Schedule » List » March 2012

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« February 2012 :: March 2012 :: April 2012 »
et 17:00 replay nKrom European Union  vs  Estonia glitz
et 19:15 replay eund? Belgium  vs  Netherlands DRAAKJES
et 19:15 replay KW Netherlands  vs  Sweden hS
et 19:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Wallis and Futuna nk
et 21:00 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:30 replay FLYING European Union  vs  France -7co-
et 22:00 replay CAN Canada  vs  Czech Republic CZE
et 22:15 replay etcfg Russian Federation  vs  Germany warpig
et 23:00 replay aToOn European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 23:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 01:30 replay G+ United States  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 02:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union jihad
et 15:45 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union cru
et 16:30 replay KW Netherlands  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:30 replay TALIBAN United Kingdom  vs  European Union vinci
et 20:45 replay hS Sweden  vs  Belgium aestas
et 22:30 replay Sooo Germany  vs  European Union vin
et 22:45 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Estonia glitz
et 00:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  European Union No1cares
et 01:30 replay No1cares European Union  vs  United States G+
et 13:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Sweden hS
et 14:15 replay zX.ET Germany  vs  France sticked
et 16:00 replay hS Sweden  vs  Poland echelon
et 18:15 replay HUN Hungary  vs  Croatia CRO
et 18:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Wallis and Futuna nk
et 19:00 replay deFrost Slovakia  vs  Poland dante!
et 20:00 replay CT Poland  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Poland dante!
et 21:00 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  Hungary no1!
et 21:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 22:15 replay bellator Poland  vs  European Union 3er
et 22:15 replay xpecial European Union  vs  European Union ext3
et 23:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union bijemy
et 00:15 replay nk Wallis and Futuna  vs  Germany survive
et 01:00 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  Poland bacardi
et 02:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 12:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Poland tMoe
et 14:00 replay No1cares European Union  vs  Netherlands SP
et 15:15 replay No1cares European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
lol 16:00 WinFakt! European Union  vs  European Union Penal
et 16:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Sweden hS
et 17:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 18:00 replay vokki Finland  vs  France kartez
et 18:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 18:30 replay Swani Finland  vs  France Provok
et 18:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Romania UF#
et 19:00 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Poland dante!
et 19:15 replay ettan Estonia  vs  European Union ext3
et 19:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 19:30 replay cre. Germany  vs  Germany Aura
et 20:00 replay FLYING European Union  vs  Finland pleiades
et 20:00 replay 5/5 Finland  vs  Poland nVm
et 20:00 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 20:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Slovenia *[eXe]
et 21:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 21:00 replay FIN Finland  vs  France FRA
et 21:15 replay Team-ND Germany  vs  France sticked
et 21:15 replay RQ Poland  vs  Poland bellator
et 21:30 replay GER Germany  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 21:30 replay ICE Iceland  vs  Sweden SWE
et 21:30 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Estonia EST
et 22:00 replay msf+ United States  vs  Chile kZl
et 22:15 replay bellator Poland  vs  Poland fsm
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:15 replay Dean United Kingdom  vs  European Union 3atw
et 01:00 'c Dominican Republic  vs  United States PP
et 20:00 replay SP Netherlands  vs  Poland CT
et 20:30 replay jg Finland  vs  Netherlands stAt1c
et 20:45 replay JaF Belgium  vs  Poland BnK
et 21:00 replay Nbs European Union  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 21:30 replay aToOn European Union  vs  European Union cP
et 21:30 replay zX.ET Germany  vs  Germany oxid
et 22:00 replay fTard Poland  vs  Spain CEW
et 22:15 replay BnK Poland  vs  Sweden hS
et 22:15 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Finland jokerit
et 22:30 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Poland POL
et 23:45 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland RQ
et 00:45 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  European Union Nbs
et 00:45 replay rld+ United Kingdom  vs  Germany survive
et 01:45 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom PG
et 02:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany survive
et 04:00 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union inv
et 15:45 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 19:45 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union miAmi
et 20:00 replay [||<<||] Bahrain  vs  Poland wiSe
et 20:00 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union nKrom
et 21:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Germany nP!
et 21:00 replay SP Netherlands  vs  Poland CT
et 21:15 replay (H) Germany  vs  Poland BnK
et 21:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 21:30 replay EST Estonia  vs  Croatia CRO
et 21:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland CB
et 21:45 replay nKrom European Union  vs  France jMMpp
et 22:15 replay (H) Germany  vs  Saint Pierre and Miquelon priests
et 01:15 replay FLoPJEHZ European Union  vs  United Kingdom koop!
