Schedule » List » April 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« March 2008 :: April 2008 :: May 2008 »
et 19:15 SFR Poland  vs  European Union uSELESS
et 20:00 ooT' Poland  vs  Poland voiler
et 20:00 rL Poland  vs  Poland pTT
et 21:00 NORTH Germany  vs  Germany EAST
et 21:00 trgt Netherlands  vs  Poland rL
et 21:00 eTw' Poland  vs  Germany qMEBACK
qw 21:15 GrD France  vs  Czech Republic AHK
et 21:30 bv Poland  vs  Poland [idem]
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Denmark inf
cod4 23:00 nl Spain  vs  Spain L3
qw 23:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  Poland default
et 20:00 conexia Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 20:00 sona European Union  vs  Finland ENVY
et 20:30 fNtx Poland  vs  Poland r4s
et 21:00 invitium Poland  vs  European Union Auth
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  France sMc
et 21:15 one4one European Union  vs  Poland [ep]
qw 21:30 #onis Poland  vs  Italy V.
et 21:30 cdap| Russian Federation  vs  Poland scArif
et 22:00 replay dESIRE France  vs  European Union FG
tf2 22:00 grs Italy  vs  Italy ec4
et 04:00 NET United States  vs  United States xf
sc 18:00 GoOdy Germany  vs  Russian Federation Notforu
et 20:00 Druidz Estonia  vs  Estonia bWORMZ
et 20:30 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union Kirwa
et 21:00 dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:00 vae European Union  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 21:00 lost^ Germany  vs  Germany Team-AoW
qw 21:00 GrD France  vs  France LQE
et 21:30 WEST Germany  vs  Germany SOUTH
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Sweden Epsilon
qw 22:00 VgS. Italy  vs  International LAW
q3 22:00 POL Poland  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 22:00 additcs. Portugal  vs  France DinG
et 22:15 Cor Croatia  vs  European Union TAG
et 18:30 nkNn European Union  vs  European Union St0ners
et 20:00 Astrum/ Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic NL
et 20:00 pTT Poland  vs  Poland Paradox
tf2 22:00 nigga* Italy  vs  Italy ec4
et 18:30 mD Poland  vs  Poland r4s
et 19:00 ecotype. European Union  vs  Estonia a to b
et 20:00 punk'd Estonia  vs  Estonia Echo
et 21:00 cdap| Russian Federation  vs  Finland ENVY
et 21:00 dzialki Poland  vs  Poland nudE
et 21:15 teame European Union  vs  Netherlands ephix
et 14:15 dzialki Poland  vs  Czech Republic FA
et 17:00 FiF Netherlands  vs  Poland dzialki
qw 19:00 pHx European Union  vs  Germany preD
et 19:00 ecotype. European Union  vs  Finland kakka
et 20:00 replay pTT Poland  vs  Belgium SaH
et 20:00 NL Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 20:00 glitz Estonia  vs  Estonia yW
et 20:00 xPz Estonia  vs  Estonia PWneRer
et 20:00 AUT Austria  vs  France FRA
et 20:30 conexia Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic eb
et 20:30 HQ Poland  vs  Poland mD
et 20:30 Vj European Union  vs  European Union ss
et 21:00 replay hard European Union  vs  European Union vae
et 21:00 replay <[o]> Belgium  vs  Germany mPG
et 21:00 scArif Poland  vs  Poland nVm
et 21:00 [ep] Poland  vs  European Union Auth
qw 21:00 Wiechury Poland  vs  Denmark inf
et 21:30 FG European Union  vs  European Union one4one
et 22:00 replay Cor Croatia  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 18:00 South. Poland  vs  Poland North.
sc 18:00 Mondrago Germany  vs  Russian Federation Notforu
et 19:00 West. Poland  vs  Poland East.
qw 20:15 w4sp Germany  vs  Finland KaoS@
et 20:30 octane Israel  vs  Germany Rapid
et 20:30 NL Czech Republic  vs  European Union aG
et 20:45 eb Czech Republic  vs  Poland [idem]
et 21:00 replay Inc Finland  vs  Netherlands OVERLOAd
et 21:00 pTT Poland  vs  European Union #eB
qw 21:00 GrD France  vs  European Union EvE
sc 21:00 Gentlema Germany  vs  Sweden merz
et 21:00 trgt Netherlands  vs  Germany dtheater
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  European Union hard
et 21:00 replay zero-e United States  vs  Belgium ovr
et 21:00 eTw' Poland  vs  European Union sL
et 21:15 IdF France  vs  France **
et 21:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union TAG
et 18:00 North. Poland  vs  Poland East.
