Schedule » List » September 2010

GTV's full calendar and schedule of events.
» Today« August 2010 :: September 2010 :: October 2010 »
et 12:30 replay SLAC Netherlands  vs  Finland ink
et 18:45 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  Poland OwnAge
et 20:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Netherlands e^
qw 20:30 vanilla European Union  vs  Russian Federation CF
qw 20:30 WALFH? European Union  vs  United Kingdom Aero.
et 21:00 replay F5 Finland  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  European Union eA
et 22:45 replay aToOn Estonia  vs  Netherlands nobLe
et 19:30 replay Pp European Union  vs  Poland HOT14
et 19:30 replay OwnAge Poland  vs  Germany r2r
et 20:00 replay MoH Spain  vs  Denmark WSF
rtcw 21:00 UK United Kingdom  vs  Germany DE
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:15 replay S&S<3 Germany  vs  Poland evko.
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Estonia RB
et 22:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland fROGS
et 23:00 replay sona European Union  vs  Japan r_
et 21:00 replay plixplax European Union  vs  France botZ #ou
et 00:15 replay huan European Union  vs  Germany AG
et 13:15 replay seiZure European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 20:15 replay xZist United Kingdom  vs  European Union BASE
et 21:00 replay HIGHLIG Germany  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 11:30 replay RELOADEd Australia  vs  Australia a&d
et 12:30 plan B Germany  vs  European Union d&t
et 13:00 replay xoxox Australia  vs  Australia {fSn}
et 18:00 s.sdc Hungary  vs  Denmark edc
et 18:00 replay Belgium  vs  Germany S&S<3
et 18:30 [+/-] Italy  vs  Spain tfd
et 19:00 replay :h Poland  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 19:00 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  European Union rLby
et 19:00 replay cts European Union  vs  France frog
et 19:30 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 19:45 [e] Croatia  vs  Finland pS
et 19:45 replay nB#aBle Germany  vs  Poland fNtx
et 19:45 replay re+play Finland  vs  Italy bros
et 20:00 replay PB Germany  vs  Poland czr
et 20:00 replay In7 Poland  vs  Portugal KmP
et 20:00 hv Norway  vs  Netherlands net
et 20:30 replay c2c European Union  vs  Poland sacri
et 21:00 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  Poland eXert
et 21:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Finland RAAB
et 21:00 replay sGp Netherlands  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 21:00 replay AHK Czech Republic  vs  Germany --|:/
et 21:00 replay SNOGARD Germany  vs  France botZ #ou
et 21:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany xl
urt 21:30 NED Netherlands  vs  Poland POL
et 21:30 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  European Union repr
et 21:45 replay body Romania  vs  Romania Gruesome
et 22:00 replay Eyjafja European Union  vs  Germany SNOGARD
et 22:00 replay Desi India  vs  Germany warpig
et 22:00 replay In7 Poland  vs  Finland pingis
et 18:00 replay wnk Poland  vs  Germany AG
et 19:00 replay Aquarel Poland  vs  Germany S&S<3
et 20:00 replay aZ United Kingdom  vs  Finland >LHS<
et 20:00 replay bohalix Belgium  vs  European Union GeneX
et 20:00 replay fdk Germany  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 21:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  Estonia RB
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Germany e-WAVE
et 21:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay cotd Finland  vs  Poland RGS
et 21:30 replay In7 Poland  vs  European Union MvP
et 21:30 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany noT
et 22:00 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Turkey vice
et 12:00 replay OZ Australia  vs  Australia <><
et 19:30 replay exon Poland  vs  Belgium iBRZ.
et 20:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  European Union cts
et 20:00 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 20:30 replay rLby European Union  vs  Israel
et 21:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  United Kingdom D.
