Schedule » List » September 2008

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« August 2008 :: September 2008 :: October 2008 »
et 16:45 Kruger International  vs  Estonia att
et 20:30 wannaB Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
tf2 20:30 BP Finland  vs  Italy QuiD|
tf2 20:30 CareBear Finland  vs  France wL
tf2 21:00 FOG Latvia  vs  European Union H!
et 18:30 replay Kruger International  vs  Finland krp
cod4 19:00 UBI France  vs  France Ph.
et 20:30 Dr Kpt Poland  vs  Poland FYF
et 21:00 I am European Union  vs  Poland Lame
tmf 21:30 Cyborg Italy  vs  Netherlands Begrip
et 21:45 lost^ Germany  vs  Belgium aClmx
tf2 20:00 Babylon. Poland  vs  Russian Federation Tribunal
qw 20:30 oO Germany  vs  European Union Kapoks
tf2 21:00 .:DCSB:. United Kingdom  vs  Finland ?!
et 21:30 replay POL Poland  vs  Finland FIN
et 22:30 iKs Croatia  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 18:00 I am European Union  vs  Romania RO@
tf2 21:00 FK France  vs  Poland Veritas
tf2 21:00 L51 France  vs  Latvia ppb
et 23:00 Team-AoW Germany  vs  European Union vo
et 15:00 dispo Sweden  vs  International Kruger
tf2 19:30 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation KmB
et 20:00 sKy Poland  vs  Poland 2b3
et 20:30 UP Poland  vs  European Union 4e.
et 00:15 replay FF X-Fi Poland  vs  Sweden dispo
et 17:00 replay TRS Finland  vs  Germany inTro
et 19:00 Retards Germany  vs  European Union Vj
et 19:00 voiler Poland  vs  Germany crush3r
tf2 19:30 tFIN' Finland  vs  Russian Federation tR'
tf2 20:00 tB' Belgium  vs  Norway tN'
et 20:00 shenming Germany  vs  Germany B&S
et 20:00 MOD Estonia  vs  European Union Devo
tf2 20:30 Carebear Finland  vs  Germany n2o
tf2 21:00 tFIN' Finland  vs  Sweden tSW'
tf2 21:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Austria RHS
tf2 21:00 [PW] Czech Republic  vs  United Kingdom DCSB
et 21:00 replay #murso European Union  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 21:00 dIVINt European Union  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
qw 21:30 1stcav Poland  vs  Germany d.Zone
et 22:00 replay I am European Union  vs  Austria 9th
tf2 20:00 Russian Federation  vs  Germany verTonix
tf2 20:00 ^wotr^ United Kingdom  vs  Ukraine OMG Is
tf2 20:00 uA European Union  vs  Germany itsafarm
tf2 20:00 plan-B Germany  vs  Czech Republic -cav-
tf2 20:00 prior. Russian Federation  vs  Germany cause
tf2 20:00 TTT Turkey  vs  Finland ret
tf2 20:00 FK France  vs  United Kingdom tlr
qw 20:30 #e. European Union  vs  Russian Federation LOL'd
qw 21:00 mamut Slovenia  vs  Poland dsn
qw 21:30 VAE European Union  vs  Spain
et 19:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 20:00 replay fanatic Germany  vs  Germany .iNFi
et 20:00 replay polar Germany  vs  Netherlands accurate
tf2 21:00 ;) European Union  vs  France Creativ`
et 21:15 replay dIVINt European Union  vs  Israel octane
tf2 21:30 4K^ European Union  vs  Finland osLions
tf2 21:30 k^m European Union  vs  Spain F*me
et 21:30 replay bd Germany  vs  Netherlands accurate
et 21:45 polar Germany  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 22:15 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Italy VgS
qw 20:30 oO Germany  vs  Poland 1stcav
et 20:30 replay fanatic Germany  vs  Germany PMCG
tf2 21:00 [FADER] Sweden  vs  United Kingdom ^wotr3^
et 18:30 eTw' Poland  vs  France batong
tf2 19:00 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  Russian Federation
et 19:30 #dpn Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
tf2 20:00 FK France  vs  Czech Republic -cav-
tf2 20:00 plan-B Germany  vs  Russian Federation prior.
