Schedule » List » July 2013

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« June 2013 :: July 2013 :: August 2013 »
et 00:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union ofc ofc
lol 00:30 Vulcun United States  vs  United States C9
et 01:00 replay dawgs European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
lol 01:30 Crs United States  vs  United States Coast
et 01:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  France sNr
lol 02:30 CLG United States  vs  United States TSM
et 02:45 replay mYm European Union  vs  United States G+
lol 03:30 dig United States  vs  United States Velocity
et 12:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union .eXe
et 13:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union .eXe
et 14:30 replay sN Belgium  vs  Belgium v56
et 14:45 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  European Union .eXe
et 15:15 replay RD European Union  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 16:30 replay db European Union  vs  European Union Nbs
et 18:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:15 replay echelon Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:15 replay hi2u France  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 20:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 20:30 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Poland UnC
et 20:45 replay mYm European Union  vs  Poland sm
et 21:45 replay Ri Germany  vs  European Union SICK6
et 21:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
urt 22:00 [b00bs] European Union  vs  Germany :3`
et 23:15 replay revealed European Union  vs  Netherlands unreAl
et 23:30 replay rfx France  vs  European Union .eXe
sc2 11:00 Soulkey Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Symbol
dota2 12:00 MUFC Malaysia  vs  Malaysia OE
sc2 12:00 Bomber Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Bbyong
et 12:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union Nbs
et 12:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union oBs
sc2 13:00 First Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of FanTaSy
et 13:30 replay Nbs European Union  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 13:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
sc2 14:00 SNova Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of KangHo
et 14:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland echelon
dota2 15:00 RaT China  vs  China
et 15:30 replay oBs European Union  vs  Finland SUITS
et 16:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 16:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 17:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Finland Roskat
et 17:30 replay Nbs European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:45 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 18:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic sorGu
et 19:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
lol 21:00 Cph Denmark  vs  European Union BG
et 21:15 replay mYm European Union  vs  Netherlands ae
et 21:15 replay ChAos// European Union  vs  European Union ==<3
et 22:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 23:00 replay mYm European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
et 23:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union inst
et 23:45 replay phase France  vs  Belgium ampd
et 00:30 replay ChAos// European Union  vs  European Union HTF
et 00:30 replay inst European Union  vs  France phase
et 00:45 replay db European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 01:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  France sNr
et 11:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56
dota2 12:00 DK China  vs  China
et 12:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 12:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland wiSe
et 13:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 14:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Italy PS
et 14:45 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  European Union .eXe
dota2 15:00 IG China  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 15:45 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 16:15 replay ave Finland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 17:15 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Finland ave
et 18:00 replay uNs Israel  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union inst
et 18:30 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  Estonia Oufu
lol 18:45 EG United Kingdom  vs  Germany AV
et 19:30 replay supski European Union  vs  France sNr
et 19:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Estonia Oufu
lol 21:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom aN
et 21:30 replay mYm European Union  vs  France sticked
et 21:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Finland UseMF
et 21:45 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
rtcw 22:00 one United Kingdom  vs  Hungary cave
et 22:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 23:15 replay rfx France  vs  European Union 30stm
et 23:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland UseMF
et 00:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 01:00 replay sNr France  vs  European Union dawgs
et 11:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56
dota2 12:00 OE Malaysia  vs  Singapore Zenith
et 12:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union 30stm
et 13:45 replay v56NL Netherlands  vs  Belgium v56BE
et 14:00 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union 30stm
et 14:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland UnC
dota2 15:00 TongFu China  vs  China
et 15:30 replay G+ United States  vs  Finland ketut!