et 19:15 South. Poland  vs  Poland West.
qw 20:00 pHx European Union  vs  Belgium Arctic.
et 21:00 Nbg Germany  vs  Germany HH
et 21:00 zeroE Estonia  vs  Russian Federation cdap|
qw 21:00 VAE European Union  vs  Germany [WoH]
et 21:15 8Bits Hungary  vs  Poland [ep]
qw 21:30 1stcav Poland  vs  Italy VgS.
et 21:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  France dESIRE
et 04:00 NEB! United States  vs  United States et^
et 18:00 North. Poland  vs  Poland West.
et 19:30 South. Poland  vs  Poland East.
et 19:45 EE1 Estonia  vs  Latvia LAT
et 20:00 eXpose France  vs  Finland FUS#
et 20:30 FRA France  vs  Finland FIN
et 21:00 rL Poland  vs  Poland [idem]
et 21:00 mTz European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 nVm Poland  vs  Slovakia e2
et 21:00 reVeal Germany  vs  European Union gtH
et 21:30 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Germany HB
qw 21:30 GrD France  vs  Sweden eye
qw 22:30 4K United Kingdom  vs  Sweden Epsilon
et 20:30 uSELESS European Union  vs  Poland heartZ
qw 20:30 SWE Sweden  vs  Netherlands NED
et 20:30 eb Czech Republic  vs  Slovakia e2
et 20:30 iR Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic LesM
et 20:45 RETARDS Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic balloons
et 21:00 eTw' Poland  vs  European Union fc|
et 21:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Italy n1ce
et 21:00 kRAJZ Poland  vs  France logic
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Italy Oz3
et 21:15 invitium Poland  vs  Poland [ep]
et 21:30 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  European Union vae
et 20:00 almost Poland  vs  Estonia GBU
et 20:30 replay ITA Italy  vs  Romania ROM
et 20:45 ENVY Finland  vs  Poland 54th
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland Guard-
et 22:00 T Poland  vs  European Union nkNn
et 19:00 p!rates Finland  vs  European Union losbasta
et 20:00 SWE Sweden  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:00 cioty Poland  vs  Poland Kombajn
et 21:45 Addicts Portugal  vs  France BSC
et 16:00 Gym| Japan  vs  Korea, Republic of Vorwarts
et 19:00 dzialki Poland  vs  Netherlands sG
et 19:00 HUN Hungary  vs  Belgium BEL
et 20:00 mx. European Union  vs  Finland uP!
et 20:00 n1ce Italy  vs  European Union vib
et 20:00 att Estonia  vs  Poland 34ry
et 20:00 Mrimekko Finland  vs  Poland SFR
et 20:00 tm European Union  vs  European Union split
et 20:30 Plastic Hungary  vs  Poland rL
et 20:30 Druidz Estonia  vs  France muse
et 20:30 replay SaH Belgium  vs  France uGaming
ws 20:30 qah Germany  vs  Sweden order
et 20:45 heroes Netherlands  vs  France pNz
et 21:00 9th Austria  vs  France PPM
et 21:00 nkNn European Union  vs  Poland [<=]
et 21:00 replay Inc Finland  vs  Belgium <[o]>
et 21:00 euG European Union  vs  Poland q2nf
et 21:00 pWs Italy  vs  France Syncro
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  France #X).et
et 21:00 btoads Sweden  vs  Germany mG.plasa
et 21:00 Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union vae
rtcw 21:00 lw European Union  vs  Sweden dispo
et 21:00 sona European Union  vs  Poland eXert
et 21:30 replay mTz European Union  vs  Poland bv
et 21:30 replay TCM United Kingdom  vs  Germany mPG
et 21:30 dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland FwC
et 21:30 Addicts Portugal  vs  Czech Republic balloons
qw 22:30 4K United Kingdom  vs  United States TUF
et 22:45 duNNo European Union  vs  Finland circa
sc 18:00 Dreiven Poland  vs  Spain Squall
et 19:30 p00n Netherlands  vs  Poland vodka
et 19:30 TG United Kingdom  vs  European Union [ume]
et 20:00 54th Poland  vs  Finland FUS#
et 20:00 POL Poland  vs  Norway NOR
et 20:00 Addicts Portugal  vs  Germany p1nkkk
qw 20:30 KaoS@ Finland  vs  Poland default
et 21:00 replay n1ce Italy  vs  European Union Kirwa
sc 21:00 Gentlema Germany  vs  United States NonY
cod4 21:00 SL Germany  vs  Czech Republic DFS
et 21:00 D. United Kingdom  vs  Estonia att
ws 21:00 GER Germany  vs  Italy Ita
et 22:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  United Kingdom unKind
cod4 23:00 L3 Spain  vs  Spain d.
