Schedule » List » August 2012

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« July 2012 :: August 2012 :: September 2012 »
et 01:15 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Belgium hARMEN
et 01:45 replay farmer France  vs  Poland RQ
et 18:00 mAke Poland  vs  Hungary Ryzy
et 19:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium dr
et 20:30 replay survive Germany  vs  Belgium dr
et 21:00 replay BDSM European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:00 replay freeL France  vs  European Union enhanced
et 21:45 replay pD| Germany  vs  Germany SR
et 21:45 replay dr Belgium  vs  Germany survive
et 22:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union SICK6
et 22:00 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  European Union mPG
et 22:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands ae
et 00:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Germany survive
et 01:30 replay ftard France  vs  European Union uR*eU
et 03:15 replay 04 France  vs  United States the best
et 13:30 replay riCo Australia  vs  Australia Mayo
et 18:15 replay Power Belgium  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 19:00 replay Mare Poland  vs  Hungary mAyor
et 20:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  United States ohurcool
et 20:00 replay LNG European Union  vs  Germany SR
et 21:00 replay deV European Union  vs  Finland krp
et 21:00 replay [PgS] Italy  vs  Germany mMONKEYS
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:15 replay slyZer Belgium  vs  France Provok
et 21:15 dr Belgium  vs  Sweden mTx
et 22:00 replay dr Belgium  vs  Germany survive
et 22:30 replay FTN International  vs  Estonia low+
et 23:00 replay ftard France  vs  Poland try
et 23:45 replay COOKIE Bolivia  vs  Poland RQ
et 12:15 replay imp Belgium  vs  Belgium dr
et 14:30 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Poland Boron
et 15:30 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Poland w1lko
et 17:15 replay Anus Afghanistan  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:30 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Poland w1lko
et 19:30 replay sh Poland  vs  Germany SR
et 19:30 replay meehow Poland  vs  Poland w1lko
et 19:45 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  France BOukii
et 20:30 replay Provok France  vs  France BOukii
et 21:00 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 22:00 replay SERIAL- Hungary  vs  France BOukii
et 22:00 replay s.ET Poland  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 22:15 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Netherlands [-]
et 23:00 replay SERIAL- Hungary  vs  France Provok
et 23:30 replay fsm Poland  vs  Poland RQ
et 23:30 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Gabon 21
et 18:00 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Hungary jesus
et 18:15 replay w1lko Poland  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 20:00 replay mAke Poland  vs  Hungary mAyor
et 20:30 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Romania Damon
sc2 22:45 Hack Korea, Republic of  vs  Poland MaNa
et 23:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland oXimize
sc2 23:30 SaSe Sweden  vs  Korea, Republic of CoCa
sc2 00:15 Creator Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of SeleCT
et 00:15 replay bb Czech Republic  vs  Poland RQ
et 15:30 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Hungary Ryzy
et 16:45 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 17:00 replay one4all Poland  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 18:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  Estonia low+
et 19:00 replay prologic Romania  vs  United States SS
et 19:00 replay apple Belgium  vs  Poland LukAsz
et 19:30 replay iNSTINCT Germany  vs  Belgium aClmx
sc2 20:00 Nerchio Poland  vs  Germany DarKFoRc
et 20:00 replay KolmeR Finland  vs  Netherlands nobLe
sc2 20:45 Sting Korea, Republic of  vs  Serbia Beastyqt
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Greece S'agapo
et 21:00 replay jTF.EUNd Belgium  vs  Poland tb
et 21:00 replay sixs European Union  vs  Belgium [-]'nbs
et 21:00 replay BMM European Union  vs  Estonia dental.
