Schedule » List » April 2009

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« March 2009 :: April 2009 :: May 2009 »
et 17:15 replay mySTEEL Germany  vs  Germany caelesti
et 19:00 replay vision European Union  vs  European Union Musketti
qw 20:00 Snakepit Finland  vs  Germany [p]
et 20:00 replay CRO Croatia  vs  Belgium BEL
et 20:30 replay True Netherlands  vs  Russian Federation e0h
tmf 20:30 ubi France  vs  Germany n!
et 20:30 3G/// Germany  vs  European Union d'it
et 20:45 niVis Russian Federation  vs  Poland HQ`
tmf 20:45 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  Italy Inferno
et 21:00 replay H2k European Union  vs  Finland masculin
et 21:00 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 21:00 replay FaMaS France  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 smarties France  vs  Germany bd
et 21:15 CMF Poland  vs  Poland spld
et 21:30 replay konflict European Union  vs  Portugal sNp
et 22:00 replay sWat Slovenia  vs  Israel eSr
et 22:00 replay GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  European Union inv
qw 22:00 #hAk European Union  vs  Germany rockit
et 22:30 replay Celsus Poland  vs  Germany HB
qw 05:00 [FI] United States  vs  United States (1)
et 19:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Finland
et 19:30 replay LEGALIZE Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic .3|K
tf2 20:00 Slovakia  vs  Croatia guru
et 20:00 dAmAge Germany  vs  European Union emo
et 20:15 replay rtd' Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic nAk
et 20:15 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Finland WLT
et 20:30 replay kajastus Finland  vs  Poland SFR
et 20:30 replay punga European Union  vs  Russian Federation e0h
qw 20:30 eXtOO- Germany  vs  Germany encore
et 20:45 replay grom Poland  vs  Croatia R i M
et 21:00 replay sWat Slovenia  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:00 rL Poland  vs  Romania |wT|
et 21:00 aego Poland  vs  Sweden Order
et 21:00 replay charism Netherlands  vs  Finland Rhythm
et 21:00 replay vision European Union  vs  Poland virus
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:00 replay r4s Poland  vs  European Union 5K
et 21:00 replay nAk Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic NL
et 21:15 replay inner- European Union  vs  Croatia guru
et 21:30 replay aurea Spain  vs  Germany rY
et 21:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Croatia Cor
rtcw 21:30 KiH Sweden  vs  Hungary cave
et 21:30 replay 8B|FiFr European Union  vs  Poland HQ
et 22:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union H2k
css 22:00 Crack United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom imperial
et 22:30 replay Auth European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
cod4 23:00 Infused European Union  vs  United Kingdom sypher
et 21:00 replay Tform European Union  vs  Estonia GBU
et 21:45 masculin Finland  vs  Germany BROT
et 00:15 replay locos France  vs  Belgium system6
et 18:45 replay aL Finland  vs  Finland re+play
et 19:00 replay mySTEEL Germany  vs  Poland pRime
et 19:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  Sweden bs
et 20:00 randomZ European Union  vs  European Union gMethod
et 20:30 grom Poland  vs  Poland FG
et 21:00 Pallot Finland  vs  Israel NWI
et 22:00 replay Defix Finland  vs  Poland 2b3
et 00:00 replay amdi Germany  vs  France Poker
ws 16:00 parry United Kingdom  vs  Germany reload
et 16:45 replay DJ Germany  vs  Lithuania Murzius
et 17:00 replay ESP France  vs  Poland invitium
et 17:30 replay S'agapo Greece  vs  Estonia ECK
et 17:30 .P'O United States  vs  Finland V3|
et 18:00 replay crush3r Germany  vs  Poland voiler
tmf 18:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  Germany kc
et 18:00 replay Squad ee Estonia  vs  Finland RAAB
tmf 18:30 CZE Czech Republic  vs  Lithuania LIT
et 19:00 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  Belgium bmg
et 19:00 @tbbe France  vs  Poland BB
tf2 19:30 Slovakia  vs  Czech Republic xXx
et 19:30 randomZ European Union  vs  Finland Defix
