Schedule » List » April 2015

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« March 2015 :: April 2015 :: May 2015 »
et 16:00 replay avest European Union  vs  European Union iO
et 19:30 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  Germany nByte
et 19:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland ZAPIEJ
et 20:30 replay Lf# Poland  vs  Poland c[_]
et 20:45 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  European Union iO
et 20:45 replay VEG Afghanistan  vs  Poland ZAPIEJ
et 23:45 replay AVEST Estonia  vs  Finland lolpussy
et 20:00 replay asDX European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 20:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 20:30 replay c[_] Poland  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 21:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 21:30 replay Chromic Netherlands  vs  European Union urANUS
et 22:15 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 22:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 22:30 replay rfx France  vs  European Union iO
et 22:45 replay Chromic Netherlands  vs  Poland b2k
et 00:15 replay b2k Poland  vs  Poland Wariat
et 12:45 replay avest European Union  vs  Estonia yolo
et 14:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Poland ZAPIEJ
et 16:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 17:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union BNL
et 12:30 replay c[_] Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 13:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland Lf#
et 15:45 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  Poland ZAPIEJ
et 16:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Finland lolpussy
et 18:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Estonia Avest
et 20:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  France rfx
et 21:30 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union ho
et 23:00 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 00:00 replay rfx France  vs  Germany POKE
et 02:30 replay POKE Germany  vs  Jamaica
et 13:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland :h
lol 17:00 UoL European Union  vs  European Union GG
et 19:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union JSFC
et 20:00 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union iO
et 20:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 21:00 replay Estonia  vs  European Union =^.^=
lol 21:00 TIP United States  vs  United States Grv
et 21:15 replay sq-x Switzerland  vs  European Union 'xD
et 21:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 22:00 replay FTO European Union  vs  Poland [O7]
et 23:00 replay rfx France  vs  European Union ho
et 02:15 replay flute United States  vs  United States )>>(
et 02:15 LEGIT United States  vs  United States CORNERS
et 02:45 replay )>>( United States  vs  United States SAWD
et 03:45 replay CORNERS United States  vs  United States LEGIT
et 12:30 replay 3er Poland  vs  Poland Lf#
et 14:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  Poland c[_]
et 17:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 17:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 18:15 replay cqs Finland  vs  Finland ss
et 18:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union BH3
et 19:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Finland cqs
et 20:00 replay c[_] Poland  vs  European Union PhReaKz
et 20:00 replay <o_/ European Union  vs  Netherlands DRGN
et 21:00 replay DRGN Netherlands  vs  France freeL
et 21:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 22:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union 'xD
et 22:00 replay freeL France  vs  European Union ho
et 16:30 replay iO European Union  vs  European Union minus
et 18:45 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union craze
et 18:45 replay 3er Poland  vs  European Union BH3
et 19:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union sick3
et 19:30 replay sups European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 20:00 replay Chromic Netherlands  vs  European Union =^.^=
csgo 20:00 TSM Denmark  vs  Sweden fnatic
csgo 20:00 LGB Norway  vs  Sweden NiP
et 20:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union craze
et 20:45 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 21:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  United States 6th
csgo 21:00 Titan France  vs  Denmark TSM
et 21:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 21:45 replay c[_] Poland  vs  Germany cre.
