Schedule » List » August 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« July 2008 :: August 2008 :: September 2008 »
et 17:45 coOles Germany  vs  Austria xXx
tmf 19:00 Belgium  vs  Netherlands FiX
et 21:00 ceWEge Norway  vs  Estonia NH
tmf 21:30 Cyborg Italy  vs  Germany FuKa
et 22:30 replay invitium Poland  vs  Finland [R]
et 23:15 replay aMaZing European Union  vs  Netherlands accurate
tmf 16:00 Geronimo Belgium  vs  Serbia MaKi
tmf 17:00 iGnes Belgium  vs  Portugal
tmf 17:00 danL Croatia  vs  Netherlands
et 18:30 coOles Germany  vs  Poland voiler
tmf 20:00 Rap United Kingdom  vs  Hungary S.Loeb
et 21:15 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Estonia oK
et 16:00 replay FIN Finland  vs  Japan JPN
et 18:45 ayua Estonia  vs  Estonia ain
tf2 20:00 tG' Germany  vs  Czech Republic Czech.
tf2 20:00 tPOR' Portugal  vs  Finland tFIN'
et 20:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Poland @cedge
et 20:30 SaH Belgium  vs  Germany iostr
et 21:00 G* European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 21:00 iNm European Union  vs  Poland heartZ
et 21:00 ceWEge Norway  vs  Germany lost^
tf2 21:00 tP' Poland  vs  United Kingdom tUK'
et 21:00 replay zeroE Finland  vs  European Union signum
tf2 21:00 tD' Denmark  vs  Sweden tSW'
et 21:00 oLe! Spain  vs  Ireland VPL
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union nkNn
et 21:00 RadioC France  vs  Czech Republic SSX
et 21:30 replay POL Poland  vs  United States USA
et 21:30 replay 9th Austria  vs  Belgium Naked
et 21:45 replay dQ Germany  vs  Belgium r3spect2
tf2 22:00 tG' Germany  vs  United Kingdom tUK'
et 17:15 Energiz France  vs  Belgium system6
et 17:30 voiler Poland  vs  Finland numbe
tf2 20:30 Czech. Czech Republic  vs  Poland tP'
et 21:00 replay TR Turkey  vs  Ukraine UA
et 21:00 RadioC France  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
et 21:00 team-nby Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:30 sk Poland  vs  Poland eSF
et 21:45 replay TAG European Union  vs  Estonia glitz
et 22:00 replay RUS Russian Federation  vs  Sweden SWE
et 20:00 mx. European Union  vs  Finland vHr
et 21:00 replay RadioC France  vs  European Union HESS
tmf 21:00 iGne Belgium  vs  Germany sorrx
qw 22:15 VAE European Union  vs  Germany d.Zone
et 18:00 replay RadioC France  vs  Finland vHr
tmf 20:45 GRiM` United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands
et 21:00 replay modern| France  vs  Finland zeroE
et 21:45 lost^ Germany  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 22:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union Auth
tf2 22:00 ^wotr^ United Kingdom  vs  European Union [eLD]
et 17:30 AEOM European Union  vs  Estonia ayua
et 19:30 replay wHINE Poland  vs  Poland eTw'
et 20:45 replay mx. European Union  vs  Germany skllfke
et 21:00 replay system6 Belgium  vs  Austria 9th
tmf 21:00 x2Tz Belgium  vs  Czech Republic wrecky
qw 21:00 #e. European Union  vs  European Union pHx
et 21:00 replay RadioC France  vs  Czech Republic SSX
et 21:00 replay D European Union  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 22:00 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 22:15 replay xsize Hungary  vs  European Union SNB
et 23:45 replay RAAB Finland  vs  European Union ICTUS
tmf 16:45 w1 France  vs  Germany NorD
tmf 16:45 Begrip Belgium  vs  Czech Republic nEph
tmf 17:45 w1 France  vs  Belgium Begrip
et 18:00 replay ayua Estonia  vs  Netherlands charism
et 20:15 replay Lame Poland  vs  Estonia hk
tmf 21:00 Dest Israel  vs  Netherlands FiX
et 22:45 replay aMaZing European Union  vs  Sweden wings
et 23:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Belgium smurfjes
sc 11:00 JaeDonG Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Flash
et 17:00 replay [blackb] Netherlands  vs  Netherlands dNan
et 19:00 RAAB Finland  vs  France Father
tf2 20:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Germany [GC]
et 20:00 replay charism Netherlands  vs  European Union inst
et 20:15 replay wings Sweden  vs  European Union pidar
et 20:30 replay SaH Belgium  vs  Poland ankh
et 20:45 replay Crow Estonia  vs  Estonia free
et 21:00 replay AUT Austria  vs  Czech Republic CZE
et 21:00 replay San08 France  vs  Italy n1ce
et 21:00 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Finland CTN
et 21:00 replay waffles European Union  vs  Germany rY
tf2 21:00 tPOR' Portugal  vs  Netherlands tN'
et 21:00 replay oLe! Spain  vs  Portugal [i]
et 21:00 replay zeroE Finland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFy
et 21:00 replay TK European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
tf2 21:00 ?! Finland  vs  Sweden excello
et 21:00 replay 3G/// Germany  vs  Germany dAmAge
et 21:00 replay wannaB Germany  vs  Germany GMC
et 21:30 replay r3spect2 Belgium  vs  Poland invitium
tf2 22:00 tUA' Ukraine  vs  Germany tG'
et 21:30 replay :o) European Union  vs  Poland invitium
et 21:45 replay iNm European Union  vs  Germany lost^
tmf 22:30 Begrip Netherlands  vs  Portugal Astroman
et 16:00 replay idem Poland  vs  Poland seXy
et 19:45 charism Netherlands  vs  European Union xD!