et 16:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union inst
et 18:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union 30stm
et 19:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 20:00 replay cheetos Poland  vs  Poland eX
et 20:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Belgium ampd
et 21:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland UnC
et 21:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:00 replay Deadzone Poland  vs  Finland UseMF
et 22:00 replay rfx France  vs  Poland UnC
et 22:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 23:30 replay sNr France  vs  Belgium ampd
dota2 12:00 IG China  vs  Malaysia OE
lol 12:00 T1 Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of IM
lol 13:00 ahq Taiwan, Province of China  vs  Thailand BT
lol 14:00 SFF Viet Nam  vs  Philippines MLE
lol 14:00 KTRB Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of MiGB
et 14:45 replay Nbs European Union  vs  Belgium v56
lol 15:00 SGS Singapore  vs  Taiwan, Province of China TPA
dota2 15:00 DK China  vs  China TongFu
dota2 15:00 iCCup Russian Federation  vs  United States QG
et 16:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland eX
dota2 18:00 Fnatic United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom Dignitas
et 20:00 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union TOTAL
dota2 21:00 Dignitas United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands Liquid
et 21:45 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Finland ketut!
et 22:30 replay ketut! Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 23:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Belgium ampd
et 23:30 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union dawgs
et 00:30 replay ech Poland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 01:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  France sNr
et 01:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Belgium v56
et 02:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union ofc ofc
lol 08:00 Team WE China  vs  China iG
dota2 09:30 TongFu China  vs  China DK
lol 11:00 PE China  vs  China LGD
lol 13:00 SAJ Viet Nam  vs  Malaysia KLH
lol 14:00 BT Thailand  vs  Viet Nam SFF
lol 14:00 MVP Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of KTRB
lol 15:00 SGS Singapore  vs  Philippines MLE
et 17:00 replay Malibu Netherlands  vs  European Union d.b
lol 18:00 FnaticRC European Union  vs  European Union MYM
et 18:15 replay sNr France  vs  Poland tMoe
et 18:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union inst
lol 19:00 GG European Union  vs  Germany aTn
lol 20:00 EG European Union  vs  European Union LD
et 20:00 replay Malibu Netherlands  vs  Poland tMoe
et 20:45 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union Nbs
dota2 21:00 EG United States  vs  United States Denial
lol 21:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Germany SK
lol 22:00 LD European Union  vs  European Union FnaticRC
et 22:00 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Estonia Oufu
lol 23:00 GG European Union  vs  European Union MYM
et 23:15 replay G+ United States  vs  Belgium ampd
et 23:30 replay sups European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
et 01:30 replay inst European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 11:15 replay bv Poland  vs  European Union TOTAL
dota2 12:00 DK China  vs  China IG
et 12:15 replay SUITS Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 13:00 replay bv Poland  vs  Poland fsm
et 14:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Poland echelon
dota2 15:00 China  vs  Ukraine Na`Vi
et 15:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union SICK6
lol 16:00 NiP Sweden  vs  Germany aTn
et 16:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 16:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Italy PS
lol 17:00 EG European Union  vs  Germany SK
et 17:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Finland POLARB
et 17:45 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 18:15 replay ech Poland  vs  Poland tMoe
lol 18:30 LD European Union  vs  European Union GG
et 18:45 replay bijemy European Union  vs  Israel uNs
lol 19:30 FnaticRC European Union  vs  Germany aTn
et 20:00 replay voiler Poland  vs  Poland fanatic
et 20:00 replay fixxxer Poland  vs  Poland hunter
et 20:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union TOTAL
lol 20:30 SK Germany  vs  European Union MYM
rtcw 21:00 raw European Union  vs  United States u|
dota2 21:00 msports Germany  vs  United Kingdom Dignitas
et 21:30 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  European Union #6star.e
et 21:30 replay voiler Poland  vs  Poland fixxxer
et 21:30 replay fanatic Poland  vs  Poland hunter
lol 21:30 NiP Sweden  vs  European Union EG
et 21:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  France sNr
et 22:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union d.b
et 22:45 replay hunter Poland  vs  Poland voiler
et 22:45 replay fanatic Poland  vs  Poland fixxxer
et 00:45 replay IFBB Norway  vs  France sNr
et 01:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  France sticked
dota2 13:00 Na`Vi Ukraine  vs  China IG
et 15:30 replay ketut! Finland  vs  Afghanistan diY
et 17:45 replay Oufu Estonia  vs  Estonia yolo
et 18:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland ketut!