et 21:30 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  Poland bv
et 21:30 replay zZz Denmark  vs  European Union MvP
et 21:30 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  Bolivia MoB
et 21:30 replay fNtx Poland  vs  European Union cfx
et 22:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 22:15 replay savak Poland  vs  Poland high5
qw 19:30 mixed European Union  vs  European Union zawR
et 20:00 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  Poland eXert
et 20:15 fNtx Poland  vs  United Kingdom F&G
qw 20:30 vanilla European Union  vs  European Union HP|
qw 20:30 mixed European Union  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 21:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  Poland mAg.
et 21:00 replay #ripaZha European Union  vs  Germany nB|
et 21:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 21:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  United Kingdom inc/
qw 21:15 vanilla European Union  vs  Slovenia mamut
et 21:45 replay fNtx Poland  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 22:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  Poland bacardi
et 23:15 replay tajfun Poland  vs  Germany cre.
et 19:00 replay rLby European Union  vs  Finland CoN
et 20:00 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  European Union cfx
et 20:00 replay I am European Union  vs  Poland fNtx
rtcw 21:00 NL Netherlands  vs  Germany DE
et 21:00 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  European Union BASE
et 21:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:00 replay <D> Russian Federation  vs  Czech Republic AHK
et 21:30 replay aR| European Union  vs  Germany noT
et 21:30 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Germany e-WAVE
et 21:30 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  European Union MvP
et 21:30 replay RAGE Denmark  vs  Bolivia MoB
et 21:30 replay wires European Union  vs  Poland victis
et 21:30 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  Poland high5
et 22:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Austria p&p
et 22:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  European Union cc
et 19:30 replay DEUS European Union  vs  Portugal KmP
et 21:30 replay bro" France  vs  European Union 3hkz
et 22:00 replay sona European Union  vs  European Union Seizure
et 23:30 replay bros Italy  vs  Germany HIGHLIG
et 16:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
et 12:00 replay ink Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 12:45 replay ink Finland  vs  Poland wiSe
et 17:30 replay aToOn Estonia  vs  Poland wiSe
et 18:15 replay S&S<3 Germany  vs  Poland Ani
et 18:30 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  European Union rLby
et 19:00 d&t European Union  vs  Estonia ntk
et 19:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Poland wnk
et 19:00 replay cts European Union  vs  France hFE
et 19:00 c2c-nB Germany  vs  European Union wnk
et 19:15 d1v Portugal  vs  Finland pS
et 19:15 replay PB Germany  vs  Netherlands verd
et 20:00 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union idk
et 20:00 replay 6aim France  vs  Poland .auuu!
et 20:00 replay NC European Union  vs  Poland pr0-n
et 20:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  France hFE
et 20:00 replay AHK Czech Republic  vs  Netherlands e^
et 20:45 replay PP * European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:45 replay fullhold Germany  vs  Poland iG
et 21:00 replay aR| European Union  vs  Israel allah
et 21:00 replay 4got10 Poland  vs  Germany --|:/
et 21:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Turkey vice
et 21:00 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:00 replay xl Germany  vs  France bro"
et 21:00 replay True Netherlands  vs  Israel Vin
et 21:15 replay iY Belgium  vs  United Kingdom NRG
et 21:15 replay sth European Union  vs  European Union two4two
et 21:15 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Congo congo
et 21:15 replay waka Poland  vs  Denmark VIP
et 21:30 gi' France  vs  Poland nudE
rtcw 21:30 UK United Kingdom  vs  Hungary HU
et 21:30 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  Belgium WCK
et 21:30 replay savak Poland  vs  France gZcon
et 21:30 replay FiFr European Union  vs  European Union erAse
et 21:30 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  Germany SL
et 22:00 replay Pp European Union  vs  European Union GeneX
et 22:00 replay (a)mpd United States  vs  Finland cotd
et 22:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Poland bv
et 22:00 replay e-WAVE Germany  vs  European Union BASE
et 22:00 replay star Germany  vs  Germany sGp
et 22:15 replay In7 Poland  vs  Poland fROGS
et 22:30 replay high5 Poland  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 23:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  European Union BASE
et 19:00 replay sGp Netherlands  vs  European Union BASE
et 19:30 replay AG Germany  vs  Germany fdk
et 19:30 replay evko. Poland  vs  Germany Sk
et 20:00 net Netherlands  vs  Australia r.
