Schedule » List » July 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« June 2008 :: July 2008 :: August 2008 »
qw 21:00 [Oz3] Italy  vs  European Union Kapoks
et 21:00 replay signum European Union  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 replay #a.ToOn Germany  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:30 replay #addicts European Union  vs  France Fresh
et 20:30 hAbility Israel  vs  Poland frozen
et 21:00 replay invitium Poland  vs  European Union oXmoze
et 21:00 replay venG Portugal  vs  European Union mC
et 21:00 replay bTk Portugal  vs  France Airborn
et 21:30 zerg European Union  vs  France Fresh
et 21:30 charism Netherlands  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay VgS Italy  vs  European Union Dyst
et 20:00 replay e! Poland  vs  European Union Pre-
et 20:30 hAbility Israel  vs  Poland pur3fr4g
et 21:00 3f Poland  vs  Spain oNe.cib
et 21:00 replay 9th Austria  vs  Germany nonpro
et 21:00 replay shrap European Union  vs  Hungary \S/
et 21:15 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Denmark cfg
qw 22:00 VAE European Union  vs  United States hai
et 19:00 replay I am European Union  vs  Romania |wT|
et 21:30 Dyst European Union  vs  Poland hmmm
et 19:00 replay stmL Estonia  vs  European Union Dyst
et 20:45 ETC Germany  vs  Germany stoned
et 18:00 HB European Union  vs  European Union SB
qw 19:00 pHx European Union  vs  Poland PL4FC
et 19:00 voiler Poland  vs  Finland Olden
et 20:00 team-nby Germany  vs  Poland eFF/
et 21:00 replay 9th Austria  vs  Italy Oz3
et 21:00 replay zen Germany  vs  Germany u21
et 21:00 replay teame European Union  vs  United Kingdom sub
et 21:00 replay TwiXXXX Poland  vs  Spain oLe!
et 21:00 oLe! Spain  vs  Italy PooL
et 21:00 replay dreaM Germany  vs  European Union zerg
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 eTw' Poland  vs  European Union vINDI
et 21:30 replay Knife Netherlands  vs  Poland POBOR
et 21:30 nCore France  vs  France LTF
et 22:00 replay alvi European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 22:00 replay -[x]- Germany  vs  Italy n1ce
et 16:45 8Bits Hungary  vs  Finland RAAB
et 20:30 replay SaH Belgium  vs  Poland oXimize
et 21:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  Netherlands PUR3
qw 21:00 [Oz3] Italy  vs  United States hai
et 21:00 replay 3f Poland  vs  Poland chZm
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  United Kingdom gS
et 16:45 replay tA } Finland  vs  Poland oXimize
et 19:00 replay oXimize Poland  vs  Poland [ep]
et 20:00 replay tA } Finland  vs  European Union Auth
et 20:00 replay uSELESS European Union  vs  European Union 't sas
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Germany n!
qw 21:30 Inferno Italy  vs  Italy VgS.
et 21:45 replay o2 Estonia  vs  Italy VgS
qw 22:00 [Oz3] Italy  vs  Poland dsn
et 17:00 replay tA } Finland  vs  Senegal shizzle
et 20:45 replay HOMOS Germany  vs  European Union gladde
et 21:00 replay -[x]- Germany  vs  Portugal xly-rDh
et 21:00 replay Knife Netherlands  vs  Finland CTN
et 21:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  Poland 34ry
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Czech Republic NR
et 21:00 replay FRA France  vs  Estonia EST
et 21:15 replay dQ Germany  vs  European Union I am
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 21:30 dECLINE Poland  vs  France nCore
et 22:15 replay kecske Hungary  vs  Poland elitarni
et 20:00 replay Sektor European Union  vs  Finland akentti
et 20:30 replay eLemenT Germany  vs  Austria 9th
et 20:45 Gentlmen Finland  vs  Finland :E
et 21:00 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  France San08
et 21:00 crt. Poland  vs  Romania {PRZ}
et 21:00 replay dreaM Germany  vs  Spain iM
qw 21:00 #e. European Union  vs  Russian Federation LOL'd
et 21:00 replay invitium Poland  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 21:00 SSX Czech Republic  vs  European Union mx.