et 18:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland Ammo
et 19:00 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Finland POLARB
et 20:00 replay IFBB Norway  vs  United States sICK
et 20:15 replay POLARB Finland  vs  France rfx
et 21:30 replay sm Poland  vs  Norway IFBB
et 21:45 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  European Union SICK6
et 22:30 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:30 replay sNr France  vs  Poland tMoe
et 23:15 replay sm Poland  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 23:45 replay sNr France  vs  Belgium ampd
et 01:00 replay sm Poland  vs  France sticked
et 01:15 replay digit United States  vs  Estonia MA
et 01:45 replay sorGu Czech Republic  vs  European Union dawgs
et 02:00 replay sNr France  vs  France sticked
et 13:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 15:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 17:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland UnC
et 17:45 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  France sNr
et 19:00 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union 30stm
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 22:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland UnC
et 22:00 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 23:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 00:30 replay ingaM3 Norway  vs  France sNr
et 01:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  France sNr
et 03:30 replay digit United States  vs  Brazil ingame
et 03:30 sNr France  vs  Poland Ammo
lol 14:00 CJF Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of IM
et 14:00 replay MA Estonia  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 15:15 replay MA Estonia  vs  Netherlands SCS
et 16:30 replay PS Italy  vs  Estonia MA
et 17:45 replay UnC Poland  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 19:45 replay ingaM3 Norway  vs  United States sICK
et 20:00 replay ==<3 European Union  vs  Finland tB
et 20:00 replay Ammo Poland  vs  Finland UseMF
et 20:00 replay iSseXy European Union  vs  Poland UnC
et 20:45 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Poland Deadzone
et 21:00 replay reapers Austria  vs  France sticked
et 21:00 replay ech Poland  vs  Poland sm
et 21:00 replay POLARB Finland  vs  Czech Republic allicze
et 21:00 replay UnC Poland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:30 replay sexupld Poland  vs  European Union mYm
et 21:30 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  Israel uNs
et 22:15 replay sexupld Poland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 22:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Estonia MA
et 23:30 replay ingaM3 Norway  vs  United States digit
et 00:15 replay mYm European Union  vs  Estonia MA
et 01:15 replay rfx France  vs  Poland UnC
et 01:15 replay MA Estonia  vs  European Union dawgs
et 13:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 14:15 replay Oufu Estonia  vs  Belgium ampd
et 14:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 15:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 15:45 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union SICK6
et 17:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Italy PS
et 18:15 replay MA Estonia  vs  Brazil paiN
et 18:30 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 19:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland @@
et 19:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  United States sICK
et 20:00 replay @@ Poland  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:00 replay [F] Israel  vs  Poland c[_]
et 21:00 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 21:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 21:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Poland GPS
et 21:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union bijemy
et 22:00 replay the best United States  vs  European Union mYm
et 22:00 replay party European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:45 replay ech Poland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 23:00 replay MA Estonia  vs  European Union .eXe
et 23:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union bijemy
et 23:30 replay Chti France  vs  Belgium ampd
et 23:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union CF
et 23:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 01:15 replay bijemy European Union  vs  Argentina immortal
et 03:00 replay dawgs European Union  vs  Germany trg
et 13:45 replay bijemy European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 14:45 replay MA Estonia  vs  European Union bijemy
et 15:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  United States digit
et 15:45 replay it-girls European Union  vs  Estonia MA
et 16:30 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  Finland ketut!
