Schedule » List » July 2010

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« June 2010 :: July 2010 :: August 2010 »
et 17:45 replay NWI Israel  vs  Finland fpills
et 19:15 replay NWI Israel  vs  Finland nbh
et 20:00 replay q-dance Netherlands  vs  Poland vintage
et 21:00 replay hAbility Poland  vs  United Kingdom AIMERz
et 21:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany noT
et 21:00 replay dATA Austria  vs  Germany xls
et 21:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Germany fullhold
et 21:00 replay e-gaming United States  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 22:15 replay plixplax European Union  vs  European Union nubs
et 14:45 replay pb Finland  vs  European Union 3atw
et 20:15 replay RO@ Romania  vs  Romania |wT|
et 21:15 replay ChicK Netherlands  vs  Romania RoGamers
et 21:30 replay xZist United Kingdom  vs  Greece inF.X2
et 19:45 replay dral Sweden  vs  Poland liz
et 13:15 replay koaLa Netherlands  vs  European Union C&C
et 18:00 replay [A] Pr0z India  vs  Poland gB
ws 19:00 order Sweden  vs  European Union [L!N]
et 20:00 replay noobs Germany  vs  Germany {TTW}
et 20:00 replay alk#nB Germany  vs  Germany AF\'
et 20:00 replay bEAVER/ European Union  vs  Poland 2b3
et 20:30 replay ROYAL| European Union  vs  Poland effect.
et 21:00 replay F5 Finland  vs  Estonia Squad
et 21:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  France FaMaS
et 21:45 replay SLU Poland  vs  European Union vibe
et 22:00 replay DreaM Netherlands  vs  European Union zeroE
et 22:00 replay F5 Finland  vs  United Kingdom colt45
et 22:15 replay lost^ Germany  vs  European Union vital.
et 22:45 replay des Hungary  vs  France emgcoym
et 12:30 replay {fSn} Australia  vs  Australia ubik
et 14:45 replay koaLa Netherlands  vs  Poland :h
et 17:15 replay polio European Union  vs  Austria ktt
et 19:45 replay KmP Portugal  vs  United States dIE
et 20:00 replay ChicK Netherlands  vs  Germany nB|
et 21:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  United Kingdom Impact
rtcw 21:00 DE Germany  vs  Italy IT
et 21:00 replay [eXe] European Union  vs  European Union FASFA
et 22:00 replay zZz Denmark  vs  European Union zeroE
et 13:30 replay ~,=,^ Australia  vs  Japan Harakiri
et 16:15 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Poland darts
et 21:00 replay AIMERz United Kingdom  vs  European Union BoB
et 02:00 replay des Hungary  vs  Germany BW
et 15:00 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  Germany BW
et 19:00 replay eMeMens Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 23:00 replay lh Poland  vs  France re74rd0s
et 19:00 replay xZist United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands EAGLEs/
et 20:00 replay p&p Austria  vs  Germany {TTW}
et 20:45 replay KmP Portugal  vs  European Union vital.
rtcw 21:00 FI Finland  vs  Netherlands NL
et 21:00 replay dATA Austria  vs  Germany asusual
et 21:15 replay Ridi European Union  vs  European Union Eyjafja
et 21:45 replay delin Spain  vs  European Union PP *
et 22:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Belgium ovr
et 22:00 replay wh Poland  vs  Poland eMeMens
et 23:00 replay eMeMens Poland  vs  United States www.
et 01:30 replay des Hungary  vs  Denmark WSF
et 21:00 replay gB Poland  vs  Mexico <Bowe>
et 21:15 replay xZist United Kingdom  vs  European Union Eyjafja
et 21:15 replay #sGp Greece  vs  Poland :h
et 15:30 replay theB Poland  vs  Poland aNtic.
et 19:00 replay gB Poland  vs  European Union LMS}
et 18:45 replay 3atw European Union  vs  France emgcou
et 19:30 replay Eyjafja European Union  vs  European Union cs3r
et 22:30 replay 3atw European Union  vs  France emgcou
et 14:00 replay ~,=,^ Australia  vs  Australia {fSn}
et 19:00 replay Desi India  vs  Romania RoGamers
et 19:45 replay suck Austria  vs  Netherlands cless
et 21:00 replay N'by France  vs  Poland vintage
et 21:00 replay dATA Austria  vs  Germany squeeze
et 21:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Poland lh
et 22:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union idk
et 22:00 replay zeroE European Union  vs  Germany SL
et 23:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  France re74rd0s
et 14:00 replay xoxox Australia  vs  Australia a&d
et 15:30 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  Poland aNtic.
