Schedule » List » June 2009

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« May 2009 :: June 2009 :: July 2009 »
et 14:30 replay ns# Poland  vs  Estonia i_M_o
et 19:45 dETECTED European Union  vs  Spain wEeeeee
et 20:30 replay secunda Finland  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:00 replay one4one Germany  vs  Belgium system6
rtcw 21:00 nP European Union  vs  Sweden KiH
et 21:00 S@DO France  vs  Finland w0bble
et 21:15 defect Germany  vs  Poland a.
et 21:30 KDM France  vs  France |ROP|
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  European Union HESS
et 17:30 replay i_M_o Estonia  vs  Poland ns#
tmf 20:00 ubi France  vs  Germany RAPTOR
tf2 20:00 xXx Czech Republic  vs  Slovakia
et 20:30 serenity Netherlands  vs  Belgium HV
et 20:45 replay sIN Germany  vs  Germany noobs
et 21:00 replay NL Czech Republic  vs  European Union COCO
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFr European Union  vs  European Union ahead
et 21:00 replay next Poland  vs  European Union iNm
et 21:30 replay one4one Germany  vs  Germany myR
et 18:15 replay i_M_o Estonia  vs  Poland sKy
et 19:15 ciblex European Union  vs  Poland asYlum
et 20:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 21:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Finland Alife
et 21:00 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:15 aBsit European Union  vs  Poland JustF
et 21:30 replay frog France  vs  European Union pstarZ
tf2 19:00 fp Russian Federation  vs  Slovakia
et 19:00 sIN Germany  vs  Poland cu
et 19:45 Veng Israel  vs  Germany jmk
ws 20:00 rvg Norway  vs  Germany h0rst
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Germany myR
et 21:00 replay NetG Poland  vs  Poland CMF
et 21:00 replay n1ce Italy  vs  Poland TheNext
et 21:00 Titanz European Union  vs  Poland /df
et 21:00 oY Poland  vs  France trZ
tmf 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom 4K
tmf 21:00 VVV United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom 4K
tmf 21:00 kc United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dr-ukr
tmf 21:00 w4 United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom dignitas
tf2 21:15 Slovakia  vs  Hungary R
et 21:30 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Netherlands True
rtcw 22:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Finland fixed
et 18:00 mAg. Poland  vs  Poland wHINE
et 18:30 European Union  vs  Finland C|
et 18:30 b3 Poland  vs  European Union gibon
et 19:45 iR Czech Republic  vs  Finland re+play
et 20:30 3er Poland  vs  Poland DG
et 21:00 sKy Poland  vs  European Union M'Haax
et 22:45 accurate Netherlands  vs  Finland re+play
et 00:30 super Estonia  vs  Afghanistan CAPTAINZ
et 16:45 cornu Netherlands  vs  Germany BROT
et 21:30 ci. United States  vs  European Union monkeyz
et 21:45 {xxL European Union  vs  Poland randomy
et 22:00 WLT Finland  vs  European Union nigger
et 23:30 ci. United States  vs  European Union aMaZing
et 13:45 nbh Finland  vs  Poland ProSpect
et 17:45 ci. United States  vs  Poland mis
et 19:00 sIN Germany  vs  Germany #care
et 19:00 tb Poland  vs  Poland cu
tf2 19:30 Slovakia  vs  Czech Republic tC
et 20:00 replay und Hungary  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 20:00 replay m4u France  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 20:00 replay ave Finland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:30 Titanz European Union  vs  Poland DG
et 20:30 #et. Poland  vs  Poland bORG
et 21:00 replay des. United States  vs  Sweden wings
et 21:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Finland Alife
et 21:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  Hungary eod
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Japan EDRAMA
et 21:00 replay #6mib Czech Republic  vs  Germany sIN
et 21:00 trZ France  vs  France shoks.
et 21:15 replay Splendid European Union  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:30 replay WCK Belgium  vs  European Union @eVo
et 21:30 replay uNhit France  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:30 dd2 Germany  vs  Austria 9th
et 21:45 oY Poland  vs  Poland nVm
et 22:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Poland Celsus
et 22:00 replay eod Hungary  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 22:30 NetG Poland  vs  Poland GRACZE
et 23:30 >O} European Union  vs  Germany cre.
ws 18:15 loxer Germany  vs  Germany reload
tf2 20:00 Slovakia  vs  Poland [KOS]
et 20:45 TmT Estonia  vs  Germany cre.