et 18:00 replay Oufu Estonia  vs  Estonia yolo
et 18:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Poland Echarge
et 22:30 replay tMoe Poland  vs  Poland ech
et 23:45 replay darts Poland  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 00:00 replay ==<3 European Union  vs  Germany LEGEND
et 00:45 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union dawgs
et 01:00 replay paiN Brazil  vs  France sNr
et 01:45 replay bijemy European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 13:15 replay gibon European Union  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 14:00 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  European Union gibon
et 15:00 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union d.b
et 16:00 replay immortal Argentina  vs  Netherlands inS
et 17:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Finland tB
et 18:00 replay PS Italy  vs  Estonia MA
et 20:30 replay POLARB Finland  vs  Italy PS
et 20:30 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  European Union d.b
et 23:00 replay sNr France  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 00:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union bijemy
et 11:15 replay sNr France  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 12:15 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  France sNr
et 13:30 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union bijemy
et 15:15 replay ech Poland  vs  Poland boozers
et 15:30 replay revealed European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 16:15 replay SUITS Finland  vs  European Union it-girls
et 17:15 replay POLARB Finland  vs  Poland echelon
et 17:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland Bijemy
et 18:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union Queens
et 19:00 replay GEF Poland  vs  European Union ST
et 19:15 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Germany p2g
et 19:30 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  Poland wh
et 20:00 replay thef Finland  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 20:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Israel uNs
et 20:00 replay mLG European Union  vs  Germany KitroPi
rtcw 20:00 oP European Union  vs  United States ??
et 20:00 replay RoG European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 21:00 replay GPS Poland  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 21:00 replay POLARB Finland  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  France frog
et 21:00 replay Estonia  vs  Germany bd
et 21:00 replay =^.^= European Union  vs  United Kingdom 6Star B
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  United Kingdom PWD
et 21:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  European Union
et 21:15 replay sNr France  vs  Estonia MA
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  United States *|*
et 21:30 replay deV European Union  vs  Poland zs
et 22:15 replay favela Brazil  vs  Italy n1ce
et 22:30 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  Poland c[_]
et 22:30 replay wda European Union  vs  Estonia yolo
et 22:30 replay digit United States  vs  France sNr
et 22:45 replay rfx France  vs  Poland UnC
et 23:00 replay w0bble Finland  vs  Canada pornstar
et 23:45 replay digit United States  vs  Poland sm
et 00:00 replay sNr France  vs  Brazil paiN
et 00:15 replay sm Poland  vs  United States digit
et 01:30 replay dawgs European Union  vs  Poland Bijemy
et 14:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union SICK6
et 15:30 replay Oufu Estonia  vs  Italy PS
et 16:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union bijemy
et 16:30 replay Oufu Estonia  vs  European Union gibon
et 17:30 replay PS Italy  vs  European Union SICK6
et 18:15 replay rfx France  vs  Finland nw
et 18:45 replay @@ Poland  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 19:00 replay PS Italy  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 19:15 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Finland nw
et 20:00 replay Deadzone Poland  vs  Czech Republic FPS Drop
et 20:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  European Union eA
et 20:15 replay MA Estonia  vs  Finland Roskat
et 21:00 replay ==<3 European Union  vs  Germany KitroPi
et 21:15 replay rfx France  vs  Czech Republic allicze
et 21:15 replay wda European Union  vs  Estonia Oufu
et 21:30 replay e: Netherlands  vs  Poland tMoe
et 21:30 replay .:ub: European Union  vs  France phase
et 22:00 replay bow Poland  vs  Germany NiP
et 22:30 replay rApeit Germany  vs  United Kingdom 6Star R
et 22:45 replay wda European Union  vs  Gabon 21
et 23:45 replay gibon European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 00:15 replay mYm European Union  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 01:15 replay wda European Union  vs  United States sICK
et 12:30 replay sups European Union  vs  France sNr
et 13:00 replay EMBBM Poland  vs  Poland sm
et 14:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Finland nw
et 15:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 15:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union wda
et 16:15 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union 30stm
et 16:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 17:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Estonia yolo
et 19:15 replay wda European Union  vs  TmT
et 20:45 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 21:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  European Union RoG
et 21:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Finland Roskat
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  France freeL
et 21:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Gabon 21
et 21:45 replay zs Poland  vs  Poland UnC
et 22:00 replay 04 France  vs  Poland ech
et 23:00 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Poland UnC
et 23:45 replay rfx France  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 23:45 replay FTN International  vs  Poland tMoe
et 01:00 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 01:15 replay sICK United States  vs  United States digit
et 02:00 replay digit United States  vs  Norway Pride
et 12:00 replay nw Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 13:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Hungary egk
et 13:45 replay EMBBM Poland  vs  European Union mYm
et 14:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Italy PS
et 14:45 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Finland nw
et 15:00 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 15:30 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 15:30 replay sNr France  vs  Finland nw
et 15:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Italy PS
et 16:00 replay sBoyz Belgium  vs  Hungary egk
et 16:30 replay dawgs European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 16:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Gabon 21
et 18:15 replay @@ Poland  vs  France sNr
et 18:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  Finland Roskat
et 19:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 19:30 replay @@ Poland  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 20:00 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union
et 20:15 replay @@ Poland  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 20:45 replay mLG European Union  vs  Finland tB
et 21:15 replay bijemy European Union  vs  Finland nw
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 22:00 replay Belgium  vs  Seychelles smurfs.
