Schedule » List » May 2014

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« April 2014 :: May 2014 :: June 2014 »
et 10:30 replay 1| European Union  vs  Poland [wims]
et 17:00 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union avest
et 18:15 replay avest European Union  vs  Finland turbot
csgo 19:00 LGB Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 19:15 replay puFe Finland  vs  Finland rP
et 19:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland [wims]
csgo 20:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 20:00 LGB Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
csgo 20:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  France Mystik
et 20:00 replay avest European Union  vs  Estonia JRV
et 20:30 replay puFe Finland  vs  Poland [wims]
et 20:45 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union c9
csgo 21:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 21:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union randomZ
et 22:00 replay SWE Sweden  vs  Netherlands NED
csgo 22:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 23:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
et 23:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands KW
et 01:45 replay cre. Germany  vs  Netherlands KW
rtcw 04:00 Birdz United States  vs  United States GK
et 13:00 replay avest European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 13:45 replay PAS Poland  vs  European Union 1|
et 14:45 replay randomZ European Union  vs  European Union avest
csgo 15:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 15:15 replay 1| European Union  vs  Belgium ===3
et 16:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union 0P
et 17:00 replay SWK Poland  vs  European Union avest
et 18:00 replay SWK Poland  vs  European Union 1|
csgo 18:30 Titan France  vs  Poland VP
et 18:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland puFe
et 20:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Belgium BOSS
et 22:00 replay randomZ European Union  vs  France hi2u
et 01:30 replay sm Poland  vs  United States Auto
et 13:45 replay INGOLF Germany  vs  Estonia SSTAT
csgo 15:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Poland VP
et 17:00 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Finland puFe
csgo 18:30 Titan France  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 19:45 replay simHeo European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 20:30 replay iFT{ Poland  vs  European Union 1|
et 21:00 replay 'xD United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands KW
et 22:00 replay iFT{ Poland  vs  United Kingdom 'xD
et 22:45 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union ho
et 22:45 replay mmm. Antarctica  vs  United States Auto
et 23:15 replay Gram Ireland  vs  Finland rP
csgo 14:00 NiP Sweden  vs  France Titan
et 15:30 replay avest European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 16:30 replay 'xD United Kingdom  vs  Antarctica mmm.
et 16:45 replay 1| European Union  vs  Poland PAS
et 17:45 replay avest European Union  vs  Poland Wariat
et 18:00 replay HUN Hungary  vs  Finland FIN
csgo 18:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 19:00 replay + Germany  vs  Germany bruddi
et 19:00 replay phase France  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:00 replay avest European Union  vs  United Kingdom 'xD
et 19:00 replay 1| European Union  vs  European Union oldsql
et 20:00 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union iN7
et 20:00 replay paradise Czech Republic  vs  Finland Strue
et 20:30 replay HUN Hungary  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:30 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union 1|
et 21:00 replay )>>( United States  vs  European Union craze
et 21:00 replay paradise Czech Republic  vs  European Union enhanced
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  European Union FOLLOW
rtcw 21:30 raw European Union  vs  Hungary cave
et 22:00 replay FRA France  vs  Austria AUT
et 22:00 replay sm Poland  vs  European Union mskva
et 22:00 replay Gram Ireland  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 22:15 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Canada CAN
et 22:30 replay the best United States  vs  Germany nB|
rtcw 23:00 u| United States  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 23:30 replay Talented Netherlands  vs  Poland #2k1fr
et 23:30 replay sm Poland  vs  United States Auto
et 23:30 replay GER Germany  vs  Poland POL
et 11:45 avest European Union  vs  United Kingdom 'xD
et 12:15 replay avest European Union  vs  European Union oldsql
et 13:30 replay eXe Slovenia  vs  European Union 1|
et 17:45 replay w1ns European Union  vs  European Union oldsql
et 19:00 replay FOLLOW European Union  vs  European Union 1|
csgo 19:00 F3 Ukraine  vs  Russian Federation Nos
et 20:00 replay jeppis Finland  vs  Finland w0bble
et 20:15 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union rC
et 20:30 replay randomZ European Union  vs  Finland nTerror
et 21:00 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:00 replay ho European Union  vs  United Kingdom 'xD
et 21:30 replay G+ United States  vs  European Union 1|
et 22:00 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Austria AUT
et 22:00 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union w1ns
et 00:15 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany nB|
et 15:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union w1ns
et 19:30 replay oldsql European Union  vs  Germany #hashtag
et 20:00 replay prmnd Finland  vs  Estonia yolo
