:45 Kas Ukraine  vs  Sweden HayprO
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  Czech Republic coX
et 21:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  United States JL.idk
et 21:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  United Kingdom
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  European Union FiFr
et 21:00 replay 1.DE Germany  vs  Finland 1.FI
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland Contra
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Portugal rblood
et 21:00 replay CLPSD European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 21:00 replay dKC France  vs  Canada CHM
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  Denmark RAGE
et 21:30 replay Sens6 European Union  vs  Germany 9th
sc2 21:30 Mondrago Germany  vs  Bulgaria ZeeRaX
et 21:30 replay follow - European Union  vs  France sticked
et 22:00 replay NEVO United Kingdom  vs  European Union frozen
et 22:00 replay team.uv Ireland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 22:00 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
sc2 22:15 NaDa Korea, Republic of  vs  Germany TLO
et 23:45 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland T
urt 03:00 replay HooSIER| Brazil  vs  Brazil !TC
urt 03:00 replay X| Brazil  vs  Brazil MF:
et 12:00 replay ubik Australia  vs  Australia :@
et 20:45 replay envious European Union  vs  Netherlands vital
et 21:30 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Finland FIN
et 21:30 replay deV European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay k1ck Estonia  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:30 replay Inde Poland  vs  Poland sq
et 21:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Ireland team.uv
et 21:45 replay vital Netherlands  vs  European Union eA
et 22:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  European Union envious
et 19:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Belgium WCK
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:15 replay r@g Finland  vs  France #X).et
et 22:00 replay GER Germany  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 22:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Belgium WCK
et 22:00 replay PG United Kingdom  vs  Germany Ri
et 21:00 replay boozers Poland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Finland RAAB
et 21:30 replay EDRAMA Japan  vs  Germany nB|C
et 21:30 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  Germany oxid
et 22:15 replay K3 Netherlands  vs  Finland ketut!