Schedule » List » May 2009

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« April 2009 :: May 2009 :: June 2009 »
et 03:15 oRigin European Union  vs  Poland fanatic
et 10:15 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union Titanz
et 10:45 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Netherlands True
et 11:00 replay dESIRE France  vs  European Union Titanz
et 11:30 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Netherlands charism
et 13:00 replay plasa Austria  vs  European Union o6
et 13:15 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union Reet
et 13:15 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union jrp
et 13:30 replay InfernaL European Union  vs  European Union |X|
et 14:30 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union InfernaL
et 14:30 replay jrp European Union  vs  European Union |X|
et 14:45 Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union o6
et 14:45 replay plasa Austria  vs  European Union Reet
et 15:30 replay jrp European Union  vs  European Union InfernaL
et 15:45 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union bb
et 16:45 replay H2k European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
ws 17:00 oGgle Switzerland  vs  Germany reload
et 17:00 replay asd. European Union  vs  Netherlands True
et 17:45 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  France dESIRE
et 18:00 replay TMR Belgium  vs  Germany HB
et 18:45 replay H2k European Union  vs  European Union asd.
et 18:45 True Netherlands  vs  Netherlands charism
et 18:45 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Germany HB
et 19:00 replay TMR Belgium  vs  France dESIRE
et 19:45 replay HB Germany  vs  France dESIRE
et 20:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Belgium TMR
et 20:30 replay H2k European Union  vs  Netherlands True
et 20:30 replay asd. European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 oRigin European Union  vs  France ADAPTED
et 21:30 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union |X|
et 21:45 replay H2k European Union  vs  European Union bb
et 22:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Austria plasa
et 23:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union jrp
et 23:30 replay dESIRE France  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 23:30 oRigin European Union  vs  France G&G
et 00:15 replay Celsus Poland  vs  European Union Reet
et 00:15 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 10:15 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union Titanz
et 10:15 replay pstarZ European Union  vs  Belgium TMR
et 10:45 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Poland Celsus
et 11:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union asd.
et 11:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 11:15 replay TMR Belgium  vs  European Union Titanz
et 12:30 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union H2k
et 12:30 replay Titanz European Union  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 13:00 replay o6 European Union  vs  Poland Celsus
et 13:15 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union ovr
et 14:15 replay Celsus Poland  vs  Austria plasa
et 14:30 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union |X|
et 14:30 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union InfernaL
et 16:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Germany HB
et 16:15 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union ovr
et 16:15 replay bb European Union  vs  Poland Celsus
et 16:45 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union H2k
et 17:45 newind European Union  vs  European Union mmA.
et 18:00 replay HB Germany  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 18:15 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union ovr
et 18:15 replay H2k European Union  vs  European Union bb
et 18:15 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Poland Celsus
et 20:00 replay jrp European Union  vs  Belgium TMR
et 20:00 replay True Netherlands  vs  Austria plasa
et 20:15 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union H2k
et 21:30 replay dESIRE France  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:30 replay jrp European Union  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:45 sIN Germany  vs  Poland energia
et 22:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  European Union InfernaL
et 23:45 replay asd. European Union  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 00:15 replay dESIRE France  vs  Netherlands True
et 00:30 oRigin European Union  vs  Poland fanatic
et 00:45 replay o6 European Union  vs  European Union InfernaL
et 10:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 10:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union H2k
et 11:30 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 12:15 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union bb
ws 14:00 parry United Kingdom  vs  Switzerland oGgle
et 14:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union ovr
et 14:15 replay o6 European Union  vs  European Union asd.
et 15:15 replay dESIRE France  vs  European Union asd.
et 16:15 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  European Union bb
et 18:00 replay ESP France  vs  France #nG.Tech
et 18:00 replay sIN Germany  vs  Belgium xtenz
et 19:15 replay kanker: France  vs  European Union nKrom
et 20:00 replay rL Poland  vs  European Union Splendid
et 20:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  France batong
tmf 20:00 o-Q|qrg Russian Federation  vs  Germany skY
tmf 20:00 Above Canada  vs  Slovakia iR
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  Germany kc
tmf 20:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  France kG
et 20:00 s' Poland  vs  Germany jmk
et 20:00 h-face Spain  vs  Russian Federation e0h
tmf 20:30 Replica European Union  vs  Germany GSA
et 20:45 RG Poland  vs  Poland aego
et 21:00 replay #Rcz` Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:00 oLe! Spain  vs  European Union HESS
et 21:00 replay zeroE Poland  vs  Estonia punkd
tmf 21:00 saf France  vs  Hungary FC
et 21:30 replay GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  Germany god
et 21:45 h-face Spain  vs  Spain Sht!