et 12:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 13:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Estonia glitz
et 15:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Estonia glitz
et 17:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  United States G+
et 18:15 replay rTg Estonia  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:30 replay ext3 European Union  vs  European Union No1cares
et 19:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 20:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Germany iNSTINCT
et 21:00 replay fTard Poland  vs  Estonia rTg
et 22:00 replay AUT Austria  vs  Norway NOR
et 23:15 replay (H) Germany  vs  Germany pwners!?
et 02:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Sweden dispo
et 11:30 replay ubik Australia  vs  Australia ~,=,^
et 20:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Germany ^Lp
et 20:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland kk
et 21:00 replay FIN Finland  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands KW
et 00:15 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Brazil ds
et 01:45 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union wFon
et 04:00 replay des. United States  vs  Dominican Republic 'c
et 17:00 replay f1s-g Poland  vs  Poland dante!
et 20:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland dante!
et 21:15 replay f1s-g Poland  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 22:15 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 01:45 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 02:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Sweden dispo
et 03:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union wPLAY0RZ
et 12:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union miAmi
et 14:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Poland FpS
et 14:15 replay miAmi European Union  vs  Germany (H)
et 15:00 replay FpS Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 15:00 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  Sweden dispo
et 15:15 replay gentle Belgium  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 16:00 replay (H) Germany  vs  European Union No1cares
et 16:30 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Poland BnK
et 20:00 replay kZl Chile  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 20:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Poland hyper
et 20:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Belgium gentle
et 20:00 replay f1s-g Poland  vs  Niger MeFo
et 20:45 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union inv
et 21:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland f1s
et 21:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Netherlands unreAl
et 22:15 replay f1s-g Poland  vs  Germany pD|
et 22:15 replay nKrom European Union  vs  Belgium WCK
et 22:15 replay TM European Union  vs  European Union TS
et 23:45 replay stRay! European Union  vs  Belgium Goku
et 00:00 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  Poland bacardi
et 04:00 replay XD United States  vs  Canada cc
et 13:00 replay f1s-g Poland  vs  European Union .eXe
et 15:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Niger MeFo
et 15:00 replay aCid Germany  vs  Germany (H)
et 15:15 replay KW Netherlands  vs  Poland tMoe
et 15:15 replay bacardi Poland  vs  France jMMpp
et 16:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 16:30 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  Germany (H)
et 16:45 replay eund? Belgium  vs  Poland BnK
et 18:00 replay Provok France  vs  France kartez
et 18:00 replay (H) Germany  vs  European Union jihad
et 18:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Belgium gentle
et 18:30 replay Swani Finland  vs  Finland vokki
et 19:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 19:00 replay eund? Belgium  vs  France sticked
et 19:00 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Poland f1s-g
et 20:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  Belgium WCK
et 20:00 replay jg Finland  vs  Finland 5/5
et 20:00 replay pleiades Finland  vs  European Union vin
et 20:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Finland codelust
et 20:00 replay iNSTINCT Germany  vs  Romania UF#
et 20:00 replay Dean United Kingdom  vs  Finland turbot
et 20:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland tMoe
et 20:30 replay msf+ United States  vs  Netherlands n0
et 20:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 21:00 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Germany xls
et 21:00 replay CT Poland  vs  Poland tequ
et 21:00 replay deV European Union  vs  Germany aCid
et 21:15 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Canada CAN
et 21:30 replay jari& Finland  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 21:30 replay SG1 France  vs  France -7co-
et 21:30 replay zs Poland  vs  Estonia glitz
et 21:30 replay Nbs European Union  vs  European Union mkidA
et 22:00 replay AUT Austria  vs  France FRA
et 22:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland FpS
et 23:00 replay msf+ United States  vs  Chile kZl
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 01:30 replay JIZZ United States  vs  Canada -+
et 01:30 replay G+ United States  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 16:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands KW
et 17:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 19:30 replay ettan Estonia  vs  France freeL
et 20:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Germany xls
et 21:00 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Poland POL
et 22:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Sweden SWE
et 22:45 replay re+play Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 23:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium dr
et 00:00 replay (H) Germany  vs  Poland chZm
et 00:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland vodka
et 20:00 replay JOSHUA European Union  vs  Croatia frozz
et 20:00 replay mental Germany  vs  Finland lettu
et 20:00 replay Deztro Iceland  vs  Finland Swanidiu
et 20:00 replay magico Spain  vs  Slovenia m1ke
et 20:00 replay Scarzy United Kingdom  vs  Canada monkey
et 20:00 replay snuble Norway  vs  Netherlands L4mpje
et 20:00 replay ZaK- Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom R0SS
et 20:00 replay kiwi Germany  vs  Estonia mant
et 20:00 replay chewz United Kingdom  vs  Czech Republic milhAus
et 20:00 replay sebi Hungary  vs  Estonia Sinnu
et 20:00 replay Krein Poland  vs  Germany s1LENT
et 20:00 replay fanatic Poland  vs  Sweden tornis!