et 19:00 << European Union  vs  Finland Defix
et 19:00 Deto Netherlands  vs  Finland Mrimekko
et 20:00 Anti Netherlands  vs  Poland HQ`
et 21:00 EST Estonia  vs  Switzerland SUI
et 21:00 scArif Poland  vs  Poland exe
et 21:00 lost^ Germany  vs  Poland mI6
et 21:00 True Netherlands  vs  Poland Result
et 21:00 replay one4one European Union  vs  Finland ident
et 21:00 vele Germany  vs  Belgium FiFg
et 21:00 cdap| Russian Federation  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:15 euG European Union  vs  France !FAMA$!
rtcw 21:15 gc60 Belgium  vs  European Union con
et 21:30 bv Poland  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:30 ovr Belgium  vs  Finland Inc
et 21:30 Cor Croatia  vs  European Union hard
et 21:30 Addicts Portugal  vs  France sMc
et 03:00 {#} United States  vs  United States A|A
et 20:00 IDOL Poland  vs  Poland b7'
et 20:00 cioty Poland  vs  Poland almost
et 20:30 TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland HQ`
et 21:00 I am European Union  vs  Italy pWs
et 21:00 eC4 Italy  vs  Israel octane
et 21:00 att Estonia  vs  Belgium uGaming
et 21:00 lost^ Germany  vs  Estonia GBU
rtcw 21:00 LA European Union  vs  Finland fixed
et 21:30 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union vae
et 21:30 replay VgS Italy  vs  European Union one4one
et 21:30 TG United Kingdom  vs  Spain r33f!
rtcw 22:30 lw European Union  vs  European Union hsk
et 19:15 4liveje Germany  vs  Israel destiny
et 20:00 ROM Romania  vs  Belgium BEL
et 20:30 hMg Estonia  vs  European Union gtH
qw 21:00 KaoS@ Finland  vs  Czech Republic r3volta
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Germany w4sp
et 21:45 NOR Norway  vs  Portugal POR
et 17:00 HUN Hungary  vs  Poland [idem]
cod4 19:00 CZE Czech Republic  vs  France FRA
et 20:00 54th Poland  vs  European Union dIVINt
et 20:00 vodka Poland  vs  Netherlands Deto
et 21:00 Alsace France  vs  France Pic
et 22:00 T Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 22:00 << European Union  vs  European Union I am
et 17:00 SWE Sweden  vs  Japan Gym|
et 18:00 South Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation North
et 18:00 West Russian Federation  vs  European Union Baltic
et 19:00 UA Ukraine  vs  European Union Baltic
et 19:00 South Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation West
et 20:00 West Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation East
et 20:00 RAAB Finland  vs  Germany bimbos
et 22:15 West Russian Federation  vs  Ukraine UA
et 22:15 ecotype. European Union  vs  Poland rL
et 22:30 Addicts Portugal  vs  Portugal bTk
et 23:00 bGaming Belgium  vs  European Union <<
et 23:45 RAAB Finland  vs  Netherlands miGhty
et 18:00 Deto Netherlands  vs  European Union I am
et 18:30 ceWEge Norway  vs  European Union aMaZing
et 19:00 sona European Union  vs  Spain 37th
et 19:00 HUN Hungary  vs  Italy ITA
ws 19:30 qah Germany  vs  European Union cube
qw 20:00 Wiechury Poland  vs  Finland insidiae
et 20:00 zeroE Estonia  vs  Netherlands mQ
et 20:30 masculin Finland  vs  European Union vib
et 20:30 Echo Estonia  vs  Germany zen
et 20:30 nkNn European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 20:30 CrazY Poland  vs  Czech Republic eb
qw 20:45 KaoS@ Finland  vs  Poland #onis
et 21:00 replay n1ce Italy  vs  Germany HB
rtcw 21:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Finland fixed
et 21:15 sMc France  vs  Hungary =vwv=
et 21:15 balloons Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic LesM
et 22:00 Addicts Portugal  vs  Germany Evil
et 22:00 oLe Spain  vs  Spain 37th
qw 02:30 cb// United States  vs  United States *F8*
sc 18:00 GoOdy Germany  vs  Germany kAra
et 20:00 mD Poland  vs  Finland FUS#
qw 20:30 insidiae Finland  vs  Denmark inf
et 20:30 e2 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 invitium Poland  vs  Poland FwC
sc 21:00 NonY United States  vs  Spain Squall
et 21:00 EST Estonia  vs  Sweden SWE
et 21:30 replay Inc Finland  vs  Germany mPG
et 21:30 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union vae
et 21:30 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Germany eLemenT
et 22:30 cdap| Russian Federation  vs  Portugal 6s
et 20:15 heartZ Poland  vs  European Union duNNo