et 20:00 replay tb Poland  vs  Germany mySTEEL
tmf 20:00 vodR France  vs  Hungary FC
tmf 20:00 Germany  vs  Hungary FC
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  France SSL
tmf 20:00 Above Canada  vs  Portugal E5
et 20:00 aL Finland  vs  France dESIRE
et 20:30 caelesti Germany  vs  Germany bd
et 21:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Estonia o2
et 21:00 replay rblood Portugal  vs  European Union sYnck
et 21:00 e2 Czech Republic  vs  Germany god
et 21:00 replay rAW Sweden  vs  European Union p`
et 21:00 nKrom European Union  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:00 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union alvi
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 replay sAs United Kingdom  vs  Germany vele
ws 21:00 PL Poland  vs  Germany GER
et 21:00 replay San08 France  vs  Italy n1ce
et 21:00 VgS Italy  vs  European Union unC
et 21:00 @eVo European Union  vs  Russian Federation niVis
et 21:00 replay GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  European Union ahead
qw 21:00 1stcav Poland  vs  Germany encore
et 21:30 replay bb European Union  vs  France dESIRE
et 21:30 replay d'it European Union  vs  European Union HESS
et 21:30 replay zZz Denmark  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:30 Val Portugal  vs  Finland Cor
et 21:45 aego Poland  vs  Poland r4s
et 22:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Poland diversus
et 22:00 replay zeroE United Kingdom  vs  Japan Possessd
et 22:30 replay CZE Czech Republic  vs  Estonia EST
et 19:30 cre. Germany  vs  Germany defect
et 20:00 replay euteam& European Union  vs  Czech Republic B&W
et 20:00 replay phan European Union  vs  European Union unplgd
et 20:30 replay emo European Union  vs  Israel eSr
et 20:30 replay Tyrant United Kingdom  vs  Portugal Cyclone
et 20:45 replay system6 Belgium  vs  European Union iNm
qw 20:45 #hAk European Union  vs  European Union Kapoks
tf2 21:00 gurka* Sweden  vs  Slovakia
et 21:00 replay guru Croatia  vs  Netherlands Tyrex
et 21:15 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union aToOn
et 22:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 22:00 .pFk France  vs  Belgium Naked
et 22:00 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  European Union @eVo
et 18:15 replay DK| Germany  vs  Belgium Krikke
et 18:45 replay POL Poland  vs  Japan JPN
et 20:00 replay sAs United Kingdom  vs  European Union Taikak
et 20:00 replay dAmAge Germany  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 20:00 replay aVox Germany  vs  France nG.Tech
et 20:00 replay tb Israel  vs  European Union monkeyz
et 20:30 replay Sht! Spain  vs  Germany amdi
et 20:30 amc Hungary  vs  Poland defect
et 21:00 replay charism Netherlands  vs  France sMc
et 21:00 5+1 Germany  vs  Germany bd
qw 21:00 eXtOO- Germany  vs  Russian Federation CF
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Croatia R i M
et 21:30 replay aurea Spain  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 21:30 mmA Estonia  vs  European Union dd2
et 21:30 replay e2 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic avonet.e
et 21:45 aego Poland  vs  Portugal Val
et 22:00 replay H2k European Union  vs  Portugal rblood
rtcw 22:00 nP European Union  vs  Finland fixed
et 22:00 replay dESIRE France  vs  France xtenz
et 22:30 replay HB Germany  vs  Germany cre.
et 03:00 replay mmA Estonia  vs  United States : <
et 13:00 rAKJI Germany  vs  Germany stRay
et 16:30 replay nKrom European Union  vs  Poland TS
et 17:00 replay SLIMG Poland  vs  Germany defect
et 20:30 replay aVox Germany  vs  Germany god
et 21:00 guru Croatia  vs  Croatia R i M
tmf 21:00 n! Germany  vs  United Kingdom dignitas
et 21:00 replay San08 France  vs  European Union nuts
et 21:15 replay /df Poland  vs  France (p)
et 21:30 replay Alife Finland  vs  European Union sYnck
qw 21:30 Halcon Spain  vs  France ~NFS~
et 21:45 Val Portugal  vs  Germany dA
et 22:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  Croatia Cor
et 22:15 SFR Poland  vs  Poland fNtx
et 04:00 replay bd United States  vs  United States ci.