et 22:00 replay FTN International  vs  Poland e!
et 22:15 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union bijemy
et 23:30 replay FTN International  vs  Estonia dental.
et 23:45 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 00:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Estonia dental.
et 01:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  mUZE
et 11:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland e!
et 13:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland e!
et 13:00 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland EMBBM
et 14:15 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
lol 15:00 TCM United Kingdom  vs  Germany PD
et 15:45 replay yolo Estonia  vs  European Union mYm
et 16:15 replay nw Finland  vs  Estonia yolo
et 17:15 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union gibon
et 17:15 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
lol 18:00 MYM European Union  vs  Germany SK
et 18:15 replay @@ Poland  vs  European Union gibon
et 19:15 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union gibon
et 19:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union ChAos//
et 20:00 replay favela Brazil  vs  Poland Deadzone
lol 20:00 EG European Union  vs  European Union FnaticRC
et 20:15 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  Poland EMBBM
et 20:15 replay nw Finland  vs  Estonia MA
et 20:45 replay 21 Gabon  vs  Estonia yolo
et 21:00 replay w0bble Finland  vs  Poland c[_]
lol 21:00 GG European Union  vs  European Union LD
et 21:00 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  Finland Roskat
et 21:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:30 replay wda European Union  vs  Estonia DEVo
et 21:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  Netherlands asfuck
lol 22:00 aTn Germany  vs  Sweden NiP
et 23:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
et 23:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union CF
et 01:15 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union wda
et 03:30 replay dawgs European Union  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 12:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland EMBBM
lol 15:00 Cph Denmark  vs  Germany
et 15:15 nw Finland  vs  France hi2u
et 16:00 replay uNs Israel  vs  Belgium ampd
et 16:45 replay nw Finland  vs  France sNr
lol 18:00 MYM European Union  vs  European Union FnaticRC
lol 18:00 NiP Sweden  vs  European Union LD
et 18:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Poland @@
lol 19:00 aTn Germany  vs  European Union EG
lol 20:00 SK Germany  vs  European Union GG
et 20:15 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 21:15 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 21:30 replay nw Finland  vs  Gabon 21
et 22:00 replay mYm European Union  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 22:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Gabon 21
et 22:45 nw Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 23:30 replay ech Poland  vs  Germany trg
et 23:45 replay sICK United States  vs  Poland Deadzone
et 13:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union d.b
et 13:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 16:30 replay FTN International  vs  Belgium ampd
et 17:00 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  France sNr
et 18:00 replay d.b European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 18:30 replay it-girls European Union  vs  mUZE
et 19:15 replay mUZE  vs  European Union 30stm
et 19:30 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union it-girls
et 20:45 replay FTN International  vs  European Union mYm
et 21:45 replay gibon European Union  vs  Netherlands unreAl
et 22:15 replay Queens European Union  vs  Gabon 21
et 23:00 replay pornstar Canada  vs  Germany LEGEND
et 23:00 replay wda European Union  vs  Poland e!