csgo 20:30 Infused United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom R.Xd
csgo 20:30 fm-TOXIC United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom B2G
et 20:30 replay pD| Germany  vs  European Union 1|
rtcw 21:00 gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union raw
et 21:45 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 22:00 replay POR Portugal  vs  Iceland ICE
et 22:45 replay o0/ France  vs  Finland ave
et 23:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  Germany ns
et 23:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France phase
et 01:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  Poland wiSe
et 11:15 replay 1| European Union  vs  European Union oldsql
et 13:15 replay TLG European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 14:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 15:45 replay visual European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 16:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Netherlands KW
et 17:00 replay 1| European Union  vs  Finland ave
csgo 19:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Spain Wizards
et 19:00 replay bP69 Finland  vs  Slovenia eXe
et 19:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Finland ave
csgo 20:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  France LDLC
et 20:30 replay Talented Netherlands  vs  European Union sBz
rtcw 21:00 (ISIS) Sweden  vs  Netherlands sCs
csgo 21:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Sweden LGB
et 21:00 replay jeppis Finland  vs  Poland 2K1F
et 21:45 replay 'xD United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands Talented
rtcw 22:00 sCs Netherlands  vs  United States 501st
csgo 22:00 Titan France  vs  Poland VP
et 23:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union randomZ
et 01:30 replay >+ Iceland  vs  Germany huan
et 13:45 replay 1| European Union  vs  Germany huan
lol 15:00 Ice International  vs  International Fire
et 15:00 replay w1ns European Union  vs  European Union craze
lol 16:00 OMG China  vs  European Union Fnatic
lol 17:00 TPA Taiwan, Province of China  vs  Korea, Republic of T1
et 17:00 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union avest
et 17:45 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union avest
lol 18:00 Fnatic European Union  vs  United States C9
lol 19:00 OMG China  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
csgo 19:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Denmark Dignitas
lol 20:00 T1 Korea, Republic of  vs  United States C9
rtcw 20:00 one United Kingdom  vs  Austria cP
csgo 20:00 VP Poland  vs  Spain Wizards
et 20:45 replay rP Finland  vs  Poland dzikus
rtcw 21:00 VS United States  vs  Austria cP
csgo 21:00 LGB Sweden  vs  France LDLC
csgo 21:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 21:00 VP Poland  vs  France Mystik
et 21:00 replay avest European Union  vs  Germany POKE
rtcw 22:00 Elite European Union  vs  Hungary cave
csgo 22:00 Titan France  vs  Sweden fnatic
csgo 22:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  France Mystik
et 22:45 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  France phase
et 02:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union w1ns
lol 13:00 Fire International  vs  International Ice
lol 14:00 T1 Korea, Republic of  vs  China OMG
et 14:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Netherlands KW
lol 15:00 C9 United States  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
et 15:15 replay 1| European Union  vs  Belgium BOSS
lol 16:00 Fnatic European Union  vs  Korea, Republic of T1
et 16:15 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union oldsql
et 17:00 replay 1| European Union  vs  Poland SWK
lol 17:45 C9 United States  vs  China OMG
lol 18:45 TPA Taiwan, Province of China  vs  European Union Fnatic
et 18:45 replay 1| European Union  vs  Poland SWK
et 19:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 19:45 replay dp Germany  vs  Poland SWK
et 20:30 replay bP69 Finland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 21:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 22:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland bP69
et 23:00 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  European Union sBz
et 00:15 replay waSn France  vs  European Union visual
lol 13:00 Ice International  vs  International Fire
lol 14:00 OMG China  vs  United States C9
et 14:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union visual
et 15:45 replay avest European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
lol 16:30 T1 Korea, Republic of  vs  European Union Fnatic
et 18:30 replay avest European Union  vs  Belgium aestas
et 20:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Germany pD|
et 21:15 replay visual European Union  vs  France hi2u
et 22:30 replay visual European Union  vs  United States Auto
et 00:15 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union mAlibu
et 00:45 replay EPEK Finland  vs  Germany #mj
lol 13:00 Archie Viet Nam  vs  Korea, Republic of Shy
lol 13:15 Cool China  vs  Viet Nam QTV
lol 13:30 D/M International  vs  European Union D/B
lol 13:45 Froggen Denmark  vs  China WeiXiao
lol 14:00 T1 Korea, Republic of  vs  China OMG
et 14:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  United States G+
et 15:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Germany huan
et 15:30 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 17:15 replay avest European Union  vs  Poland :h
et 19:00 replay HUN Hungary  vs  Canada CAN
et 19:00 replay rP Finland  vs  Finland w0bble
et 19:00 replay paradise Czech Republic  vs  Germany bruddi