qw 20:30 eXtOO- Germany  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 20:45 replay phan European Union  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 rL Poland  vs  Poland fullhold
tf2 21:00 [MM] United Kingdom  vs  Slovakia
et 21:00 replay gT Poland  vs  Russian Federation [6aHgA]
et 21:00 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  Germany vele
et 21:00 tb Poland  vs  Russian Federation niVis
et 21:00 replay Dean United Kingdom  vs  Poland aego
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Italy [Oz3]
et 21:00 replay rY Germany  vs  Israel eSr
et 21:00 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Italy VgS
et 21:00 replay NL Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic fx'
et 21:00 a2id Sweden  vs  France #nG.Tech
et 21:15 replay eEriness Czech Republic  vs  Poland SFR
et 22:00 inv European Union  vs  Germany xlibres
rtcw 22:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  European Union Omega
rtcw 22:00 RAW European Union  vs  European Union Falx
et 22:15 replay Pallot Finland  vs  European Union img.
et 03:30 replay enV United States  vs  United States ci.
et 16:00 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Finland re+play
et 17:15 lol Germany  vs  Afghanistan cancer
et 19:00 amc Hungary  vs  Finland RetPin
et 20:00 DK| Germany  vs  Belgium re
et 20:15 replay phan European Union  vs  European Union dave
et 21:00 replay S'agapo Greece  vs  Estonia ECK
et 22:00 RetPin Finland  vs  France SLight.
et 22:30 replay inner- European Union  vs  Poland TI
et 22:45 replay randomZ European Union  vs  France MyS
et 00:30 gN Netherlands  vs  Germany lol
et 17:00 replay monkeyz European Union  vs  European Union {xxL
et 18:00 SLight. France  vs  European Union cYk
et 18:00 replay aLive European Union  vs  European Union Blood
et 19:00 replay plasa Austria  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 20:00 replay pink`h France  vs  European Union {xxL
et 20:00 SLight. France  vs  European Union Taikak
et 22:00 replay BE/NL Belgium  vs  European Union EU
et 22:30 meNtal Germany  vs  Germany stRay
et 23:00 replay sT Poland  vs  Poland ...
et 00:00 replay </3 European Union  vs  Poland asylum
et 17:00 DK| Germany  vs  Poland Kojot
et 19:00 cc Canada  vs  European Union Splendid
et 19:00 gakuen Poland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 19:00 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  European Union monkeyz
et 19:00 replay aVox Germany  vs  France CoS
et 19:15 dispo Sweden  vs  Poland sT
et 19:45 replay Slovakia  vs  Czech Republic J`BoyZ
et 20:00 replay SaH Belgium  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 20:00 replay img. European Union  vs  Germany Team-AoW
tmf 20:00 Above Canada  vs  Germany kc
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  Portugal E5
et 20:00 batong France  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 20:15 RAAB Finland  vs  Portugal rblood
et 21:00 replay tA } Finland  vs  Hungary eod
et 21:00 replay fur' International  vs  European Union unC
et 21:00 replay wEeeeee Spain  vs  Poland s'
tmf 21:00 Inferno Italy  vs  France SSL
et 21:00 replay #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic LEGALIZE
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union aToOn
et 21:30 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  France FaMaS
et 21:45 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  France San08
et 21:45 dispo Sweden  vs  Poland TI
et 22:15 replay caelesti Germany  vs  Spain p'
et 23:45 amdi Germany  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 01:00 Auth European Union  vs  European Union ANIMAL
et 05:00 replay w/e United States  vs  United States : <
et 17:00 replay nkNn European Union  vs  European Union dave
et 19:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  Finland v-
ws 20:00 parry United Kingdom  vs  Germany cb
et 20:00 wEeeeee Spain  vs  Poland wiewiora
et 20:00 e! Poland  vs  Germany vis
et 20:30 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  Finland secunda
et 20:30 replay tA } Finland  vs  Israel eSr
qw 20:30 Kapoks European Union  vs  Finland Snakepit
et 21:00 replay HESS European Union  vs  France sMc
et 21:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  Finland kajastus
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union aToOn
et 21:00 replay next Poland  vs  European Union alvi
et 21:00 aVox Germany  vs  Germany ku
et 21:00 replay San08 France  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 21:00 replay /<iller Finland  vs  France 3F
et 21:00 rY Germany  vs  Hungary eod
et 21:00 #care Germany  vs  Germany caelesti
et 21:30 replay rblood Portugal  vs  France frog
et 21:30 S'agapo Greece  vs  Poland ein
et 22:00 replay Val Portugal  vs  European Union Auth
et 22:15 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Poland ...