tf2 20:00 ret Finland  vs  United Kingdom tlr
tf2 20:00 itsafarm Germany  vs  Russian Federation
tf2 21:00 Veritas Poland  vs  United Kingdom ^wotr2^
et 21:00 I am European Union  vs  Germany kO
et 21:00 replay h-face Spain  vs  Poland dECLINE
et 21:00 replay FS Poland  vs  Germany cs3r
et 21:30 replay accurate Netherlands  vs  European Union SNB
et 21:30 replay MOD Estonia  vs  Germany aToOn
et 22:00 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Poland aerials
et 22:30 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Belgium 8B|FiFg
et 17:45 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Israel _[]_
tf2 20:00 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  Germany CM
et 23:45 replay Q. European Union  vs  European Union zOMG
et 20:30 replay cs3r Germany  vs  European Union IDIOTS
et 18:00 Crow Estonia  vs  Estonia eoo
et 18:30 8B|FiFy Belgium  vs  European Union ICTUS
et 19:00 replay cs3r Germany  vs  Finland atoOn
tf2 20:00 tSW' Sweden  vs  Germany tG'
et 20:00 replay .iNFi Germany  vs  Germany bd
tmf 20:00 RUS Russian Federation  vs  Estonia EST
et 20:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Netherlands aFo
tmf 20:00 FRA France  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:00 replay GER Germany  vs  Finland FIN
et 20:15 replay HeNcH - Norway  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 21:00 replay 9th Austria  vs  Poland myR|SFR
et 21:00 bd Germany  vs  European Union eX|
et 21:30 replay POL Poland  vs  Belgium BEL
et 22:15 FiFr European Union  vs  Belgium aClmx
tf2 21:00 4K^ European Union  vs  United Kingdom tlr
et 21:00 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Poland dECLINE
tmf 21:00 xLo Russian Federation  vs  Norway OWN
tf2 21:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  France BEC
et 21:00 replay Fresh France  vs  European Union Titanz
et 21:00 epic/ France  vs  France oxd
sc 21:00 Mondrago Germany  vs  Ukraine White-Ra
et 21:00 replay ovr Belgium  vs  European Union vital
et 21:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  Germany cs3r
et 21:00 aToOn Germany  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 18:00 so Finland  vs  European Union grath
tf2 19:00 tSW' Sweden  vs  Finland tFIN'
tf2 21:00 ?! Finland  vs  European Union 4K^
tf2 21:00 FK France  vs  Norway Res
tf2 21:00 n2o Germany  vs  Germany plan-B
tf2 21:00 :Eejit: European Union  vs  Germany S@W
tf2 21:00 BP Finland  vs  Sweden h.
et 22:00 cs3r Germany  vs  Italy VgS
et 23:15 replay Imperox European Union  vs  Estonia glitz
tf2 20:00 [imP] Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic [PW]
et 20:30 NWI Israel  vs  Finland jeppis
et 21:00 replay PMCG Germany  vs  European Union eX|
tf2 21:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Germany plan-B
tf2 21:00 ;) European Union  vs  Germany itsafarm
tf2 21:00 cr Finland  vs  European Union 4K^
et 21:30 replay aClmx Belgium  vs  France Fresh
et 18:30 so Finland  vs  Israel NWI
tf2 20:30 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Latvia ppb
tf2 21:00 4K^ European Union  vs  United Kingdom ^wotr^
et 21:00 replay Kruger International  vs  Spain h-face
tf2 21:00 .idk? European Union  vs  United Kingdom ^wotr3^
et 21:15 K-libr European Union  vs  Estonia Druidz
rtcw 21:30 Highbot Germany  vs  Finland fixed
et 21:45 replay Auth European Union  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 22:00 replay SNB European Union  vs  European Union Reg
tf2 20:30 [CZetaX] Czech Republic  vs  Italy [o.O]
et 20:15 rrN Finland  vs  European Union Inetw
et 22:00 eTw' Poland  vs  Poland myR|SFR
et 22:00 PMP International  vs  Netherlands h4l
et 16:00 survive Germany  vs  Germany iM-
et 17:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union mystic
et 17:45 Undead Poland  vs  Turkey vermiN
et 18:00 eTw' Poland  vs  Spain F1
et 19:15 RAAB Finland  vs  Canada hFE.
tf2 20:00 [CZetaX] Czech Republic  vs  Italy QuiD
et 20:00 replay vHr Finland  vs  Austria 9th
et 20:00 replay SNB European Union  vs  European Union iNm
tmf 20:00 FRA France  vs  Estonia EST
et 20:30 replay dECLINE Poland  vs  International Kruger
et 20:30 9th Austria  vs  European Union mx.