et 19:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France phase
et 19:00 replay prmnd Finland  vs  Finland kpkp
et 20:00 replay FRA France  vs  Germany GER
et 20:00 replay intense Netherlands  vs  Belgium BOSS
et 20:00 replay G+ United States  vs  United States Auto
et 20:00 replay rC European Union  vs  Poland RIO
et 21:00 replay craze European Union  vs  Finland nTerror
et 21:30 replay CZE Czech Republic  vs  Estonia EST
et 21:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union FAP
et 22:00 replay POR Portugal  vs  United States USA
et 22:00 replay randomZ European Union  vs  European Union ho
et 22:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union FAP
et 23:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany huan
et 15:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Germany huan
et 19:45 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  European Union visual
et 20:00 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  European Union c9
et 20:00 replay phase France  vs  Finland turbot
et 20:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union mskva
et 20:30 replay iFT{ Poland  vs  European Union 1|
et 21:00 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Finland FIN
et 00:15 replay w1ns European Union  vs  Finland thenerd
et 04:00 replay CORNERS United States  vs  United States the best
et 16:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 18:30 replay 1| European Union  vs  Hungary xsize|
csgo 19:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
et 19:45 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union 1|
csgo 20:00 Infused United Kingdom  vs  Germany myXMG
csgo 20:00 R.Xd United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom 4aahm
rtcw 21:00 one United Kingdom  vs  United States VS
csgo 21:00 mouz European Union  vs  United Kingdom fm-TOXIC
csgo 22:00 myXMG Germany  vs  United Kingdom 4aahm
et 22:30 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands NED
et 14:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Hungary egk
et 15:45 replay huan Germany  vs  Poland [wims]
et 16:30 replay 1| European Union  vs  Belgium aestas
csgo 19:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
et 19:45 replay w1ns European Union  vs  Finland bP69
csgo 20:00 Titan France  vs  France LDLC
rtcw 20:00 _und Hungary  vs  Netherlands sCs
csgo 21:00 VP Poland  vs  Sweden fnatic
csgo 21:00 fm-TOXIC United Kingdom  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 22:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Sweden LGB
et 22:15 replay ho European Union  vs  European Union randomZ
et 22:15 replay #hashtag Germany  vs  European Union visual
csgo 23:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  European Union mouz
et 14:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland EPEK
et 16:45 replay 1| European Union  vs  European Union mAlibu
et 17:30 replay puFe Finland  vs  Germany INGOLF
et 18:30 replay 1| European Union  vs  Germany POKE
csgo 19:00 Titan France  vs  Denmark Dignitas
csgo 20:00 LGB Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 21:00 mouz European Union  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 21:00 VP Poland  vs  France LDLC
rtcw 21:15 Elite European Union  vs  United States u|
rtcw 21:15 (ISIS) Sweden  vs  United States 501st
csgo 22:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 12:15 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union 1|
et 13:00 replay 1| European Union  vs  Germany pD|
et 13:00 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 13:45 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 14:30 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 16:15 replay huan Germany  vs  Germany dp
et 16:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 20:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland easyfrag
et 20:45 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union ho
et 18:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 19:00 replay puFe Finland  vs  European Union 1|
et 23:00 replay EPEK Finland  vs  United States Auto
et 14:30 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Poland :h
et 18:00 replay CL Chile  vs  Iceland ICE
csgo 18:15 NiP Sweden  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 19:45 replay BOSS Belgium  vs  European Union ho
et 20:00 replay rP Finland  vs  Poland #2k1fr
et 20:30 replay aMales' Finland  vs  Czech Republic paradise
csgo 20:30 NiP Sweden  vs  Denmark Dignitas
rtcw 21:00 raw European Union  vs  European Union Elite
et 21:00 replay randomZ European Union  vs  European Union craze
rtcw 21:15 cave Hungary  vs  United States u|
et 21:30 replay FRA France  vs  Germany GER
et 21:30 replay iFT{ Poland  vs  European Union FOLLOW
et 22:15 replay USA United States  vs  Austria AUT
et 02:00 replay sm Poland  vs  Germany huan
et 14:00 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union avest
csgo 18:15 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 18:30 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  European Union 1|
et 20:00 replay + Germany  vs  Germany bruddi
et 20:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland sm
rtcw 21:00 VS United States  vs  Netherlands sCs
et 21:15 replay craze European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
csgo 21:15 NiP Sweden  vs  Denmark Dignitas
et 21:30 replay POL Poland  vs  Estonia EST
et 22:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  United States the best
et 22:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  France phase
lol 17:00 Fnatic European Union  vs  Germany SK
lol 18:00 [M] France  vs  Germany ROCCAT