et 23:15 aVox Germany  vs  Germany #care
et 19:00 replay vision European Union  vs  Finland DeeKut
et 19:00 :h Poland  vs  Sweden Dispo
et 20:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Netherlands accurate
tmf 20:00 rh>> Poland  vs  Hungary FC
tf2 20:00 FcN| United Kingdom  vs  Slovakia
et 20:00 replay caelesti Germany  vs  European Union EuF#
et 20:15 fNtx Poland  vs  Poland zawoja
et 20:30 S'agapo Greece  vs  Netherlands mind
et 20:30 dAmAge Germany  vs  Poland ein
et 21:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  European Union bb
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 21:00 S@DO France  vs  European Union Titanz
et 21:00 replay R i M Croatia  vs  Slovenia sWat
rtcw 21:00 nP European Union  vs  European Union Falx
rtcw 21:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:15 (p) France  vs  Poland oY
et 21:15 replay H2k European Union  vs  Finland Alife
tf2 21:30 plan-B Germany  vs  Slovakia
et 21:30 replay vision European Union  vs  Poland Celsus
et 21:30 replay True Netherlands  vs  Italy n1ce
et 21:30 replay nuts European Union  vs  Sweden ORDER
et 21:30 replay sKy Poland  vs  Czech Republic e2
et 21:45 replay oxd France  vs  Belgium WCK
et 22:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 22:00 replay oLe! Spain  vs  France sMc
et 22:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Portugal Val
et 22:30 replay CRO Croatia  vs  Estonia EST
et 00:00 replay rblood Portugal  vs  Croatia Cor
et 03:00 replay Moooo United States  vs  United States ci.
et 16:30 #kertsu Finland  vs  Turkey uNtarD
et 19:00 replay dNan Norway  vs  Spain apoc
et 19:00 replay ubermix European Union  vs  European Union sYnck
et 19:00 Veng Israel  vs  Finland V3|
et 19:30 replay S'agapo Greece  vs  Germany aVox
ws 20:00 loxer Germany  vs  France Sady
et 20:00 replay xZist United Kingdom  vs  Germany jmk
et 20:30 /<iller Finland  vs  European Union NP*
et 20:30 replay rtd' Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 21:00 @eVo European Union  vs  European Union 5K
et 21:00 Kinetics European Union  vs  Poland SFR
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union bb
et 21:00 pink`h France  vs  European Union -@.@-
et 21:00 replay tb Poland  vs  European Union nuts
qw 21:00 #hAk European Union  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 21:00 replay d'it European Union  vs  France sMc
et 21:15 replay zZz Denmark  vs  European Union InfernaL
et 22:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  European Union ovr
et 22:00 mind Netherlands  vs  Germany aVox
et 03:30 replay bd United States  vs  United States Enhanced
et 18:00 monkeyz European Union  vs  European Union shrap
et 19:15 replay S'agapo Greece  vs  France CoS
et 20:00 replay gT Poland  vs  Poland LIVE!