et 21:00 replay mEss France  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 21:00 replay zenTex Germany  vs  France FtF
et 21:15 replay krp Finland  vs  European Union Jacks
et 21:15 replay e: Netherlands  vs  France sticked
sc2 21:30 Daisy Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of First
sc2 21:30 TaeJa Korea, Republic of  vs  Sweden Bischu
et 21:30 replay enhanced European Union  vs  European Union eA
sc2 22:00 ThorZaIN Sweden  vs  Germany HasuObs
et 22:00 replay supski European Union  vs  European Union IYA
et 22:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Belgium jTF.EUNd
et 22:00 replay SB European Union  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 22:15 replay RCW Hungary  vs  United States ]^[
et 23:15 replay FIN Finland  vs  Netherlands NED
et 00:15 replay nobLe Netherlands  vs  International FTN
et 00:30 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 00:45 replay supski European Union  vs  France euphon
et 01:30 replay FTN International  vs  Gabon 21
et 02:15 replay supski European Union  vs  France euphon
et 15:15 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 17:15 replay Damon Romania  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 18:30 replay it3 * India  vs  International FTN
et 20:15 replay no1 European Union  vs  Israel UcE
et 21:00 replay RAAB Finland  vs  Finland ib
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Hungary 8Bits
et 21:00 replay e: Netherlands  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay JB European Union  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay enhanced European Union  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:30 replay sA# Hungary  vs  Sweden a2id
et 22:00 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  Finland hV
et 23:30 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Belgium dr
et 01:00 replay supski European Union  vs  Unknown veNi
et 02:15 replay supski European Union  vs  Poland eai
et 20:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Hungary HUN
et 20:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Romania niada
et 20:30 replay FURIA Poland  vs  European Union follow -
tf2 21:15 tFIN' Finland  vs  France tF'
et 21:45 replay Brownies Pakistan  vs  International FTN
et 21:45 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Belgium dr
et 22:15 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Chile kZl
et 00:30 replay ftard France  vs  Estonia dental.
et 01:30 replay inS Netherlands  vs  European Union *wWw*
et 02:00 replay it3 * India  vs  Estonia dental.
et 13:30 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 16:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:00 replay prologic Romania  vs  Romania rrG
et 20:00 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Germany waYne
et 20:00 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Finland is
et 21:00 replay prove!t Poland  vs  European Union follow -
et 21:00 replay e: Netherlands  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 21:00 replay idem Poland  vs  Germany PIMMEL
et 21:30 replay mPG European Union  vs  France sticked
et 21:30 replay SR Germany  vs  Germany hlA
et 21:45 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union mLG
et 23:00 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Poland fTard
et 00:00 replay SERIAL- Hungary  vs  Brazil vAPOR
et 01:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Estonia dental.
et 01:00 replay 21 Gabon  vs  European Union ccntr
et 14:00 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 15:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland bacardi
et 18:00 replay one4all Poland  vs  Hungary mAyor
et 18:00 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  United States ohurcool
et 19:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Hungary Jerk
et 20:00 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Poland wolfs}
tf2 20:45 tSW' Sweden  vs  Russian Federation tR'
et 21:00 replay Power Belgium  vs  International FTN
et 21:00 replay {Ls Romania  vs  Romania relapse
et 21:00 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  Brazil fruits
et 21:45 replay ib Finland  vs  European Union logic
et 22:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Brazil vAPOR
et 22:00 replay dr Belgium  vs  Hungary msV
et 22:00 replay FTN International  vs  Germany lost^
et 23:00 replay UnC Poland  vs  Czech Republic bb
et 00:15 replay nobLe Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 00:45 replay UnC Poland  vs  Gabon 21
et 17:00 replay SERIAL- Hungary  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 21:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Belgium dr
et 22:15 replay cookie Netherlands  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 23:30 replay ulung' Poland  vs  France farmer
et 01:00 replay erotic Poland  vs  France farmer
et 12:45 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 13:45 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Romania Damon
et 14:30 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Slovenia Kwiz
et 15:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland Z.
et 17:00 replay Karrrde Hungary  vs  France Provok
et 17:00 replay Z. Finland  vs  Poland RQ
et 20:30 replay ulung' Poland  vs  Finland Z.
