DRAAKJES vs Echelon (3224 views)

nl L4mpje
nl m4rk
nl Kri
pl Elviss
pl ridji
pl Deryl
31.10.11 15:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth echeloN RiDJI 39 kills
Killing Spree [DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs 7 frags without being killed
Accountant echeloN Elviss 112% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! [DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs 7 gibs
...and stay dead! echeloN Deryl 26% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning echeloN Elviss 33 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! [DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs 4 SPAM kills
Fragstealer echeloN RiDJI 146 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! [DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs 348 damage per frag
What objective? [DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs 186 XP
Red Shirt echeloN RiDJI 42 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? echeloN Elviss 7 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore [DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs 164 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut [DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs 1 team kills
Gingerbread man [DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs 10 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs6715424363017549457621020/03/121/281/122916034
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs441501739101647006096420/01/515/292/027615636
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs84186323870110436345641220/00/329/234/313612077
[DRAAKJES] 654907311311032314557164222660/04/365/237/321414546
echeloN RiDJI9317239425006490743801080/04/225/180/212610443
echeloN Deryl701392333600651995150540/02/120/241/222615654
echeloN Elviss11218338343001063165027500/03/133/212/216614857
echeloN 9249410010914002216422145572120/09/178/213/217313655
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs100416600021289109000/01/05/40/0KKK/DDKD/KDK
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs5032480001931135500/00/14/60/0KDKDKDDD/KDD
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs855267000295897000/00/14/42/0/DDKKDD/KDKKK
[DRAAKJES] 78125162100053178341500/01/213/142/0
echeloN RiDJI1004277100211731153180/01/16/40/0DDKDKKK/K/KKDD
echeloN Deryl4231370002112497100/01/02/40/1DK/DKD/DKD
echeloN Elviss75256810021118105400/00/06/50/1DKKKDDKDK/K/DD
echeloN 72981622200634153178180/02/114/130/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs100495500021295815360/01/03/31/0KKDK/DKDK/
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs50254810011030121300/00/02/72/0KDDKKD/DDKDD
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs853067200364261100/00/06/40/0K/KKK/KDDK/DD
[DRAAKJES] 781041520300629672639360/01/011/143/0
echeloN RiDJI4219370001521953360/00/03/50/1KDDDKD/KDD
echeloN Deryl282227000010081205360/00/12/50/1DDKDDDDKD
echeloN Elviss18037950003111080900/00/09/10/1DKD/KK/KK/KKKK
echeloN 83781419000426392967720/00/114/110/3
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs663069201313601453480/01/06/60/1K/KDDDK/KX/TKKDDD
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs143821400121439196260/00/23/110/0D/DDKDDDDKDX/DDTDD
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs1707517104013189214311220/00/216/62/0KKKDDKKK/KDKKK/TKKKKKK/DDDXKD
[DRAAKJES] 8314325336038469148461760/01/425/232/1
echeloN RiDJI95602021200018721320180/02/08/60/1DKKKKDKDKDDKDKKDK
echeloN Deryl904591020001500167200/00/09/100/0DKDKDKDKDDDDDKKKKKD
echeloN Elviss605261000021474169900/02/14/70/0KDKDKDD/DD/DDKKK
echeloN 821573541400248464691180/04/121/230/1

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs4334716100015502404180/00/17/150/0DKKDKDDDDDKDDDDKDDKDDKD
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs775579000213001566360/01/26/50/0DDDK/DKKKDKK/DKD
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs21293141002871155200/00/03/90/3DD/KDKDDDDD/DDKDD
[DRAAKJES] 471181739200437215522540/01/316/290/3
echeloN RiDJI128519720031341954360/01/18/30/0DKK/KDKKK/DK/KKD
echeloN Deryl1004199400415671302180/01/07/51/0KK/D/D/KK/DKKDKDKK
echeloN Elviss154691711200326141465500/01/014/82/0KKKDKKDKK/KDK/KKDKKDKDK/DKKD
echeloN 127161352780010552237211040/03/129/163/0

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs [Warmup]: We beginnen [DRAKEN] Strijders! En Garde!
echeloN RiDJI [Warmup]: draakjes pride, world wide
echeloN Elviss [Warmup]: gclon ;), fanatic, ridjis mother, :)
echeloN RiDJI [Warmup]: witkowska stara kurwa lambadzaira pierdolona
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [Warmup]: Broodje kaas
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs [Warmup]: brb
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [Countdown]: gl hf
echeloN RiDJI [Countdown]: hf
[9:15]: The Doors are opening!!
[7:15]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:15]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[6:26]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 3:33
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [Warmup]: Broodje kaas
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs [Warmup]: We beginnen [DRAKEN] Strijders! En Garde!
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs [Warmup]: brb
[1:30]: The Doors are opening!!
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs [0:31]: :D
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [0:26]: wp
[0:19]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 3:14 (original: 3:33)
echeloN Deryl [Intermission]: wp
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs [Warmup]: brb
[9:54]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
echeloN Deryl [9:54]: :XD
echeloN Elviss [9:54]: ridji pc
echeloN Elviss [9:54]: :XD
echeloN Deryl [9:54]: nice pc
echeloN Elviss [9:54]: :XDDD
echeloN Deryl [9:54]: :XD
[9:54]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[9:54]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[9:54]: FIGHT!
[8:53]: Allies capture the factory district!
[8:47]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[5:23]: Allies permanently capture the factory district!
[5:23]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
echeloN Deryl [4:47]: gg
[4:32]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:32]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:32]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:32]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:32]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:32]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 5:27
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs [Warmup]: brb
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [Warmup]: Broodje kaas
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [Warmup]: Broodje kaas
[DRAAKJES] Kri Nbs [Warmup]: brb
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs [Warmup]: We beginnen [DRAKEN] Strijders! En Garde!
echeloN RiDJI [5:05]: cmon
[DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs [3:14]: ..
echeloN RiDJI [2:20]: co kurwa
[2:05]: Allies capture the factory district!
[2:03]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[2:00]: Allies capture the factory district!
[1:23]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
echeloN Deryl [0:46]: wp
[DRAAKJES] L4mpje Nbs [0:43]: gg
echeloN RiDJI [0:09]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (5:27)
[Intermission]: [DRAAKJES] m4rk Nbs disconnected
echeloN Elviss [Intermission]: gg

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.