et 21:30 replay L4mpje Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom R0SS
et 21:30 replay magico Spain  vs  Sweden tornis!
et 21:30 replay Swanidiu Finland  vs  Canada monkey
et 21:30 replay xPERiA Netherlands  vs  Germany Bl4d3
et 21:30 replay Sinnu Estonia  vs  Germany s1LENT
et 21:30 replay fanatic Poland  vs  Slovenia m1ke
et 21:30 replay SQuid Netherlands  vs  Germany mental
et 21:30 replay ZaK- Netherlands  vs  Norway snuble
et 21:45 replay FUZZ Latvia  vs  Croatia frozz
et 21:45 replay promen Poland  vs  Finland lettu
et 21:45 replay milhAus Czech Republic  vs  Estonia mant
et 21:45 replay kiwi Germany  vs  United Kingdom chewz
et 22:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Sweden OsS
et 23:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Brazil ds
et 01:30 replay razz United Kingdom  vs  Belgium chry!
et 18:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Belgium gentle
et 18:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Niger MeFo
et 19:30 replay #THC France  vs  Switzerland BrokenSt
et 20:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Germany pD|
et 21:00 replay 0E European Union  vs  European Union Nbs
et 21:00 replay PHA France  vs  Finland jari&
et 21:30 replay oxid Germany  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:30 replay krp Finland  vs  European Union mkidA
et 21:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Poland nVm
et 23:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union '-'@_
et 00:15 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Poland vodka
et 00:45 replay SUPERH Hungary  vs  Belgium JaF
et 01:15 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 12:00 replay ubik Australia  vs  United States sRu
et 20:00 replay frozz Croatia  vs  Germany Bl4d3
et 20:00 replay SQuid Netherlands  vs  Poland fanatic
et 20:00 replay monkey Canada  vs  United Kingdom R0SS
et 20:00 replay kiwi Germany  vs  Estonia Sinnu
et 20:00 replay Swanidiu Finland  vs  European Union JOSHUA
et 20:00 replay L4mpje Netherlands  vs  Netherlands testi
et 20:00 replay chewz United Kingdom  vs  Poland promen
et 20:00 replay xPERiA Netherlands  vs  Netherlands ZaK-
et 20:00 replay mental Germany  vs  Czech Republic milhAus
et 20:00 replay m1ke Slovenia  vs  Hungary sebi
et 21:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union 11VS12
et 21:15 replay frozz Croatia  vs  Netherlands SQuid
et 21:15 replay FUZZ Latvia  vs  Netherlands xPERiA
et 21:15 replay R0SS United Kingdom  vs  Estonia Sinnu
et 21:30 replay D@dds France  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:30 replay mental Germany  vs  Hungary sebi
et 21:30 replay chewz United Kingdom  vs  Germany s1LENT
et 21:45 replay Swanidiu Finland  vs  Netherlands L4mpje
et 00:15 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
et 16:30 replay nKrom European Union  vs  Poland fer
et 17:00 replay f1s-g Poland  vs  Slovakia deFrost
et 18:00 replay deFrost Slovakia  vs  Germany PrSh
et 18:00 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Estonia JRV
et 19:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Germany hlA
et 19:45 replay glitz Estonia  vs  United States G+
et 20:00 replay PrSh Germany  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 20:30 replay pD| Germany  vs  European Union aF
et 21:00 replay hlA Germany  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 23:30 replay BnK Poland  vs  Poland RQ
et 23:45 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  Germany survive
et 17:30 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Estonia glitz
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union Flying
et 21:15 replay kk Poland  vs  Belgium deli
et 22:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 23:15 replay BnK Poland  vs  France euphon
et 02:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  United States G+
et 13:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union nKrom
et 14:00 replay hS Sweden  vs  France CoS
et 16:00 replay deFrost Slovakia  vs  Afghanistan Afg
et 16:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union dT
et 17:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:00 replay 5/5 Finland  vs  Poland nVm
et 19:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Germany hlA
et 19:15 replay ettan Estonia  vs  Netherlands imposito
et 20:00 replay Flying European Union  vs  European Union vin
et 20:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Netherlands n0
et 20:30 replay eund? Belgium  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 replay aToOn European Union  vs  Norway zZz
et 21:00 replay aMales' Finland  vs  Canada HI-FI
et 21:00 replay IDS Italy  vs  Czech Republic iabg
et 21:00 replay [vin] Germany  vs  European Union inactive
et 21:00 replay F6 Finland  vs  Poland tMoe
et 21:30 replay mkidA European Union  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:30 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:30 replay D@dds France  vs  France -7co-
et 21:30 replay EST Estonia  vs  Netherlands NED
et 21:30 replay sticked France  vs  Spain delin
et 22:00 replay oxid Germany  vs  United States msf+
et 22:00 replay GER Germany  vs  France FRA
et 22:30 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 22:30 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:30 replay OsS Sweden  vs  Chile kZl