lol 19:00 Alliance European Union  vs  Denmark Cph
csgo 19:00 Titan France  vs  Sweden T4B
et 20:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 20:45 replay oldsql European Union  vs  Finland J<3S
lol 21:00 SHC France  vs  France [M]
rtcw 21:15 cave Hungary  vs  Netherlands gMen
lol 22:00 ROCCAT Germany  vs  European Union GG
csgo 22:15 Mystik France  vs  Sweden TG
lol 17:00 SK Germany  vs  European Union GG
et 17:00 replay bP69 Finland  vs  European Union w1ns
lol 18:00 Cph Denmark  vs  France [M]
lol 19:00 Alliance European Union  vs  France SHC
csgo 19:00 fnatic Sweden  vs  Spain Wizards
csgo 19:00 TG Sweden  vs  Sweden T4B
et 19:00 replay POKE Germany  vs  Finland ave
et 19:45 replay EPEK Finland  vs  Germany huan
lol 20:00 SK Germany  vs  Denmark Cph
csgo 20:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Poland VP
et 20:00 replay visual European Union  vs  Germany pD|
lol 21:00 SHC France  vs  Germany ROCCAT
csgo 21:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  France LDLC
et 21:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Germany pD|
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union randomZ
lol 22:00 Alliance European Union  vs  European Union Fnatic
csgo 22:00 Titan France  vs  Sweden TG
et 22:30 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Finland FIN
csgo 23:00 VP Poland  vs  France LDLC
lol 17:00 Alliance European Union  vs  European Union GG
lol 18:00 Cph Denmark  vs  European Union Fnatic
lol 19:00 GG European Union  vs  France [M]
csgo 19:00 Titan France  vs  France Mystik
csgo 19:00 LDLC France  vs  Spain Wizards
et 19:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Germany POKE
lol 20:00 Fnatic European Union  vs  Germany ROCCAT
csgo 20:00 VP Poland  vs  Sweden TG
rtcw 21:00 (ISIS) Sweden  vs  Austria cP
lol 21:00 SK Germany  vs  France SHC
csgo 21:45 Dignitas Denmark  vs  Sweden fnatic
et 22:00 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Germany GER
csgo 22:45 NiP Sweden  vs  France Titan
et 23:45 replay sm Poland  vs  Germany nB|
et 01:15 replay sm Poland  vs  Germany huan
et 20:00 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  Finland rP
lol 21:00 C9 United States  vs  United States TSM
lol 22:00 Crs United States  vs  United States CLG
lol 23:00 EG European Union  vs  China LMQ iBP
lol 00:00 dig United States  vs  United States coL
et 00:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland EPEK
lol 01:00 LMQ iBP China  vs  United States CLG
et 01:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland EPEK
csgo 16:00 G4Balkan European Union  vs  Bosnia and Herzegovina G4Bosnia
et 16:15 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  United States Auto
et 18:00 replay avest European Union  vs  United States G+
csgo 18:30 G4Croati Croatia  vs  Serbia G4Serbia
csgo 20:30 G4Balkan European Union  vs  Serbia G4Serbia
lol 21:00 Crs United States  vs  United States TSM
lol 22:00 coL United States  vs  China LMQ iBP
et 22:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland EPEK
lol 23:00 dig United States  vs  European Union EG
et 23:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland EPEK
lol 00:00 TSM United States  vs  United States coL
lol 01:00 C9 United States  vs  United States dig
lol 02:00 CLG United States  vs  European Union EG
et 14:30 replay bP69 Finland  vs  Germany pD|
et 16:00 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  Germany POKE
et 17:15 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  Poland Bizony
et 18:15 replay Bizony Poland  vs  Germany POKE
et 18:15 replay CitiZen European Union  vs  European Union randomZ
et 20:00 replay CORNERS United States  vs  Germany nB|
et 20:30 replay CZE Czech Republic  vs  Chile CL
lol 21:00 Crs United States  vs  China LMQ iBP
et 21:15 replay SWE Sweden  vs  Belgium BEL
et 21:30 replay intense Netherlands  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 21:30 replay FOLLOW European Union  vs  European Union mLG
lol 22:00 C9 United States  vs  United States coL
et 22:15 replay CAN Canada  vs  United Kingdom UK
lol 23:00 TSM United States  vs  European Union EG
et 23:30 replay EPEK Finland  vs  Germany POKE
lol 00:00 dig United States  vs  United States Crs
lol 01:00 C9 United States  vs  United States CLG
et 16:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56
et 16:45 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:00 replay prmnd Finland  vs  Estonia yolo
et 18:45 replay visual European Union  vs  European Union rC
et 19:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland SWK
et 20:00 replay paradise Czech Republic  vs  Germany +
et 20:00 replay FOLLOW European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 21:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union mskva
et 21:00 replay jeppis Finland  vs  Poland #2k1fr
rtcw 21:00 one United Kingdom  vs  Hungary _und
et 21:30 replay FIN Finland  vs  France FRA
et 21:45 replay SWK Poland  vs  Finland EPEK
rtcw 22:15 _und Hungary  vs  United States VS
et 23:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union randomZ
et 15:15 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Belgium v56
csgo 19:00 Mystik France  vs  Sweden TG
csgo 20:00 VP Poland  vs  France Titan
rtcw 21:00 501st United States  vs  United Kingdom one
et 21:15 replay POL Poland  vs  Finland FIN
et 21:15 replay visual European Union  vs  Finland outwit
et 21:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Poland SWK
et 22:15 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  France phase
et 22:15 replay OR' European Union  vs  European Union visual
et 00:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany cre.