tmf 21:00 iR United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom FG
et 21:00 replay bb European Union  vs  Finland Alife
rtcw 21:00 KiH Sweden  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:15 replay ovr European Union  vs  Croatia Cor
et 21:30 replay rockit Belgium  vs  Czech Republic NL
et 21:30 LIONS Belgium  vs  France (p)
et 12:45 Blood European Union  vs  European Union lotte
tf2 19:30 Slovakia  vs  Czech Republic nExis
et 20:30 m4u France  vs  Poland gT
et 21:00 replay NL Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic $P
et 21:00 cu Poland  vs  Poland eQuss.
et 21:00 replay Cor Croatia  vs  Hungary eod
et 21:00 replay sIN Germany  vs  France diS
rtcw 21:00 nP European Union  vs  United Kingdom =118=
et 21:00 replay inc/ United Kingdom  vs  European Union iNm
et 21:30 gZcon France  vs  European Union shrap
et 21:45 asYlum Poland  vs  Poland JustF
et 22:00 replay aurea Spain  vs  Italy n1ce
et 22:00 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Netherlands accurate
rtcw 22:30 fixed Finland  vs  European Union RAW
et 15:00 :h Poland  vs  Netherlands trgt
et 20:00 replay MAMUT.SI Slovenia  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 20:00 replay elmnt Portugal  vs  Poland JustF
et 20:15 bob :D Germany  vs  Poland #et.
et 21:00 /df Poland  vs  Poland 3er
et 21:00 NL Czech Republic  vs  France SxY
et 21:15 gZcon France  vs  France S@DO
et 21:30 replay True Netherlands  vs  Netherlands cornu
et 22:00 replay pinpals Spain  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 22:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  Netherlands |K|
et 22:30 replay same Poland  vs  Poland nVm
et 19:00 gibon European Union  vs  European Union aMaZing
et 21:00 replay NetG Poland  vs  Poland oY
et 21:00 NL Czech Republic  vs  Germany sIN
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  Estonia Att
et 21:30 (p) France  vs  Poland r4s
et 00:15 replay Polska!! Poland  vs  European Union gibon
et 13:45 Fallen Poland  vs  Poland darts
et 18:00 replay darts Poland  vs  Poland wHINE
et 20:00 replay rNk Poland  vs  Poland l4z
et 21:00 replay BROT Germany  vs  Poland asylum
et 14:30 :h Poland  vs  Poland asYlum
et 21:15 replay haxan European Union  vs  European Union MssV
et 21:30 replay Att Estonia  vs  Poland nVm
et 22:30 replay sKy Poland  vs  European Union salV
et 23:15 replay ZG Germany  vs  Poland TI
et 01:00 iAm- European Union  vs  Netherlands Fossil
et 01:00 gibon European Union  vs  Israel NWI
et 18:15 replay CCCP Russian Federation  vs  European Union aMaZing
et 18:45 Pallot Finland  vs  Israel NWI
et 19:00 invitium Poland  vs  Estonia Squad ee
et 19:30 Utrecht Netherlands  vs  Belgium B&W
et 20:00 proG' United States  vs  Poland EU|
et 20:15 fNtx Poland  vs  Finland Cor
et 20:30 replay ceWEge Norway  vs  France dream
et 21:00 sIN Germany  vs  Poland cu
et 21:00 replay aSTRUM European Union  vs  France S@DO
et 21:00 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 dev1ous European Union  vs  Sweden a2id
et 21:00 energia Poland  vs  Germany skllfke
et 21:30 replay salV European Union  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:30 replay zZz Denmark  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 21:30 bORG Poland  vs  European Union aBsit
et 21:30 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  European Union randoM
et 21:30 replay one4one Germany  vs  Germany myR
et 22:00 replay rockit Belgium  vs  Germany god
et 22:00 replay elmnt Portugal  vs  Poland 4FuN
et 22:15 asYlum Poland  vs  Denmark nSens
et 03:15 eh. Netherlands  vs  United States ci.