et 22:00 replay Val Portugal  vs  Finland <3
et 14:15 exe Poland  vs  Germany defect
et 15:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland mAg.
et 19:30 Newind European Union  vs  Netherlands cornu
et 20:00 replay 2b3 Poland  vs  European Union Blood
et 20:00 replay dental. Estonia  vs  Poland [1stCav]
et 20:30 Veng Israel  vs  Poland oY
sc 21:00 Dreiven Poland  vs  Poland Draco
sc 21:00 Strelok Ukraine  vs  Poland Sawyer
et 21:00 zeroE Poland  vs  France FaMaS
et 21:00 [6aHgA] Russian Federation  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:15 replay insane| European Union  vs  Ireland VPL
et 21:15 replay god Germany  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:30 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  Croatia Cor
et 23:00 replay oLe! Spain  vs  Spain coltAn
et 19:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Hungary eod
et 20:30 replay myR Germany  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 20:30 replay Order Sweden  vs  Hungary amc
et 21:00 I am European Union  vs  Spain pinpals
et 21:30 replay wEeeeee Spain  vs  Netherlands cornu
et 03:30 replay CAN Canada  vs  United States East
et 04:15 replay south-a Chile  vs  United States West
tf2 20:00 Slovakia  vs  Germany vMc.
et 20:15 replay amdi Germany  vs  Poland darts
tf2 20:30 [PW] Czech Republic  vs  Italy oz3
et 20:30 Veng Israel  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 20:30 replay sIN Germany  vs  European Union Blood
tmf 21:00 kc United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom Bubb
et 16:30 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union exe
tf2 19:00 [PW] Czech Republic  vs  Sweden keso
et 19:00 replay eod Hungary  vs  European Union I am
et 19:00 replay NBY Germany  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 20:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  United States des.
tmf 20:00 VVV United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dr-ukr
et 20:45 replay SLight. France  vs  Sweden Order
tf2 21:00 ritero Czech Republic  vs  Germany Simply
et 21:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  United Kingdom Impact
tmf 21:00 FG United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom w4
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dignitas
tf2 21:15 Slovakia  vs  France [AP2]
et 21:30 wEeeeee Spain  vs  European Union p`
et 22:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  Croatia Cor
et 22:30 vibe European Union  vs  Hungary und
et 00:15 replay oRigin European Union  vs  France Reality.
et 20:00 replay pp Poland  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 21:00 replay SLight. France  vs  Poland /df
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  Ireland VVV
et 00:30 .:uS:. United Kingdom  vs  European Union oRigin
et 16:00 defect Germany  vs  Finland re+play
et 19:15 replay oY Poland  vs  France [SUPER]
et 20:00 replay a2b European Union  vs  European Union ATI
et 22:30 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union newind
et 00:00 .:uS:. United Kingdom  vs  European Union oRigin
et 01:30 oRigin European Union  vs  European Union Splendid
et 15:00 replay @pRESSUR Poland  vs  Finland re+play
et 18:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Sweden wings
et 18:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Germany sIN
et 18:15 replay ESP France  vs  Belgium bmg
et 18:15 fanatic Poland  vs  France Fz
et 18:15 gibon European Union  vs  Poland ...
et 19:00 Splendid European Union  vs  Croatia guru
et 20:00 RB' Poland  vs  Poland NetG
et 20:00 Hunters Poland  vs  Poland dmzZz/
et 20:00 replay GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  European Union emo
tmf 20:00 exootia Turkey  vs  Hungary FC
et 20:00 replay Utrecht Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Gelder
tmf 20:00 kc Germany  vs  France kG
et 20:00 tb Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 20:00 Veng Israel  vs  Poland CMF
et 20:00 NL Czech Republic  vs  European Union iNm
ws 20:30 grzesiek Poland  vs  Germany ssfb*
et 20:45 project6 European Union  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:00 replay rockit Belgium  vs  European Union ahead
et 21:00 replay dreaM Germany  vs  Slovenia Skylla
et 21:00 rL Poland  vs  France SLight.