et 17:00 replay EPEK Finland  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 19:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France phase
et 19:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union avest
rtcw 20:00 cP Austria  vs  Netherlands sCs
et 20:30 replay 1| European Union  vs  United States s|
et 20:45 replay rP Finland  vs  France omoa
et 20:45 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  European Union mAlibu
et 20:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands Talented
et 21:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  United States s|
et 21:45 replay avest European Union  vs  Germany POKE
et 21:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  France omoa
et 21:45 replay Lf# Poland  vs  United States G+
et 23:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union mAlibu
et 23:00 replay EPEK Finland  vs  France omoa
et 00:15 replay EPEK Finland  vs  Belgium ===3
et 13:45 replay bP69 Finland  vs  Estonia yolo
et 14:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  European Union 1|
et 15:15 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  European Union 1|
et 16:00 replay [hoplaa] Finland  vs  European Union oldsql
et 16:45 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  Poland xPro
lol 18:00 Fnatic European Union  vs  European Union GG
et 18:00 replay craze European Union  vs  Finland ib
lol 19:00 Cph Denmark  vs  France SHC
et 19:15 replay EPEK Finland  vs  Belgium ===3
lol 20:00 Alliance European Union  vs  France [M]
et 20:00 replay rP Finland  vs  Belgium ===3
et 20:15 replay c[_] Poland  vs  Finland +mir
lol 21:00 ROCCAT Germany  vs  Germany SK
et 21:00 replay xPro Poland  vs  European Union ho
et 21:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union SICK6
et 21:45 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  France omoa
et 22:30 replay r@g Finland  vs  European Union craze
et 15:15 replay craze European Union  vs  Finland r@g
et 16:30 replay craze European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 17:15 replay POKE Germany  vs  Finland +mir
lol 18:00 Alliance European Union  vs  Germany SK
et 18:00 replay POKE Germany  vs  Finland +mir
et 18:45 replay puFe Finland  vs  Poland iFT{
lol 19:00 [M] France  vs  European Union Fnatic
et 19:00 replay ===3 Belgium  vs  Poland xPro
et 19:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Finland +mir
lol 20:00 ROCCAT Germany  vs  Denmark Cph
et 20:15 replay randomZ European Union  vs  France phase
et 20:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Finland r@g
lol 21:30 GG European Union  vs  France SHC
et 21:30 replay randomZ European Union  vs  France phase
et 22:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  France phase
et 23:30 replay EPEK Finland  vs  Poland xPro
et 00:30 replay +mir Finland  vs  European Union randomZ
et 00:45 replay ext3 European Union  vs  European Union craze
et 02:00 replay +mir Finland  vs  European Union IGPK
csgo 15:00 Dignitas Denmark  vs  France Titan
et 15:15 replay +mir Finland  vs  European Union randomZ
et 16:30 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union randomZ
csgo 17:00 LDLC France  vs  Poland VP
et 20:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  Belgium ===3
et 20:15 replay Gram Ireland  vs  Poland NKRW
lol 21:00 CLG United States  vs  United States TSM
et 21:30 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  United States Auto
et 21:45 replay pD| Germany  vs  Finland puFe
lol 22:00 EG European Union  vs  United States coL
et 22:45 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  United States Auto
lol 23:00 LMQ iBP China  vs  United States dig