et 23:15 replay gibon European Union  vs  European Union Queens
et 00:30 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union gibon
et 01:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
lol 11:00 DP Turkey  vs  Turkey ANT
et 12:30 replay echelon Poland  vs  France sNr
et 13:45 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union d.b
lol 14:00 TT BLUE Turkey  vs  Turkey HWA
et 15:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
lol 15:30 CNB Brazil  vs  Brazil Nex
et 16:30 replay trg Germany  vs  Poland echelon
et 16:30 replay TmT  vs  France hi2u
et 18:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union wda
et 19:00 replay w0bble Finland  vs  Germany p2g
et 19:45 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union wda
et 20:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Poland GEF
et 20:00 replay Belgium  vs  Czech Republic allicze
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Germany Ri
et 21:00 replay bd Germany  vs  United States *|*
et 21:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland archers
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  Estonia
et 21:30 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Israel [F]
et 21:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union ofc ofc
rtcw 22:00 u| United States  vs  United States GFU
et 22:30 replay Echarge Poland  vs  Poland c[_]
et 22:30 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 22:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 22:45 replay FTN International  vs  Estonia dental.
et 00:45 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 00:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 01:45 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 01:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
et 03:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 14:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Finland ketut!
et 14:45 replay amo European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 15:15 replay nw Finland  vs  Finland ketut!
et 18:30 replay thef Finland  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:15 replay amo European Union  vs  Poland Echarge
et 20:00 replay m4rk Netherlands  vs  Belgium Appel
et 20:00 replay the best United States  vs  European Union #CTRL.d
et 20:00 replay kApot Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Bartjee
et 21:00 replay kApot Netherlands  vs  Belgium Appel
et 21:00 replay m4rk Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Bartjee
et 21:00 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:00 replay sups European Union  vs  International FTN
et 22:00 replay kApot Netherlands  vs  Netherlands m4rk
et 22:00 replay Bartjee Netherlands  vs  Belgium Appel
et 22:00 replay nw Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 22:15 replay FTN International  vs  Poland echelon
et 22:30 replay 6Star R United Kingdom  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 23:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 23:30 replay eXposed United States  vs  Belgium v56
et 23:30 replay v56BE Belgium  vs  Finland nw
et 00:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Finland turbot
et 00:30 replay CF European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 01:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  United States digit
et 11:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland EMBBM
et 13:00 replay echelon Poland  vs  France sNr
et 13:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland fROGS
et 13:45 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 15:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union mYm
et 15:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Italy PS
et 16:15 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands STEEL
et 17:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Finland nw
et 18:00 replay uNs Israel  vs  European Union mYm
et 18:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Belgium ampd
rtcw 20:00 oP European Union  vs  France phase
et 20:00 replay wda European Union  vs  Poland @@
et 21:00 replay STEEL Netherlands  vs  Belgium ampd
et 21:15 replay tMoe Poland  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  Austria reapers
et 21:30 replay freeL France  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland boozers
et 22:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 22:45 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 00:00 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 00:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 00:00 replay nw Finland  vs  Belgium v56
et 01:30 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 12:15 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  Poland b2k
et 13:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Poland b2k
et 13:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 14:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Argentina immortal
et 15:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  Finland nw
et 15:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Argentina immortal
et 16:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Netherlands STEEL
et 17:00 replay BATA Latvia  vs  Finland nw
