Schedule » List » September 2006

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« August 2006 :: September 2006 :: October 2006 »
et 09:30 Estonia  vs  European Union T&F
et 11:00 cZar Belgium  vs  Finland sFx
et 11:00 #inc-et Poland  vs  Netherlands miGhty
et 14:15 riZe Germany  vs  Netherlands nl
et 16:00 TLR United Kingdom  vs  Germany hx
et 17:15 replay Estonia  vs  Finland sFx
et 18:45 #inc-et Poland  vs  Belgium rD
et 19:15 T&F European Union  vs  Belgium cZar
et 19:15 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands nl
et 09:30 replay riZe Germany  vs  Germany hx
et 09:45 TLR United Kingdom  vs  European Union T&F
et 11:00 replay Estonia  vs  Netherlands nl
et 12:45 replay sFx Finland  vs  Germany hx
et 14:15 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  Finland sFx
et 15:00 replay zCore Finland  vs  Czech Republic r3volta
et 15:00 replay eC4 Italy  vs  European Union iMix
et 16:00 retro Italy  vs  Finland oVr
et 16:45 replay sFx Finland  vs  Netherlands nl
et 17:00 replay Legend European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 17:45 replay Estonia  vs  Finland sFx
et 18:00 j4f Germany  vs  Germany|
et 18:15 replay [<<] Sweden  vs  Finland Dickhead
et 19:30 eSr Israel  vs  Finland oVr
et 20:00 tfX European Union  vs  Netherlands rts
et 20:00 oVr Finland  vs  Finland Dickhead
et 21:00 Qlasics Poland  vs  Spain aurea
et 21:00 replay sfto Germany  vs  Germany HB
et 21:00 replay elite Croatia  vs  Italy retro
et 21:00 rD Belgium  vs  European Union slntm
et 21:00 replay [<<] Sweden  vs  European Union Legend
et 20:30 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 20:00 6s Portugal  vs  European Union Legend
et 21:30 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  Croatia elite
et 21:45 replay Legend European Union  vs  European Union aD
et 22:00 rY Germany  vs  United Kingdom SuperAC
et 20:00 replay bAse Germany  vs  European Union Legend
et 20:00 replay Dickhead Finland  vs  United Kingdom SuperAC
et 21:00 replay riZe Germany  vs  Poland |:P|
et 21:30 replay bAse Germany  vs  United Kingdom SuperAC
et 21:30 Legend European Union  vs  Finland Dickhead
et 20:00 sfto Germany  vs  United Kingdom NRG
et 22:00 j4f Germany  vs  Poland saGit
et 20:00 Qlasics Poland  vs  European Union vigorZ
et 20:00 replay [<<] Sweden  vs  European Union </3
et 21:15 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union vigorZ
et 21:30 MP Poland  vs  Poland JP|
et 23:00 replay retro Italy  vs  Germany bAse
et 19:00 replay diversus Poland  vs  United Kingdom s5
et 19:00 replay elite Croatia  vs  Germany sfto
et 20:00 replay aurea Spain  vs  European Union Legend
et 20:00 FBI Poland  vs  Poland high.d
et 20:00 Team-cor Belgium  vs  Hungary LipoS
et 20:00 replay eSr Israel  vs  Croatia elite
et 21:00 replay elite Croatia  vs  European Union vib
et 21:00 replay rY Germany  vs  Germany HB
et 21:15 replay diversus Poland  vs  Belgium cZar
et 20:30 replay r34 Spain  vs  Netherlands fayntic
et 21:00 replay SPRD European Union  vs  United Kingdom cdap
et 21:00 bux United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom lgnd
et 21:30 dst Poland  vs  Italy ssi
cs 18:00 Virtus Russian Federation  vs  Sweden speed
et 19:00 cotd Finland  vs  Italy cVs
et 20:15 Qla6 - o Estonia  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
q3 21:00 bud Sweden  vs  Sweden rokky
et 21:00 uAznia Poland  vs  Poland |//|
et 21:00 retro Italy  vs  European Union o6
et 22:00 </3 European Union  vs  Portugal vs
q3 22:00 gellehsa Canada  vs  United States vamp1re