et 21:00 npdc France  vs  France IdF
qw 21:00 dsn Poland  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 21:00 eXert Poland  vs  Poland eGaming
et 21:00 everto Poland  vs  Poland zeroE
et 21:00 koksy Poland  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:00 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:15 replay eod Hungary  vs  Poland Celsus
et 21:30 oLe! Spain  vs  Spain h-face
rtcw 21:30 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Hungary cave
et 21:30 zZz Denmark  vs  Spain pinpals
et 22:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 22:00 replay Auth European Union  vs  European Union H2k
et 22:00 Splendid European Union  vs  Sweden [Ph3tt0]
et 22:15 replay rockit Belgium  vs  Slovenia sWat
et 23:00 god Germany  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 03:00 dside Brazil  vs  Chile rG
et 15:45 :h Poland  vs  Saint Helena LG
et 18:15 replay :h Poland  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Finland Alife
qw 21:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  Poland dsn
et 21:00 replay w4rG France  vs  France Fz
et 21:30 replay 4FuN Poland  vs  Poland eGaming
et 21:45 Val Portugal  vs  Belgium rockit
rtcw 22:00 fixed Finland  vs  European Union RAW
et 22:30 replay z-H Netherlands  vs  Belgium <o/
et 14:45 replay ProSpect Poland  vs  Germany cre.
et 17:00 8bits European Union  vs  Belgium system6
et 18:45 3G/// Germany  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 19:00 replay gakuen Poland  vs  Germany HB
et 20:00 L33T European Union  vs  Netherlands FiF
et 21:00 GIGABYTE Sweden  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:00 .pFk France  vs  European Union oRigin
qw 21:15 oz3!. Italy  vs  European Union #hAk
et 21:30 replay Auth European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 21:30 Imgn. Netherlands  vs  France (p)
et 21:45 aBsit European Union  vs  European Union Newind
et 22:15 replay punkd Estonia  vs  Estonia ons
tf2 20:00 LEGALIZE Czech Republic  vs  Slovakia
tf2 20:30 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  France DF
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Belgium system6
tf2 21:30 oz3 Italy  vs  France blitz
et 21:30 replay True Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic #Rcz`
et 22:00 replay koksy Poland  vs  European Union newind
et 19:15 replay Veng Israel  vs  Poland DG
tf2 20:00 Doj. Israel  vs  Slovakia
tf2 20:00 ritero Czech Republic  vs  Finland Rokkai.
et 20:15 replay tb Poland  vs  European Union o6
et 21:00 replay sMc France  vs  Germany 3G///
ws 21:00 Klice France  vs  Poland mxc
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom kc
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom w4
tmf 21:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom Bubb
tmf 21:00 VVV United Kingdom  vs  Ireland VVV
et 21:30 replay eod Hungary  vs  Slovenia sWat
et 21:30 replay cre. Germany  vs  Belgium system6
qw 22:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Spain 3LACK.
et 22:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Belgium rockit
et 22:15 accurate Netherlands  vs  Estonia Quality
et 22:30 oLe! Spain  vs  France (p)
et 01:15 oRigin European Union  vs  Finland gh
et 18:45 replay inspired European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 21:00 replay 3G/// Germany  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 21:00 FiF Netherlands  vs  Israel Fat
ws 21:30 RoGaaah France  vs  Poland daxio
et 17:00 replay TI Poland  vs  Germany Scharf
et 17:30 replay BROT Germany  vs  Germany cre.
et 19:00 replay sIN Germany  vs  France m4u
et 20:30 replay d. Finland  vs  Poland ex4ntic
et 21:15 CROW Estonia  vs  Finland WLT
et 22:00 replay oRigin European Union  vs  Germany proto.ET
et 23:15 replay BROT Germany  vs  Germany
et 00:30 cub3 Netherlands  vs  European Union mek
et 18:00 replay dave European Union  vs  Finland RAAB
et 18:30 In7 United Kingdom  vs  Russian Federation CCCP
et 19:00 replay oY Poland  vs  Poland C-
et 20:00 replay NetG Poland  vs  European Union nuts
et 20:00 replay frog France  vs  Hungary eod
et 20:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  Hungary und
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  European Union Celsus
tmf 20:00 SWRT Germany  vs  Hungary FC
et 20:00 sIN Germany  vs  Germany KOMPOST
et 20:15 3er Poland  vs  Poland r4s
et 20:30 tb Poland  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 20:30 EDRAMA Japan  vs  Belgium bmg
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  European Union H2k
et 21:15 replay Groning Netherlands  vs  Belgium .bw
et 21:30 dmzZz/ Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:30 replay rtd' Czech Republic  vs  Belgium rockit
et 22:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Poland Celsus
et 22:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Poland r4s
ws 22:00 vicek Poland  vs  Germany seeker
et 22:30 replay sKy Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 03:30 i< Brazil  vs  Chile rG
et 18:00 replay apoc Spain  vs  European Union ubermix
et 18:30 ci. United States  vs  Germany HB
et 20:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 20:00 replay gakuen Poland  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 20:30 eA' Germany  vs  Germany proto.ET