et 22:00 replay LS Poland  vs  Poland ulung'
et 22:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Estonia low+
et 22:30 replay is European Union  vs  European Union .eXe
et 23:30 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Estonia low+
et 03:00 replay tu Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 15:45 replay .eXe European Union  vs  International FTN
et 16:00 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Hungary Toretto
et 17:00 replay low+ Estonia  vs  European Union sky
et 17:45 replay V! Netherlands  vs  European Union .eXe
et 18:30 replay West.PL Poland  vs  Poland East.PL
et 18:30 replay North.PL Poland  vs  Poland South.PL
et 19:00 replay bociki Poland  vs  United States SS
et 19:30 replay West.PL Poland  vs  Poland South.PL
et 19:30 replay North.PL Poland  vs  Poland East.PL
et 20:00 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom AOTP
et 20:00 replay idem Poland  vs  European Union .eXe
et 20:00 replay HUN Hungary  vs  European Union deV
et 20:15 replay FURIA Poland  vs  United States SAWD
et 20:30 replay jTF.EUNd Belgium  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 20:45 replay East.PL Poland  vs  Poland South.PL
et 20:45 replay North.PL Poland  vs  Poland West.PL
et 21:00 replay nobLe Netherlands  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 21:00 replay [-] Netherlands  vs  European Union no1
et 21:00 replay [PgS] Italy  vs  Germany LNM
et 21:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union antidote
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union enhanced
sc2 21:30 Hack Korea, Republic of  vs  Germany HasuObs
sc2 21:30 Beastyqt Serbia  vs  Korea, Republic of Sting
et 21:30 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Canada FAM
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Belgium jTF.EUNd
et 21:30 replay FURIA Poland  vs  Hungary .prg#
et 21:45 replay East.PL Poland  vs  Poland West.PL
et 22:00 replay RCW Hungary  vs  European Union =^.^=
et 22:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union iNm
et 22:00 replay LS Poland  vs  Nepal COCAINE
et 22:30 replay sixs European Union  vs  Germany LNM
et 23:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland oX`
et 00:00 replay ae Netherlands  vs  France euphon
et 00:15 replay wEeeeee Spain  vs  Poland RQ
et 01:00 replay veNi Unknown  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 01:15 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Belgium KRAEZi
et 02:15 replay OUTRAGEd European Union  vs  Belgium KRAEZi
et 16:15 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  International FTN
et 18:30 replay wolfs} Poland  vs  European Union .eXe
et 19:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland Z.
et 20:00 replay SICK6 European Union  vs  European Union IYA
sc2 20:00 Kas Ukraine  vs  Korea, Republic of Life
sc2 20:30 Squirtle Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Curious
et 20:30 replay dr Belgium  vs  European Union exe
et 20:45 replay zenTex Germany  vs  Israel UcE
et 21:00 replay R i M Croatia  vs  Gabon 21
et 21:00 replay JPHD Sweden  vs  European Union uR*eU
et 21:00 replay eA European Union  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 21:00 replay planb European Union  vs  Poland LS
et 21:30 replay LEFU France  vs  Sweden a2id
sc2 22:00 Vortix Spain  vs  Korea, Republic of Keen
et 22:00 replay colt45 United Kingdom  vs  European Union mPG
et 22:00 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  United Kingdom )TKEEN(
et 22:00 replay mAg. Poland  vs  Finland RAAB
et 22:15 replay LS Poland  vs  Belgium dr
et 23:15 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Estonia dental.
sc2 23:30 MajOr Mexico  vs  United Kingdom JonnyREc
et 20:00 replay {Ls Romania  vs  Romania prologic
et 20:00 replay Robert Romania  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 20:00 replay [-] Netherlands  vs  Germany ^Lp
et 20:30 replay madface Bermuda  vs  Poland x7
et 21:00 replay enhanced European Union  vs  Poland tb
et 21:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Hungary mAyor
et 21:45 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  Gabon 21
et 22:00 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Hungary .prg#
et 22:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom colt45
et 22:45 replay BRO Slovenia  vs  Gabon 21
et 01:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 16:30 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Finland Z.