et 20:00 replay #hyf Estonia  vs  European Union cfx
et 20:45 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  United Kingdom inc/
et 21:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  Finland >LHS<
et 21:00 replay krp Finland  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:15 replay SNOGARD Germany  vs  Poland victis
et 21:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Germany noT
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  European Union eA
et 21:30 replay RAGE Denmark  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 21:30 replay MvP European Union  vs  Bolivia MoB
et 21:30 replay e-WAVE Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:30 replay logic European Union  vs  Netherlands koaLa
et 21:45 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  Poland bv
et 22:00 SUBLIME Portugal  vs  Germany r2r
et 22:00 replay aR| European Union  vs  Germany nB|
et 22:30 replay bv Poland  vs  Poland high5
et 22:45 replay RAGE Denmark  vs  Germany noT
qw 03:00 DCM United States  vs  United States AmeriMiX
qw 04:00 TAW| United States  vs  United States *F8*
qw 05:00 DCM United States  vs  United States *F8*
et 19:45 replay aR. France  vs  Poland 2hi
et 20:00 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  United Kingdom xZist
et 21:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland victis
et 21:30 replay In7 Poland  vs  Poland fROGS
et 22:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland exe
qw 03:00 AmeriMiX United States  vs  United States *F8*
qw 04:00 AmeriMiX United States  vs  United States TAW|
qw 19:30 excidium Spain  vs  France spAnK!
qw 19:30 Cho* Russian Federation  vs  European Union rZ*
et 19:45 replay Kinetics European Union  vs  Belgium ee
et 20:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  United Kingdom Impact
qw 20:30 DS- Russian Federation  vs  United Kingdom Aero.
qw 20:30 excidium Spain  vs  Russian Federation Cho*
urt 21:00 [-&-] European Union  vs  France #Sc`|
et 21:00 replay bro" France  vs  European Union sBz|
et 21:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Finland turbot
qw 21:15 Aero. United Kingdom  vs  Spain excidium
qw 21:15 Cho* Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation DS-
et 22:15 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  European Union eA
et 23:00 replay ofc ofc European Union  vs  Finland re+play
et 13:30 Anthrax* United States  vs  Australia TOG!
et 19:00 replay PB Germany  vs  Belgium iBRZ.
et 19:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Belgium nI
et 20:15 replay noT Germany  vs  European Union cfx
et 21:00 replay savak Poland  vs  Finland krp
et 21:00 replay iY Belgium  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:00 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  Poland victis
et 21:30 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  Denmark RAGE
et 21:30 replay p&p Austria  vs  France pE'
et 21:30 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Poland bv
et 21:45 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:45 replay nB| Germany  vs  Estonia #hyf
et 22:00 replay e-WAVE Germany  vs  Poland :h.cpl
et 22:00 replay survive Germany  vs  Poland fROGS
et 22:00 replay Squad Estonia  vs  European Union BASE
et 17:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 18:30 replay gpoint Spain  vs  Poland uT
et 19:00 replay wnk Poland  vs  European Union gf
et 22:45 replay Project Poland  vs  Sweden a2id
et 16:15 replay wiSe Poland  vs  France botZ #ou
et 17:30 replay In7 Poland  vs  Poland mansikka
et 18:00 replay boozers Poland  vs  Poland bz
et 22:30 replay Project Poland  vs  European Union uni
et 01:45 replay WT Poland  vs  Germany noT
urt 02:30 replay ADHOC| Brazil  vs  Uruguay [Y][A]
et 16:00 replay v4v Spain  vs  European Union addle
et 18:00 replay 3atw European Union  vs  France hFE
et 18:15 replay S&S<3 Germany  vs  Poland evko.