et 23:00 replay Active Brazil  vs  Germany PrSh
et 23:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Poland kk
et 01:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 01:00 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom TALIBAN
et 11:30 replay dongo Australia  vs  Australia Meadow
et 18:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  Belgium WCK
et 18:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Romania UF2
et 20:00 replay try Poland  vs  Germany deutsc
et 20:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 21:45 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Estonia glitz
et 21:45 replay hadoken France  vs  Poland BnK
et 22:00 replay CEW Spain  vs  Germany Sooo
et 01:00 replay undulant Estonia  vs  Hungary SUPERH
et 01:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland vodka
et 18:15 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Finland re+play
et 19:30 replay PH| Sweden  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:30 replay *[eXe] Slovenia  vs  Romania UF2
et 20:00 replay fanatic Poland  vs  Germany s1LENT
et 20:00 replay monkey Canada  vs  Netherlands xPERiA
et 20:00 replay pD| Germany  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Germany nP!
et 21:15 replay BRAK Poland  vs  European Union wPLAY0RZ
et 22:00 replay cP European Union  vs  Finland codelust
et 23:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Estonia JRV
et 00:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland Polagz
et 02:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  European Union wPLAY0RZ
et 10:30 replay chiv Australia  vs  Australia Volt
et 11:30 replay chev Australia  vs  Australia hk
et 16:45 replay jTF.EUNd Belgium  vs  Finland 5/5
et 16:45 replay BRAK Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 17:00 replay testudo European Union  vs  France sticked
et 18:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Romania #UF
et 19:00 replay blitZ Poland  vs  Slovenia *[eXe]
et 20:30 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Poland BRAK
et 21:00 replay F6 Finland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
et 22:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union Nbs
et 22:45 replay wnbpro Germany  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 23:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Russian Federation KGB
et 00:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Russian Federation KGB
et 02:30 replay des. United States  vs  United States XD
et 18:00 replay BRAK Poland  vs  France hadoken
et 18:15 replay Sooo Germany  vs  Estonia JRV
et 19:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Germany wrpg
et 19:30 replay SP Netherlands  vs  Germany Sooo
et 21:00 replay ceWEge Norway  vs  Finland jari
et 21:00 replay mLG European Union  vs  Poland FURIA
et 21:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 22:15 replay JRV Estonia  vs  European Union bijemy
et 01:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland vodka
et 01:45 replay bd United States  vs  United States :F
et 14:15 replay WCK Belgium  vs  Estonia JRV
et 17:30 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Germany aCid
et 22:30 replay No1cares European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
et 23:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Germany kG
et 00:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Belgium WCK
et 01:15 replay TALIBAN United Kingdom  vs  Poland gh
et 14:30 replay glitz Estonia  vs  Poland tMoe
et 20:00 replay #UF Romania  vs  European Union vin
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 21:00 replay legacy Romania  vs  European Union vin
et 21:30 replay takectrl Poland  vs  European Union nKrom
et 22:00 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Germany aCid
et 23:30 replay Jungle Seychelles  vs  Gabon 21
et 23:30 replay aCid Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:15 replay miNd Finland  vs  Poland wiadro
et 01:15 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Poland bacardi
et 12:00 replay MIDAS{ Australia  vs  Australia Team-B
et 12:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 13:45 replay 21 Gabon  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 14:45 replay European Union  vs  Gabon 21
et 17:15 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union miAmi
et 18:00 replay FES| International  vs  Finland aMales'
et 19:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  Finland w0bble
et 19:30 replay frenchy France  vs  France epic
et 19:45 replay sex France  vs  Germany w4life|
et 20:00 replay NED Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom #8
et 20:00 replay rld+ Romania  vs  Romania #UF
et 20:15 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Estonia glitz
et 20:15 replay Mitiih Finland  vs  Finland kpkp
rtcw 20:30 nP European Union  vs  Jamaica flower
et 21:00 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  Sweden OsS
et 21:00 replay try Poland  vs  European Union inactive
et 21:00 replay [vin] Germany  vs  Germany deutsc
et 21:00 replay Fenneks Germany  vs  Germany Team-ND
et 21:00 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Norway zZz