et 15:45 nSens Denmark  vs  Poland :h
et 20:00 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Finland WLT
et 20:30 replay JustF Poland  vs  Poland CMF
qw 21:00 Kapoks European Union  vs  Italy [Oz3]
et 21:00 rockit Belgium  vs  Netherlands cornu
et 21:00 replay one4one Germany  vs  European Union randoM
et 21:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  Poland asYlum
et 21:00 matec Poland  vs  Poland Mirzej
et 21:30 replay r5| European Union  vs  European Union salV
et 21:30 replay Val Portugal  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:30 m4u France  vs  France (p)
et 22:30 JMC Jamaica  vs  European Union iQ
et 02:45 replay ratatat United States  vs  United States na
et 04:00 bd United States  vs  United States ]^[
et 16:45 darts Poland  vs  Poland :h
et 19:45 replay m4u France  vs  European Union
et 20:00 replay verS/. United Kingdom  vs  European Union >O}
tf2 20:00 cBumZ Finland  vs  Slovakia
et 20:30 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union iNm
et 21:00 replay nudE Poland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:00 replay inc/ United Kingdom  vs  France gZcon
rtcw 21:00 KiH Sweden  vs  European Union RAW
et 21:00 guru Croatia  vs  Germany PMCG
et 21:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Finland krp
et 21:30 replay Val Portugal  vs  France six
et 21:30 replay BSC France  vs  European Union dev1ous
et 22:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Spain pinpals
et 22:45 oLe! Spain  vs  France (p)
et 15:00 darts Poland  vs  Israel NWI
et 17:00 :h Poland  vs  European Union 2anus
et 19:00 replay wings Sweden  vs  Finland Alife
et 19:15 Polska!! Poland  vs  France gZcon
et 19:30 European Union  vs  Poland CMF
et 20:00 ci. United States  vs  Spain delin
et 20:15 noT Germany  vs  Western Sahara raz
et 20:30 replay jmk Germany  vs  Germany team-nby
rtcw 21:00 nP European Union  vs  Sweden KiH
et 21:00 replay Possessd Japan  vs  European Union dev1ous
et 21:00 replay Alife Finland  vs  Croatia Cor
et 21:15 replay Splendid European Union  vs  Poland frozen
et 21:30 replay sAME Poland  vs  France BSC
et 13:15 K44 Poland  vs  Slovenia sk1
et 19:45 replay ... Poland  vs  Poland CoH
et 21:00 replay system6 Belgium  vs  Slovenia sWat
et 21:00 six France  vs  Croatia guru
et 21:00 replay iAm- European Union  vs  European Union >O}
et 21:00 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Estonia TmT
et 21:15 replay dev1ous European Union  vs  France D@DD!E$
et 21:15 dave European Union  vs  European Union nKrom
et 22:15 Fossil Netherlands  vs  European Union cruhz
et 22:30 pinpals Spain  vs  Netherlands |K|
et 23:00 Polska!! Poland  vs  Finland #kertsu
et 15:45 eternal Netherlands  vs  Estonia TmT
et 18:00 darts Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 21:00 ci. United States  vs  Germany eA'
et 21:45 nk Wallis and Futuna  vs  Palau rav
et 23:15 Blood European Union  vs  Estonia i_M_o
et 02:15 FASEM Turkey  vs  European Union ext3
et 14:30 replay defect Germany  vs  European Union randomZ
et 15:45 re+play Finland  vs  Luxembourg dEViATE
et 17:15 COHE Belgium  vs  Poland MEGA
et 18:00 szlachta Poland  vs  Poland baserace
et 20:30 gT Poland  vs  Ukraine [ET]
et 20:30 koksy Poland  vs  Belgium lollers
et 22:45 re+play Finland  vs  European Union hmix
et 14:15 ankh Poland  vs  Poland mAg.
et 15:15 T Poland  vs  Finland re+play
et 16:00 e0h Russian Federation  vs  European Union :h
et 17:00 replay cre. Germany  vs  European Union inTro
ws 18:00 loxer Germany  vs  Norway rvg
et 19:00 replay Astrum European Union  vs  European Union greddy
et 19:15 re+play Finland  vs  Netherlands eternal
et 19:30 replay Antw1 Belgium  vs  Netherlands Utrecht
et 20:00 replay eX| European Union  vs  Austria 9th
et 20:00 replay pstarZ European Union  vs  Hungary und
et 20:00 replay sIN Germany  vs  Norway ceWEge
et 20:00 NL Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic inC
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Finland Alife
et 21:00 replay mD Poland  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 21:00 replay $P Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic #6mib
et 21:15 replay god Germany  vs  Netherlands cornu
et 21:15 replay sIN Germany  vs  European Union SFT
et 21:30 replay myR Germany  vs  Spain pinpals
et 21:45 replay verS/. United Kingdom  vs  France FaMaS
et 22:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Portugal elmnt
et 22:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  Germany one4one
et 14:00 darts Poland  vs  Poland Lame
et 20:30 FiF Netherlands  vs  Poland darts
et 21:00 replay n1ce Italy  vs  European Union aD
et 21:00 replay six France  vs  France BSC
et 21:00 replay asYlum Poland  vs  European Union aBsit
et 21:00 replay GOD* Germany  vs  Germany sIN
et 21:30 replay nudE Poland  vs  Poland mD
et 21:30 replay sKy Poland  vs  Italy e$
et 21:45 replay elmnt Portugal  vs  France (p)
et 22:45 #iGaming European Union  vs  Germany cre.