et 16:45 replay aNtic. Poland  vs  European Union cs3r
et 18:00 replay aNtic. Poland  vs  Poland darts
et 19:00 replay FF Poland  vs  Croatia guru
rtcw 21:00 UK United Kingdom  vs  Estonia EE
et 21:00 replay MoH Spain  vs  France TH
et 21:00 replay b0b European Union  vs  Czech Republic AHK
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Finland fa
et 21:30 replay ALMIGHTY International  vs  Finland krp
et 22:00 replay PGC Poland  vs  Belgium aestas
et 22:00 replay idk European Union  vs  European Union zeroE
et 22:30 replay wnk Poland  vs  India Desi
et 00:30 replay fa Finland  vs  European Union mek
et 12:30 replay is European Union  vs  Poland aNtic.
et 14:15 replay emgcoym France  vs  Netherlands spirit/
et 20:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  Poland mAg.
et 20:00 replay tradeM Poland  vs  Belgium bGAMING
et 20:00 replay czr Poland  vs  Romania RO@
et 20:00 replay Ridi European Union  vs  Hungary infi
et 20:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany Kern
et 21:00 replay MoH Spain  vs  Denmark WSF
et 21:00 replay FF Poland  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 21:00 replay xl Germany  vs  Germany [KG]
et 21:00 replay suck Austria  vs  Germany ketchup
et 22:00 replay aestas Belgium  vs  Poland bv
et 22:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union vital.
et 23:00 replay queens European Union  vs  United Kingdom D.
et 23:15 replay lh Poland  vs  European Union two4two
et 15:00 eund? Belgium  vs  Estonia Setpoint
et 17:45 replay suck Austria  vs  Belgium BRoAGE
et 19:15 replay cts European Union  vs  Poland darts
et 19:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union ngr
et 19:30 replay eLIGHT European Union  vs  India Desi
et 20:00 replay holiday Poland  vs  Belgium iY
et 21:00 replay FF Poland  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 replay aNtic. Poland  vs  Poland darts
et 21:15 replay United Kingdom  vs  Finland F5
et 22:30 replay United Kingdom  vs  Finland F5
et 17:30 replay iBRZ. Belgium  vs  Germany wnbpro
et 19:30 replay Desi India  vs  France N'by
et 23:30 replay Ridi European Union  vs  Sweden Order
et 14:00 replay lh Poland  vs  European Union mek
et 18:15 replay aNtic. Poland  vs  Poland darts
et 18:30 replay happy:) Finland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 19:00 replay PGC Poland  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 19:00 replay wnbpro Germany  vs  Netherlands imposito
et 19:00 replay 3rdRail European Union  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 19:00 replay ubermix European Union  vs  Finland Pallot
et 20:00 replay weekend Poland  vs  Finland Lambs
et 20:00 replay haxb Finland  vs  European Union @_
et 20:30 replay dIE United States  vs  Netherlands spirit/
rtcw 21:00 BE Belgium  vs  Hungary HU
et 21:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union ROYAL|
et 21:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Germany SL
et 21:00 replay plixplax European Union  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 21:15 replay des Hungary  vs  Poland darts
et 22:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Finland fa
et 22:00 replay Wanderin Croatia  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 22:30 replay hFE France  vs  European Union ext3
et 01:00 replay aToOn Estonia  vs  European Union mek
et 15:15 replay sona European Union  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 17:00 replay bijemy European Union  vs  European Union it-girls
et 19:00 replay sGp Germany  vs  Finland RAAB
et 20:00 replay spirit/ Netherlands  vs  Poland effect.
et 20:00 astuck European Union  vs  Poland gB
et 20:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Spain delin
et 21:00 replay idk European Union  vs  United Kingdom colt45
et 21:00 replay boozers Poland  vs  Finland cotd
et 21:15 replay mek European Union  vs  Poland Inde
et 22:00 replay frog France  vs  Poland :h
et 23:30 replay zoo United Kingdom  vs  European Union odium.