et 20:00 3G/// Germany  vs  Germany elected
et 20:15 replay osuu European Union  vs  Finland vHr
et 20:30 wings Sweden  vs  France Syncro
et 21:00 replay dQ Germany  vs  France CbZ
et 21:00 replay SSX Czech Republic  vs  European Union HESS
et 15:00 replay ankh Poland  vs  Poland idem
et 16:45 glitz Estonia  vs  Germany vele
tf2 20:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  European Union uA
tf2 20:00 myD Germany  vs  Finland ?!
et 20:30 aMaZing European Union  vs  Poland gtm
et 21:30 replay mx. European Union  vs  Poland Immortl|
et 21:30 replay vG Poland  vs  Poland UCP
et 22:00 replay mPG Germany  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 15:00 replay sMILERZZ Poland  vs  Poland idem
tmf 18:00 S.Loeb Hungary  vs  Belgium Geronimo
et 18:00 Lame Poland  vs  Netherlands Distrail
et 20:00 replay Possessd Japan  vs  Netherlands charism
tf2 21:00 tF' France  vs  Netherlands tN'
tmf 19:45 Netherlands  vs  Belgium iGnes
et 21:00 replay RUS Russian Federation  vs  Japan JPN
et 23:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Finland RAAB
et 23:15 replay >> Belgium  vs  Germany SLUTS
et 05:00 replay CL Chile  vs  Australia AUS
et 19:00 arrostas Belgium  vs  Finland Mrimekko
et 19:30 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Finland zeroE
et 20:00 replay tA } Finland  vs  European Union waffles
tf2 20:00 tL' Latvia  vs  Luxembourg tLUX'
et 20:00 replay SWE Sweden  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:00 EST Estonia  vs  Ukraine UA
et 20:30 nonpro Germany  vs  Germany wannaB
et 20:30 replay SaH Belgium  vs  Spain oLe!
tmf 20:30 Flesh Finland  vs  Portugal
et 20:30 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Poland verde
tmf 20:45 Begrip! International  vs  International w1/inF
tf2 21:00 tG' Germany  vs  Poland tP'
et 21:00 replay system6 Belgium  vs  European Union hectic.
et 21:00 replay elected Germany  vs  Germany dAmAge
et 21:30 replay n1ce Italy  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:30 replay USA United States  vs  Germany GER
et 21:45 replay invitium Poland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 22:15 replay UK United Kingdom  vs  Czech Republic CZE
et 22:30 replay POL Poland  vs  Malta MT
tmf 16:00 S.Loeb Hungary  vs  Belgium iGnes
tmf 20:00 Netherlands  vs  Belgium Geronimo
et 21:00 replay BEL Belgium  vs  Switzerland SUI
et 17:00 replay mx.Idem Poland  vs  United Kingdom TG
tf2 21:00 tI' Italy  vs  Latvia tL'
et 21:00 replay Tmoe. European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
tf2 21:00 tR' Russian Federation  vs  Belgium tB'
tmf 21:30 EnjOy! Belgium  vs  Belgium iGne
tmf 21:30 wrecky Czech Republic  vs  Italy Cyborg
tf2 21:30 ^wotr^ United Kingdom  vs  Sweden excello
et 18:00 so Finland  vs  Poland ankh
tf2 20:00 tB' Belgium  vs  Latvia tL'
tf2 21:00 Czech. Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom tUK'
et 21:00 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland vG
et 21:45 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Hungary RCW
et 16:00 mx.Idem Poland  vs  Netherlands Kult
et 16:15 Vj European Union  vs  Netherlands accurate
qw 20:00 oO Germany  vs  Russian Federation LOL'd
et 20:30 replay @eVo European Union  vs  Netherlands charism
et 03:00 CL Chile  vs  United States USA
et 21:00 replay eTw' Poland  vs  Spain oLe!