csgo 22:00 Titan France  vs  Sweden NiP
et 22:15 replay avest European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 22:30 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 22:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 22:45 replay lolpussy Finland  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 23:45 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 00:45 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 13:15 replay b2k Poland  vs  Poland 3er
et 15:45 replay ZAPIEJ Netherlands  vs  European Union BH3
et 17:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union BH3
et 18:15 replay sups European Union  vs  Finland cqs
csgo 20:00 Ducks Germany  vs  Denmark Dignitas
et 21:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Finland lolpussy
et 21:00 replay craze European Union  vs  Poland ZAPIEJ
et 23:00 replay avest European Union  vs  European Union BH3
et 00:30 replay yours United States  vs  European Union BH3
et 00:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Finland AKA
et 13:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union BH3
et 17:15 replay GG Poland  vs  European Union iO
csgo 19:00 GGWP Belarus  vs  Ukraine HR
et 20:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 20:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
csgo 20:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  Russian Federation Vega
et 20:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 21:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 21:00 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 21:15 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union visual
et 22:00 replay avest European Union  vs  Netherlands ZAPIEJ
et 22:00 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  European Union SICK6
et 22:15 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 22:15 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union TAG
et 22:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland Wariat
et 23:15 replay dev European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 23:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union visual
et 00:30 replay dev European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 12:00 replay GG Poland  vs  Poland ZAPIEJ
csgo 14:00 EnVyUs France  vs  Denmark Cph
et 15:15 replay frzn. Netherlands  vs  European Union BH3
csgo 15:30 Titan France  vs  France 3DMAX!
csgo 18:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Denmark TSM
et 20:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union BH3
et 21:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Netherlands Chromic
csgo 21:00 EnVyUs France  vs  France Titan
et 22:00 replay dev European Union  vs  European Union BH3
et 22:30 replay Chromic Netherlands  vs  European Union iO
et 23:30 replay dev European Union  vs  Poland Wariat
et 00:30 replay ho European Union  vs  France rfx
csgo 10:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Poland VP
et 11:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Finland lolpussy
csgo 13:45 Cph Denmark  vs  France 3DMAX!
csgo 16:15 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
lol 17:00 H2K United Kingdom  vs  European Union Fnatic
et 17:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union BH3
csgo 18:00 Titan France  vs  France 3DMAX!
et 19:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union dev
et 20:45 replay dev European Union  vs  European Union BH3
et 22:00 replay acurrhea Finland  vs  Finland rGlory
lol 22:15 Liq United States  vs  United States C9
et 22:15 replay rfx France  vs  European Union BH3
et 23:15 replay rGlory Finland  vs  Finland acurrhea
et 00:15 replay rfx France  vs  Finland rGlory
csgo 12:00 EnVyUs France  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
csgo 15:45 TSM Denmark  vs  France Titan
lol 17:00 SK Germany  vs  European Union UoL
et 17:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union vg
et 17:30 replay rfx France  vs  Finland AKA
et 18:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 19:00 replay PhReaKz European Union  vs  European Union iO
et 19:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Netherlands DRGN
et 19:30 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  Germany nByte
et 20:00 replay eA European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 20:15 replay rfx France  vs  European Union avest
csgo 20:15 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  France Titan
et 21:00 replay OLT Belgium  vs  Poland [O7]
et 21:15 replay the best United States  vs  Finland acurrhea
et 21:15 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 21:15 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union PhReaKz
et 21:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 POKE Germany  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 21:30 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany nByte
et 21:45 replay lolpussy Finland  vs  Finland r@g
et 21:45 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union SICK6
et 22:15 replay rfx France  vs  Poland xPro
et 22:15 replay POKE Germany  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 22:30 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  United States the best
lol 23:00 TSM United States  vs  United States TIP
et 23:00 replay eA European Union  vs  Germany nByte
et 23:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 01:00 replay )>>( United States  vs  United States d+
et 02:00 replay CORNERS United States  vs  United States [*+.]