et 21:00 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  Poland idem
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Sweden >sGs<
et 21:45 replay RUS Russian Federation  vs  Estonia EST
et 20:00 replay RUS Russian Federation  vs  Japan JPN
et 21:00 replay Airborn France  vs  European Union deV
et 13:00 replay SLB/DooC Germany  vs  European Union <=BH=>
et 13:00 replay (FTP) International  vs  European Union eft
et 13:30 replay NO4 Germany  vs  Italy [drgn]
et 13:30 replay ETrixC. Germany  vs  Spain snL
et 14:00 replay AoW/cron Germany  vs  International [!!!]
et 14:00 replay FUBR Turks and Caicos Islands  vs  European Union HESS
et 14:30 replay PhReaKz European Union  vs  Germany LoFT/Son
et 14:30 1337/WoD European Union  vs  Germany pr!me
et 15:00 replay SLB/DooC Germany  vs  International (FTP)
et 15:00 <=BH=> European Union  vs  European Union eft
et 15:45 [NO4] Germany  vs  Germany ETrixC.
et 16:00 replay [!!!] International  vs  Turks and Caicos Islands FUBR
et 16:30 LoFT/Son Germany  vs  European Union 1337/WoD
et 16:45 F/ Netherlands  vs  European Union K{
et 17:00 replay (FTP) International  vs  Germany NO4
et 17:30 replay SLB/DooC Germany  vs  European Union HESS
et 17:30 replay FUBR Turks and Caicos Islands  vs  European Union eft
et 18:00 replay [!!!] International  vs  Germany LoFT/Son
et 18:00 replay 1337/WoD European Union  vs  Spain snL
et 18:30 replay ETrixC. Germany  vs  Germany pr!me
et 19:00 replay almighty European Union  vs  European Union TK
et 20:30 't sas European Union  vs  France Fresh
qw 21:00 VAE European Union  vs  United Kingdom 4K
et 21:00 replay zOMG European Union  vs  Estonia Don
et 13:00 replay eft European Union  vs  European Union 1337/WoD
et 13:00 replay SLB/DooC Germany  vs  Germany ETrixC.
et 14:30 replay [!!!] International  vs  Germany ETrixC.
et 14:30 replay NO4 Germany  vs  European Union 1337/WoD
et 15:00 replay (FTP) International  vs  Germany LoFT/Son
et 16:00 replay 1337/WoD European Union  vs  International [!!!]
et 16:45 replay arrostas Belgium  vs  France /ESP
et 17:30 replay (FTP) International  vs  European Union 1337/WoD
et 19:00 osuu European Union  vs  European Union iG
et 19:00 replay LoFT/Son Germany  vs  European Union 1337/WoD
et 20:30 replay CAN Canada  vs  Ukraine UA
et 20:30 skllfke Germany  vs  Czech Republic SSX
et 21:00 replay invitium Poland  vs  Germany HB
et 21:00 replay eMakers Poland  vs  European Union @eVo
et 21:00 replay ISR Israel  vs  Czech Republic CZE
et 21:00 replay mAg. Poland  vs  European Union depthG
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  European Union zOMG
qw 21:00 VAE European Union  vs  Germany n!
et 21:30 replay Dyst European Union  vs  European Union gen
et 21:30 replay winko Poland  vs  Japan Possessd
qw 22:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Spain tFc
et 22:30 replay re-play European Union  vs  Poland [ep]
et 17:00 replay stmL Estonia  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 20:00 replay ubermix European Union  vs  Finland FIN
qw 21:00 dsn Poland  vs  Poland Wiechury
et 22:00 replay 9th Austria  vs  Spain Sht!