tmf 21:00 SaF France  vs  France FF*
et 22:00 FiF Netherlands  vs  Australia owners
et 22:15 glitz Estonia  vs  Finland RAAB
et 17:00 replay DeadEnd Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom Nrvnqsr
et 22:00 replay 9th Germany  vs  United Kingdom TG
et 23:00 RAAB Finland  vs  European Union dO_ob
et 16:00 so Finland  vs  European Union ES
et 20:00 replay tA } Finland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
tmf 20:00 RUS Russian Federation  vs  Norway NOR
tf2 21:00 tG' Germany  vs  United Kingdom tUK'
et 21:00 replay system6 Belgium  vs  Poland heartZ
et 21:00 replay uR Germany  vs  Germany wannaB
et 21:00 replay JPN Japan  vs  Belgium BEL
et 21:00 replay FIN Finland  vs  Czech Republic CZE
qw 21:00 oO Germany  vs  Germany d.Zone
et 22:00 replay zeroE Finland  vs  Italy n1ce
et 22:30 replay CL Chile  vs  Germany GER
et 23:00 replay PUR3 Netherlands  vs  Poland 1stCav
tf2 23:00 tUK' United Kingdom  vs  Sweden tSW'
et 15:00 vermiN Turkey  vs  Estonia XXX
tf2 20:00 k^m European Union  vs  Israel ELE
tf2 20:30 cR. Hungary  vs  European Union [pL]
et 21:00 cNp Poland  vs  European Union uSELESS
et 14:30 dn Denmark  vs  Estonia xx
et 16:00 smd France  vs  France 47.
et 17:00 smd France  vs  Australia owners
tmf 19:15 Edgee Czech Republic  vs  Malta Revan
et 19:30 I am European Union  vs  Germany shenming
et 20:00 replay Tmoe. European Union  vs  Germany SORY.
tf2 20:00 osLions Finland  vs  Finland cr
qw 21:00 #e. European Union  vs  Poland KMG
tf2 21:00 tR' Russian Federation  vs  Luxembourg tLUX'
et 21:00 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  France CbZ
et 21:00 replay POL Poland  vs  Hungary HUN
et 21:00 Energiz France  vs  Australia owners
tmf 21:30 Flesh Finland  vs  Belgium iGne
tf2 21:30 4K^ European Union  vs  Finland ?!
et 22:00 9th Germany  vs  United Kingdom gS
et 22:00 I am European Union  vs  Germany SORY.
et 15:00 wings Sweden  vs  Estonia XXX
et 16:00 replay mx.Idem Poland  vs  Poland Lame
tf2 19:00 c13 Russian Federation  vs  Portugal [cQr]
et 19:15 RAAB Finland  vs  Finland MCP
tmf 20:00 EnjOy! Belgium  vs  Portugal
et 20:00 RAAB Finland  vs  Estonia Xl
et 21:00 replay TG United Kingdom  vs  European Union uSELESS
et 21:00 replay iNm European Union  vs  France San08
et 21:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  European Union re-play
tf2 21:00 [o.O] Italy  vs  United Kingdom .:Eej2
tf2 21:00 empire/ Russian Federation  vs  Norway Res
tf2 21:00 gnX Germany  vs  United Kingdom =[PnS]=
tf2 21:00 .:IPBP:. France  vs  International VGN
tf2 21:30 eT. France  vs  Italy CdC
et 22:00 replay Impact United Kingdom  vs  Germany mPG
et 13:00 ISR Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 15:00 wings Sweden  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 19:45 replay h? European Union  vs  European Union Britney
et 20:00 Tmoe. European Union  vs  Poland cT
et 20:30 skllfke Germany  vs  European Union Sektor
et 21:00 cNp Poland  vs  France CbZ
et 21:00 TG United Kingdom  vs  Poland Lame
et 21:00 Britney European Union  vs  European Union #murso
et 21:45 replay sFx Murs Finland  vs  European Union ubermix
et 22:00 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Netherlands Distrail
et 15:00 alvi European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 16:00 // Belgium  vs  Poland Lame
et 17:00 mon International  vs  Estonia 8B1ts
et 23:00 dispo Sweden  vs  Poland Lame
et 17:15 replay Lame Poland  vs  Japan kruger
et 17:15 replay dispo Sweden  vs  Hungary mixxx
et 18:15 replay Lame Poland  vs  Sweden dispo
et 23:30 replay att Estonia  vs  International PMP
et 15:00 ident Finland  vs  France ESP
et 15:00 Lame Poland  vs  International :H
et 17:45 RAAB Finland  vs  Finland re+play
et 18:15 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union Imperox
tf2 18:30 [r@ts] Germany  vs  European Union Vale!
et 19:45 att Estonia  vs  Poland gitma
tmf 20:00 RUS Russian Federation  vs  Germany GER
et 20:00 bacardi Poland  vs  Poland vodka
tf2 20:00 AD Latvia  vs  Sweden SdX'98
tmf 20:00 SWE Sweden  vs  Netherlands NED
tf2 21:00 [FADER] Sweden  vs  United Kingdom .:DCSB:.
tf2 21:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom Max^2
et 21:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Belgium BEL
et 21:00 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union Imperox
tf2 21:30 [eLD] European Union  vs  Sweden [j]'
tf2 22:00 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  European Union AMERICA
et 22:15 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Hungary RCW