eXitiv.N!ck vs Zoeff (2987 views)

14.07.08 22:00 CEST
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Game: tmf Trackmania Forever
League: CB 1v1 Summercup 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Gero (Generaladmin)
Maps: CB`Belief
CB- CheZzburger

Total Pot: € 1655
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Trackmania Forever TV
be Zwats Server
By: Gero (none)
Connect to Server
xx Zwats TV 1
By: Gero (none)
Connect to Server

Total Slots: 87
Viewer Peak: unknown


plz wtf noone cares omg..........

how can i connect to tv server? i dont see ip
click on the "Connect to Server" link and you will connect to the TV server, servers will be up half an hour before the starting time of the match
GL czech guy
instead of this game Astroman VS ENF will be broadcasted, beceause eXitiv.N!ck did not show up!