et 18:30 replay L.G. Germany  vs  Germany noT
et 19:00 ntk Estonia  vs  Spain tfd
et 19:00 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  European Union ofc ofc
et 19:30 replay {TTW} Germany  vs  Germany nB#aBle
et 20:00 replay .auuu! Poland  vs  Congo congo
et 20:00 replay PB Germany  vs  Poland fROGS
et 20:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 20:30 replay 4got10 Poland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 20:30 replay Snappers United Kingdom  vs  Netherlands imposito
et 21:00 replay RE5 United Kingdom  vs  Belgium iY
et 21:00 replay waka Poland  vs  European Union DEUS
et 21:00 replay aV. European Union  vs  European Union fNtix`
et 21:00 replay nudE Poland  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:00 KOMPOST Germany  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay Bezel Poland  vs  United States exce
et 21:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  European Union sth
et 21:30 replay aR| European Union  vs  Poland 4got10
et 21:30 replay FiFr European Union  vs  Poland In7
et 21:30 replay smashed Germany  vs  Germany r2r
et 21:30 replay high5 Poland  vs  Denmark RAGE
et 21:45 replay 1stCav Poland  vs  Germany noT
et 22:00 replay sGp Germany  vs  Finland turbot
et 22:00 replay United Kingdom  vs  Poland bv
et 22:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  Germany star
et 22:00 replay Squad Estonia  vs  European Union cc
et 13:00 replay ~,=,^ Australia  vs  Australia <><
et 16:00 replay Project Poland  vs  European Union Force
et 17:45 replay darts Poland  vs  Finland RAAB
et 19:00 replay squeeze Germany  vs  Germany noT
et 20:30 replay sGp Netherlands  vs  European Union Eyjafja
et 20:30 replay wnk Poland  vs  European Union BMM
et 21:00 replay MvP European Union  vs  Germany SL
et 21:00 replay fuZion European Union  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:00 replay e-WAVE Germany  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:00 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  European Union eA
et 21:00 replay xls Jamaica  vs  European Union gf
et 21:30 replay SUBLIME Portugal  vs  France 6aim
et 22:00 replay Ani Poland  vs  Germany Sk
et 22:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  Poland bacardi
et 22:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Poland In7
et 12:30 replay :@ Australia  vs  Australia a&d
et 18:00 replay re+play Finland  vs  European Union ICTUS
et 20:00 replay czr Poland  vs  Poland In7
et 20:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union sv
et 21:00 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Germany SL
et 21:00 replay ECW. European Union  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:15 replay waka Poland  vs  European Union aR|
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  United Kingdom RE5
et 21:30 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Sweden Order
et 21:45 replay aD European Union  vs  Poland wiSe
rtcw 22:15 DE Germany  vs  Hungary HU
et 22:30 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  France gZcon
et 19:00 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany cre
qw 19:30 H.K! European Union  vs  European Union ExtR3M
et 21:00 replay fullhold Germany  vs  Germany nB|
et 21:00 replay autobots European Union  vs  Finland turbot
et 21:00 replay AG Germany  vs  India Desi
qw 21:00 ExtR3M European Union  vs  United Kingdom Aero.
et 21:30 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  European Union fuZion
et 22:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  European Union eA
et 18:30 replay crush3r Germany  vs  Finland numbe
et 19:45 replay Pp European Union  vs  Poland caned.