et 21:00 replay uR*eU European Union  vs  European Union jd
et 21:00 replay tb Poland  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Poland Yoni
et 21:00 replay x7 Poland  vs  Germany CranK'
et 21:00 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Poland whyski
et 23:30 replay euphon France  vs  Poland LS
et 00:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 00:30 replay RQ Poland  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 01:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Germany survive
et 14:30 replay Robert Romania  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 15:30 replay Damon Romania  vs  Poland w1lko
et 16:15 replay whyski Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 18:00 replay whyski Poland  vs  Germany Arab
et 18:00 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Slovenia Kwiz
et 19:30 replay dr Belgium  vs  Finland turbot
et 20:00 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Poland ZaD
et 20:00 replay x7 Poland  vs  European Union antidote
et 20:00 replay CranK' Germany  vs  European Union no1
et 20:30 replay planb European Union  vs  Poland too_Low
et 20:30 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  France Azeqw
et 21:15 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland LS
et 21:30 replay planb European Union  vs  Poland x7
et 22:00 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Poland whyski
et 22:15 replay RE Poland  vs  Slovenia BRO
et 00:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 16:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Poland aevium
et 18:30 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Hungary SERIAL
et 19:00 replay Robert Romania  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 19:30 replay Kwiz Slovenia  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 20:45 replay SERIAL Hungary  vs  Belgium mEOW
et 20:45 replay LS Poland  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Belgium dr
et 22:00 replay whyski Poland  vs  Gabon 21
et 22:45 replay SR Germany  vs  Estonia poh
et 16:45 replay low+ Estonia  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:00 replay low+ Estonia  vs  Netherlands unreAl
et 18:00 replay FTN International  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 19:00 replay Robert Romania  vs  France BOukii
et 19:30 replay low+ Estonia  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:45 replay FTN International  vs  European Union .eXe
sc2 20:00 Hack Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Creator
sc2 20:00 Sting Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of First
et 20:00 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Romania Robert
et 20:30 replay low+ Estonia  vs  Poland bacardi
et 21:30 replay too_Low Poland  vs  Poland fractal
et 23:00 replay V! Netherlands  vs  European Union retro.
et 16:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Slovenia mitja
et 18:00 replay iNSTINCT Germany  vs  Germany mMONKEYS
et 18:00 replay FTN International  vs  France freeL
et 19:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Poland Ase
sc2 20:00 Life Korea, Republic of  vs  Korea, Republic of Curious
sc2 20:00 Keen Korea, Republic of  vs  United Kingdom JonnyREc
et 20:45 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland too_Low
et 20:45 replay planb European Union  vs  Estonia dental.
et 21:00 replay mAyor Hungary  vs  Hungary jesus
et 21:00 replay a2id Sweden  vs  Germany bd
et 21:15 replay enhanced European Union  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay xls Germany  vs  United Kingdom )TKEEN(
et 22:15 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  United Kingdom encrypt
et 22:45 replay MoB Bolivia  vs  Poland nVm
et 23:30 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland fractal
et 23:30 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Bolivia MoB
et 12:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland whyski
et 19:15 replay Power Belgium  vs  Romania niada
et 20:00 replay planb European Union  vs  Bermuda madface
et 20:30 replay Damon Romania  vs  Poland ZaD
et 21:00 replay zs Poland  vs  Gabon 21
et 21:30 replay Power Belgium  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 21:30 replay ib Finland  vs  France sticked
et 00:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 16:00 replay SERIAL Hungary  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 18:00 replay Mina Germany  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 19:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union 3atw
et 20:15 replay cookie Netherlands  vs  Belgium imp
et 20:30 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 20:45 replay poh Estonia  vs  European Union is
et 21:00 replay zenTex Germany  vs  Netherlands [-]
et 21:30 replay Damon Romania  vs  Slovenia mitja
et 21:45 replay whyski Poland  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 22:15 replay Robert Romania  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 22:30 replay FAM Canada  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 23:30 replay LS Poland  vs  Netherlands V!