tf2 21:00 tUK' United Kingdom  vs  France tF'
et 21:15 replay Cor Croatia  vs  Hungary ovs
et 21:30 replay #a.ToOn Germany  vs  European Union vital
et 21:30 replay dESIRE France  vs  France muse
et 21:30 replay 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  European Union 0E
et 21:30 aClmx Belgium  vs  European Union iNm
et 21:30 D. United Kingdom  vs  Sweden druidZ
rtcw 22:30 =118= United Kingdom  vs  Germany Highbot
et 19:00 Lame Poland  vs  European Union mystic
tmf 20:30 xLo Russian Federation  vs  Poland PGS
sc 21:00 Incontro United States  vs  Sweden merz
et 21:00 replay Titanz European Union  vs  Belgium aClmx
cod4 21:00 VAE Sweden  vs  Norway unique
et 21:30 replay TAG European Union  vs  Finland tA }
et 21:30 sicced Germany  vs  United Kingdom TG
sc 22:00 Dreiven Poland  vs  Canada IefNaij
et 00:15 replay HB Germany  vs  Finland jeppis
et 01:30 Inetw European Union  vs  Germany E-DRAMA
et 19:00 replay Inc Finland  vs  European Union WNC
et 20:00 replay vHr Finland  vs  Czech Republic iNsane
tf2 21:00 FK France  vs  European Union Mousetek
rtcw 22:00 fixed Finland  vs  European Union iAm >>
et 22:15 LP5 Poland  vs  European Union effect
et 19:45 re+play Finland  vs  Germany Team-AoW
et 20:00 fanatic Germany  vs  Germany bd
tf2 21:00 -cav- Czech Republic  vs  Germany S@W
tf2 21:00 Res Norway  vs  United Kingdom ^wotr2^
rtcw 21:00 =118= United Kingdom  vs  European Union RAW
et 21:15 replay [x]aClmx Belgium  vs  Hungary ovs
tf2 21:30 dmg. Russian Federation  vs  United Kingdom ^wotr3^
tf2 22:00 ;) European Union  vs  United Kingdom tlr
et 22:00 aToOn Germany  vs  Sweden druidZ
et 22:15 cD Poland  vs  European Union mystic
et 21:30 replay reload. European Union  vs  France [sbsl]
et 22:00 8B|FiFg Belgium  vs  Poland Lame
et 22:30 mpg Germany  vs  Finland tA }
et 00:45 dn Denmark  vs  Poland SLU
et 20:00 survive Germany  vs  France Airborn
et 20:00 grath European Union  vs  Czech Republic {NL}
et 21:45 0E European Union  vs  European Union jji
et 16:30 DJ-FreeZ Estonia  vs  Estonia r3vers
et 17:30 black Russian Federation  vs  Sweden druidZ
et 17:30 vae European Union  vs  European Union ftw!
rtcw 19:00 nP European Union  vs  European Union RAW
et 20:30 replay myR|SFR Poland  vs  Germany eNigma
et 21:00 replay HeNcH - Norway  vs  France Fresh
et 21:00 eXert Poland  vs  Poland sKy
et 21:00 druidZ Sweden  vs  Germany Minus
et 21:00 replay Imperox European Union  vs  Poland dECLINE
rtcw 21:30 =118= United Kingdom  vs  European Union RAW
et 20:00 Team-AoW Germany  vs  Estonia rsozr
et 20:30 mD Poland  vs  Poland aerials
qw 20:30 OVERLOAd European Union  vs  Poland dsn
et 20:30 replay K-libr European Union  vs  Poland HQ
et 21:00 replay .iNFi Germany  vs  European Union eX|
et 21:00 tm. Poland  vs  Sweden wings
qw 21:00 GaB Germany  vs  Finland Snakepit
et 21:15 myR|SFR Poland  vs  France Fresh
et 21:30 replay 9th Austria  vs  European Union iNm
et 20:00 replay aerials Poland  vs  European Union [smexy]
et 20:30 dps Poland  vs  European Union uSELESS
et 21:00 replay SNB European Union  vs  European Union vae
et 21:00 Q6| European Union  vs  European Union iNm
et 21:00 replay Rc Czech Republic  vs  Hungary iNs'
et 22:00 replay e2 Czech Republic  vs  Poland POBOR