et 20:00 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  Poland bv
et 20:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  European Union fuZion
et 20:30 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:00 replay aR. France  vs  Portugal sNp
et 21:00 replay dATA Austria  vs  Germany noT
et 21:00 replay AHK Czech Republic  vs  Poland [nSt]-
et 21:00 replay MvP European Union  vs  United Kingdom Impact
et 21:00 replay iR Czech Republic  vs  Poland :h.cpl
et 21:00 replay bv Poland  vs  European Union fuZion
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Czech Republic e2
et 21:30 replay turbot Finland  vs  Germany OCW
et 21:45 replay fuZion European Union  vs  Poland :h.cpl
et 22:00 replay sth European Union  vs  Poland high5
et 22:00 replay star Germany  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 22:15 replay fROGS Poland  vs  Poland In7
et 22:15 replay sGp Germany  vs  Poland bv
et 19:00 replay v4v Spain  vs  Estonia Setpoint
et 21:30 replay isdv European Union  vs  Romania sG
et 17:30 replay bros Italy  vs  Germany OCW
et 21:00 replay Project Poland  vs  Czech Republic HOT
et 11:15 replay OCW Germany  vs  Finland ink
et 18:15 replay Pallot Finland  vs  Poland e'pelas
et 19:00 replay Ani Poland  vs  Finland Mitiih
et 19:00 L.G. Germany  vs  Germany fullhold
et 20:00 replay sGp Netherlands  vs  European Union Kinetics
et 20:00 replay turbot Finland  vs  European Union cfx
et 20:00 replay fuZion European Union  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 20:30 replay aR. France  vs  European Union DEUS
et 20:45 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:00 replay eRoX United Kingdom  vs  European Union nuts
et 21:00 replay b2k Poland  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 21:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  United Kingdom
et 21:00 replay D. United Kingdom  vs  European Union PP *
et 21:00 replay Aero. United Kingdom  vs  Belgium WCK
et 21:00 replay ECW. European Union  vs  Germany SL
et 21:00 replay unb European Union  vs  Czech Republic exo
et 21:00 replay p&p Austria  vs  Germany warpig
et 21:00 replay vme Poland  vs  Denmark hS
et 21:15 replay congo Congo  vs  France 6aim
et 21:15 replay iY Belgium  vs  Poland In7
et 21:15 replay nB| Germany  vs  Germany xl
et 21:15 replay aR| European Union  vs  Poland fNtx
et 21:15 replay :h.cpl Poland  vs  European Union fuZion
et 21:30 4got10 Poland  vs  Sweden Order
et 21:30 replay eA European Union  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:30 replay sth European Union  vs  European Union two4two
et 21:30 replay kd Slovenia  vs  Poland victis
et 22:00 replay e-WAVE Germany  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 22:00 replay ICTUS European Union  vs  European Union idk
et 22:00 replay ECW. European Union  vs  France gZcon
et 22:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland bv
et 13:00 replay :@ Australia  vs  Australia Team 7
et 16:30 replay e'pelas Poland  vs  Spain v4v
et 19:00 replay e'pelas Poland  vs  Estonia #RB
et 20:00 replay ECW. European Union  vs  Germany e-WAVE
et 20:30 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  European Union FiFr
et 20:30 replay caned. Poland  vs  France ET4
et 20:30 replay Pallot Finland  vs  European Union alvi
et 20:45 replay waka Poland  vs  Poland b2k
et 21:00 replay bacardi Poland  vs  Netherlands True
et 21:00 replay fNtix, Netherlands  vs  Germany FG
et 21:15 replay [6aHgA] Russian Federation  vs  Russian Federation e0h
et 21:15 replay HB Germany  vs  Poland victis
et 21:30 replay VIP Denmark  vs  Poland :h.cpl
et 21:30 replay idk European Union  vs  Denmark RAGE
et 21:30 replay SL Germany  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:30 replay e-WAVE Germany  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 21:30 replay lost^ Germany  vs  Belgium aClmx
et 21:45 replay autobots European Union  vs  Finland outwit
et 22:00 replay MvP European Union  vs  Poland high5
et 22:00 STB United Kingdom  vs  Italy e$
et 23:00 replay HR Sweden  vs  European Union blawd
et 14:00 replay Pallot Finland  vs  Spain v4v
et 18:00 replay i3' Estonia  vs  Estonia #RB
et 18:45 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 19:00 replay ext3 European Union  vs  Poland victis
et 20:30 replay AHK Czech Republic  vs  European Union sBz|
et 21:00 replay sGp Germany  vs  European Union sona
et 21:00 replay wnbpro Germany  vs  Poland fROGS
et 21:00 replay bohalix Belgium  vs  Spain MoH
et 21:00 replay SLAC Netherlands  vs  Spain v4v
et 21:30 replay [*EU*] European Union  vs  Estonia Squad
et 21:30 replay autobots European Union  vs  Poland victis
et 21:30 replay NC European Union  vs  Finland codelust
et 21:45 replay HK Finland  vs  European Union blawd
et 22:00 replay sona European Union  vs  Estonia a to b
et 22:00 replay TAG European Union  vs  European Union fuZion
et 22:00 replay vA European Union  vs  Poland e!