tf2 20:30 [PW] Czech Republic  vs  France blitz
et 21:00 pink`h France  vs  European Union vision
et 21:00 replay Rc Czech Republic  vs  France trZ
et 21:00 sT Poland  vs  Poland TG
rtcw 21:00 KiH Sweden  vs  European Union Omega
et 21:15 NP* European Union  vs  Poland mAg.
et 21:15 replay aurea Spain  vs  Israel eSr
et 21:15 8B|FiFr European Union  vs  European Union COCO
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Hungary und
et 21:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Poland 1stCav
qw 21:30 GER Germany  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 21:30 replay wEeeeee Spain  vs  United Kingdom xZist
et 22:30 replay oLe! Spain  vs  France (p)
et 23:30 replay oLe! Spain  vs  Croatia Cor
et 18:45 Kinetics European Union  vs  European Union alvi
et 19:30 replay xZist United Kingdom  vs  European Union cYk
et 20:30 replay randomZ European Union  vs  Belgium WCK
et 20:45 replay ein Poland  vs  Estonia ECK
et 21:15 replay pink`h France  vs  France SLight.
et 21:45 replay gN Netherlands  vs  European Union monkeyz
et 22:15 replay EU European Union  vs  Belgium BE/NL
et 15:00 replay fov France  vs  European Union d'it
et 18:45 re+play Finland  vs  European Union bohalixx
et 19:15 replay defect Poland  vs  Germany myR
et 20:15 tlpzk Niger  vs  Russian Federation mix1
et 21:15 replay caelesti Germany  vs  European Union zOMG
et 21:30 replay HB Germany  vs  France batong
et 22:00 SLight. France  vs  Poland AoD
et 22:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  Poland TheNext
et 16:45 inTro| European Union  vs  Finland re+play
et 19:00 replay Bs Finland  vs  European Union Splendid
ws 19:00 loxer Germany  vs  Russian Federation mrk-z
ws 19:00 cb Sweden  vs  Sweden g0re
et 19:00 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  Netherlands PUR3
et 19:00 replay Caesar Spain  vs  Spain Cew
et 19:00 replay LIVE! Poland  vs  European Union !=!
et 19:30 replay NFactum Poland  vs  Finland vHr
et 20:00 GoW* Spain  vs  Spain BlackG
et 20:00 V3| Finland  vs  Sweden a2id
et 20:00 Cyclone Portugal  vs  Poland Fantazja
tmf 20:00 Inferno Italy  vs  Germany kc
tmf 20:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  Portugal E5
tmf 20:00 Above Canada  vs  Portugal ReV
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  France ubi
tmf 20:00 SSL France  vs  Slovakia iR
et 20:15 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Finland kajastus
et 20:15 ECK Estonia  vs  Poland virus
et 20:30 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Poland r4s
et 21:00 replay team32 Poland  vs  Belgium aFo!
et 21:00 Kinetics European Union  vs  United Kingdom sAs
et 21:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  Finland img
rtcw 21:00 V! Netherlands  vs  Hungary cave
ws 21:00 parry United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands marrk
ws 21:00 cb Germany  vs  Germany reload
et 21:00 replay aToOn Germany  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:00 fglg United Kingdom  vs  Czech Republic LEGALIZE
et 21:00 mSports Germany  vs  Belgium rockit
qw 21:00 oO Germany  vs  Poland [1stCav]
et 21:00 pstarZ European Union  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:00 w0bble Finland  vs  United States .P'O
et 21:00 replay e2 Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic fx'
qw 21:00 <]dtk[> Germany  vs  Germany [?]
et 21:00 SLight. France  vs  European Union !=!