et 12:30 replay :@ Australia  vs  Australia OZ
et 16:15 replay it-girls European Union  vs  Finland ju
et 19:30 replay BLIND European Union  vs  Finland happy:)
et 21:30 replay PGC Poland  vs  Poland victis
et 22:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland wnk
et 22:45 replay bRUTAL Portugal  vs  Portugal divinus
et 23:00 replay aZ United Kingdom  vs  European Union BoB
et 23:00 replay bF Belgium  vs  European Union BASE
et 12:30 replay xoxox Australia  vs  Australia {fSn}
et 19:30 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Poland PGC
et 20:00 replay RGS Poland  vs  Poland evko.
et 21:00 replay Squad Estonia  vs  Germany SL
et 21:00 replay xPro Poland  vs  Finland jk
et 21:30 replay KOMPOST Germany  vs  Germany noobs
et 21:30 replay KmP Portugal  vs  United Kingdom ??
et 01:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union inv
et 01:30 replay aToOn Estonia  vs  United Kingdom xZist
et 16:45 replay M&M Poland  vs  European Union it-girls
et 20:00 replay alk#nB Germany  vs  Romania RoGamers
et 20:30 replay iY Belgium  vs  Netherlands spirit/
et 21:00 replay PMCG Germany  vs  Poland wh
et 21:00 replay :) European Union  vs  Germany nB|
et 22:00 replay In7 Poland  vs  Poland fROGS
et 22:15 replay BASE European Union  vs  European Union two4two
et 01:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Estonia violence
et 21:15 replay Boby Romania  vs  Romania cinek
et 19:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland AsT
et 19:00 replay haxb Finland  vs  Finland fa
et 20:00 replay BLIND European Union  vs  Spain MoH
et 21:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  European Union Norm
et 21:00 replay Eyjafja European Union  vs  European Union sona
et 21:00 replay ave Finland  vs  International ALMIGHTY
et 21:00 replay Ridi European Union  vs  Poland eXert
et 21:00 replay In7 Poland  vs  France logic
et 21:15 replay delin Spain  vs  France FaMaS
et 21:30 replay FBI Italy  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:30 replay krp Finland  vs  Germany sGp
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Netherlands koaLa
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Germany noT
et 21:45 replay zeroE European Union  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 22:00 replay gB Poland  vs  Poland faiLure
et 22:00 replay FF Poland  vs  European Union CRPW
et 22:30 replay wh Poland  vs  Germany noT
et 22:30 replay iY Belgium  vs  European Union vital.
et 23:00 replay (a)mpd United States  vs  European Union frozen
et 23:45 replay lh Poland  vs  European Union ill
et 11:30 replay a&d Australia  vs  New Zealand ...wat^
et 17:00 replay ill European Union  vs  European Union miAmi
et 18:30 replay trgt Netherlands  vs  European Union virgin
et 20:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia epica {
et 20:30 replay haxb Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 21:00 replay e0h Russian Federation  vs  European Union vital.
et 21:45 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Finland happy:)
et 22:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Belgium ovr
et 22:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 22:00 replay CroW Poland  vs  European Union ngr
et 22:30 replay fGx International  vs  Poland menels.
et 23:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Greece R&J
et 13:30 replay ubik Australia  vs  Australia ~,=,^
et 14:30 replay SorIn Romania  vs  Romania body
et 20:00 replay nQw Romania  vs  Romania RoGamers
et 20:30 replay imposito Netherlands  vs  Switzerland kisskool
et 20:30 replay nQw Romania  vs  Romania FalX&
et 21:00 replay LOGI Poland  vs  United States www
et 21:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union odium.