et 00:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France euphon
et 01:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 02:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 14:00 replay one4all Poland  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 14:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Poland TCM
et 15:00 replay Kwiz Slovenia  vs  Hungary Ryzy
et 15:15 replay nI Belgium  vs  Netherlands gMen
et 15:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland wiSe
et 16:00 replay Kwiz Slovenia  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 16:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany survive
et 17:15 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 17:45 replay Troll Monaco  vs  Finland TI
et 18:00 replay G+ United States  vs  Germany survive
et 19:30 replay follow - European Union  vs  Finland is
et 20:30 replay gMen Netherlands  vs  Finland TI
et 21:30 replay Damon Romania  vs  Slovenia Kwizlord
et 22:00 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Germany LNM
et 22:30 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Germany Mina
et 22:45 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland t0ba
et 23:15 replay verd Netherlands  vs  Monaco Troll
et 23:30 replay ftard France  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 13:45 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Belgium Power
et 14:00 replay kReSti! Germany  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 15:00 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Monaco Troll
et 16:00 replay Power Belgium  vs  Monaco Troll
et 16:45 replay turbot Finland  vs  Netherlands ae
et 18:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Finland turbot
et 19:30 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Germany kReSti
et 20:45 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Belgium hARMEN
et 21:00 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  European Union follow -
et 21:00 replay Power Belgium  vs  Monaco Troll
et 21:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Romania BiK3R
et 21:30 replay delin Spain  vs  Finland RAAB
et 21:30 replay miAmi European Union  vs  European Union bSTURZ
et 21:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland LS
et 22:30 replay LS Poland  vs  Poland x7
et 22:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union sky
et 23:45 replay xTREAM Netherlands  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 00:15 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 01:00 replay No1cares European Union  vs  European Union CF
et 12:30 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Finland Pallot
et 13:30 replay timbo Netherlands  vs  Netherlands Jinx
et 17:00 replay mAg. Poland  vs  Poland oXimize
et 18:30 replay SR Germany  vs  Poland pali
et 19:00 replay one4all Poland  vs  Hungary mAyor
et 20:00 replay SR Germany  vs  European Union LNG
et 20:00 replay SERIAL Hungary  vs  Hungary Karrrde
et 20:30 replay m1tja Slovenia  vs  Poland one4all
et 20:30 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Germany survive
et 20:45 replay Kwiz Slovenia  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 21:30 replay m1tja Slovenia  vs  Belgium veno
et 21:30 replay one4all Poland  vs  Poland WIER
et 21:45 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Germany stRay
et 22:30 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Germany survive
et 22:30 replay LS Poland  vs  Belgium dr
et 22:45 replay FAM Canada  vs  Netherlands V!
et 01:15 replay Kwiz Slovenia  vs  Slovenia m1tja
et 01:30 replay 3atw European Union  vs  European Union No1cares
et 02:30 replay 3atw European Union  vs  European Union No1cares
et 15:00 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Hungary Ryzy
et 15:00 replay timbo Netherlands  vs  Poland one4all
et 15:30 replay No1cares European Union  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 17:00 replay nobLe Netherlands  vs  Poland LS
et 17:15 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Finland Z.
et 18:00 replay poh Estonia  vs  European Union is
et 18:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Poland LS
et 21:45 replay No1cares European Union  vs  Poland bacardi
et 22:15 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Romania Damon
et 22:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland LS
et 22:45 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Poland wiSe
et 00:15 replay RE Poland  vs  Finland Z.
et 14:15 replay whyski Poland  vs  Liechtenstein C!