et 22:00 replay SITT Finland  vs  European Union G`s
et 21:00 replay ESP France  vs  European Union Dyst
et 21:00 charism Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic u35
qw 21:00 4K United Kingdom  vs  European Union VAE
et 21:30 replay para European Union  vs  European Union mx.
et 22:00 replay Airborn France  vs  Austria 9th
et 21:00 alvi European Union  vs  Poland invitium
qw 21:00 #e. European Union  vs  Germany eXtOO-
et 21:00 replay EST Estonia  vs  Finland FIN
et 21:00 liquid Germany  vs  Germany gc.pi
et 22:15 replay Dyst European Union  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 03:30 ~_x United States  vs  United States Enhanced
et 20:00 replay MT Malta  vs  Turkey TR
et 20:15 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Switzerland SUI
et 20:30 skllfke Germany  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
et 21:00 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Austria AUT
et 21:00 replay dreaM Germany  vs  European Union aG
et 21:00 replay FRA France  vs  Germany GER
qw 21:00 #e. European Union  vs  Czech Republic nT|
et 21:00 SSX| Czech Republic  vs  European Union proX|
qw 21:00 VAE European Union  vs  Poland PL4FC
et 21:15 replay Addicts Portugal  vs  Germany rockit
et 22:00 replay UA Ukraine  vs  United Kingdom UK
et 22:00 replay SWE Sweden  vs  Portugal POR
qw 22:30 dsn Poland  vs  United States hai
qw 03:30 TUF United States  vs  United Kingdom ???
tmf 21:00 iGnes Belgium  vs  Belgium Disa
et 21:30 Distrail Netherlands  vs  France Fresh
et 22:00 Airborn France  vs  European Union Ap
et 02:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  Estonia glitz
tmf 18:00 danL Croatia  vs  Belgium iGnes
et 13:00 replay IE Ireland  vs  Australia AUS
et 15:00 replay AUS Australia  vs  Latvia LAT
et 15:30 RAAB Finland  vs  Belgium arrostas
et 19:45 replay Auth European Union  vs  Estonia glitz
et 20:00 replay sub United Kingdom  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
qw 20:00 pHx European Union  vs  Russian Federation x3
et 20:15 replay SNB European Union  vs  Germany mPG
qw 20:30 Kapoks European Union  vs  Russian Federation LOL'd
et 21:00 <FuS> United Kingdom  vs  European Union HESS
et 21:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 replay fuZion Spain  vs  Belgium system6
et 21:00 replay HUN Hungary  vs  Latvia LAT
et 21:30 replay SVK Slovakia  vs  United States USA
et 21:30 Distrail Netherlands  vs  Germany skllfke
et 21:30 replay NED Netherlands  vs  Romania ROM
et 21:45 9th Austria  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:45 mPG Germany  vs  Poland auth
et 22:45 replay vINDI European Union  vs  Spain oLe!
qw 19:30 pHx European Union  vs  Germany DSM
et 20:00 replay para European Union  vs  Finland vHr
tmf 20:30 Geronimo Belgium  vs  United Kingdom GRiM`
et 21:00 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Czech Republic CZE
et 21:00 replay ankh Poland  vs  Spain oLe!
et 21:00 replay ceWEge Norway  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 replay R3spect European Union  vs  France Airborn
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  France CbZ
et 21:00 replay fNtx Poland  vs  European Union inst
et 21:30 replay n1ce Italy  vs  Netherlands accurate
tf2 21:30 tF' France  vs  United Kingdom tUK'
et 22:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 22:15 replay CAN Canada  vs  Switzerland SUI
et 19:00 replay Airborn France  vs  France Energiz
tf2 19:00 tR' Russian Federation  vs  Latvia tL'
et 21:00 dQ Germany  vs  European Union waffles
et 21:00 replay R3spect European Union  vs  European Union HESS
tf2 21:00 tI' Italy  vs  Belgium tB'
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Germany emS
et 21:30 replay POL Poland  vs  Slovakia SVK
et 21:45 bimbos Germany  vs  Estonia stmL
et 16:15 voiler Poland  vs  Poland sexupld
et 20:00 R3spect European Union  vs  France Energiz
et 20:30 replay liquid Germany  vs  Germany [KG]
tf2 21:00 tG' Germany  vs  Poland tP'
et 21:00 replay Airborn France  vs  Estonia free
et 21:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  France CbZ
qw 22:00 VAE European Union  vs  Spain
et 22:00 replay FRA France  vs  Turkey TR
et 22:00 replay ISR Israel  vs  Austria AUT
et 22:00 replay n1ce Italy  vs  Portugal dP.