et 22:45 replay aToOn Estonia  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 23:45 replay huan European Union  vs  Germany KOMPOST
et 12:15 replay St3fan Romania  vs  Romania miLi
et 13:00 replay xoxox Australia  vs  Australia Team 7
et 20:00 replay is European Union  vs  Finland thef
et 20:00 replay miAmi European Union  vs  Finland fa
et 20:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union astuck
et 20:00 replay BLIND European Union  vs  Finland Lambs
et 20:30 replay vice Turkey  vs  Poland FF
et 21:00 replay Pallot Finland  vs  European Union ICTUS
et 21:15 replay lh Poland  vs  Finland Lambs
et 21:30 replay fNtx Poland  vs  Belgium iY
et 21:30 replay misiaki Poland  vs  Poland Qtax
et 22:00 replay Squad Estonia  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 23:15 replay dNb United Kingdom  vs  European Union silka
et 11:00 replay body Romania  vs  Romania Rhino
et 13:30 replay :h Poland  vs  Sweden TSG
et 16:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union mek
et 19:00 replay alk#nB Germany  vs  Germany nB|
et 20:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Belgium bF
et 20:15 replay RO@ Romania  vs  Romania nQw
et 20:30 replay RGS Poland  vs  Slovenia lss
et 20:30 replay nB#aBle Germany  vs  India Desi
et 21:00 replay rAid Estonia  vs  European Union wise
et 21:30 replay lh Poland  vs  Poland tq
et 22:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland tq
et 08:30 replay United Kingdom  vs  France CbZ
et 08:30 replay ALMIGHTY International  vs  European Union dev1ous
et 11:15 CbZ France  vs  Germany sGp
et 11:15 replay FaMaS France  vs  European Union dev1ous
et 12:30 United Kingdom  vs  Germany sGp
et 12:30 ALMIGHTY International  vs  France FaMaS
et 14:00 replay TAG.AEF European Union  vs  Norway GeNuine
et 14:00 replay SL Germany  vs  Sweden ZOO
et 14:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union Titanz
et 15:30 replay sKo. Netherlands  vs  Germany SL
et 16:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union TAG.AEF
et 16:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  Norway GeNuine
et 17:00 replay sKo. Netherlands  vs  Sweden ZOO
et 17:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Norway GeNuine
et 17:30 replay TAG.AEF European Union  vs  European Union Titanz
et 20:00 replay bF Belgium  vs  Netherlands DreaM
et 20:00 replay GZ European Union  vs  European Union 0E
et 20:00 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union >O_/
et 20:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 21:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Belgium bF
et 21:00 replay CbZ France  vs  Netherlands DreaM
et 21:00 replay ALMIGHTY International  vs  Belgium ovr
et 21:00 replay dev1ous European Union  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 23:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands DreaM
et 23:00 replay bF Belgium  vs  France CbZ
et 23:00 replay ALMIGHTY International  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 23:00 replay dev1ous European Union  vs  Belgium ovr
et 00:45 replay dNb European Union  vs  European Union kut
et 09:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union GZ
et 09:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  European Union 0E
et 09:00 replay sKo. Netherlands  vs  Germany Ri
et 10:30 replay sKo. Netherlands  vs  European Union >O_/
et 11:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union 0E
et 11:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  European Union GZ
et 12:30 replay sGp Germany  vs  Netherlands DreaM
et 12:30 replay FaMaS France  vs  Belgium ovr
et 13:30 replay sGp Germany  vs  Belgium bF
et 13:30 replay FaMaS France  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 13:45 replay SL Germany  vs  Germany Ri
et 15:45 replay TAG.AEF European Union  vs  European Union GZ
et 15:45 replay GeNuine Norway  vs  European Union 0E
et 15:45 replay ZOO Sweden  vs  European Union >O_/
et 17:15 replay TAG.AEF European Union  vs  European Union 0E
et 17:15 replay GeNuine Norway  vs  European Union GZ
et 17:15 replay SL Germany  vs  European Union >O_/
et 17:15 replay ZOO Sweden  vs  Germany Ri
et 18:30 replay United Kingdom  vs  European Union TAG.AEF
et 18:30 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Germany SL
et 18:30 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Belgium bF
et 18:30 replay Ri Germany  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 20:00 replay TAG.AEF European Union  vs  Germany SL
et 20:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Belgium ovr
et 20:45 replay dNan Netherlands  vs  Belgium bF
et 20:45 replay Ri Germany  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:45 replay ovr Belgium  vs  Belgium bF
et 22:30 replay dNb European Union  vs  European Union huan
et 22:45 replay Ri Germany  vs  Germany SL