et 20:30 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  European Union 2X
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  European Union HESS
et 21:00 replay a. Poland  vs  Poland SLIMG
ws 21:15 daxio Poland  vs  Poland FWS
et 22:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Germany one4one
et 22:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Germany HB
et 22:15 i_M_o Estonia  vs  Sweden Order
et 15:30 3er Poland  vs  European Union justhax
et 16:45 tb Israel  vs  Poland :h
et 18:15 replay hm European Union  vs  European Union nKrom
tf2 21:00 Slovakia  vs  European Union GAMe
et 21:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Germany one4one
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Hungary eod
et 21:00 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  Poland 4FuN
et 21:00 In7 United Kingdom  vs  Germany myR
et 21:00 w4rG France  vs  Germany GOD*
et 21:00 replay des. United States  vs  Sweden Order
et 21:15 wEeeeee Spain  vs  France oxd
et 21:30 fglg United Kingdom  vs  Belgium WCK
et 21:30 replay True Netherlands  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 21:30 replay 8B|FiFr European Union  vs  Poland sKy
et 18:00 replay exe Poland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 19:00 replay :h Poland  vs  Israel NWI
et 19:30 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom In7
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Croatia guru
rtcw 21:00 KiH Sweden  vs  European Union RAW
qw 21:00 cipE Germany  vs  European Union VIP
et 21:00 replay CoS France  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 21:45 replay rockit Belgium  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 22:45 replay i_M_o Estonia  vs  Poland zuki
et 23:15 replay ip Finland  vs  Sweden dispo
et 23:45 replay sIN Germany  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 14:30 replay sIN Germany  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 19:15 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Germany MM
tf2 20:00 ritero Czech Republic  vs  Germany DW
et 20:00 GPD European Union  vs  Brazil Negers12
et 20:00 replay inspired European Union  vs  Finland ip
et 20:30 replay /<iller Finland  vs  France @tbbe
et 21:00 replay one4one Germany  vs  Poland RG
et 21:00 replay e2 Czech Republic  vs  European Union COCO
et 21:00 replay system6 Belgium  vs  European Union 2X
et 21:00 replay [NB] Netherlands  vs  Belgium B&W
rtcw 21:00 cave Hungary  vs  European Union Falx
et 21:00 randomZ European Union  vs  Israel NWI
et 22:00 replay aurea Spain  vs  European Union nkNn
et 22:00 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  Belgium system6
et 23:00 replay des. United States  vs  Croatia Cor
et 18:45 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  Senegal Big
et 20:00 replay ein Poland  vs  Poland borg.
et 20:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Estonia i_M_o
et 21:45 cools Poland  vs  Poland brobo
et 17:45 replay ip Finland  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 19:15 replay monkeyz European Union  vs  Estonia TmT
et 19:30 replay [ET] Ukraine  vs  Niger tlpzk
et 21:30 replay 6kN France  vs  Ireland ReborN
et 22:00 replay #care Germany  vs  France Poker
et 22:15 replay WLT Finland  vs  United Kingdom In7
et 15:15 re+play Finland  vs  Belgium system6
et 18:00 replay 6kN France  vs  Finland tB
et 19:00 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Hungary eod
et 19:45 replay oY Poland  vs  Finland vHr
et 20:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Estonia GBU
et 20:00 replay system6 Belgium  vs  Finland ave
et 20:00 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  Germany HB
et 20:15 oRigin European Union  vs  European Union ES
et 20:30 borg. Poland  vs  Poland AoD
et 20:45 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Finland secunda
et 20:45 cornu Netherlands  vs  Poland eXert
et 21:00 replay wannaB Germany  vs  Czech Republic e2
et 21:00 replay team32 Poland  vs  France trZ
et 21:00 replay myR Germany  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:00 NetG Poland  vs  Poland r4s
et 21:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  European Union H2k
ws 21:00 BEER European Union  vs  Germany qah
et 21:00 rockit Germany  vs  Germany sIN
et 21:00 lost^ Germany  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 21:15 replay fNtx Poland  vs  France sMc
rtcw 21:15 fixed Finland  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:30 replay (p) France  vs  European Union nuts
et 21:45 replay phan European Union  vs  Spain h-face
et 21:45 sWat Slovenia  vs  Russian Federation [6aHgA]
et 22:00 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union wPa
et 22:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  Belgium rockit
et 22:30 replay H2k European Union  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 03:30 i< Brazil  vs  Chile unhit
et 18:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Finland Alife
ws 19:00 eVo Germany  vs  Germany soh
tf2 20:30 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  Lithuania 31.