et 20:30 uSELESS European Union  vs  Poland xul
et 21:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  European Union Kirwa
et 21:00 octane Israel  vs  Poland 34ry
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:15 [idem] Poland  vs  France CbZ
et 21:30 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  European Union hard
qw 21:30 Fls France  vs  France GrD
et 22:00 VgS Italy  vs  European Union o6
qw 22:00 tFc Spain  vs  Spain
q3 22:30 Prozac Sweden  vs  Czech Republic Krysa
et 19:00 cioty Poland  vs  International -oMg/
et 20:00 re-play European Union  vs  European Union split
et 20:00 att Estonia  vs  Estonia MADNESS
et 21:00 hMg Estonia  vs  Poland cs3r
et 21:00 iR Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 21:00 D. United Kingdom  vs  Estonia punk'd
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland eTw'
et 21:00 ceWEge Norway  vs  European Union inac
qw 22:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Spain =ES=
rtcw 22:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Germany hsk
et 22:30 TAG European Union  vs  France muse
et 23:15 FIN Finland  vs  Portugal POR
et 19:30 nkNn European Union  vs  European Union c1rca
et 20:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland bow
et 20:00 balloons Czech Republic  vs  Estonia tru3
et 20:30 Echo Estonia  vs  France S@DO
et 21:00 dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:00 IMP Poland  vs  Czech Republic e2
et 21:00 uSELESS European Union  vs  Germany phalanX
et 21:00 37th Germany  vs  Poland eQ
q3 21:00 CZE Czech Republic  vs  Poland POL
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Germany n!
et 21:45 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union FG
et 22:00 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union hard
et 22:00 VgS Italy  vs  United Kingdom I.M.T.C.
rtcw 22:15 hsk Germany  vs  European Union iAm >>
qw 22:30 OxO Spain  vs  Spain >RES<
et 21:45 Addicts Portugal  vs  Hungary vWv
qw 16:00 ss United States  vs  United States esm
et 20:30 ROM Romania  vs  France FRA
et 21:00 accurate Netherlands  vs  Finland tits
et 21:15 BSC France  vs  France GuN
et 19:00 HUN Hungary  vs  Finland FIN
et 19:30 54th Poland  vs  Spain oLe!
et 20:00 r33f! Spain  vs  Spain oNe.cib
et 20:00 zeroE Estonia  vs  European Union Dyst
et 20:30 9th Austria  vs  Czech Republic NL
et 20:30 sona European Union  vs  Finland jeppis
et 20:30 [6aHgA] European Union  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:00 UCP Poland  vs  Poland exe
et 21:00 one4one European Union  vs  Poland [ep]
et 21:00 replay SaH Belgium  vs  Germany Evil
et 21:00 FG European Union  vs  Finland Inc
et 21:00 Anti Netherlands  vs  Poland POBOR
rtcw 21:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  European Union iAm >>
et 21:00 unKind United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:15 cdap| Russian Federation  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay TAG European Union  vs  France dESIRE
et 21:30 Addicts Portugal  vs  France uGaming
et 21:30 Syncro France  vs  France CbZ
et 22:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union FG
et 22:30 bv Poland  vs  Poland grave
qw 23:30 *F8* United States  vs  United States n3m
et 21:00 invitium Poland  vs  Poland [ep]
sc 21:00 NonY United States  vs  Poland Gosia
et 21:00 vele Germany  vs  European Union one4one
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 NR Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic ULTI
et 22:00 one4one European Union  vs  Estonia zeroE
et 22:00 uQuk Netherlands  vs  Poland |:P|
et 18:00 [idem] Poland  vs  Finland ENVY
et 19:00 [<=] Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 20:00 vodka Poland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 20:45 iR Czech Republic  vs  European Union shrap
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Poland #onis
qw 21:00 #fgn Switzerland  vs  Poland Wiechury
et 21:00 HQ` Poland  vs  Poland dBobry
et 21:00 vae European Union  vs  France muse
qw 21:30 Fls France  vs  European Union EvE
cod4 23:00 BS Spain  vs  Spain OG
et 19:00 STRz Estonia  vs  Sweden btoads
et 21:00 duNNo European Union  vs  Poland frozen
et 22:15 T Poland  vs  Belgium ovr