et 21:00 h-face Spain  vs  Spain 13db
et 22:00 replay Cor Croatia  vs  Germany HB
et 22:00 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union I am
et 22:00 replay pstarZ European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 04:15 STARS Chile  vs  Chile ASTROS
et 19:00 Veng Israel  vs  Finland RetPin
et 19:00 G33K Belgium  vs  Lithuania LT
et 19:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  Netherlands cornu
tf2 20:30 [PW] Czech Republic  vs  France .#HrZ
et 21:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  Portugal rblood
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Hungary und
et 21:00 sAs United Kingdom  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 21:00 R17 Italy  vs  Poland NFactum
ws 21:00 cotto Portugal  vs  France Sady
et 21:00 rockit Belgium  vs  Poland Fantazja
et 21:00 SLight. France  vs  Poland AoD
et 21:00 pink`h France  vs  European Union aBsit
et 21:15 replay Val Portugal  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:15 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:30 gT Poland  vs  Spain wEeeeee
rtcw 21:45 fixed Finland  vs  European Union ind
et 22:00 replay aego Poland  vs  Japan Possessd
et 22:00 replay CRO Croatia  vs  Japan JPN
et 22:15 replay POL Poland  vs  Estonia EST
et 23:00 cre. Germany  vs  Luxembourg dEViATE
et 00:00 replay fglg United Kingdom  vs  Portugal Cyclone
et 04:30 replay ci. United States  vs  United States : <
et 18:45 replay inv European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 19:30 replay ECK Estonia  vs  Germany aVox
et 19:45 scarred Poland  vs  Poland escapade
ws 20:00 h0rst Germany  vs  France Sady
et 20:00 replay SLight. France  vs  Finland ctrlld
et 20:00 tb Israel  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay plasa Austria  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Czech Republic Rc
et 21:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  European Union I am
et 21:15 replay sWat Slovenia  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:45 replay myR Germany  vs  European Union NLX
et 22:00 unC European Union  vs  Israel tb
ws 19:00 cb Germany  vs  Netherlands marrk
et 19:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  European Union ubermix
et 19:15 replay amc Hungary  vs  Finland RetPin
qw 20:30 cipE Germany  vs  Italy UL
et 21:00 replay myR Germany  vs  Finland D'n'C
et 21:00 replay zeroE Poland  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 21:00 gT Poland  vs  Italy e$
et 21:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union H2k
et 21:00 replay GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  Germany aVox
et 21:00 oWners Poland  vs  European Union !=!
qw 21:15 eXtOO- Germany  vs  Italy oz3!.
et 21:15 replay bb European Union  vs  Estonia o2
rtcw 21:30 nP European Union  vs  European Union RAW
tf2 21:30 oz3 Italy  vs  United Kingdom ::nG::
rtcw 22:00 Falx European Union  vs  European Union ind
tmf 22:00 Bubb United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dr-ukr
et 22:45 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union H2k
et 19:15 :h Poland  vs  United Kingdom ViP
et 20:00 replay amc Hungary  vs  Belgium xmix
qw 20:30 lsx France  vs  Poland PL4FC
qw 20:45 oO Germany  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 20:45 replay TG Poland  vs  Poland RG
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Slovenia MAMUT.SI
et 21:00 !=! European Union  vs  Poland AoD
tf2 21:00 [PW] Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom ::nG::
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  Ireland VVV
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom w4
tmf 21:00 FG United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dignitas
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom kc
et 21:15 uC European Union  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 21:30 mSports Germany  vs  Germany 5+1
et 21:30 replay tA } Finland  vs  Spain aurea
et 21:30 replay vele Germany  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 21:45 rockit Belgium  vs  European Union 2X
et 21:45 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union nkNn
rtcw 22:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Sweden KiH
et 22:30 replay Auth European Union  vs  Croatia Cor
et 19:00 re+play Finland  vs  Israel NWI
et 20:00 replay ECK Estonia  vs  Hungary amc
tf2 21:30 Slovakia  vs  Italy |Gla|
et 18:00 replay randomZ European Union  vs  France addi
et 20:00 replay w0bble Finland  vs  European Union nuts
sc 21:00 F91 China  vs  Korea, Republic of kOs
et 21:00 replay TheNext Poland  vs  Finland re+play
et 22:00 replay TI Poland  vs  San Marino (>0<)
et 22:00 replay delvix Poland  vs  European Union aBsit
et 22:45 replay tb Israel  vs  European Union GPD
et 17:15 re+play Finland  vs  Estonia mmA
et 18:00 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  France ESP
et 19:00 replay Defix Finland  vs  Spain apoc
et 19:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  France frog
et 19:00 replay ave Finland  vs  Poland aego
et 19:30 replay EDRAMA Japan  vs  European Union Pb
et 20:00 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  Sweden wings
et 20:00 replay batong France  vs  Finland Defix
et 20:00 tb Poland  vs  United Kingdom TG
tmf 20:00 o-Q|qrg Russian Federation  vs  Germany aT
et 20:00 GoW* Spain  vs  Spain Caesar
tmf 20:00 kc Germany  vs  Portugal E5
tmf 20:00 ubi France  vs  United Kingdom dignitas
et 20:30 replay Rc Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic rtd'
ws 21:00 h0rst Germany  vs  Portugal cotto
et 21:00 .P'O United States  vs  France S@DO
et 21:00 sMc France  vs  Poland e!