et 21:15 replay encrypt United Kingdom  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay mkidA European Union  vs  Finland jari&
et 21:30 replay msf+ United States  vs  France D@dds
et 21:30 replay ceWEge Norway  vs  Spain delin
et 21:45 replay GER Germany  vs  Finland FIN
et 22:00 replay wnbpro Germany  vs  Poland zs
et 22:00 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Netherlands NED
et 22:00 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Poland POL
et 23:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Germany [][x][]
et 23:00 replay etcfg Russian Federation  vs  France sticked
et 00:45 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland gh
et 14:45 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Netherlands KeK
et 16:15 replay undulant Estonia  vs  Gabon 21
et 19:00 replay JRV Estonia  vs  Estonia Squad ee
et 19:30 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union nKrom
et 21:00 replay KW Netherlands  vs  Netherlands DRAAKJES
et 21:15 replay iabg Czech Republic  vs  France FtF
et 21:30 replay de Germany  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:45 replay IDS Italy  vs  Italy dNs
et 22:00 replay KuT Netherlands  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 22:00 replay Hi2u France  vs  France sticked
et 22:00 replay Animal Spain  vs  Finland ib
et 22:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland tMoe
et 00:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland PolagZ
et 01:15 replay testudo European Union  vs  European Union supr
et 03:00 replay testudo European Union  vs  European Union Valour
et 04:00 replay -+ Canada  vs  United States bd
et 15:00 replay 21 Gabon  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 15:30 replay F6 Finland  vs  Finland Mitiih
et 19:30 replay KuT Netherlands  vs  Estonia undulant
et 20:00 replay rld+ Romania  vs  Romania rr
et 20:00 replay III Netherlands  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 20:00 replay BRAK Poland  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:00 replay mPG Germany  vs  Germany rApeit
et 21:45 replay KuT Netherlands  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 22:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  Finland RAAB
et 22:30 replay MORTIS United Kingdom  vs  United States G+
et 23:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Netherlands DRAAKJES
et 01:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland PolagZ
et 12:00 replay chiv Australia  vs  Australia hk
et 12:30 replay chev Australia  vs  Australia Volt
et 18:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union nKrom
et 20:00 replay Amn Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic iabg
et 20:00 replay n0 Netherlands  vs  Germany w4life|
et 20:00 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Poland BRAK
et 21:00 replay de Germany  vs  Germany mPG
et 21:00 replay enhanced European Union  vs  International FES|
et 21:30 replay pw5 European Union  vs  Germany wnbpro
et 22:00 replay IDS Italy  vs  France FtF
et 22:00 replay F6 Finland  vs  European Union Nbs
et 22:15 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Germany survive
et 22:15 replay BnK Poland  vs  Finland ib
et 23:15 replay fer Poland  vs  Germany Sooo
et 23:45 replay pwners!? Germany  vs  Germany cre.
et 00:00 replay uTEKKERS United Kingdom  vs  United States G+
et 12:00 replay MIDAS{ Australia  vs  Australia Meadow
et 13:30 replay dongo Australia  vs  Australia Team-B
et 14:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Finland ave
et 15:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Kazakhstan zM
et 16:15 replay undulant Estonia  vs  Finland iNj'
et 16:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:45 replay SP Netherlands  vs  Finland 5/5
et 19:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland fer
et 21:00 replay [vin] Germany  vs  Poland try
et 21:00 replay pw5 European Union  vs  Russian Federation etcfg
et 21:00 replay SP Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 22:00 replay IDS Italy  vs  Sweden OsS
et 22:00 replay aToOn European Union  vs  European Union cP
et 22:15 replay delin Spain  vs  United Kingdom encrypt
et 22:45 replay Ferajna Poland  vs  Poland fsm
et 23:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Poland oX`
et 23:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Belgium WCK
et 19:15 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  France Hi2u
et 20:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 21:00 replay legacy Romania  vs  Belgium deli
et 22:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Belgium deli
et 22:30 replay 21 Gabon  vs  France CoS
et 01:30 replay zM Netherlands  vs  Poland kk
et 02:30 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union ALLIANCE
et 04:30 replay CL Chile  vs  Australia AUS
et 15:15 replay KuT Netherlands  vs  Poland Ferajna
et 17:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:30 replay TV Norway  vs  Hungary TH
et 19:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  United States G+
et 22:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Italy PS
et 22:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  United States G+
et 23:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  Belgium WCK