et 19:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 19:30 replay DRAAKJES Netherlands  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 21:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  Finland TECHNO
et 21:00 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland TCM
et 21:00 replay SSTAT Estonia  vs  European Union mYm
et 21:30 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 22:00 replay ech Poland  vs  Netherlands unreAl
et 22:45 replay MA Estonia  vs  Belgium ampd
et 00:45 ampd Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
et 01:45 replay wda European Union  vs  France sNr
et 03:00 replay wss Canada  vs  Canada pornstar
et 03:00 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 04:15 replay dawgs European Union  vs  France sNr
et 12:45 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Finland nw
et 14:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union 30stm
et 15:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Belgium v56
et 15:45 replay b2k Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 16:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 17:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 17:15 replay sNr France  vs  Poland @@
et 18:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Belgium ampd
et 18:00 replay sNr France  vs  Poland @@
et 18:45 replay @@ Poland  vs  European Union wda
et 19:30 replay ZDW Poland  vs  Poland TCM
et 20:00 replay POLARB Finland  vs  Germany NiP
et 20:30 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Estonia yolo
et 20:30 replay ech Poland  vs  Gabon 21
et 20:45 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Germany AMATEUR
et 21:00 replay 6Star B United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom 6Star R
tf2 21:15 broder Norway  vs  European Union EES
et 21:15 replay eXposed United States  vs  United States digit
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 22:00 replay phase France  vs  Netherlands ae
et 22:45 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 23:15 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  France sNr
et 23:30 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:15 replay ampd Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
et 01:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland echeleaN
et 01:15 replay unreAl Netherlands  vs  European Union dawgs
et 02:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union dawgs
et 14:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 16:30 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union amo
et 17:00 replay DEVo Estonia  vs  Finland Roskat
et 17:00 replay ampd Belgium  vs  Poland echelon
et 17:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union wda
et 18:15 replay b2k Poland  vs  Belgium ampd
et 18:45 replay sups European Union  vs  Poland ZDW
et 18:45 replay asfuck Netherlands  vs  European Union wda
et 19:15 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland b2k
et 19:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland TCM
et 19:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Netherlands asfuck
et 20:45 replay supski European Union  vs  Germany LEGEND
et 20:45 replay xD Netherlands  vs  European Union mYm
et 21:45 replay wda European Union  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 21:45 replay xD Netherlands  vs  European Union supski
et 22:15 replay PS Italy  vs  European Union mYm
et 22:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  Finland Roskat
et 22:30 replay wda European Union  vs  Estonia yolo
et 23:00 replay *|* United States  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  France sNr
et 00:30 replay sNr France  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 12:15 replay Echarge Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 15:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 18:00 replay eX Poland  vs  Poland Deadzone
et 18:00 replay 30stm European Union  vs  France Hi2u
et 18:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Argentina immortal
et 19:30 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 21:00 replay ech Poland  vs  Finland nw
et 21:15 replay survive Germany  vs  France Hi2u
et 21:45 replay ech Poland  vs  Finland nw
et 22:00 replay mAlibu European Union  vs  France Hi2u
et 22:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  France sNr
et 23:15 replay sNr France  vs  Poland echelon
et 00:45 replay echelon Poland  vs  European Union revealed
et 01:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Estonia yolo
et 01:30 replay dawgs European Union  vs  Poland echelon
et 12:45 replay ech Poland  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 13:30 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 14:15 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Belgium sBoyz
et 14:30 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Latvia BATA
et 14:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Belgium v56
csgo 15:30 Dignitas Denmark  vs  United Kingdom CRG
et 16:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  Poland echeleaN
et 16:15 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Latvia BATA
et 17:00 replay ech Poland  vs  Canada hFE.