et 21:00 replay #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic NL
et 21:00 replay fsm Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 21:00 replay sWat Slovenia  vs  Hungary und
et 21:00 replay nuts European Union  vs  Netherlands RAZZIA
tmf 21:00 Above Canada  vs  France kG
et 21:00 replay pstarZ European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
rtcw 21:00 KiH Sweden  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:00 replay unC European Union  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:00 Titanz European Union  vs  Sweden a2id
qw 21:15 PL Poland  vs  Italy ITA
et 21:15 fNtx Poland  vs  Poland fullhold
et 21:30 Val Portugal  vs  French Guiana $oD
et 21:30 replay GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  Germany myR
et 22:00 Sht! Spain  vs  Spain oNe.cib
et 22:00 replay elmnt Portugal  vs  Germany bd
et 23:45 oRigin European Union  vs  France moiljiii
et 19:15 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union wPa
et 20:00 wEeeeee Spain  vs  Germany Quality
ws 20:00 loxer Germany  vs  Portugal cotto
et 20:45 replay rtd' Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
rtcw 21:00 cave Hungary  vs  European Union Omega
et 21:15 3F France  vs  European Union NP*
et 21:30 replay Val Portugal  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 23:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  United States ci.
et 18:00 replay wEeeeee Spain  vs  Finland ctrlld
et 19:00 replay dd2 Germany  vs  Belgium bmg
et 20:00 replay secunda Finland  vs  European Union ahead
et 20:00 EU| Poland  vs  Finland ctrlld
et 20:30 replay eod Hungary  vs  Poland RG
et 20:45 IDKFA European Union  vs  Poland SLIMG
et 21:00 replay aego Poland  vs  Poland Celsus
et 21:00 replay sIN Germany  vs  Germany zen
tf2 21:15 oz3 Italy  vs  France .:IPBP:.
et 21:30 /<iller Finland  vs  Poland mAg.
rtcw 21:30 nP European Union  vs  European Union ind
et 23:15 oRigin European Union  vs  France KDM
et 03:00 ci. United States  vs  Estonia mmA
et 03:15 replay East United States  vs  United States West
tf2 20:00 Slovakia  vs  European Union [SpA|nG]
et 20:00 replay e0h Russian Federation  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 21:00 replay aurea Spain  vs  Hungary eod
tf2 21:15 oz3 Italy  vs  Germany Simply
et 23:00 replay ci. United States  vs  France frog
et 02:00 oRigin European Union  vs  France React
et 03:30 replay south-a Chile  vs  Canada CAN
et 19:30 replay monkeyz European Union  vs  China ninja
et 20:00 replay des. United States  vs  Sweden dispo
et 20:00 replay delvix Poland  vs  European Union HAJ|
et 22:30 replay akimbo European Union  vs  Germany 3G///