et 20:30 6kN France  vs  Poland C-
et 21:15 replay Alife Finland  vs  Hungary und
et 21:30 eA' Germany  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 21:30 replay eod Hungary  vs  Germany HB
ws 22:30 GFO Poland  vs  Hungary Neu
et 23:00 oRigin European Union  vs  United States ci.
et 19:00 replay darts Poland  vs  Poland vodka
et 20:00 borg. Poland  vs  Poland CMF
ws 20:00 reload Germany  vs  Netherlands Scoob
et 20:15 replay i_M_o Estonia  vs  Gibraltar vKUTID
et 20:30 replay o6 European Union  vs  Poland invitium
et 20:30 <o/ Belgium  vs  Belgium Antw1
ws 20:45 rvg Norway  vs  Switzerland oGgle
tf2 21:00 [Apk] Italy  vs  Slovakia
et 21:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Hungary und
et 21:00 replay xls Germany  vs  Germany sIN
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union H2k
et 21:30 replay Cor Croatia  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 22:15 replay Celsus Poland  vs  United Kingdom YYT.ET
et 23:45 replay sQuadra. France  vs  European Union oRigin
et 16:45 replay defect Germany  vs  Estonia Att
et 18:45 replay :h Poland  vs  United Kingdom In7
et 20:30 replay pink`h France  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 21:00 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  European Union Glockz
et 21:30 replay oY Poland  vs  Germany asusual
et 21:45 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  European Union COCO
et 23:30 oRigin European Union  vs  France zerma
et 00:15 replay bob :D Germany  vs  European Union holics
et 00:15 oRigin European Union  vs  European Union HarD
et 00:30 .:uS:. United Kingdom  vs  European Union Splendid
et 19:00 replay wings Sweden  vs  European Union ubermix
et 20:15 tlpzk Niger  vs  Lithuania LDK
et 20:30 replay [ET] Ukraine  vs  Russian Federation mix1
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom 4K
tmf 21:00 kc United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dignitas
tmf 21:00 VVV United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom 4K
tmf 21:00 VVV Ireland  vs  United Kingdom FG
et 21:00 replay /<iller Finland  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:00 replay Val Portugal  vs  Poland mAg.
qw 21:00 CF Russian Federation  vs  France lsx
et 21:00 replay nuts European Union  vs  France trZ
et 21:00 replay Cyclone Portugal  vs  European Union Splendid
tmf 21:00 w4 United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dr-ukr
et 21:00 pink`h France  vs  Estonia TmT
et 21:30 replay dreaM Germany  vs  France six
et 13:15 ns# Poland  vs  Germany bling
et 17:00 Veng Israel  vs  Finland C|
et 20:30 pink`h France  vs  Hungary amc
et 01:30 oRigin European Union  vs  France G&G
et 13:30 ns# Poland  vs  Germany bling
et 17:15 replay BROT Germany  vs  Finland secunda
et 12:00 replay savak Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 14:45 replay Auth Poland  vs  Poland e!
et 14:45 replay TheNext Poland  vs  Poland frozen
et 16:30 Auth Poland  vs  Poland frozen
et 17:15 replay TheNext Poland  vs  Poland e!
et 17:45 replay e! Poland  vs  Poland frozen
et 18:15 replay defect Germany  vs  European Union supermix
et 19:00 replay Antw1 Belgium  vs  Netherlands z-H
ws 19:15 rvg Norway  vs  Finland Hyrv
et 20:00 r5| European Union  vs  France six
et 20:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  Estonia #hyf
tmf 20:00 inf-d Portugal  vs  Hungary FC
et 20:00 bORG Poland  vs  Germany dAmAge
et 20:00 replay Over' Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Gelder
ws 20:00 h0rst Germany  vs  Germany reload
et 20:15 replay bob :D Germany  vs  Poland COA
ws 20:30 loxer Germany  vs  Switzerland oGgle
et 20:30 aBsit European Union  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  European Union ovr
et 21:00 wHINE Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 21:00 oRigin European Union  vs  Ireland ReborN
et 21:15 replay Quality Estonia  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:30 MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  France frog
et 22:30 replay dETECTED European Union  vs  Finland ctrlld