devotis vs lan heroes (2408 views)

fr Pupa
fr Snatix
pl krycha
pl wssquad
us NaZtY

CB 3on3 Ladder
14.02.13 20:45 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth ^VAwolnation 66 kills
Killing Spree Mac MilleR 5 frags without being killed
Accountant ^VAwolnation 87% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! devotis.KAiSEN:D 17 gibs
...and stay dead! devotis.KAiSEN:D 34% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning ^VAwolnation 58 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! LH muniesa 9 SPAM kills
Fragstealer devotis.Snatix:DD 195 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! Mac MilleR 318 damage per frag
What objective? Mac MilleR 402 XP
Red Shirt devotis.KAiSEN:D 83 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? devotis.KAiSEN:D 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore devotis.Pupa:D 167 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut devotis.Snatix:D 3 team kills
Gingerbread man ^VAwolnation 31 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa603355081142230982098284260/02/441/419/619611836
Mac MilleR824025667811181238910596390/02/449/416/422115656
Player Summary for erdenberg_b2
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa2514280101458882180/00/02/50/1DD/DSKDKDD
Mac MilleR1002744000085767800/01/13/30/0KKDKDDKD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa33713000234829800/00/01/10/0/DK/
Mac MilleR141517000184589300/00/11/50/0DDKDDDD/
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa50536120015178613542340/00/14/53/1DKK/DK//TD/DK/DDKDK
Mac MilleR725981140031800198300/00/28/50/1KDDK//DK/DKDKKDKDDK

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa127851411411520931423670/01/010/54/0K/KKSDDKK/KKDK/KKT/KDKK/KD
Mac MilleR1146387000516571281180/00/08/20/1K//KDKDKKKKKX///
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa26887263006220230041070/01/35/151/2DDD/KDDK/KDDD/KDKDDD/D/KDDDDK/DDD
Mac MilleR75119152030043331278200/00/012/153/1DKD/KKDDDDDDKDKK/D/DKKKKDDKK/KDDKKD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
LH muniesa95882021700112933286700/00/019/101/2D/KKK//D/KD/KKKDKXD/K//DKDKK/KKDK/KKDK/KDXK
Mac MilleR1111192018111538992979210/01/017/113/1DKDK/DKDDDK/KKK/KKKKDKD/D/DKKKDKKKKDSTK

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
LH muniesa [Warmup]: push
devotis.Ange:D [Countdown]: /speclock r
[Countdown]: Axis team locked from spectators by LH muniesa
devotis.Snatix:D [Countdown]: fun
[11:04]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
devotis.Ange:D [11:00]: :D
devotis.Snatix:D [11:00]: :D
Mac MilleR [10:57]: :D
[10:36]: The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker!
[10:27]: Main Gate has been destroyed!
[10:10]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:38]: The West Flak88 has been destroyed!
[8:40]: The East Flak88 has been destroyed!
[8:40]: Both Flak88 guns have been destroyed!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 3:20
Mac MilleR [Intermission]: 2-0 lets do next
devotis.Snatix:D [Intermission]: ok
devotis.Pupa:D [Intermission]: no
LH muniesa [Intermission]: V51
devotis.Snatix:D [Warmup]: no :P
LH muniesa [Countdown]: Dokad wiec biegne? Choc wcale nie chce, me serce bije tak zawziecie. Wypelniam przestrzen zwyklym powietrzem, szukajac tego co zwa pozornie szczesciem
[Countdown]: LH muniesa disconnected
Mac MilleR [Countdown]: lol
devotis.Snatix:D [3:09]: :D
devotis.Snatix:D [3:09]: :D
devotis.Snatix:D [3:09]: :D
[3:06]: Tiffany Alvord <3 connected
[2:49]: Axis team locked from spectators by devotis.Snatix:D
[0:41]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[0:13]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:20)
Mac MilleR [Intermission]: close game bros
Mac MilleR [Intermission]: wp
^VAwolnation [Intermission]:
devotis.Snatix:D [Warmup]: :D
devotis.Snatix:D [Warmup]: go
devotis.Pupa:D [Warmup]: brb toilet
devotis.Snatix:D [Countdown]: hf
Mac MilleR [9:58]: hf
Mac MilleR [8:16]: wh
[7:46]: Allies capture the factory district!
[7:45]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[7:43]: Allies capture the factory district!
[7:13]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:05]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[7:02]: The side gate has been built!
Mac MilleR [6:32]: :O
[3:16]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[3:16]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[3:16]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[3:16]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[3:16]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[3:16]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 6:44
[5:06]: Allies capture the factory district!
[5:05]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[5:03]: Allies capture the factory district!
[4:36]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[4:26]: The side gate has been built!
[4:07]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[3:59]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
devotis.Snatix:D [1:43]: FDP
devotis.Snatix:D [0:36]: gg fdps
devotis.Snatix:D [0:22]: bonne map de polaks de merde
Mac MilleR [0:02]: true story snatix
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (6:44)
devotis.Pupa:D [10:23]: :{
[10:21]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[10:20]: Allies team locked from spectators by LH muniesa
LH muniesa [10:20]: ok
LH muniesa [10:20]: ange
Mac MilleR [10:20]: we wasnt spec lock
Mac MilleR [10:20]: WOW
[10:20]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
Mac MilleR [10:20]: WOW
Mac MilleR [10:20]: OMG
devotis.KAiSEN:D [10:21]: ange is not here
Mac MilleR [10:20]: right
devotis.KAiSEN:D [10:20]: he is somking
^VAwolnation [10:20]: sure
Mac MilleR [10:20]: thats wat she said
[10:20]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[10:20]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
LH muniesa [10:20]: unpause
[10:20]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
devotis.KAiSEN:D [10:20]: shut up
devotis.KAiSEN:D [10:20]: thx
LH muniesa [10:20]: bounce bitch
[10:20]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
LH muniesa [10:21]: lets do it
Mac MilleR [10:20]: SHOUT OUT TO BRINGER !!!!
Mac MilleR [10:21]: <3333333333
[10:20]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
Mac MilleR [10:21]: and to the eXe nerds that wont hop off my DICK
[10:21]: devotis.Snatix:D connected
Mac MilleR [10:20]: kwiz and m1tja
[10:20]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
[10:20]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[10:20]: devotis.Snatix:DDcalled a vote.
[10:21]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[10:21]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[10:20]: devotis.Snatix:Dhas been kicked!
[10:20]: Vote passed!
[10:20]: devotis.Snatix:D player kicked
[10:21]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[10:21]: FIGHT!
[10:01]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:57]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[9:49]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:00]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[9:00]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[9:00]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[9:00]: FIGHT!
[8:05]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
devotis.Snatix:DD [7:45]: :D
devotis.Snatix:DD [7:45]: :D
devotis.Snatix:DD [7:45]: :D
devotis.Snatix:DD [7:45]: :D
devotis.Snatix:DD [7:45]: :D
devotis.Snatix:DD [7:45]: :D
[6:24]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[5:25]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[5:19]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[3:29]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[2:54]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[2:24]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[1:50]: The Crane Controls have been destroyed.
[1:50]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 12:00
[8:40]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[8:26]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[7:58]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[7:52]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:33]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[6:59]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[6:53]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[5:01]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[4:28]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[4:03]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[3:58]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[3:57]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[3:43]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[0:53]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 11:06 (original: 12:00)
[Intermission]: Awolnation disconnected
[Intermission]: LH muniesa disconnected
Mac MilleR [Intermission]: gg wp
[Intermission]: devotis.Pupa:D disconnected
[Intermission]: devotis.Ange:D disconnected
[Intermission]: Mac MilleR LH disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.