et 18:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Estonia #yolo
et 18:45 replay gibon European Union  vs  European Union inst
et 19:45 replay POLARB Finland  vs  European Union sups
et 19:45 replay nw Finland  vs  International FTN
et 20:00 replay party European Union  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 20:30 replay HTF European Union  vs  Poland Ammo
rtcw 20:30 phase France  vs  European Union Queens
et 21:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland archers
et 21:00 replay ST European Union  vs  Poland Deadzone
et 21:00 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  European Union RoG
et 21:30 replay mLG European Union  vs  United Kingdom PWD
et 21:30 replay hi2u France  vs  Estonia #yolo
et 21:30 replay Echarge Poland  vs  Netherlands unreAl
rtcw 21:45 flower Jamaica  vs  European Union Elite
et 22:00 replay sm Poland  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 22:00 replay FTN International  vs  Estonia SSTAT
et 22:15 replay smurfs. Seychelles  vs  Poland wh
rtcw 22:15 flower Jamaica  vs  European Union Queens
et 22:30 replay 6Star R United Kingdom  vs  European Union deV
et 22:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Poland c[_]
et 22:30 replay Echarge Poland  vs  Poland echelon
rtcw 23:15 phase France  vs  European Union Queens
et 13:00 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union d.b
et 13:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 13:45 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union d.b
et 14:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union d.b
et 14:45 replay survive Germany  vs  European Union dawgs
et 15:15 replay d.b European Union  vs  European Union 30stm
et 16:15 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 16:45 replay sA# Hungary  vs  Belgium sBoyz
et 17:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union TOTAL
et 17:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 18:00 replay Ammo Poland  vs  Hungary sA#
et 18:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  European Union [eXe]
et 18:30 replay it-girls European Union  vs  Poland @@
et 18:45 replay paiN Brazil  vs  International FTN
et 19:00 replay ech Poland  vs  Finland nw
et 19:00 replay 30stm European Union  vs  Estonia yolo
et 19:45 replay 30stm European Union  vs  International FTN
et 20:00 replay ==<3 European Union  vs  Estonia
csgo 20:30 n! Denmark  vs  Sweden Lemondog
et 20:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union 30stm
et 21:00 replay aika Finland  vs  Belgium
et 21:45 replay eA European Union  vs  Poland tMoe
et 21:45 replay w0bble Finland  vs  European Union Qc
et 22:00 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 22:30 replay zs Poland  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 23:00 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union CF
et 23:30 replay bobOTs Spain  vs  Brazil paiN
et 00:15 replay echeleaN Poland  vs  Estonia dental.
et 00:30 replay h-face Spain  vs  France Hi2u
et 02:00 replay v56 Belgium  vs  France sNr
et 12:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 13:00 replay echeleaN Poland  vs  Finland nw
et 14:00 replay db European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 14:00 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union deV
et 15:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 16:00 replay sA# Hungary  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 16:00 replay 30stm European Union  vs  European Union dawgs
et 16:00 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  European Union SGH
csgo 18:15 4w Finland  vs  Finland solemn
csgo 20:15 Attax Germany  vs  Sweden SY&b
et 20:15 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  European Union ==<3
et 21:00 replay DEVo Estonia  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 21:00 replay sNr France  vs  European Union 30stm
et 21:15 replay echeleaN Poland  vs  Belgium v56
csgo 22:00 4w Finland  vs  Denmark Eternity
et 22:15 replay nw Finland  vs  Estonia DEVo
et 22:45 replay SCS Netherlands  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 23:00 replay nw Finland  vs  Estonia DEVo
et 23:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 00:15 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 00:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 10:30 replay sA# Hungary  vs  Poland TCM
et 12:30 replay sA# Hungary  vs  Poland TCM
et 13:15 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union ==<3
et 14:00 replay sA# Hungary  vs  Netherlands ae
et 14:00 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union 30stm
et 15:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland TCM
et 16:15 replay ingaM3 Norway  vs  Hungary sA#
et 16:30 replay nw Finland  vs  European Union revealed
et 17:00 replay ChAos// European Union  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 17:15 replay LEGEND Germany  vs  Poland NA
et 17:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union gibon
et 18:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Argentina immortal
et 18:45 replay HTF European Union  vs  Belgium sBoyz
et 19:00 replay ingaM3 Norway  vs  France sNr
et 19:15 replay gibon European Union  vs  European Union TOTAL
csgo 20:00 k1ck Portugal  vs  Denmark WW
et 20:00 replay Ammo Poland  vs  Poland eX
et 20:15 replay HTF European Union  vs  Belgium sBoyz
et 20:45 replay BATA Latvia  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 20:45 replay v56 Belgium  vs  European Union Queens
et 21:30 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Estonia
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union deV
et 21:30 replay allicze Czech Republic  vs  Norway ingaM3
et 21:45 replay TOTAL European Union  vs  Poland UnC
et 22:15 replay digit United States  vs  Thailand magic.
et 22:30 replay nw Finland  vs  Poland b2k
et 23:45 replay POLARB Finland  vs  Norway ingaM3