et 21:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union SICK6
et 21:15 replay ho European Union  vs  Belgium OLT
et 22:45 replay AKA Finland  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 22:00 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  Finland thenerd
csgo 17:00 Cph Denmark  vs  Ukraine HR
et 17:45 replay avest European Union  vs  European Union iO
csgo 18:30 HR Ukraine  vs  Denmark Cph
csgo 18:30 fnatic Sweden  vs  France EnVyUs
csgo 19:15 TSM Denmark  vs  France EnVyUs
csgo 19:30 F3 Ukraine  vs  Germany PENTA
et 19:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Finland lolpussy
et 20:15 replay Piss Germany  vs  Estonia Avest
csgo 20:30 PENTA Germany  vs  Ukraine F3
et 21:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
csgo 21:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Sweden NiP
et 21:15 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  European Union ho
csgo 21:30 F3 Ukraine  vs  Poland G2
csgo 22:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Denmark TSM
csgo 23:00 G2 Poland  vs  Ukraine F3
csgo 18:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  France EnVyUs
csgo 19:00 EnVyUs France  vs  Norway LGB
csgo 20:00 LGB Norway  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
csgo 21:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
csgo 22:00 EnVyUs France  vs  Denmark TSM
et 01:45 replay avest European Union  vs  Germany POKE
et 10:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 10:00 replay asDX European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 10:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  Poland c[_]
et 10:30 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union sick3
et 10:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union asDX
et 10:30 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 11:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 11:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union sick3
et 11:00 replay c[_] Poland  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 11:30 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union asDX
et 11:30 'xD European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 11:30 replay sick3 European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 13:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 13:00 sick3 European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 13:00 replay asDX European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 13:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 13:30 replay sick3 European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 13:30 replay asDX European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 13:45 cre. Germany  vs  European Union 'xD
et 14:00 replay sick3 European Union  vs  European Union asDX
et 14:00 8Bits Hungary  vs  Poland c[_]
et 14:30 sick3 European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 14:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 14:30 replay asDX European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 15:30 visual European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 15:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 15:30 [T] Poland  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 16:00 replay visual European Union  vs  Poland [T]
et 16:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 16:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union craze
et 16:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  Poland [T]
et 16:30 replay visual European Union  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 16:30 replay craze European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 17:00 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union eA
et 17:00 Queens European Union  vs  European Union craze
et 17:00 replay Chromic Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 17:30 replay Queens European Union  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 19:00 eA European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 19:00 [T] Poland  vs  European Union craze
csgo 19:00 Titan France  vs  Brazil LG
et 19:15 replay eA European Union  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 19:30 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union craze
et 19:30 replay [T] Poland  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 19:45 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 19:45 [T] Poland  vs  European Union eA
et 19:45 craze European Union  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 20:15 replay Chromic Netherlands  vs  European Union eA
et 20:15 replay [T] Poland  vs  European Union craze
et 20:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
csgo 21:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  United States CLG
et 21:45 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 21:45 replay visual European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 21:45 replay sick3 European Union  vs  Poland [T]
et 22:00 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union 'xD
csgo 23:00 VP Poland  vs  United States Nih
et 23:45 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union Queens
et 23:45 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 00:30 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union sick3
csgo 01:00 mouz European Union  vs  United States C9
et 01:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union visual
et 01:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  European Union sick3
et 10:30 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 10:30 replay KOMMRAN Germany  vs  Poland tMoe
et 11:00 replay eA European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 11:00 replay KOMMRAN Germany  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 12:00 replay eA European Union  vs  Germany KOMMRAN
et 12:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 13:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union eA
et 14:00 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 14:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Estonia
et 15:00 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  Estonia
et 15:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 16:00 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  European Union TAG