et 19:30 IaM European Union  vs  European Union e
et 21:00 rY Germany  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 21:00 replay cdap United Kingdom  vs  Russian Federation x3
cs 03:00 coL United States  vs  United States rS
cs 03:00 e7 United States  vs  United States 3D
cs 03:00 AGN United States  vs  Canada EG
cs 20:30 icsu Sweden  vs  United Kingdom 4K
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union sFx
et 16:30 replay Dickhead Finland  vs  Poland Logitech
et 17:00 insecure European Union  vs  European Union pzz
et 18:30 replay wkndmx European Union  vs  Finland Dickhead
et 19:00 replay vib European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 19:00 replay cZar Belgium  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 20:00 replay spwnrpd Bulgaria  vs  Netherlands fayntic
et 21:00 replay retro Italy  vs  Finland sFx Murs
et 21:00 replay Estonia  vs  Croatia elite
et 21:00 replay o6 European Union  vs  Poland diversus
et 21:30 replay HB Germany  vs  Belgium cZar
et 20:00 replay A+R Italy  vs  European Union cdap
et 20:00 replay Gosu Sweden  vs  Finland oVr
et 21:00 replay TLR United Kingdom  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 21:00 replay infrag Czech Republic  vs  Belgium cZar
et 21:00 replay vib European Union  vs  Germany rY
et 21:00 eTp. Germany  vs  Germany ETT
et 23:00 replay Estonia  vs  United Kingdom TLR
bf2 20:00 Aos Sweden  vs  Norway ITnerds
et 19:30 replay cdap European Union  vs  Germany HB
et 19:30 replay oVr Finland  vs  European Union rh
et 20:30 s^eX Germany  vs  Germany j4f
et 21:00 replay eSr Israel  vs  European Union Legend
et 21:00 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  United Kingdom cdap
et 21:00 replay HB Germany  vs  European Union accused
et 20:30 h3^exe Poland  vs  Poland opt8
et 21:00 FG Poland  vs  Poland |//|
et 21:00 replay QuiD Italy  vs  Poland MP
et 21:00 replay sfto Germany  vs  Italy retro
et 21:00 replay mmf Belgium  vs  Poland sT
et 21:00 uAznia Poland  vs  Poland mD
et 20:30 replay gtv European Union  vs  Poland HS Radio
et 23:00 retro Italy  vs  Germany HB
et 17:00 aClmx Belgium  vs  Belgium cZar
et 20:00 Dickhead Finland  vs  Finland w3st
et 20:30 FBI Poland  vs  Poland TT
et 21:00 replay Estonia  vs  European Union sFx
et 21:00 OVERLOAd Netherlands  vs  European Union accused
et 21:00 replay diversus Poland  vs  Germany rY
et 21:00 replay elite Croatia  vs  Germany HB
et 22:00 aurea Spain  vs  Italy retro
et 20:30 eTp. Germany  vs  Germany GMC
et 21:00 replay hx Germany  vs  Germany HB
et 21:30 replay cZar Belgium  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
et 21:30 replay vib European Union  vs  European Union o6
et 19:30 bd United States  vs  United States COMM
bf2 20:00 Desperat Sweden  vs  Sweden Mortifer
et 21:00 replay sfto Germany  vs  European Union uQ
et 21:00 replay |//| Poland  vs  Poland wave
et 20:15 replay TeK Germany  vs  Germany exiliCa
et 21:00 replay eC4 Italy  vs  United Kingdom cdap
et 21:00 replay Legend European Union  vs  Italy retro
q3 19:30 LuGia Finland  vs  Poland niufel
et 20:00 replay Qla6 - o Estonia  vs  Poland FF X-Fi
q3 20:00 maertz Luxembourg  vs  European Union pejn
et 20:45 dIss Poland  vs  Poland 6
q3 21:00 mess Poland  vs  Germany rDmr
et 21:00 replay elite Croatia  vs  European Union sFx
cod2 21:00 dignitas United Kingdom  vs  Germany dSLASH
et 21:45 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  Czech Republic infrag
et 22:15 uNity Spain  vs  Spain dGm
q3 21:30 bud Sweden  vs  European Union mshi
q4 22:00 ooze Sweden  vs  Sweden fojji