et 23:00 replay YYT.ET United Kingdom  vs  Germany one4one
et 03:00 replay ]^[ United States  vs  United States Enhanced
et 17:15 darts Poland  vs  Finland tA }
et 19:30 replay Pallot Finland  vs  Poland mAg.
tf2 20:00 Slovakia  vs  European Union [O.C]
et 20:00 replay sIN Germany  vs  Finland Cornu
et 20:45 replay WCK Belgium  vs  Belgium m4gic
et 21:00 replay H2k European Union  vs  Hungary und
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Poland Celsus
et 21:00 sIN Germany  vs  Germany bd
et 21:15 replay verS/. United Kingdom  vs  France S@DO
et 21:30 replay |K| Netherlands  vs  Germany one4one
et 20:00 replay Pallot Finland  vs  Poland e!
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Poland JustF
et 21:00 replay eX| European Union  vs  Germany sIN
et 21:30 replay m4u France  vs  France (p)
et 22:15 vele Germany  vs  Israel dteam
et 23:00 #vtech European Union  vs  Poland mis
et 14:30 replay darts Poland  vs  Poland ROZ
et 16:45 replay i_M_o Estonia  vs  Poland darts
et 19:15 #vtech European Union  vs  Poland
et 20:00 replay SLight. France  vs  Poland mAg.
et 20:30 replay bd Germany  vs  Germany NBY
et 20:30 replay $P Czech Republic  vs  Germany sIN.
et 21:00 replay SxY' France  vs  Poland cu
et 21:00 replay inc/ United Kingdom  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  European Union ovr
et 21:30 replay nk Wallis and Futuna  vs  Botswana cmasters
et 21:45 replay salV European Union  vs  Portugal Val
et 22:30 replay pinpals Spain  vs  United Kingdom YYT.ET
ws 19:00 soh Germany  vs  Germany qah
et 19:45 replay re+play Finland  vs  Israel dteam
et 22:15 replay mAg. Poland  vs  Poland dMACABRE
et 14:15 NBT Northern Mariana Islands  vs  United States Machines
et 14:30 replay sp Belgium  vs  Germany BROT
et 15:45 re+play Finland  vs  European Union aMaZing
et 21:30 replay aBsit European Union  vs  Poland e!
et 22:45 randomZ European Union  vs  France pLow
et 23:15 replay i_M_o Estonia  vs  Wallis and Futuna bin
et 01:00 replay tA } Finland  vs  European Union iAm-
et 15:00 replay nl Netherlands  vs  European Union EU
et 17:00 F/ Netherlands  vs  Germany zLOL
tmf 20:00 n! Germany  vs  European Union Celsus
tmf 20:00 RAPTOR Germany  vs  Portugal E5
et 20:00 replay European Union  vs  Czech Republic eEriness
et 20:00 replay eX| European Union  vs  Germany NBY
et 20:00 EX Poland  vs  European Union eTB
et 21:00 replay ovr European Union  vs  Finland Alife
et 21:00 replay JustF Poland  vs  Germany `rfc
et 21:00 replay FaMaS France  vs  European Union iAm-
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  United Kingdom fglg
et 21:00 inC Czech Republic  vs  France six
et 21:00 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  European Union .d
qw 21:00 CF Russian Federation  vs  Ukraine 187
et 21:30 replay sIN Germany  vs  Germany uNN
et 21:30 replay god Western Sahara  vs  European Union iQ
et 21:45 replay mD Poland  vs  Poland fNtx
et 22:00 replay EAST United Kingdom  vs  Seychelles SCO
et 22:00 replay GeekX France  vs  Poland e!
et 23:00 replay Overijss Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Utrecht
et 23:00 replay ADN A Portugal  vs  Portugal ADN B
et 19:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  United Kingdom In7
et 20:45 replay rav Palau  vs  European Union #vtech
et 21:00 replay dev1ous European Union  vs  France (p)
et 21:00 replay gZcon France  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 21:30 replay n1ce Italy  vs  Belgium rockit
et 22:00 replay one4one Germany  vs  Spain pinpals
et 22:15 replay (p) France  vs  European Union Splendid
et 22:45 replay Wanderin Croatia  vs  Israel neft
et 19:00 replay gT Poland  vs  United States ci.
et 19:00 Kohclan Hungary  vs  Hungary vWv
et 20:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Netherlands |K|
et 21:00 replay rL Poland  vs  Poland CMF
et 21:15 S@DO France  vs  European Union >O}
et 21:30 replay Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union att
et 22:00 replay elmnt Portugal  vs  Spain oLe!
et 22:00 replay Celsus Poland  vs  European Union randoM
ws 22:00 daxio Poland  vs  Poland FWS
et 22:15 replay Wanderin Croatia  vs  Israel neft