Schedule » List » July 2006

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« June 2006 :: July 2006 :: August 2006 »
et 13:00 NX5 European Union  vs  European Union NX6
et 15:00 NX1 European Union  vs  European Union NX2
et 16:30 NX5 European Union  vs  European Union NX4
et 19:30 NX4 European Union  vs  European Union NX1
et 20:00 replay ku Germany  vs  European Union infected
et 20:00 replay HV]# Finland  vs  Poland uAznia
bf2 20:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  Finland logitech
et 20:30 replay s^eX Germany  vs  Germany ROR
et 21:00 replay sth European Union  vs  Finland sFx
et 21:00 fdnl Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic BFU
et 21:00 NX5 European Union  vs  European Union NX2
et 23:00 Portugal  vs  Portugal vs
bf2 03:00 T United States  vs  United States FD
et 20:00 cdap Germany  vs  United Kingdom iStar.uQ
et 20:00 Encrypte Poland  vs  Germany rapid.
et 20:00 cs3r`8 Poland  vs  Estonia o2
et 20:00 ph Estonia  vs  Sweden Gosu
et 20:30 uAznia Poland  vs  Netherlands rts
et 21:00 mvk Finland  vs  France FaMaS
et 23:00 replay uP Portugal  vs  Portugal W~
et 22:00 Gosu Sweden  vs  Slovenia TWK
et 21:30 replay dtekt European Union  vs  European Union aD
bf2 03:30 T United States  vs  United States TFS
et 20:00 replay euth? Finland  vs  United Kingdom iStar.uQ
et 20:00 iSrafil Poland  vs  Spain FH
et 20:30 replay infected European Union  vs  Germany ROR
et 21:00 replay fdnl Netherlands  vs  European Union </3
et 21:00 replay cX-eSpor European Union  vs  Finland just.
et 22:00 replay sFx Finland  vs  Italy A+R
et 22:30 replay 6s Portugal  vs  Portugal
cod2 20:00 hx Germany  vs  Czech Republic eSuba
et 20:30 replay A+R Italy  vs  European Union TF
cod2 21:30 god Germany  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
cod2 21:30 uQ European Union  vs  Czech Republic eSuba
et 23:00 uP Portugal  vs  Portugal PLAYBOYS
cod2 23:00 FF X-Fi Poland  vs  Czech Republic eSuba
et 20:30 replay A+R Italy  vs  Sweden Gosu
bf2 20:30 Pelit Finland  vs  Russian Federation LeGion
et 21:00 replay cdap United Kingdom  vs  Germany sF
et 19:00 replay pblm Spain  vs  Poland T
et 20:00 replay stk European Union  vs  Finland krp
ut 21:00 Sur Netherlands  vs  Sweden ap
et 22:00 replay OEClan Portugal  vs  Portugal ph
bf2 03:00 FD United States  vs  United States sk.
bf2 04:00 NET United States  vs  United States warchild
et 20:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland |:P|
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Netherlands mQ
et 21:00 replay PourIX France  vs  United Kingdom iStar.uQ
et 20:00 miGhty Netherlands  vs  Netherlands idem
et 20:30 HB Germany  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 21:00 fdnl Netherlands  vs  Poland uAznia
et 21:00 replay retro Italy  vs  Russian Federation x3
et 22:00 replay 6s Portugal  vs  Portugal PLAYBOYS
bf2 02:30 T United States  vs  United States m
bf2 03:30 20ID United States  vs  United States warchild
et 21:00 HB Germany  vs  European Union vib
et 20:00 riZe Germany  vs  European Union deMi
bf2 20:00 Wilda Poland  vs  Germany pod
et 20:00 replay mvk Finland  vs  Poland diversus
et 21:00 replay fdnl Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom one
bf2 21:00 cZar Belgium  vs  Finland logitech
et 21:00 replay sFx Finland  vs  Germany bAse
et 21:30 N2Ku Spain  vs  Denmark zZz
et 22:30 sFx Finland  vs  Poland diversus
et 23:00 Portugal  vs  Portugal uP
et 19:00 replay mQ Netherlands  vs  Germany empuLse
et 19:00 replay wA Portugal  vs  Portugal ph
bf2 21:00 Snipers International  vs  International Medics
et 21:00 replay OEClan Portugal  vs  Portugal rlx
et 21:00 replay krts European Union  vs  Spain dGm
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Portugal vs
et 21:00 replay LesM Czech Republic  vs  France PourIX
et 20:00 replay o2 Estonia  vs  Poland h3^exe
prey 20:00 con Poland  vs  Germany caliban
et 20:30 replay TF Netherlands  vs  Netherlands D&D
prey 21:00 Schisch Germany  vs  Poland con
et 21:00 replay A+R Italy  vs  Poland v3
et 21:00 replay ColtZ Poland  vs  Spain pblm
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  United Kingdom cdap
et 22:15 replay pblm Spain  vs  European Union wA
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union infected
et 20:00 replay ph Estonia  vs  Netherlands verd
et 21:00 replay vib European Union  vs  Netherlands n0
et 19:00 sF Germany  vs  European Union feeble
bf2 21:00 pod Germany  vs  Belgium cZar
et 19:00 replay A+R Italy  vs  European Union RaZeR
et 19:45 HB Germany  vs  Germany shidima
et 21:00 replay sF Germany  vs  Poland |:P|
et 21:00 [<<] Sweden  vs  European Union pstarZ
et 21:00 cdap United Kingdom  vs  European Union dtekt
et 21:00 replay Estonia  vs  European Union ND
et 20:00 RaZeR European Union  vs  Netherlands verd
et 20:00 replay A+R Italy  vs  European Union vib
et 20:00 miGhty Netherlands  vs  Poland cs3r'v
et 20:30 acab Belgium  vs  Finland cobra
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  United Kingdom cdap
et 21:00 infrag Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands mQ
et 21:15 replay one United Kingdom  vs  European Union c|
et 22:00 dGm Spain  vs  Germany sfto
et 23:00 replay und Hungary  vs  European Union vib
et 02:00 DILDO European Union  vs  European Union SERBIA
et 19:00 Sensor Germany  vs  Germany misfit
cod2 19:15 F.U Germany  vs  Germany n2L
et 20:30 replay dmt European Union  vs  Finland oVr
et 22:00 x3 Russian Federation  vs  Germany aGu
et 21:00 replay SPRD European Union  vs  Sweden [<<]