et 16:00 replay Estonia  vs  Hungary 8Bits
csgo 17:00 CLG United States  vs  Brazil LG
et 17:30 replay Estonia  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 19:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union 'xD
csgo 19:00 C9 United States  vs  United States Nih
et 20:00 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union 'xD
et 21:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union visual
et 22:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 23:00 replay Estonia  vs  European Union 'xD
et 00:00 replay Estonia  vs  European Union =^.^=
csgo 01:00 CLG United States  vs  European Union mouz
csgo 03:00 Titan France  vs  Poland VP
et 10:00 replay KOMMRAN Germany  vs  European Union visual
et 10:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
et 11:45 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 11:45 replay eA European Union  vs  Germany KOMMRAN
et 13:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 13:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 14:45 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Germany Ri
et 14:45 replay TAG European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 16:30 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
et 16:30 replay KOMMRAN Germany  vs  Poland tMoe
csgo 17:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  European Union mouz
lol 17:00 UoL European Union  vs  European Union Fnatic
et 18:30 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  Germany KOMMRAN
csgo 19:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Denmark Dignitas
et 19:30 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany Ri
csgo 20:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 20:30 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany KOMMRAN
csgo 21:00 EnVyUs France  vs  Denmark Dignitas
csgo 21:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Germany PENTA
et 21:30 replay rGlory Finland  vs  United States the best
csgo 21:45 VP Poland  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 22:00 replay OLTv2 Netherlands  vs  France wb
et 22:00 replay ROIDS United States  vs  Netherlands DRGN
csgo 22:00 PENTA Germany  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
lol 22:00 TSM United States  vs  United States C9
et 22:15 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union visual
et 04:00 replay hQ. United States  vs  Chile rG
csgo 20:00 PENTA Germany  vs  Denmark Cph
et 20:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland 3er
et 21:00 replay wb France  vs  Netherlands TALENT
csgo 21:00 Cph Denmark  vs  Germany PENTA
et 22:00 replay rGlory Finland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 22:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Finland lolpussy
et 23:15 replay Auto United States  vs  France rfx
et 23:45 replay :h Poland  vs  Finland AKA
csgo 20:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  Sweden Prop
csgo 21:00 Prop Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 22:00 replay xPro Poland  vs  European Union ho
csgo 18:00 G2 Poland  vs  Germany PENTA
csgo 19:00 PENTA Germany  vs  Poland G2
csgo 19:00 PiTER Russian Federation  vs  Sweden x6tence
et 21:00 replay urANUS European Union  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 22:00 replay 8Bits Hungary  vs  Finland thenerd
et 22:15 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 20:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 21:30 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 21:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 22:15 replay dev European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 23:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Talented
rtcw 04:00 Birdz United States  vs  United States :X:
csgo 11:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  France EnVyUs
lol 14:00 GIANTS! Spain  vs  United Kingdom RGL
csgo 14:45 TSM Denmark  vs  Sweden NiP
et 17:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 17:15 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union ho
lol 18:00 ROCCAT Germany  vs  Denmark Cph Ac
et 22:45 replay ho European Union  vs  Netherlands mQ
csgo 17:00 TSM Denmark  vs  Sweden fnatic
lol 19:00 dig United States  vs  United States FSN
et 20:15 replay FIN Finland  vs  Sweden SWE
et 20:30 replay 3er Poland  vs  Poland Wariat
rtcw 21:00 sick6 European Union  vs  United States FHRITP
et 21:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union ho
et 23:00 replay )>>( United States  vs  United States LEGIT
et 23:00 replay POKE Germany  vs  European Union hermit
lol 00:45 WF United States  vs  United States TDK
et 01:30 replay [*+.] United States  vs  United States d+
et 02:00 replay CORNERS United States  vs  United States mmt
et 19:00 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 20:00 replay 3er Poland  vs  Poland c[_]
et 21:15 replay 3er Poland  vs  Poland c[_]
et 22:00 replay lolpussy Finland  vs  European Union avest
et 22:00 replay sups European Union  vs  Finland AKA
et 22:15 replay Wariat Poland  vs  European Union dev
et 23:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union ho
et 01:15 replay avest European Union  vs  United States yours
et 16:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 19:30 replay 'xD European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 20:00 replay c[_] Poland  vs  European Union ho
et 21:00 replay lolpussy Finland  vs  Netherlands Chromic
et 19:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 20:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Poland Wariat
et 22:30 replay RED European Union  vs  European Union BLUE
et 00:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union avest
et 19:30 'xD European Union  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 20:15 replay Talented Netherlands  vs  European Union rC
et 20:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  France dMon
et 20:15 replay iO European Union  vs  Germany Yermanz
et 20:15 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union visual
et 20:15 replay ci. United States  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay Yermanz Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 21:15 replay 'xD European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 22:15 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany Yermanz