tmf 16:00 dmZ Germany  vs  Belgium iGn
et 19:30 para European Union  vs  Czech Republic SSX|
et 20:30 azume Netherlands  vs  Germany skllfke
et 21:00 replay fNtx Poland  vs  France Fresh
et 21:00 replay R3spect European Union  vs  Czech Republic SSX
et 21:00 replay mD Poland  vs  France Airborn
tf2 21:00 tB' Belgium  vs  Luxembourg tLUX'
et 21:00 replay IE Ireland  vs  Latvia LAT
tmf 21:15 dmZ Germany  vs  France BipBiip
et 22:30 replay skllfke Germany  vs  Poland Lame
et 21:00 replay mD Poland  vs  Poland SOaP
et 22:45 replay r3spect2 Belgium  vs  Poland OG
et 21:00 R3spect European Union  vs  Finland legal
et 14:30 replay uSELESS European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 15:00 replay AUS Australia  vs  Hungary HUN
et 18:15 replay krp Finland  vs  Estonia karv
tf2 20:00 tPOR' Portugal  vs  Austria tA'
ws 20:00 [L!N] European Union  vs  Germany qah
et 20:30 [KG] Germany  vs  Germany wannaB
et 21:00 R3spect European Union  vs  Poland Lame
et 21:00 replay ITA Italy  vs  Chile CL
tf2 21:00 tUA' Ukraine  vs  Czech Republic Czech.
et 21:00 replay re-play European Union  vs  Germany mPG
et 22:00 replay EST Estonia  vs  Japan JPN
et 17:00 glitz Estonia  vs  European Union ubermix
et 20:00 replay Energiz France  vs  Finland legal
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Finland tA }
et 21:00 mx. European Union  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
tmf 23:00 E5 Portugal  vs  Portugal ReV
et 23:00 replay RUS Russian Federation  vs  Portugal POR
et 19:00 eTw' Poland  vs  Poland OG
et 20:00 replay ZBAKANI Poland  vs  Czech Republic SSX|
et 21:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  Norway ceWEge
tf2 21:00 tI' Italy  vs  Russian Federation tR'
tmf 21:00 Begrip Netherlands  vs  Netherlands TOX
et 21:00 replay joof&co Netherlands  vs  Netherlands [blackb]
qw 22:30 VAE European Union  vs  Poland 1stcav
tmf 23:00 RS Portugal  vs  Portugal E5
et 23:15 replay [blackb] Netherlands  vs  Belgium Powermix
et 20:00 replay SUI Switzerland  vs  Ukraine UA
tf2 20:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation Im
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union re-play
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Germany rY
et 21:00 replay IE Ireland  vs  Hungary HUN
tf2 21:00 tD' Denmark  vs  Norway tN'
et 21:30 replay Fresh France  vs  United Kingdom Respect
et 22:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Turkey TR
et 23:00 replay [blackb] Netherlands  vs  Estonia oK
et 15:30 Mrimekko Finland  vs  Israel inS
et 17:15 clouver Finland  vs  Germany coOles
tmf 19:30 sorrx Germany  vs  Finland Temetz
et 20:15 replay sub United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 21:00 replay e3 Poland  vs  European Union uSELESS
et 21:00 accurate Netherlands  vs  France Syncro
et 22:00 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Canada CAN
et 23:15 aMaZing European Union  vs  European Union ROUCAS