et 19:00 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Germany SR
et 20:00 replay Damon Romania  vs  Germany Lagz
et 20:45 replay bre European Union  vs  United Kingdom nC
et 20:45 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 21:00 replay bSTURZ European Union  vs  Netherlands decerto
et 21:15 replay FURIA Poland  vs  European Union sixs
et 21:30 replay mMONKEYS Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 22:15 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union IYA
et 22:30 replay LS Poland  vs  Poland x7
et 23:00 replay dr Belgium  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 14:45 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 19:15 replay relapse Romania  vs  Romania prologic
et 20:00 replay KolmeR Finland  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 20:45 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Germany SR
et 20:45 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:00 replay PDEG Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 21:15 replay ib Finland  vs  France sticked
et 21:15 replay LS Poland  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:30 replay enhanced European Union  vs  European Union mLG
et 21:30 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  European Union TAG
et 21:30 replay PDEG Germany  vs  European Union top
et 22:00 replay freeL France  vs  International FTN
et 22:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union top
et 22:30 replay ftard France  vs  Poland x7
et 22:30 replay Z. Finland  vs  Netherlands V!
et 23:00 replay LS Poland  vs  Canada FAM
et 23:00 replay .eXe European Union  vs  International FTN
et 23:30 replay V! Netherlands  vs  European Union quaco
et 01:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland echelon
et 17:15 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Canada FAM
et 18:00 replay tohaj Slovenia  vs  Hungary SERIAL
et 18:15 replay veNi Unknown  vs  Netherlands V!
et 20:00 replay CranK' Germany  vs  Netherlands [-]
et 21:00 replay madface Brazil  vs  Hungary SUCCESS
et 21:15 replay [PgS] Italy  vs  Poland FURIA
et 22:00 replay #CTRL.d European Union  vs  Poland 2nd
et 22:15 replay des. United States  vs  European Union DIPO
et 22:15 replay randoms/ United Kingdom  vs  Belgium Power
et 22:30 replay V! Netherlands  vs  France omg
et 22:30 replay [PgS] Italy  vs  Poland erotic
et 23:30 replay DIPO European Union  vs  Belgium Power
et 23:45 replay sO Western Sahara  vs  Poland 2nd
et 00:00 replay V! Netherlands  vs  Estonia a2 *
et 16:15 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Poland sm
et 17:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  European Union is
et 19:00 replay SR Germany  vs  Hungary sA#
et 21:30 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Netherlands [-]
et 22:15 replay prologic Romania  vs  Belgium
et 22:45 replay a2 * Estonia  vs  Finland ib
et 23:15 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 01:15 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  Western Sahara sO
et 02:15 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 03:15 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 15:30 replay EUNd Belgium  vs  Gabon 21
et 17:00 replay hARMEN Belgium  vs  Poland fyrstkaw
et 21:00 replay Lagz Germany  vs  Hungary SERIAL-
et 21:00 replay niada Romania  vs  European Union uR*eU
et 21:00 replay C! Liechtenstein  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:30 replay e: Netherlands  vs  France sticked
et 22:00 replay CranK' Germany  vs  European Union antidote
et 22:15 replay FTN International  vs  France omg
et 22:15 replay fucksake Netherlands  vs  Netherlands cOOKIE`
et 22:30 replay ftard France  vs  Poland sm
et 23:00 replay Z. Finland  vs  Poland x7
et 23:45 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands V!
et 00:15 replay x7 Poland  vs  Poland sm
et 00:15 replay ib Finland  vs  European Union KiNGS
et 00:45 replay supski European Union  vs  United Kingdom rtcw
et 01:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland bv
et 02:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Finland ib
et 02:45 replay rtcw United Kingdom  vs  Finland ib
et 15:30 replay inst European Union  vs  Finland Z.
et 20:15 replay dr Belgium  vs  European Union OUTRAGEd
et 20:15 replay Troll Monaco  vs  Netherlands V!
et 21:15 replay V! Netherlands  vs  European Union OR'
et 21:30 replay bASE Netherlands  vs  Netherlands xTREAM
et 22:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Netherlands V!
et 22:30 replay .eXe European Union  vs  Italy [PgS]
et 23:45 replay a2 * Estonia  vs  Netherlands V!