et 22:00 replay wnbpro Germany  vs  Spain v4v
et 23:00 replay Squad Estonia  vs  France gZcon
et 13:00 replay ~,=,^ Australia  vs  Australia ubik
et 15:00 replay it-girls European Union  vs  European Union seiZure
et 16:15 replay minden6 European Union  vs  Netherlands SLAC
et 17:30 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  France botZ #ou
et 19:00 replay Pp European Union  vs  European Union GeneX
et 19:00 replay OCW Germany  vs  Finland Mitiih
et 19:00 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  Poland sAnguis
qw 19:30 v. European Union  vs  Russian Federation CF
et 19:30 replay i3' Estonia  vs  Germany gOG
et 19:30 replay wiSe Poland  vs  Germany BestW
et 20:00 replay wnk Poland  vs  Germany AG
et 20:00 replay HB Germany  vs  Finland ink
et 20:30 replay fullhold Germany  vs  European Union fNtix`
qw 20:30 Stupidoz France  vs  United Kingdom Aero.
et 20:30 replay HB Germany  vs  Finland ink
qw 20:30 biAtch! European Union  vs  European Union v.
et 20:45 replay >LHS< Finland  vs  Denmark oA
et 21:00 replay dATA Austria  vs  Germany squeeze
et 21:00 replay In7 Poland  vs  Netherlands verd
et 21:00 replay RAGE Denmark  vs  European Union sth
qw 21:30 v. European Union  vs  United Kingdom Aero.
et 21:45 replay cre. Germany  vs  Finland CoN
et 22:00 replay aR| European Union  vs  Spain karma
et 18:15 replay nQw Romania  vs  Romania ohka
et 19:45 replay Fritz. France  vs  European Union pingwins
et 20:00 replay seiZure European Union  vs  European Union Eyjafja
et 20:00 replay GAK European Union  vs  Germany c2c-nB
et 20:15 replay OCW Germany  vs  European Union gibon
et 20:30 replay e^ Netherlands  vs  Germany SL
et 21:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Germany HB
et 21:00 replay waka Poland  vs  France aR.
et 21:00 replay exo Czech Republic  vs  Czech Republic u35
et 21:00 replay sth European Union  vs  Poland 1stCav
et 21:00 unique. Poland  vs  Estonia RB
et 21:30 replay eRoX United Kingdom  vs  Germany lost^
et 21:30 replay ECW. European Union  vs  European Union MvP
et 21:30 replay SL Germany  vs  European Union two4two
et 22:00 replay sGp Germany  vs  United Kingdom D.
et 22:00 replay decerto Netherlands  vs  Czech Republic iR
et 22:00 replay nobLe Netherlands  vs  France botZ #ou
et 22:15 replay TAG European Union  vs  Estonia Squad
et 22:15 replay fuZion European Union  vs  European Union [*EU*]
et 22:15 replay cre. Germany  vs  Finland ink
et 22:30 replay GZ European Union  vs  Poland high5
et 22:45 replay idk European Union  vs  Germany e-WAVE
et 23:30 replay ECW. European Union  vs  European Union MvP